Disclaimer: Nope, nope, nope, don't own!

A/N: I got reviews! I got reviews!

Ookami Kage- Really? And Okay!

Dylan S. Thompson- Awww! You're too sweet!

Heather- Thank you so much!

SiRi Gal- For one reason, I was waiting for all of this to be betaed but the beta reader never gave it back with corrections....so, yea...

In this chapter you get to know Reni's and Maddy's last names and they will be that of original characters!

Chapter Three:

Two weeks had passed after the incident involving the marauders and Severus wouldn't even face Lily, nor would Lily even look at Severus. They didn't want to be the ones making the first move. Maddy had forgiven Lily far more easily then Reni had. In fact, Reni couldn't even stand Lily's presence any more. Every time Lily entered a room or went within five feet of Reni, the Ravenclaw girl would either walk away or ignore Lily completely.

Lily sat at the lake, where she, Maddy, and Reni had been before it had all happened. They had actually been waiting for Severus and when it seemed that he was going to run away, that was when it had happened. And Lily had tried to come to the rescue. She shook her red hair to get the thought from her mind. She gave out a sigh and hugged her legs toward her body, looking out into the water. A shadow then loomed over her and she whirled her head around to see the last person she expected.


Straightening up a little, Lily looked up at her friend and saw that he looked tired. As if he had had enough. The silence between the two was more loud then any words they could have exchanged. Getting tired herself, Lily decided to break this deafening silence.

"I'm sorry, Severus" she said softly, looking away from him and to the lake once more. Severus gave out a sigh and kneeled down next to Lily.

"I guess I'm sorry too" He said, a little of his normal sarcasm coming back to him.

"What do you mean you guess?"

"I'm still thinking on it."

"You're either sorry or you're not"

"I'm tempted to say I'm not"

"Stupid Slytherin"


They once again fell into silence but this one loads more comfortable. Gaining a little grin on her face, she looked over at Severus who glanced at her and smirked.

Across the lake, semi-hiding behind a tree, her blue eyes flickered with an emotion that was only too well known. And when Lily gave Severus a hug, Reni could only turn away, unnoticed, and walked back to the castle.

Astronomy Tower

With emotionless eyes, Reni looked over the Hogwart's grounds from the high tower. Whenever she needed to be alone and just think, she'd go here and just look out. It was peaceful like that. She closed her eyes and let the wind breeze over her face until she heard footsteps behind her.

"What do you want, Maddy?" Reni didn't even turn around. The only person who ever knew where she was, was Maddy.

"I had a feeling that you might be here" Maddy said with a timid voice.

"Well Miss Abbot, you found me." Reni said this in a mocking voice and finally opened her eyes. Maddy didn't answer back at once. She instead moved closer to Reni so that she was almost side to side with her friend.

"I...saw Severus and Lily" were the soft words issued from the gentle Hufflepuff. However, the Ravenclaw didn't answer and instead turned her head to face Maddy but she didn't meet her friend eye to eye. Instead, Reni's eyes were downcast as to not show what she was feeling. She couldn't afford to be weak.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything" Maddy said, her voice coming out like a little squeak.

"Don't worry about it" was Reni's reply and Maddy couldn't help but feel relieved that Reni wasn't mad.

"Well, Miss Zabini, shall we then?" Maddy's tone was teasing as she held out an arm and Reni jokingly took it and together they both walked away from the Astronomy Tower, only to split up to go back to their own dormitories.

The next day after breakfast

The four friends were together once again under one of the tall trees near the lake. To anyone looking into the group it would seem as if nothing had changed since before the O.W.L.s. Maddy was as happy as ever, Reni didn't act any differently, and Lily and Severus bickered as always. Since it was a day off they didn't have to go to class.

"I still can't help but feel like house elves get taken for granted! You pureblood wizards rely too much on them." Lily's voice was rather logical.

"But we purebloods are able to gain power and influence without having to do mundane tasks such as cleaning or cooking" Severus answered back.

Maddy's head was turning to Severus to Lily each time one of them made a new argument. And Reni just sat reading a book. It seemed so natural to them.

"You're only saying that cause I'm Muggle-born, hater!" Lily said jokingly. But something flashed in Severus' eyes and he faltered for a moment before regaining his composure.

"You're only jealous of my purebloodedness" He sounded convincing with his sarcastic nature but he wasn't convincing enough. Lily and Reni glanced at each other, both knowing that something was up with Severus and he wasn't telling. The girls both decided on their own that they wouldn't say anything right away. It was better to let some things to play out.

Later on they would only wish that they had said something sooner.

In front of the Slytherin Common Room

The day was closing to an end and Severus couldn't help but feel that he had made a mistake. Why had he done such a thing? Because he was angry? Upset? Bitter? Could those emotions even justify what he had done? Not thinking so, Severus murmured the password to the Slytherin Common Room and slipped inside once the entrance was open.

Thoughts plagued his mind about how the girls would take it. Maddy would probably be disappointed and then yell at him only to later ask if there was anything she could do to help. Reni would call him an idiot and every synonym that accompanied it, then she'd pretend that it'd never happened and go on living life. Lily...well....Lily would hate him. She'd 'disown' him as a friend and walk out of his life forever.

And he was pretty sure he didn't want that to happen.

Making sure not to have his thoughts reflect upon his features, he carried himself proudly and scowled at everyone he saw. It was the easiest way to make sure no one knew his emotions. And he was quite lucky to pick that precise time for Lucius Malfoy made an appearance in front of him.

"Hello Severus. Just heading off to bed?" The blonde asked creepingly cheerful.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Severus asked, straight to the point.

"We have a meeting. Be ready in ten" with that Lucius left Severus in the Common Room with his thoughts on whether he could get out of this. With an inward sigh, Severus went up to his room and got out a clean and plain black robe. He took off his current robe and slid the regular black one on. After that he put a hooded cloak on and grabbed a mask that was decorated to look like a snake head. Tucking it in his robe, he then headed out of the room and out of the castle.

End Chapter!

A/N: I know this isn't as long as the last chapter but please bare with me. I'll be working on this fanfiction more often since the beta reader who I had just never responded to me back.

And yesh...Reni's name is Reni Zabini and Maddy is Maddy Abbot! Fwee!

So please review!