How's this for a quick update! This is it, the final chapter! I hope you've enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Now, on to the final chapter...

Chapter 9

Everyone was still in shock as they looked up at the thick smoke that was left from the explosion. They all hoped it was just a horrible dream.

Knuckles was the first one to return to reality, as he turned to the others and shouted, "We have to get up there now!" Rouge was still stunned, but nodded in agreement. Tails had tears forming in his eyes. Amy stood completely still, paralyzed with the fear that he was gone. Cream hugged Cheese in an attempt to comfort her, as well as herself.

Knuckles yelled again, "Come on! We have to get up there now and make sure he's alright!"

With that, Knuckles began to scale the building using his claws. Slowly, everyone realized that Knuckles was right. They couldn't just give up on Sonic. Rouge took hold of Amy's hands and gave her an airlift to the top, and Cream did the same for Tails.

Finally they all reached the blast site on top of the building. Piles of rubble were everywhere, and there was no one in sight.

Knuckles began to dig through the piles with his knuckles, "Start digging, everyone! He has to be around here somewhere!" Everyone did as Knuckles said, digging for any signs of their friend.

Tails thought to himself, 'Please be alive, Sonic! Don't leave us again!'

Suddenly, a hand shot out of a pile of rubble a few feet away. Tails was shocked, "Look!"

Everyone looked in the direction Tails was pointing and rushed over to his side to see who it was. Unfortunately, it didn't look like Sonic's hand. Doctor Eggman rose up from the debris to reveal that half of his fake skin was gone, revealing his robot exoskeleton. Eggman laughed wildly with joy, "I finally did it!! At last, I was able do defeat Sonic the Hedgehog once and for all!! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Knuckles growled, "You won't get away with this, Eggman!"

Eggman turned to see Sonic's friends staring at him with anger in their eyes. Eggman chuckled, "Well, well, look who's here. I'm glad you could be here to see this. I hope you realize your witnessing history!"

Amy was close to tears as she began to speak, "You mean.... he's really.... you really..."

Eggman smiled, "That's right, Miss Rose! Your precious little blue boyfriend is DEAD!"

Amy couldn't believe what she heard, "No, not again. He can't be gone again." Amy was down on her knees, as her world came crashing down around her.

Eggman cackled with glee, causing everyone to stare with even more rage. Tails clenched his fist, as he tried to fight back tears, "How can you stand there and be proud of what you've done?"

"You're the lowest scum there is!" Rouge shouted.

"Why, thank you!" Eggman grinned, "I just wish you all could have seen it. The once great hero, lying on the ground in agonizing pain. You should have seen how pathetic he looked, desperately trying to get to the chaos emeralds right before I..."

"THAT'S ENOUGH, EGGMAN!!" Knuckles shouted, "I'm going to shut your mouth for good!"

"No, Knuckles." Amy said, as she slowly stood up.

Quickly, Amy pulled out her Piko Piko Hammer and charged at Eggman with blind fury, "HE'S MINE!!"

Knuckles yelled, "No, Amy! Wait!"But it was too late.

Eggman knocked the hammer out of Amy's hand, then with one punch she was unconscious and on the ground. Eggman smiled, "Did you really think you could beat me?"

Eggman turned his arm into a machine gun at pointed it at Amy's motionless body. He then turned to the others, "Two in one day! This will be a new record!"

Everyone was about to rush over to stop him, when all of a sudden the ground began to shake. Rouge noticed a light coming from underneath a nearby pile of debris, "Look, something's under there."

They all watched as the light began to grow brighter and brighter as it shined through the cracks of the pile, then suddenly the top of the pile burst open. As the smoke cleared a golden figure slowly rose up into the air. The figured open his red eyes and looked directly at Doctor Eggman.

Eggman froze, "It can't be!"

Cream was confused, "Is that Mr. Sonic?"

Tails laughed, "He's alive!"

Rouge smiled, "He must have absorbed the energy of the seven chaos emeralds just in time."

Knuckles grinned, "That's right, Rouge. Now he's SUPER SONIC!!"

Super Sonic slowly descended until he touched ground. He began to walk toward Eggman, who was still speechless. Eggman looked down at Amy, still laying on the ground and pointed his machine gun hand at her head.

