Disclaimer – I don't own any of the main characters, just a couple of my own, and I'm not aiming for any monetary reward, etc, etc. I am just a fan of Harry Potter with a little time and a lot of imagination
Harry Potter and the Lost Isle of Deidre
June 2nd, 1999
Somewhere north of Scotland, between the Outer Islands and Faroe Islands lays a rocky island no larger then 5 miles in diameter. On a closer inspection, the island is dotted with small villages, mostly facing south, using wall barriers to stop the cold wind from the Arctic Ocean from blowing over the huts. In the centre of one of the larger villages lies a small ziggurat. A shield surrounds the island; it cannot be seen nor can anyone get to it. Within the ziggurat, a humanoid creature dressed as a wizard approaches a large double door. A soft knock can be heard.
"Master, I have news from the House of Knowledge."
The door slowly opens by itself, making the Hobgoblin swallow nervously before gathering his robe and advancing into the chamber. The chamber is dimly lit, as Hobgoblins prefer darkness to bright lights. Able to see in the night as well as a human can during the day, they only use lights to help them read the delicate writings found in wizard tomes and scrolls. They use spells to help them cope with daylight when they need to.
Hobgoblins are an old race, a mixture of both the Elves and the Goblins, slightly larger then both (about 5 feet tall). Unlike Elves who have a good-natured tendency, Hobgoblins are evil, but are as cunning as the Goblins. They do not have the magical prowess of Elves, as they require wands to channel their magic. Their wands though are not manufactured like those used by Human wizards, but come from the Tree of Death, resembling a massive black Willow tree. A ceremony is held for all young Hobgoblins once they reach a certain age; they are to drink the sap from the tree. The tree decides through its own mysterious ways who becomes a wizard or who doesn't. The tree ensures the Hobgoblin's dark nature is untouched by goodness: it is believed the tree's sap will kill anyone with a good heart.
During the war in 906 AD, a force of Elves, Goblins and Humans defeated the Hobgoblin invasion of Scotland. The survivors were then placed on an island of the Northern coast of Scotland. The Island was then enchanted so that once the enchantment was cast, no one would be able to find the Island, and that the residence of the Island would not be able to leave. Over time, the knowledge of this race diminished, to the point that only the old scrolls talk about this mysterious race.
"And what, pray tell, have they discovered?"
"They believe, once again, that they have found a way to dispel the magic that binds us to this cursed island. It is believed that on 31st day of the 7th month of this year, the Black Moon will weaken the barrier enough so we may prepare the dispelling chant."
"That would only leave us with less then two months to prepare."
"I am sorry master"
"It is not your fault. Summon the heads of all houses. There is to be a meeting of the full council in one week's time. Ensure everyone attends, as they will need time to prepare for the ceremony. Also, summon my steward, as I would like to go visit the Lord Gryde of the House of Knowledge and ensure he is right."
"Master, do you also intend to invite the House of Blood? The last time he was here he threatened your life and killed half your guards before we managed to drive him out of the village. You have not spoken to him in almost thirty years."
"He is still my brother, the only blood I have left. He will see the reason for this meeting. The ceremony cannot go forth without all the heads for the chant. He has as much right to leave as anyone else, and he is still the war General. Once we leave the Island, it is he that will lead us to the victory we so dearly deserved."
"As you wish, Master"
Once the word of their impending freedom was announced, the villages on the south side of the Island became as busy as a mound of ants. Although not able to go further then one quarter of a mile out, the Hobgoblins had maintained the ships used to send them to the island. Capable of carrying 300 passengers, each was originally designed to only last until the ship reached the island. Knowing this, the leader of the Hobgoblins enchanted a bay to receive all the ships, but never actually "reaching" the island, the ships maintained their magic. All twenty ships were now being prepared for their first journey in over a millennium.
Chapter One
To the Field we go
Somewhere in the rolling hills of England, sits an old manor with half of its walls falling apart, destroyed by time and weather. This manor sits at the top of hill looking over a small village, Godric Hollow, but yet separated by sheer walls of rock and impassable terrain. No road leads to the keep, yet even thrill seekers do not attempt the climb, as if disturbing the area would be very bad. As dawn creeps up into the valley, red, then gold light fills it with light. If anyone had approached the manor, they would witness something that only recently started to happen, they would notice that a light has come on in one of the windows of one the only standing towers; before this recent event, a light has not gone on in the manor in over twenty years when a pair of Marauders used to come and camp out. Inside the keep, a young man is seen putting on his glasses and getting out of bed. He dresses in loose robes and tries to fix his hair, which does not want to cooperate. Pop!
