So this is slash. Seifer/Zell and it might be a little violent latter on… I've only a sketchy idea of what's happening. Suggestions are very very welcome.
Disclaimer: I don't own FF8 and unfortunately I never will.
Seifer let the stinging rain water batter against his skin and wash away his feeling. As his body slowly numbed, his mind shut down and the vengeful voices diminished one by one. The accusations of betrayal, the cries for lost loved ones, and the constant reminder of every single mistake he made slowly faded out and only the rushing wind was left in it's wake.
The last voice her heard before slipping into darkness was one he recognized from the years they shared at the Garden. A voice that matched a tattooed face and battle hardened body. A voice that always asked the same question. Why?
The streets of Balamb lay deserted as the rain washed down the pavement in small waves imitating the soothing ocean patterns. The wind shook the trees and the leaves glistened in the lamp light. A soft sighing sound traveled through the alleys and gently shook the windows of the small houses.
Zell was completely oblivious to this as he walked, wind battering him in his trudge onward. It was just his luck that the day he decided to visit home was the worst storm of the year. As he approached his house he was surprised to find the door wide open the light spilling into the street. Running to the entrance he heard the shout of raised voices and saw his mother back into the light directing two men who where carrying someone.
Stepping aside to let them pass he gasped as he recognized the individual handing between them. Seifer's gray coat dragged across the ground and his blond hair was tousled, running down to the center of his back.
Zell walked in behind them and closed the door. To say he was confused would be an understatement. Not only was his worst enemy unconscious and on his couch, but his mother was rushing around the house grabbing blankets, thermometers, and whatever else she needed. An hour later his mother finally settled down and Zell still remained at the door, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.
Ms. Dinct finally noticed him in the room and smiled lovingly at her son. "Welcome home." Zell smiled back hesitantly and glanced at the two men still in the house as if for explanation.
Mrs. Dinct nearly leapt from the chair and grabbed the first man's hands between hers. "Thanks Duncan, I forgot all about you for a moment. Sorry."
Duncan nodded slightly, "No problem. I'm always happy to help anyone regardless of what they've done in the past. Remember that my door is always open if you need some help here."
Mrs. Dinct hugged both the mean and ushered them past Zell, expressing her thanks the whole time. Closing the door she turned and rested against it for a second.
"So it looks like you've had an eventful night." Zell toed the carpet as he glanced between his mother and the blond on the couch, his raised eyebrows an obvious question.
His mother walked around the couch and put her hand against Seifer's forehead. His body had been shaking uncontrollably and he still continued to shiver under all the blankets and hot pads.
"Yeah, I found him in the streets. The hospital refused to accept him because he's the Sorceress's Knight. Can you believe that?"
"What?: Mrs. Dinct's head snapped up and her eyes narrowed slightly.
"I said yes. He's killed quite a lot of people and it's not like they're going to forget it so quickly. It's only been 6 months since we've all returned and this is the first sign anyone's seen of him." Zell stood his ground against his mother's piercing glare and fought to keep his firm resolve. Mrs. Dinct had years of experience in glaring and most people buckled under quickly.
"Just because he's made some mistakes in life doesn't mean that he's a bad person. You should never ever just allow someone to die when there's something you can do about it and you know that." Mrs. Dinct had changed tactics to reprimanding, one she knew would work.
Zell nodded sheepishly, "I guess your right, but it doesn't look like he's getting too much better. He's still shaking after all."
Mrs. Dinct smiled deviously and walked around the couch to grab his arms. "That dear son is where your going to help me out. You are going to strip down to your boxers and haul him up to your bed. The bed your going to share."
Zell's mouth fell open shocked an he shook his head negatively while trying to dislodge his mother's death grip. "N… no.." Stuttering he fell backwards over the chair and landed on the floor. Sure Seifer needed to be warmed up but not necessarily with his body heat.
"Do you want any hotdogs this weekend or not?" Now that was just playing dirty. His mother knew his weaknesses and had all the power to exploit them. Next she'd move on to renovating his room like she wanted it and that was just the beginning.
