Chapter 1

If any of us had paid more attention during the summer, Sirius' leaving might no have come as such a surprise. Well, it's not quite that he actually went anywhere, he just seemed to far away now. Any attempt to talk to him resulted in a coma-like silence, an simple gesture that stung as though he had slapped me. Sirius had always been the lively one, easily excited. Now he was gone from us.

It seemed to suddenly happen over the summer, as everything had been fine until our fifth year had come to an end. Then everything changed. Sirius hadn't been allowed to spend the holidays with James this summer, though he hadn't told us why, but he did manage to visit upon invitation. An invitation to visit 12 Grimmauld Place was never extended. Nonetheless, summer happened as was usual, and Sirius seemed fine. His visits soon became fewer, and he rarely spoke when he did come. Then out of nowhere, he stopped coming. There was no warning given, Sirius just failed to exist for the rest of the summer. James had shrugged it off, assuring us he had probably been dragged off with his family for the rest of vacation. I thought it odd. We had heard nothing more from Sirius, and now, a hope lingered inside me that this would change.

Platform 9 ¾ was bustling with the usual crowd of first years, reluctant to leave their mothers, seventh years trying to absorb all that they could of their last trip to Hogwarts, and everyone in between. The place was hectic. I smiled and gave a happy sigh, I had missed this. Hogwarts had always been like a second home to me. At times, an only home. Dumbledore had not been exaggerating when he had promised me such a thing would come to be on that night he invited me to attend his school. I had been wary of the idea. I was a werewolf, there was no way I could fit in anywhere. For once, I'm quite relieved I was wrong.

As my eyes scanned the platform they fell upon hazel eyes that I recognized as belonging to James Potter. Slinging my bag over my shoudler I headed towards him, forcing my way through the barricades of people.

"Moony, it's been too long." James joked, patting my back in an awkward, "manly" fashion. I laughed and pushed him away gently, I had been at his house only two days ago. "Where's Sirius?"

James stared at me for a moment as though it were an odd question, then shook his head, "He'll show up." At this point I was beginnning to wory. It wasn't like him to be late. Actually, he was normally here quite early. Then again, he normally got here with James. I gave a sigh and forced the thoughts out of my mind, I'd question Padfoot later.

The blazing heat of the sun pelting down on the roof of the sleek black car created a hazy warmth on the interior. I closed my eyes and rested back against the cushy leather seating, and it moaned in protest. As if it hadn't been uncomfortable enough in the solemnly silent car, there was now an unbearable sticky heat.

"Don't worry boy," an icy voice cut the air, "You'll be getting away from me soon enough."

I looked out the tinted window to verify this and felt a surge of relief and worry. The train station could be just seen in the distance. I'd be boarding the train to Hogwarts soon. I'd be getting away from all of this. Surely the rest of the Marauders were already at the station, and probably had been for some time. I'd been eager to return to them all summer, yet now I wasn't so sure. As though picking up my thoughts, my father spoke again.

"Having second thoughts?" I could see his cold blue eyes in the rearview mirror. "It won't be too long, you'll see us again over Christmas..." I wondered for a moment whether this had been meant to comfort me. There was a sadistic undertone to his words, that others might not have picked up on, but I did, and I remained silent.

The rest of the car ride took forever, and it appeared that the station wasn't getting any nearer. I prayed silently for us to get there faster, clasping and unclasping my hands in my lap. By the time the car finally came to a full stop my hands were damp. I brushed them hastily against the thigh of my jeans and got out of the car, trying not to look too relieved by this action.

My father placed my trunk on a cart and patted me on the back, a deceivingly loving gesture, then drove off, leaving me looking complacent at the entrance of the station. I quickly gathered myself and my bags and headed for the entrance to Platform 9 ¾.

I passed through the barrier without really checking, or caring, whether anyone was looking in my direction. I was caught up in my own thoughts. There was an overwhelming feeling that something had been lifted from my shoulders, that I was free again for now. 'For now...' I reminded myself. Some of the weight resettled on my hunched shoulders.

Suddenly my ears were greated by the usual buzzing noises of Platform 9 ¾. Through the noise I could hear someone calling my name. James. I looked around and found him smiling at me from his place near the train. "Sirius!" he called again when he knew he had my attention. I could see Remus and Peter at his side, Remus giving a somewhat appreciative grin, Peter waving a knuckle-less hand. A small spasm in the corner of my mouth was all that resulted of my attempt to smile and I gave up, working my way across the platform with my cart in tow.