A/n – okay, just to point a couple things out.

Ryou - Ryou Bakura

Bakura - Yami no Bakura

Yugi - Yugi Mouto

Malik - Malik Ishtar

Marik - Yami no Malik.

Or would if I had yamis in this story. Some people were getting Malik and Marik mixed up.

And as Evee 1 said, Bakura's so cute when he's being an ass! XD

Okay, if you haven't seen the breakfast club, you haven't lived yet. Go see it.

And for people who are asking who's who? Well, I guess I should clear it up shouldn't I? Aw, it was so fun having everyone confused. ::pouts for like 2 seconds and gets bored:: Okay, so remember the roles? The athlete, the beauty/princess, the wreck-loose, the brain, and the rebel. Here they are:

Athlete: Marik – he's on the wrestling team, covered it last chapter.

Beauty/prince: Ryou – he skipped class to go shopping! Need any other explanation?

Wreck-loose: Malik – okay, he's wearing all black and doesn't speak. Other clues will be added later....

Brain: Yugi – hasn't been in detention before, his vocb, exc. exc.

Rebel: Bakura – everyone can guess it already...

I think that covers everything. Sorry this took me so long to update everyone!


Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!, The Breakfast club, or Mr. Vernon.


The Breakfast Club Chapter 3

The loud clanking noise of the door across the hall opening sounded through the library. Bakura quickly slid off the rail and jumped into a seat between Marik and Ryou, hands folded, trying to look as innocent as he could. Lady luck must have valued him because Mr. Vernon walked right down the hall not even looking in on the five students. Sighing in relief, he got up, taking as much time as he could to get around Ryou's seat, a smirk on his face the whole time, and headed towards the open library door.

"There's not supposed to be any monkey business," Yugi reminded him, sarcasm oozing from his words.

Bakura returned it, "Young man, have you finished your paper?" He questioned, pointing at the vertically challenged teen while walking backwards. Looking down the hallway when he reached the doorway, he started to mess around with the lock box above the door.

"Come on, Bakura, don't screw around!" Marik yelled at him, but Bakura just ignored him, continuing whatever he was doing.

"What are you going to do?" Ryou asked.

"Drop dead I hope," Marik answered for him. Suddenly the door closed and Bakura walked back to his seat, a look of satisfaction on his face.

"That's very funny. Fix it." Marik demanded.

"You really should fix that," Yugi agreed.

"Am I a genius?"

"No you're an asshole!" Marik yelled at Bakura.

"What a funny guy."

"Fix the door, Bakura!" Marik yelled again.

"Everyone just shut up. I've been here before I know what I'm doing."

"No. Fix the door!" Marik pressured. Ryou kept looking between the door and the two fighting sophomores, praying Mr. Vernon didn't come in. "Fix it!"

"Just SHUT UP!"

"Goddamn it!" Was heard from the hallway, silencing the two that were arguing. Mr. Vernon stormed into the library, looking furious. "Why is that door closed?" He demanded loudly. Everyone was silent. Mr. Vernon was starting to go red in the face. "Why is that door closed!" He yelled even louder, making Ryou wince since he was standing right in front of him. "Huh?"

"How are we supposed to know? We're not supposed to move, right?" Bakura answered, not looking up from his desk, but he spoke strong.

"Why?" Mr. Vernon demanded again. Ryou swallowed hard, before speaking.

"We're just sitting here, like were supposed to." Mr. Vernon started looking to each one of them for answers. He walked around the first table so he was standing where everyone could seem him.

"Who closed that door?" he asked everyone, but his eyes were on Yugi, who just shrugged nervously.

"I think a screw fell out of it," Bakura answered.

"It just closed, sir." Marik added. Mr. Vernon's gaze then landed on Malik sitting in the back.


In answer, Malik made this squeaking sound and hit his head on the table, making the hood from his coat fall over his head and cover his eyes.

"He doesn't talk, sir." Bakura answered for the Egyptian, who just made another squeak-like sound in agreement, not looking up from the table. Mr. Vernon then walked over to Bakura, his decision finally made.

"Give me the screw."

"I don't have it." Bakura said simply.

"You want me to yank you out of that seat and shake it out of you!" Mr. Vernon threatened.

"I don't have it," Bakura insisted. "Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place." Marik choked back a laugh, keeping his face straight.

"Give it to me, Bakura." His voice was low and dangerous. Once again, Ryou stepped in.

"Excuse me, sir? Why would anyone want to steal a screw?" That got him a glare from Mr. Vernon.

"Watch it, young man, watch it!" Bakura looked up at Ryou as Mr. Vernon left for the library door, giving him a 'what was that for' look. Ryou just rolled his eyes and turned back around. Mr. Vernon stood at the door, trying to find out why it closed. Indeed a screw was missing, he shot a glare at Bakura before looking around for something to hold the door open. Finding a fold-out chair he pulled it in the doorway, setting it against the door to keep it open.

"The door's way too heavy, sir." Bakura told him, but Mr. Vernon ignored him. Letting go of the door to see if the chair would hold it. But the chair was flung into the hallway as the door slammed shut. Clanging and curses were heard from the hallway, making everyone bite their lips to control their laughter.

Mr. Vernon came back into the library, looking even more furious, and Marik was the poor soul he was staring at. "Marik Ishtal." The blonde Egyptian looked up, still holding in his laughter, but seemed to have swallowed it when he saw the look on Mr. Vernon's face. "Get up here!" He snapped his fingers emphasizing his impatience. Marik sighed, getting up from the table. "Come on, front and center, let's go."

"Hey, how come Marik gets to get up?" Bakura asked loudly.

