Dear Ma,
Everyone says hi. I'm sending this from Galbadia since we are going to be here for a while and I thought you might like to know what's going on.
Seifer passed the SeeD exam but because the committee at his trial decided he can't be in any military organizations he is strictly an instructor and isn't allowed on missions. They pardoned him for saving all their lives but slapped enough restrictions on him to keep the people happy. Regardless we are doing fine and Seifer sends his love. Don't tell him I wrote that though because he'd get pissed.
In the three months since the trial Quistis has been much nicer and has opened up to us. She mostly sticks to Nida and Xu but we talk from time to time. No one is really sure why the turn around happened but we're all glad it did.
Rinoa has gotten the crazy idea that she wants a baby and Squall has flat out refused. Dr. Kodowaki had to play mediator and right now Rinoa is trying to keep a plant alive. If she succeeds in that she gets to take care of a kitten so it'll be a while before we have any mini Squall's running around.
Selphie and Irvine are happy as can be. Ever since me and Seifer have been together they been our shadows in public and probably our closest friends. If you need to find Selphie she's either in our dorm or following us around with a camera. Sometimes women confuse me.
I hope to back in Balamb soon so I can visit but monster attacks seem to be at an all time high right now.
I'll send another letter when I can.
P.S. I put a photo of everyone inside the envelope too.
Ma Dinct smiled fondly at the letter in her hands. Picking up the envelope she fished out the photo.
On the far left stood Quistis looking as regal as ever in her SeeD uniform. Crouched in front of her were Nida and Xu, inconspicuously trying to tie Quistis' boots together. Next to them stood a stiff Squall with Rinoa hanging off his neck. In front of them sat Irvine and Selphie wrapped in each other's arms and not really paying attention to the picture. On the far right stood a hunched over Seifer. The reason for his akward posture was the bubbly blonde on his back giving the victory sign to the camera.
Shaking her head an giving a slight chuckle Ma Dinct decided she needed to put this snapshot up somewhere. On the wall next the door she spied the perfect picture to pair it with. Smiling to herself she tucked the picture in the bottom of her framed photo of Zell and Vigil so all the people close to Zell could be together.
And I end it on a sweet moment. Thanks again for everyone who stuck with me through my horrible job at updating.