Cap. 1

1st I need to say that I'm translating this fic from Portuguese, and have only saw the series in Portuguese. So, I think a few names differ, so here it it:


Tatsumi=The butler guy

One day at the Kido Mansion/Embassy/Whatever

Saori—Seiya, I've told you before that your allowance must last the entire month. You keep spending it all in a week, and then you come asking for more!

Seiya—But Saori, we never have anything to do. We must spend our time someway.

Saori—There are cheaper ways to spend time than go to strip sars every night...

Seiya—Like what?

Saori—Mumbles incoherently.

Seiya—You see, there's nothing else!

Saori—Your problem is that you got too much time on your hands. You should get a job.

Hyoga—(Who just walked into the room.)And who would want to give us a job? We don't know how to do anything...

Saori—You'll see. I got to stop the bleeding in my wallet.


The five bronze saints were in Seiya's room.

Shiryu—Do you really thing she is going to get us a job?

Ikki—Do you really think anyone will want to hire us? Take it easy. Remember that time she sent us to clean the kitchen, and we did it so well that there are still some fat left over on the wall...

Hyoga—That's right. We're too incompetent for anyone to hire. The only place where we could work is where nothing was done...


Shun—We should find a place like that. That way we wouldn't have to stand Saori's cheapness. Who hears hear thinks she hasn't got a dollar of her own... --A week after that—

Saori—I have good news.

Seiya—Hey! Is it a raise on our allowance?


Shiryu—Calm down. You'll scare the boy to death...

Saori—You're right, I must calm down. What I've got to say to you is that I found you a job in one of my corporations.


Saori—Exactly, a job. I taught it was time for you to stop hanging around the house all day doing nothing, bored, and spending my money. So, who wants to be the first to thank me?

Ikki—Thank you? Oh, you ­ï