By: Squishy Gamgee May 26, 2004
Italics are emphasis or the note
Warnings: Some vulgar language and innuendoes. Nothing too bad yet ;-)
Today starts the day where everything starts the same. Confusing, yes I know I am. You see, I Remus John Lupin am a confusing being. No, I am not fully human, no I do not have a girlfriend, no I am not a normal seventeen year old guy. I don't go to a normal school, I don't have normal friends, looks, or interests. You see I, Remus John Lupin, am a werewolf, no girls seem to be interested in me, and I am a shy type of guy, unlike my classmates. I am a wizard, therefore I go to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, I hang out with 'The Marauders', a big pranking group which I do admit I take part on some of the less harmful ones. I have shoulder length tawny hair, usually tied back, lightly tanned skin, better than my stark white skin during the past six years here, I am six foot zero, two inches taller than Sirius, three more than Peter, and a good six inches more than James. I also posses what my friends call 'amber' eyes. They're just being nice, I know that they are yellow. Freakishly so in the way that they remind me of the creature I am, but lets not get into that, ok? Ok, now moving on… I like to read and write, unlike any other guy I know, but that's quite alright. I am interested in finding a girlfriend like any other bloke, but still, its not my top priority at the moment… My priorities are.. Well we can save that for a rainy day.
I get up at the crack of dawn like usual, I'm one of those lat to bed, early to rise people. I have more than one curse, I am an insomniac who does not sleep much, a total of four hours tops a night. I am surprisingly always alert and attentive. That is why I usually get smacked in the face with a pillow every morning. I go into the adjoining bathroom, and quickly strip off my pajamas and shudder slightly as the damned frigid air hits my skin. I started to move foot to foot to get adjusted to the colder, more unforgiving stones of the unheated bathroom. I do not know why I am using this bathroom, I could always go down to the prefects bathroom, but God only knows that Im such a lazy fat ass that I don't feel like going down there. Plus, Snape might be there, and Jesus, I HATE the way he stares at me, its just scary. I digress, but really… but Snape? Gay? Looking at ME?! I think I'm going to throw up… Ok I feel better now. Getting quickly to the shower I turn the knob for the hot water, like usual, first, wait for it to get hot, and turn the cold barely on. I like it hot, but only enough to not scald some rather important equipment off, you know what I mean?
I laugh when I feel my hair getting plastered to by shoulders, I love being wet, not in that way sickos, but when it rains, showers, swimming, etc. The steady beat of the water reminds me that of a song, so I randomly start to sing, some random song that randomly floats in my head. Did I mention it was random? Anyway, this so called random song reminds me of her. The one who never did notice me, but I notice every waking second I am around her. Long silky black hair.. Beautiful sea green eyes, short, yes, but. Oh damn, I hate it hen that happens, I start to think about her, and bam, I have an instant hard on. Mother fucker… I hate being a guy, and a werewolf to boot. Did you know my kind has three times the libido, and stamina, it gets particularly higher around the full moon, which by the way is tomorrow. I remember how she looked at me that first day of school, we may have been eleven, but I swear on Anor, that she winked at me, and being eleven, that means a lot. But she grew, fantastically. Being me, I would never admit that, but damn she has a nice set of curves. Her name, why would you want to know that? Oh fine, Her name is Jessica [Jessi] Carmichael [sigh]. A fellow seventh year Gryffindor. She sometimes hangs around us. Being Lily Evans' best friend and all, but she had a fling with Sirius last year, not that I particularly like to comment on that, but lets just say last year was terrible, and Sirius is still a manwhore. I love him to death as a brother, but he IS a certified MANWHORE. Wow…I... Ok I'll get off that subject… she hangs around us sometimes, and yeah, she is not shy at all, sometimes I think she wants us all to get raging hard ons… She has the personality of a.. I do not know how to explain this. Pixie? Alluring and beautiful, curious and mischievous, but make them mad and you better run like there's no tomorrow. Temper like a beast that one, but its so funny to see her flustered when its not you on the receiving end of one of her torments. She turns pink, then great Ulmo.. Why wont this problem just go away? Maybe if I just stop thinking about her.. Ok new subject to make this go away… Hmm… where'd my shampoo go? I need a special shampoo and soap to mask the scent of my damn wolf pheromones, they can get so… bad at times that it seems like I need to attract the whole bloody school, plus it distracts everybody. Like the one time the guys thought it'd be funny to hide my soap, I got the weirdest people looking at me in such a way, that it seemed like they wanted to bang me senseless for the next decade! I mean even McGonagall was a little scary, I had to run out of Transfiguration and everything… I will never be able to wash my hand enough after where she put it! I still have nightmares…