Eggman then turned to Super Sonic, "Don't come any closer, Sonic!"

Suddenly, Super Sonic disappeared right in front of Eggman's eyes. He looked down and saw that Amy was gone as well. Eggman frantically looked around for any signs of the two hedgehogs.

Then Super Sonic's voice was heard, "Looking for me?"

Everyone looked in the direction the voice came from. They saw Super Sonic floating in the sky above them, holding a still unconscious Amy in his arms.

Amy began to regain consciousness, and slowly opened her eyes to see who was holding her. She was shocked as she saw a golden hedgehog looking at her and smiling. "Sonic?" Amy stammered, "Is... Is it really you?"

Super Sonic grinned, "Haven't you asked me that before?"

Super Sonic set Amy down with the others, then turned his attention on Eggman.

Eggman was furious, "This can't be!! I defeated you, I'm the winner, I am..."

Before he could finish, Super Sonic dashed toward him at lightning speed with a powerful right hook. Eggman was on the floor in seconds, with half of his robotic face smashed in. Super Sonic smiled as he hovered high above Eggman.

"This is it, Doc." Super Sonic said, "You lose."

"NOOOO!!" Eggman shouted in fury, "I CAN STILL DEFEAT YOU!!"

Eggman quickly launched two more missiles from his back. Super Sonic didn't move an inch as the missiles exploded on contact. Eggman laughed wildly, "Take that, Hedgehog!" But his celebration quickly ended as the smoke cleared to reveal Super Sonic, without a scratch on him.

Knuckles grinned, "Looks like he activated a force field around himself for protection from the blast."

Tails cheered, "Way to go, Sonic!"

Without saying another word, Super Sonic charged at Eggman with a super sonic spin. Everyone shielded their eyes, as he blasted the Eggman robot into dust. Slowly they all looked on as the dust began to clear to reveal Sonic in his normal state.

Sonic grinned, "See Knuckles, I told it wouldn't be hard."

Amy rushed over to Sonic and hugged him as tightly as she could, "Oh, Sonic! I thought I lost you again!"

Tails rushed over as well, "Me too! I'm glad your okay, Sonic!"

Rouge walked over, "I don't know what we would have done without you. You're the only one I know that can get on Knuckles nerves as much as I do"

"Hey!" Knuckles grunted.

Cream nodded, "I'm very relieved to know that you're alright, Mr. Sonic."

"Chao!" Cheese said in agreement.

Sonic smiled, "Thanks guys."

"I don't suppose you still have any of the chaos emeralds." Tails asked.

Sonic reached behind his back and pulled out the red emerald. "I was able to get back this one before they were all scattered." Sonic walked over to Rouge, "Sorry I took your emerald."

Rouge laughed, "Don't worry about it. It was definitely for a good cause."

Knuckles grinned, "Besides, it's about time that someone stole something from her for once."

Everyone laughed, except Rouge, who elbowed Knuckles in the side.

Sonic walked over to Tails and handed him the emerald. Tails sighed, "I guess it's time to send you back to your own world."

Sonic smiled, "Fraid so, little buddy."

Cream looked up at Sonic, "Do you really have to go away again?"

"Come on, guys! With Eggman gone you don't really need me here, right?"

Amy frowned, "How can you even think that, Sonic?"

"He's right." Knuckles said.

Everyone looked at Knuckles hoping for an explanation. "Sonic has to go back to his own world." Knuckles said, "As much as we don't want him to go, it has to be done."

Sonic nodded, "This world did show me one thing, what would happen if I wasn't around to fight Eggman. I can't let what happened in this world happen in mine."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Soon everyone was back in Tails lab, ready to say goodbye to their friend once again.

Rouge smiled, "I never thought you'd leave us twice."

Sonic chuckled, "What can I say? I'm full of surprises!"

Cream looked at Sonic sadly, "I'm really going to miss you, Mr. Sonic."

"Me too, Cream."

Cheese jumped up and hugged Sonic's neck. Sonic laughed, "Okay, okay, Cheese! I'm gonna miss you too!"

Knuckles shook Sonic's hand, "Goodbye, Sonic."

