Disclaimer - If I owned Harry Potter I would not be writing fan fiction!!

'Malfoy, once again you have failed me.' A low chilling voice swept around a dark ancient room.

'My Lord I have tried my best, but, but, it is Albus Dumbledore he keeps a close eye on her and it, it, it is hard and…'

'Stop your dribbling Malfoy, if you had tried harder it would have worked. There is only one thing left for me to do but I will need some of your pathetic help, though what help it will be to me I have no idea!'

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'Hermione!!! We thought that you weren't going to make it, you're really late' Cried Ron sprinting over to Hermione and grabbing her trunk. 'Come on we have to go to the prefect carriage to get our orders'.

'Yeah, I know I'm late my parents car broke down on the M5!!' Puffed Hermione, red in the face, 'quick, get on the train!!!'

Hermione and Ron jumped through the carriage down just in time, they entered a very posh apartment and sat down on one of the seats that were positioned in a semi circle in front of Dumbledore.

'Well I must say how very nice it is to see you all again' said Dumbledore beaming round at them 'I would like to introduce you to the head boy and Girl, Ernest Silk and Marye Fynes-Clinton both from Ravenclaw house, also our new fifth year prefects I'm sure the rest of you will make them feel welcome'.

Dumbledore started to pair the prefects together so they could patrol the corridors in two's however Hermione soon realised that she had not been paired with anyone she was just about to ask Dumbledore why when he turned round to face her 'Miss Granger one of the prefects it seems is very ill with chicken pox and the moment so I am afraid that you will have to patrol the corridors by yourself at the moment, I trust that that is not a problem?'

'Oh, no Professor. Not at all!'

'Well, can you start patrolling the back two carriages for me please', asked Dumbledore smiling at her.

'Yes, of course' said Hermione.

And with that she set off down the train to the back carriages.

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