HelllllOOOOOOOO!! I am sooo sorry for the delay, but I got an update ban. Yuuuup, over my LOTR fic. shakes fist at ... Oh well, on with the show.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh...nu duh.

Chapter four: The Florists.

Kaiba angrily pushed his chocolate bangs out of his face as he walked towards the florists. Not what he would usually be doing on a Saturday morning, but he was expected to bring something to the funeral of Yugi Moto.

He didn't see why he should bring anything. He wasn't a friend of Yugi's, but Mokuba had liked him. And ever since he sold Mokuba on the Black Market for an Egyptian God card, he felt a bit guilty and thought going to the funeral would satisfy Universal Karma, and nothing bad would happen to him.

He pondered what Yugi would've had to do to deserve such and ugly fate.

Yugi had been discovered in the game shop three days ago. He had spontaneously combusted when he tried to put on his leather outfit after it had shrunk in the wash. It had cut of his circulation so bad that he swelled to five times his normal size and exploded. Unfortunately, right at the moment, Grandpa had opened the door. One of the buckles on Yugi's pants had been propelled by the explosion and decapitated grandpa.

Kaiba's thoughts strayed back to the present as he saw another Spiky-haired Moto run towards him.

"Fuck", said Kaiba, "Not now..."

"Oh Kaiba!" purred Yami.

"What!" responded Kaiba sourly.

Yami put on his best pouty face. "Seto, I have lost two members of my family, and am in need of comfort."


"We both know you have always had a grudging respect for me, and really love me. Yet you hide it behind a mask of anger and hatred because you hate letting people in..."

"Yami.." began Kaiba.

"Yes my love!"

"Don't call me that, and lets get this sorted out, right here, right now. I do not love you, I have no grudging respect for you and I find your hair quite repulsive. GO AWAY!!" Seto turned and continued walking.

"Seto!! Don't deny your feelings! You have a grudging respect for me! You know you do!!!"

Then a bus hit Yami.

'Good riddens' thought Kaiba as he came to the front of the florists.

Seto pushed open the door and stepped inside the small shop. He was surprised to see Marik at the serving counter, serving!

He was serving a man in a military suit, who was holding a balloon with 'IT'S A BOY' written in big blue bubble writing.

"Sir," began Marik, "You're a military man, may I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead son" replied the solider.

"Sir, could you give a man a fatal blow?"

"I suppose so, if my life depended on it."

"But say, you had no choice, and he was cuming at you real hard and fast."

"Why yes, defiantly."

"And would you have do it to his face or could you take it from behind."

"If the situation called for it."

"But what would you do, if you were asleep, with your trousers down, and the enemy discovered you were camp, and they took you by surprise and invaded your hole."

"Well, they wouldn't take me by surprise."


"No, I would lure them into my hole, wait till they try to take me from behind, then I'd give them all fatal blows."

'Ah, well, thankyou sir."

"Not at all son."

Kaiba stepped aside to let the solider pass and turned to Marik. "I didn't know you worked in a florist."

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me." Replied the Egyptian.

"Yeah, but isn't working in a florist kinds....gay?"

Marik stared at him blankly. "I am gay."

"Yeah, but your gay as in, leather whips and vibrating lube tubes. Not gay as in... Flowers and interior design."

"Are looking for some flowers or a fuck?" Marik said angrily.

Kaiba smiled and slid behind the counter with Marik and trailed a finger down the his chest.

"A little of column A, a little of column B."

Marik smiled and moved his hands to Kaiba's belt, letting his pants fall to the grounds he plucked a tulip from the bench. He ran it over Kaiba's bum cheeks before sliding the stem inside the CEO.

Kaiba gave a surprised gasp and Marik took this opportunity to nibble at the tip of Kaiba's penis, before taking the entire length into his mouth.

Kaiba moaned and thrust forward into Marik's mouth while the Egyptian inserted two fingers into Kaiba to keep the flower company.

Just as Kaiba was about to release into Marik's mouth, Kaiba's phone rang.

"Dammit." Cured Kaiba as he reached for his cell. Marik pulled away, disappointed.

"Sorry," said Kaiba as he traced Marik's jaw with a slender finger, "The man I sold Mokuba to wants to return him."

As Kaiba left, Marik looked around the shop at the shocked faces. Maybe he should've waited till the shop was empty before giving a customer head.

Marik fiddled with the pen in front of him as he sat in the school library. He hadn't seen Kaiba all week, and was getting horny. He was about to pack up and when Mokuba bounded through the door.

"Mokuba, a free man I see" said Marik.

"Yep!" replied the bouncing child.

"So where's your brother been?"

"Oh, he's in hospital."

'Really?" Marik was taken aback.

"Yup, an allergic reaction said the doctor"

"What's he allergic too?" Inquired Marik.

"That's the odd thing," replied Mokuba, "The only things he's allergic to as tulips..."