"So long, Knuckles."

Tails hung his head, "I'm starting to regret building this thing." Tails pointed to the machine.

Sonic put his hand on Tails shoulder, "Come on, Tails, you know I have to go back. Besides, someone has to rebuild the cities Eggman destroyed, and I can't think of a better fox for the job."

Tails smiled, "Thanks, Sonic."

Amy smiled at Sonic, "Well, I guess this is it."

Sonic grinned, "Sorry I to leave you again."

"It's okay, Sonic. At least this time I know that you're alive. Promise me that you'll stay that way."

"I promise."

"It's ready, Sonic." Tails said.

Sonic nodded, as he stepped inside the capsule. Tails placed the red chaos emerald inside the small container, and began to type on the keyboard.

"Okay, Sonic!" Tails said, "It's all set! You'll be transported back to your world at the same time you arrived here, just like I said."

Sonic gave a thumps up, and everyone waved one last goodbye. Tails pushed a button on the keyboard, and with a flash of light, Sonic was gone.

And so...

Eggman chuckled, "Well, well, I think I've just found a new target." Sonic looked as Eggman fired the gun at Amy. Thinking quickly, Sonic ran toward Amy in hopes of getting there before the shot did. He pushed the surprised hedgehog out of the way as the shot made contact with his body. There was a bright flash of light, and when the smoke cleared there was nothing but burn marks on the ground where Sonic once was.

Eggman cackled, "At last! That miserable Sonic is gone forever! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Amy looked at the burn marks on the ground in horror. She fell on her knees, "No. He's gone."

"That's news to me!" a voice said from behind her.

Amy turned around and saw Sonic standing with his arms crossed, wearing his trademark smile.

Eggman was shocked, "What? How did you..?"

Sonic smiled, "Guess your aim was off, Doc!"

Eggman growled, "I'll get you, Sonic!" Eggman pointed the ray gun at Sonic, but he had already ran up to Eggman and snatched the gun from his hands before Eggman had a chance to react.

Sonic stood a few feet away from Eggman's half destroyed Egg Stomper. He grinned, "Sorry, Doctor Egghead, but as long as I'm around you'll never win." With that, Sonic held the gun with both hands and broke it in two.

Eggman screamed, "How could you do that to my precious creation!?!"

Sonic jumped high above Eggman and performed a homing attack on the body of the robot he was in. It exploded within seconds and Sonic landed safely on his feet. Before he knew what happened, Amy ran up to him and gave him one of her tight bear hugs.

"Oh Sonic, I thought I'd lost you!" Amy cried.

Sonic gasped, "Uh, Amy? You're crushing my lungs."

Amy loosened her grip, and looked at Sonic, "How did you escape that shot? I thought for sure that Eggman got you."

"Hey, they don't call me 'Sonic' for nothing! I'm way too fast to get hit by some fancy ray gun!" Sonic thought it was best not to tell her about his little adventure. He didn't quite believe it himself.

Just then they heard Eggman voice, "This isn't over Sonic!" They looked up and saw Eggman flying away in his hovercraft. "One day I'll establish my Eggman Empire, and you will all suffer!"

Sonic smiled, as Eggman disappeared from view, "Not as long as I'm around."

Amy looked at Sonic with hopeful eyes, "So, now that Eggman's gone, do you want to go to Twinkle Park with me?"

Sonic's first thought was to run like before, but then he thought for minute. Sonic sighed, "Sure, why not?"

"Really!?!" Amy cheered and gave Sonic another bear hug, "Oh, Sonic!"

'Well, it's nice to me back home.' Sonic thought as he struggled for breath.

Amy released Sonic and they began to walk toward the entrance to Twinkle Park. Amy turned to Sonic, "I'm glad Eggman got what he deserved. Sometimes I wish he'd just leave us alone for good."

Sonic chuckled, "Trust me, Amy! Things could be a lot worse."


A/N: That's it for this story. What did you think? I'd love to get your feedback. I've got a few more story ideas in the works, so let me know if you'd like to see another one.

Sonic the Hedgehog the all related characters are trademarks of SEGA. I do not own them, just the story.

Until next time Loyal Sonic fans..