I shuddered as I heard the howls of laughter I heard as I ran out of that room echo in my brain. But oh, Payback is a bitch and Sirius James and Peter all felt it later that night. Again that's another story… Wow I am saying that a lot aren't I? But you'll understand later. I laugh at what I must sound like to anyone else.. But Im weird, after all my name is Remus Lupin. Coincidence? I think not. After I finished scrubbing myself, and all the pheromones away… I step out into the now what seems freezing room, the water dripping everywhere I scramble to get my towel, drying myself quickly, avoiding a certain area, and then after drying and putting my hair up, I settled the towel around my waist. I throw a spare towel over the puddle I formed by the shower, going against my usual instinct to pick it up, I leave it there. Its time to finally let go, loosen up, and have fun for once. Today is the day Remus Lupin does what he wants, where he wants, with who he wants. I do not care about trouble anymore, or a reputation. Time to unleash the real me. Time to get out of the routine that held me captive for so many years. I threw my stuff carelessly onto my unmade bed and threw on any old pair of jeans and a tighter than normal t-shirt, hell I wanted to show off for once in my school career. Im not being modest when I saw I am ripped. But what can you say, Im active, and not even my friends have seen what I rally look like under my usual baggy, altogether unflattering robes. This is the new me, well for today, tight clothes wearing, smart-assed, loud mouth. I want to see 'how the other half lives.' Like how it feels not to have to worry about anything. So Hell, I'm doing it. Grabbing my school bag, I walked calmly down into the common room, after slamming my dormitory door to wake up the others, and I surveyed the people already awake. Not many, but Her. Lily and Jessi. I waved. They sat there. Did nothing. Stared at my chest. I crossed my arms over myself and looked expectantly at them before sighing loudly. "Good morning ladies." I said shortly before sitting down in a chair across the room. "Very talkative today I see." I said loudly and very direct to them. Lily seemed to be trying very hard not to stare, but she elbowed Jessi. "Oh, Good morning Remus. Have any plans for the day?" Lily tried to make small talk, but it wasn't much. Did I not wash well enough… I looked down and almost bolted when I saw my very tight shirt and my pants which had to be described as a second skin. I almost forgot about the new me. Jessi was shaking her head and rubbing her eyes. "Sorry about that… Still tired you know?" A feeble excuse but oh well. I decided to answer Lily's question. "Oh, nothing much, just the usual classes and things" I let out a short laugh and Lily blushed. A great start already, I never knew how it felt to make a girl blush, but hell it feels great! "So, I think I'll go for a walk, if anyone is looking for me tell them to bugger off. Ok? Ok, great. Catch you both later." A said smirking as I stood. I winked at them slyly before swiftly exiting the Gryffindor Common Room. Outside the portrait hole I could hear giggles and squeals coming from the two.
A smile plastered on my face I reached up and tied my hair loosely at the base of my neck instead of at my head, I wouldn't want it all over the place.. Or wait. Hold on, would I? Untying it fell to my shoulders still damp. Shaking my head rapidly, it dried considerably. Leaving it down I continued my route. To the grounds I go! The hallways passed quickly as I think I jogged, or maybe ran to the Entrance Hall. I felt incredibly good, and it was surly showing. The cold September air hit me, and blew my hair askew, I let it. It felt good against my face. I haven't felt so liberated since I was… well four! I went for a quick run around the lake, just one lap, but it took a good hour or so. I was sweating like never before so I stripped off my shirt, with difficulties as it was tight and now sweat drenched. I tossed it over my shoulder, and cringed when the wet material hit my clean shoulder, but shrugged and walked calmly into the school. It was now close to seven, almost everyone was awake and in the Great Hall by now, taking out my wand I dried myself and my shirt, slipping it back on I walked into the hall, amidst many stares. All of them trying to figure out who I was apparently, as I heard the whispers. I rolled my eyes and walked over to James, Sirius, Peter, Lily and Jessi. Lily and Jessi immediately stopped talking as they saw me. "Talking about me eh? I feel so loved." I remarked sarcastically. "No…Holy hell!" Peter exclaimed looking up for the first time. "What are you wearing? No let me rephrase that, what aren't you wearing? And when did you become so… so muscled?" Peter continued. Sirius continued to choke on his juice whilst James hit him on the back. "What is with the get up Remus?" James said wide eyed. I sighed as I sat down. 'Im sick of being all…all… how do I say this? Boring, bland, just quiet. Its time to do what I want now. No more of this conservative crap. I'm at least going to try not to. And it starts here." I didn't look at their faces ater I siad that. I started to east amongst the stares and whispers across the hall, they were all talking about me. And my new muscles. "I'd apreciate if you all did NOT stare and talk about me! Thanks, have a nice day" I said rather loudly for all to hear. "Way to stick it to them Remmie!" Sirius clapped me on the shoulder.