"Morning Dobby."
"Morning Master Harry."
"Just Harry Dobby, just Harry."
"Yes Master Harry."
The smell of bacon was starting to make its way to the only livable room in the manor. Quidditch Supplies, books of all sizes, and pictures of people, all sleeping made up most of the bedroom. A desk in the corner barely able to contain containing scrolls and tomes. A pair of comfortable reading chairs sat beside a large fireplace, that now lay dormant
"That's starting to smell good this morning."
"Yes Master Harry, Master Ron and Miss Hermione said they would come and make sure you are out of bed this morning. And Master Ron is always hungry"
"That is so." As they both make their way down an old staircase, the size of the manor became awe-inspiring. Before the manor started to deteriorate, it could easily host a party of 200 in the grand ballroom alone and had 20 luxurious rooms for its guests, plus sleeping quarters for their retinue. Of course now, both residents had to watch their step to ensure they did fall through the damaged grand staircase. Harry preferred walking down to the dinning area instead of Apparating, as it allowed him a better respect of the intricacies his ancestral home. As they reached the main floor, pigeons took to the air and flew out the whole in the roof.
"We'll have to fix that again, Dobby"
"Yes Mater Harry, I will fix it today."
"No, you said you'd come out to the game today. I want you there. God knows you deserve a break more then anyone else."
"Who deserves a break?" A tall, red haired friend, eating what looks like bacon and toast sandwich has walked in. Following him in is a young lady with intense eyes and bushy long hair.
Harry looks at Ron and asks: "Hey guys, why don't you join me for breakfast?"
"Thanks mate, don't mind if we do."
"So, are you nervous?" asked Hermione
"Hermione, I am leader of the Order of the Phoenix, I helped capture and destroy most of the Death-Eaters and their allies, and... oh let me think, killed the most powerful Dark Lord to have ever existed. I think that I can handle a little game of Quidditch."
Ron's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, "Harry, this is the first time the Cannons have made it to the final in a really, really long time."
"I know Ron, I have the bumps and bruises to prove it. For once I would like to catch the snitch without ending up in the in the infirmary, or even at St-Mungo's like last game."
"But Harry, that was the most radical catch you've ever made. Of course falling of your broom from 60 feet up might not help, but at least you never let go of the Snitch."
"Whatever. Actually now that you're here Hermione, could you look at something for me. We found a secret door in the "lower" levels and we can't seem to open it. Not even with Dobby's help. There are old runes inscribed in the door and I thought who better to help me out then the Ministry's best Rune de-coder"
"Stop it Harry, or I'll tell Ginny you're flirting with me."
With that comment, the group gets up to leave. As Dobby begins to clean up the mess, Hermione leaves him a pair of socks hidden between the jug of pumkin juice and a pot of porridge as the group heads to the door to go down to the next level. Dobby finds the socks and smiles to himself as he put the socks in one of many pockets.
If the above looks like a disaster, the lower levels are even worse. Mildew and water can be seen on the walls, and the air is so stuffy, it feels like no one had been down here in over a century. The curving stairs go lower and lower. "Lumos Corridas" and the torches along the corridor started to burn making the shadows that more pronounced.
"This place is creepy, Harry."
"Ron, if you want, you can stay upstairs and help Dobby clean up. It appears part of the roof we fixed last week has caved in again."
Ron mumbles something about not looking for danger anymore. They pass a few corridors leading in different directions. They come up to a blank stonewall. Harry taps his wand on the wall three times. A stone door appears with Runes engraved in it.
"Wow, this is pretty old Harry,"
Herminione approaches but does not touch the wall. She mumbles an incantation to detect minor details, like age and material.
"This is very old, I would even say even older then your manor; and by the looks of this level, the house was built right on top of it. There is no way I could decipher this quickly, but if you don't mind, I'll make a copy of the runes and do some research."