"That's it, keep moving," Marik was currently helping Mr. Vernon move the magazine rack through the doorway, and it looked quite heavy. Bakura just kept ranting.

"If he gets up, we'll all get up, it will be anarchy!" Ryou and Yugi once again had to bite their lips and look down to keep in their laughter. "It's out of my hands," he said in defeat.

"Watch – watch the magazines." Ryou was starting to feel sorry for Marik, Mr. Vernon was being really impatient with him, and from what he could tell Marik was starting to get tired of being told what to do. The two finally got the magazine rack through the door so the door stayed open and everyone could see Mr. Vernon's office across the hall. But Marik couldn't really step over the magazine rack to get back in, he was stuck in the hall.

"That's very clever, sir." Bakura started up again. "But what if there's a fire?" That seemed to catch Mr. Vernon's attention. "I think violating fire codes and endangering the lives of children would be unwise at this juncture in your career, sir." Mr. Vernon took this into consideration, along with the fact that he couldn't get back to his office now. Looking back at Marik, who was still standing in the hallway with his hands shoved in his pockets, he changed his mind.

"All right. What are you doing? Get this out of here, for God's sake," he spat. Ryou felt a pain of guilt. Marik was just doing what he was told, he hadn't done anything wrong. Confused and getting frustrated, Marik pushed the magazine rack out of the door-way and back into the library without Mr. Vernon's help this time.

"Well, for the fire thing. You know, the school library comes equipped with fire exits at either end of the library," Yugi pointed out.

"Show Dick some respect!" Bakura said sternly, while still mocking, changing Mr. Vernon's first name from 'Rick' to 'Dick'.

"Let's go," Mr. Vernon spat, pushing Marik forward. "Go. Back to your seat." Marik slumped back in his chair, purple-red eyes narrowed with anger burning in them. Mr. Vernon just glared at him. "I expected more from a varsity letterman." Marik didn't look up from the table, but clinched his fists tighter, so much Ryou was afraid he'd make them bleed. Mr. Vernon switched his gaze up to Bakura. "You're not fooling anybody, Bakura." The white-haired rebel just smirked at the table. "The next screw that falls out is gonna be you." Bakura sighed, leaning back in his chair a little.

"Eat my shorts," he muttered so only a few people could here him.

"What was that?" Mr. Vernon demanded, coming up to the table he was sitting at.

"Eat . . . my . . . shorts!" Bakura said slowly and loudly.

Mr. Vernon gaped at him for a moment. "You just bought yourself another Saturday, mister!"

"Oh, I'm crushed," Bakura mocked.

"You just bought one more right there."

"Well, I'm free the Saturday after that! Beyond that, I'll have to check my calendar."

"Good! Because it's going to be filled. We'll keep going. You want another one?" Mr. Vernon was really getting mad, and Bakura was staring at his hands, starting to get fed up with Mr. Vernon's yelling. And silently realizing what deep shit he just got himself into. "Say the word. Just say the word. Instead of going to prison, you'll come here!" Oh, that was starting to push it a little to far. Bakura crossed his arms, still leaning back in the chair. "You through?" Mr. Vernon asked, pointing at him.


"I'm doing society a favor!"


"That's another right there. I've got you for the rest of your natural born life if you don't watch your step! You want another one?"


"You got it! You got another one right there!"

"Cut it out!" Ryou yelled. Bakura looked up at him, once again confused why he kept butting in. 'Stop' Ryou mouthed. Bakura looked between Ryou and Mr. Vernon.

"You through." His ego got the better of him.

"Not even close, bud."

"Good! You got one more right there!"

"Do you really think I give a shit?" Bakura asked, his eyes reflecting no emotion but anger and pure hate.

"Another." Bakura just glared in response. "You through?" Mr. Vernon asked once again.

"How many is that?" he said after a while.

"That's seven, including the one from 20 minutes ago when we first got here," Yugi stated.

"Now it's eight, you stay out of it," Mr. Vernon snapped at Yugi.

"It's seven –"

"Shut up, or you'll join him!" Yugi got silent after that, there was no way his grandfather would stand another detention, let alone eight.

Mr. Vernon held up his hand, showing only his pinkie and index finger. "You're mine Bakura. For two months, I got ya." He sneered, making Bakura grind his teeth together in seething anger at the man.

"What can I say, I'm thrilled," he said coolly.

"Oh, I'm sure that's exactly what you want these people to think," Mr. Vernon snapped at him. "You know something Bakura? You ought to spend a little more time trying to do something with yourself and a little less time trying to impress people." Bakura just ignored him, staring in the complete opposite direction. "You might be better off." Mr. Vernon looked at each one of the kids in annoyance. "All right, that's it! I'm going to be right outside those doors," he yelled, pointing at the pair of closed double doors. "The next time I have to come in here I'm cracking skulls!" Mr. Vernon glared, not noticing that Bakura mouthed the last three words of his little speech with him.

The tension in the room was heavy as Mr. Vernon stalked towards the door, Bakura still staring after him, only to see as Mr. Vernon reached the door, he turned around, holding up those two fingers to Bakura, mouthing 'two months' before going out the door. And only when the door was about to shut did he hear Bakura's voice ring out.


Outside the door, Mr. Vernon faltered, sighed, and continued towards his office.

The other four people in the room were as silent as the grave, not daring to talk at all. Ryou and Marik were giving each other uneasy looks, Yugi was staring at the table-top, and Malik finally looked up from underneath his hood. While Bakura sat slumped in his chair, clenching his fist tight, glaring at the floor intensely. Seething silently with a black aura hovering over him.