"Hell, I didn't know people would be talking about me like this. I'm not some bloody celebrity." I mumbled only loud enough for the closes around me. "But you are pretty damn gorgeous." Jessi said blatantly. I noticed that she blushed. Hmm, I could use this information for later. I reached into my bag and scribbled something hastily onto a scrap of parchment and stood up. Shoving my things back into my bad I quickly said goodbyes. "Im heading off to class now, see you there." I nodded politely to them and dropped the piece of parchment into Jessi's lap as I walked by. A few cat calls and whistles followed me out into the hall. I was smirking as I walked up the sairs to my first period class. Transfiguration. Whoop-di-fucking-do. I wasn't looking where I was going when I ran into…Well something alive. I swore as I stood up, and then crouched back down to pick up my things, when I saw who and or what I bumped into. Gee isn't this my lucky day? That was the last thought that crossed my mind before I was knocked to the ground again but with somebody on top of me, trying to suck my soul out through my mouth like a dementors, or that's what it felt like. I roughly pushed them off. "What the fuck are you doing Snape!" I spat, literally, I wiped my mouth off with the bottom of my shirt. " I do not wish to be…kissed, or touched by you, anywhere or anyplace. Just leave me the hell alone!" It shocked me that he would, of all people kiss me. It was revolting. I didn't let him say anything before I grabbed my stuff half-hazardly and ran off to the Transfiguration room. I had half a mind to use scourgify on my lips. I paid no attention to whomever was in the room before I was. I checked my watch ten minutes til class, I laid my head on the desk trying to forget the incident.
"Mr. Lupin?" I heard a semi-shocked voice. Groaning, I picked my head and looked at her. "Hullo Professor McGonagall." I said deadpan. I swore I saw her look under the desk. Eww… "What on earth are you wearing?" She didn't sound too displeased. "Clothes ma'am. Didn't wanna go naked." Same monotone voice. "You surly aren't clothed well enough, but since this is your first offence, I'll let it slip. Why don't you go find the rest of your group eh?" Now, McGonagall was not particularly old, nor was she young...enough. Nor pretty. The way she licked her lips as I turned around… I could feel her eyes on my ass as I walked out of the room, I quickly shut the door behind me. "Sweet Valar, this is going to be a long day." I muttered as I walked down the hall and ran into the large mass of Gryffindors from breakfast. I sighed relieved and I sprinted up to them. "You have got to save me. McGonagall was checking me out!" I hissed to Peter. He burst out laughing and told the others. Oh, they are going to pay for this later. "Im being serious! And no, don't even start there Sirius. She was staring at my ass and crotch! I swear on everything Holy she was. You remember what happened that day last year when.. Well you know." I said accusingly. I glared hard at them, the girls were clueless as to what I was talking about. We figured out a plan and started to walk back, I was in the middle of the group so no one could look anywhere but my shoulders or head. 'Why are you all so short?" I teased. "We're not short, you're overgrown you giant." I don't kow who said that, probably James. The little munchkin he is. We discreetly sat down in Transfiguration, as discreet as a group of six can anyway. That passed by uneventfully, until Peter started a note going.
Mr. Wormtail would like to as Mr. Moony why he is getting stared at by Grease boy?
Mr. Moony would like to tell Mr. Wormtail that Grease boy ran into him before kitty's class.
Mr. Padfoot gives a low whistle.
Mr. Prongs slaps Mr. Padfoot.
Mr. Wormtail would also like to say that that probably isn't what only happened. Grease boy looks smitten with Mr. Moony.
Mr. Moony would like to slap Mr. Padfoot also.
I did slap Sirius, rather forcefully, and he fell out of his seat. McGonagall said nothing but instead gave me a knowing smirk. I wretched silently when she turned her back.
Mr. Moony would also like to throw up now.
Mr. Wormtail persists that Mr. Moony does tell.
Mr. Moony heaves a heavy sigh. Grease boy ran into MR. Moony, and pounced, literally. Grease Boy Kissed Mr. Moony. On the lips, almost slaughtered him. I wanted to Scourgify, but Mr. Moony thought that it'd hurt.
I passed it down, but didn't write anymore. Now the others disgusted, glared at 'grease boy' I almost ran out of the room when the bell finally and I gratefully went straight outside to the grounds for Care of Magical Creatures class. Hagrid was taking over because Kettleburn was out… He lost a few fingers last week. Oh well, Hagrid is nice. Funny bloke. Half Giant too. I can tell by my senses… but oh well today we were working with mokes. Funny creatures. James was going on and on about how he always wanted to have one as a pet when he was younger. I doubt if he couldn't take care of a stuffed animal when he was fourteen that he was ready for a living creature when he was ten. Poor thing if his parents were that inept at raising a child. The creatures seemed to like Peter the most. He loved them too. He was always the one to care for living things, animals or plants. I personally loved the stars, astronomy. Even the alluring power the moon had over my body. It was still fascinating. The classs passed uneventfully except when this whole joke started, I think Lily called it an idea for a television show? When Mokes attack! They all swarmed Peter at once. I swear the look on his face was priceless he was scared, but then Hagrid told him that they liked him, and were harmless, and he relaxed. He claimed that it tickled, and I almost pissed myself when he was totally covered in the little green guys. Thank Ulmo that we didn't have that class with the Slytherins again. I would have been hiding from Grease boy, none the less the rest of everybody staring at my chest, and other unmentionables. After prying thermoses from Peter we headed up for lunch, by then it was sweltering hot for September. I decided it was time to 'strip' down a but. I pulled off my shirt again.
A/N And I will leave you here for now… I hope you all like it, its my first nonslash Remus story! Flame if you want idc, I just want to know ppl are reading!