"Blimey, we're supposed to be off today. I didn't beg to get the day off so that we would have to work."
"Ron, first of all you didn't take the day off, as you put it. You work for the Ministry of Sports and you are expected to be at the game. Secondly, I wouldn't dream of asking you to lift another book, let alone get you to read it."
Hermione proceeded with her copying spell and fifteen minutes later, they were heading back upstairs.
"Now that was interesting. Harry if you don't mind, I have some time before the game and I want to go to the ministry and look up some books to help me decipher these ruins. By hon, see you at the game." She kisses Ron and disparates out.
"Can you believe it, any chance to get out of work and go read some old volumes? So what do you want to do for now?"
"Well, maybe we can get this place cleaned up a bit more before we need to leave. I want to stop by Hogwarts and get Ginny. Neville and Luna were going to, as well as Remus and few others."
"Not Professor Snape I hope!"
"Ron, Professor Snape is one of the reasons we won the war. He is a trusted 'friend', and a member of the inner circle. Of course I'm not sure he'll be there, but if so, you had better nice."
"Now, Wood wants me there for eleven I think, although I'm sure he's been there since dawn knowing him." Both laughed at this, remembering the days at Hogwarts, "so I say we should leave by 10:30. This should give us a few hours"
Both men proceeded to cast levitation spells, strengthening spells, and cleaning spells, and soon the main entrance looked less like a war zone and more like a great room. At 10:30, Dobby came in and told Harry the time.
"Well Ron, you'd better go get Hermione before she forgets. I am going to go get your sister."
"Remember Harry, we set up a zone outside the normal area for the athletes so that you don't get hassled. I'll meet you there."
Both lads Disparated their separate ways. Harry arrived in Hogsmeade and started the walk up to Hogwarts. A year ago, he would have been able to Apparate within the school, but those days, and those powers were gone, or at least dormant. It was funny to have the knowledge on how to do things, but not be able to do it. Of course, the benefit of walking is such that he is able to see the new construction that was going on the school, which was almost complete. Although a good portion was destroyed in the battle last year, it did not take long to get the rebuilding started on the school; the hard part was to rebuild the memories of those lost. Due to the construction, only those going into their fifth year or higher were allowed to return to Hogwarts. One thing that hadn't been seen since the Sirius Black incident in Harry's third year was the students sharing a common room, where due to damages suffered to both Hufflepuff and Gryffendor common rooms, those students bunked up with Ravenclaw and Slitherin until later in the school year when construction repaired the two common rooms. Many felt that the bonding allowed many of the students to cope with what had happened the year before. Some of the younger students were able to find private tutors, or even acceptance to Beauxbaton in France on a special exchange program.
As he approached the front entrance, he could tell that the protective wards surrounding the school had been enhanced, with the help of the teachers, some of the students (former and present), and the Centaurs from the Forbidden Forest. As Harry entered the front entrance, memories came flooding back, and to top it off, an old all too familiar voice
"Mister Potter, what are you doing here?" Filch, one of the only persons in Hogwarts Harry had not gone out of his way to save last year, but had still managed to survive.
"Hello Mister Filch, I am here to meet some friends and pick up my girlfriend", replied Harry with steel in his eyes and grit in his voice. Before Filch could reply, "Mister Potter, how good to see you again"
"Hello Headmistress McGonagall, you are looking lovely today."
"That will be all Filch. Mister Potter is always welcomed to Hogwarts."
Filch leaves with Mrs. Norris at his heals. "Miss Weasley and Miss Lovegood are still writing exams, but should be done soon. If you want to join me in my office, Mister Longbottom is they're waiting also. His students last exams were yesterday."
"Don't you mean Professor?"
With a tight-lipped smile she responded, "Yes, I keep forgetting. He is such a good teacher. Madam Sprout could not have chosen a better replacement. He will be ready to teach all levels when school starts up in September."
As both made their way to her office, Harry could see the pictures waiving to him, offering him everything from a drink of wine, leg of lamb, and even a marriage proposal from a shy ghost.
"Hello Myrtle, how are you today?"
"Better now that you're here" she said with girlish giggles. And just like that, she was off towards her bathroom. Harry and McGonagall make it to the office where Neville was sitting, talking to a picture of Dumbledore.
"Hello Harry, how are you? It has been a while since we last chatted. " asked Dumbledore without his normal twinkle; it appears the painter could not capture one of his special quality. "Fine Sir, I am sorry if I haven't put up your painting yet, but I don't know where to put it. The house is still a mess, and well, I know Fawkes is looking forward to seeing you, although he has been gone for over four months now..." The sadness in his voice makes everyone think back to that dreadful time when Dumbledore fell and did not rise after being attacked by Lord Voldemort.
"Now Harry, we talked about this, it was the only way; It was my time to go. I am just glad that you and your friends survived, and that Hogwarts will still be around to teach the next generation. Now I must be off, it appears that someone is looking for a partner to play a game of Wizard Chess. And if I'm not mistaken, you have a big day today. Just be careful."
As Dumbledore left, the three of them sat around quietly with their own thoughts until they could hear voices coming up the winding staircase.
"I told you she would be done first. I think that is now 2 Galleons you owe me Snape?" As both teachers enter the office, it appears that that both are now sharing a good laugh. Remus notices Harry, "Harry, how are you?"
"Fine Remus, and how are you professor Snape?" Harry got up and went over and shook hands with both professors; Remus shook his hand then pulled him into a very fatherly embrace. Harry notices that the end of the war has also help end the friction that existed between Remus and Snape. Actually, seeing Snape smile was not the prettiest thing to see, but it was better then his scowl. It would take Harry, and probably a few of the students some time to forget how Snape used to make everyone feel on edge.
"Harry, Ginny is gone to the common room to get here stuff, Luna is not far behind her too, 'Professor' Longbottom. Why don't you gents go help them with their stuff and we will meet at the main hall and we can all leave together. Minerva, could you prepare a Portkey for the group?"
With that, both lads ran out of the room. Remus smiled as he got out of the way, "young love." Minerva and Snape both smiled.
"Harry" asked Neville, "Have you asked Ginny yet. I mean she hasn't said a word, and since I didn't teach her Herbology this year, and since I don't get the opportunity to see her as often; it doesn't look good when a teacher mingles too much with the students, I was wondering what was going on. Just being curious."
"Of course not, I am waiting for the right time. I promised her parents I would not let my intentions befuddle her studying until she finished school."
"But Harry, she's done now. What do you plan to do about it?"
"Oh, I never thought of that." The smallest hint of smile could be seen.
"See you in a few minutes" as Neville headed towards the Ravenclaw common room.
Harry arrived at the Griffendor common room and was about to speak the password, but he did not have the password.
"Hello Mister Potter, what can I do for you?"
"I need to get in."
"And the password is.....?"
"I don't know, but you know who I am, so please."
It was at that time that the little Knight ran into the painting, a little winded, and winked at Harry, and whispered "Luscious Apple Pie". The Fat Lady blushed a little and walked away with the Knight arm in arm as the door swung open. Harry smiled and shook his head as he walked in. The room was half full of students getting ready for exams, or letting steam off from finishing exams. As he stepped in, the room grew quiet, and then the applause started. Colin Creevey could be heard yelling and hooting with his brother at his side. Most people came to him to either thank him, to wish him good luck, (another couple of marriage proposals from a pair of 5th year students), or just to say that school was not the same without him.
There was no mistaking who's voice that was, and as the crowd parted, Harry could see Ginny standing there, her trunk floating behind her, and tears of joy coming down her cheek. She ran too him and tackled him to the ground, the trunk falling to the ground with a loud 'thunk'. She kissed him, he kissed her, and they kept kissing, and kissing. Soon, the stares turned into little giggles as people looked away to give them a bit of privacy.
"Why were you not there when I finished?"
"Minerva thought it would be best if I didn't disrupt the class. Now come on, we need to leave. Let's take care of your trunk."
With a flick of his wand, the trunk shrank and Harry placed it in one of his pockets. As they left hand in hand, the crowd in the common room all wished the couple a lot of luck. They hurried to the front hall to meet up with the rest of their fellow friends, and with a tap of rope, all of them were transported to an open field.
As they arrived and were recognized, a congregation of reporters, photographers, groupies, and fans all rushed to the newly arrived group. Harry grabbed Ginny's hand and whispered for her to follow. "Good luck Harry", yelled Neville, as he started to lead the group away from the rush and towards the entry gate. Harry and Ginny Disparated and reappeared on the other side of the pitch where no crowd could be spotted. There, they saw Ron and Hermione, kissing very passionately, with Ron's hands gropping her backside.
"Excuse me, but maybe you can continue this a later time."
Ron and Hermione broke off, both competing to see who would blush the most; Ron won.
"Sorry mate, but well, I can't stop myself, she drives me crazy."
"Oh pleassssse," said Ginny. "Get a room instead."
"Ron, let's get in before they figure out where I've gone to."
The group of friends entered a small entrance and headed down a tunnel leading towards the field. After about 100 feet, the tunnel forked.
"Ok Mate, you go that way; it will lead you to the change rooms. Be careful, Oliver has been here for a while and is a little upset that rest of the team weren't here at the same time. Oh, and even though I now have to be partial due to work" his eyes looking around to make sure there was nobody "kick their arses".
"Ronald Weasley, your mother would wash your mouth with toad sludge if she heard you say that. Good luck Harry." With a hug and kiss on the cheek, both Hermione and Ron left for the private box of the Minister of Magic.
"Good luck Harry, and please don't break anything too important." Then she kissed him very passionately, squeezing his butt with both hands, just like Ron was doing to Hermione.
"Ginny, don't start something you know I can't stop." He tried to return the kiss and the grope, but she spun around and ran up the stairs, following her brother and Hermione, blowing him a kiss and sending him a wink, "save it for after the game".
When she got there, all her friends and family were there, wearing the Chudley Orange. Molly immediately hugged her daughter very tightly. The Twins were there, throwing Wizbangs, which exploded over everyone into a multitude of sparklers, which then turned into a multitude of candy. Of course, the recipient of the candy didn't realize that once you consumed the candy, that your skin would turn orange. She was joined by both Bill and Fleur, Charlie, her father and mother, Fred and George of course with Angelina and Katie, Ron and Hermione, and sitting in the corner Dobby, who had the most garrish orange costume and a flag of Harry in his hand.
"Fred, George, stop that now or you'll embarrass your father."
"Sorry mum" The pitiful look they gave her made everyone else laugh, especially since they had partaken of their own candy, and were as orange as the rest of them. Everyone, including Arthur, had a skin colour of a ripe orange. Butterbeer was already being distributed amonst the group of friends, and even a little Firewhiskey which appeared out of thin air. In the distance, they could see the group from Hogwarts were making there way to the box.
Down in the locker, Oliver was pacing, hands behind his back. As Harry walked in, he spun around and faced his starting Seeker.
"How nice of you to show up today Mister Potter. I was afraid that you might have forgotten that today was the FINALS! Now why don't you go change while the rest of us just waits here a little longer."
Harry looked sheepishly at his feet, and shuffled of to change. Once done, he went back and joined the rest of group, sitting quietly in the corner. Oliver then spoke up. "Now the last time we played Puddlemere, we won, but we did it too quickly. We never got a chance to really test ourselves against them. I mean it's not Harry's fault that the Snitch came out early, but..."
Angelina broke in, "Oliver, what are you complaining about, we won the game and it was like so cold out there that even our warming spells did not work."
Oliver slammed his hand against the table, "We might have beaten them then, but we have no idea how good they really are right now. With the way the press is covering our team, we could not practice in peace. We have no secret moves that people don't already know of. Heck, Puddlemere didn't even need to see any of our games due to all the coverage they could get for free..." This continued until the referee came in and told them they had the pitch to warm up for 30 minutes. The group went out and warmed up. The only thing that could be seen was a see of yellow and orange. The crowd was chanting 'Harry! Harry!' The warm up ended and they flew back into the change room. A few minutes went by when the announcer came on, "Ladies and gentlemen welcome to tonight's final match up, Chudley vs Puddlemere. Now here are your Cannons: Captain Oliver Wood..." As Oliver got ready to go, he turned to his fellow team and said, "let's get out there and win, and Harry, catch that Snitch, or die trying." With a smile, he turned around and slew off, the rest of the team following right behind.