Zell stood up and brushed himself off indignantly, "Fine, but if I never live this down it's all your fault." Without another word he hauled the surprising light but still bulky Seifer off of the couch.
Stumbling slightly he made his way slowly up the stairs and won the familiar hallways to his room. Upon opening the door Zell was unsurprised to find it the same as he always left it, dust free and sparsely decorated.
The perfectly made bed sunk with their weight as he settled them down and Seifer fell back, his body completely limp and unresponsive. Sighing Zell began the arduous work of getting them ready for bed.
As more and more of Seifer's skin was revealed Zell's increasing disgust was getting the better of him. Scar tissue was one of the most prominent features of the taller blond's skin. The once tan, unblemished skin was now covered in glossy, hard scars that ran over most of his body.
Zell shook his head as he finished undressing them both and crawled under the covers. "What's happened to you Seifer?" Seifer's unresponsive body gave him no indication as he slipped into an uneasy sleep, one arm wrapped around the body beside him.
Hands. Voices. Warm thick rain. Those were the sensations that ran over Seifer's body as he awoke. The red rain that splattered against his skin made him recoil and shuffle backwards looking for some sort of cover. The constantly accusing voices came from every direction, seemingly endless.
"No not my son!"
"Death to the Sorceress Knight!"
Invisible hands clawed at his skin mercilessly and he could stop them. Seifer scurried to his feet and ran from the clearing he had been in, looking for solace in whatever he could find. The next voice however was not a welcome one. It was one that had coerced and threatened him to get what it wanted. It was the voice of the Sorceress.
"Don't run my little pet. Embrace your past and it's experiences. Let the power you gained from helping me kill all those people make you stronger. We have created a great masterpiece together."
Suddenly the ground stopped and Seifer fell forward into a pool of warm liquid. A coppery taste invaded his mouth as he struggled to surface and get out of what he knew must be pool of blood. As soon as he the surface however he wished he could sink back below. The walls on two sides of the pool were covered in bodies of the dead, young and old alike.
"It's our masterpiece my Knight. We have such as great eye for art do we not? But it isn't complete yet my dear. There's one more person who needs to be on this wall. The one person that can hurt you and make you weak. We don't want that now do we?"
A bolt of lighting hit the ground in front of him and Hyperion appeared before him. Picking up his beloved blade he examined it. It had been quite some time since he had held it and was able to wield it so effortlessly.
"Why? Why? Why?…" A voice he recognized asked him the one question he couldn't answer. Spinning Seifer confronted the lithe blond behind him.
"See that beautiful face. It is that beauty that entraps you and makes you weak. Kill him and add him to the rest."
His arm rose over his head on it's own volition and Seifer could do nothing to stop it. He could only watch as his weapon came down in a deadly arc.
And suddenly he found his voice, unable to watch as Zell died, "NOOOOOOOOOO!!"
"NOOOOOOOOOO!!" Seifer shot up straight in bed, his shout reverberating and the walls and his sudden movement causing Zell to fly off the bed. Sitting up the small blond rubbed his head looked up at the shaking Seifer.
"Seifer are you ok?" He crawled back onto the bed and put a soothing hand on the other's shoulder.
Seifer's head snapped to him and the taller blond froze to the spot. "Your alive!" And suddenly Zell found himself crushed against a well muscled chest and his breathing restricted. "I can't believer your alive. I thought she had gotten you too. That means the others must be alive to." Seifer was rambling now and Zell was turning purple.
Zell pinched the Seifer's arm hard and Seifer immediately let go. Blinking he looked at Zell for a moment before jumping from the bed. His skin was exposed to another person's view and that wasn't supposed to happen. His repentance was supposed to be a secret between him and the families of the people he'd killed. Unable to find his clothing he spun towards the blond on the bed and hissed, "Where are my clothes."
"In the garbage. You have nothing to wear until my mother goes shopping tomorrow. Now get your soggy ass over hear so you don't die of pneumonia." Zell was pissed as it was that he had to share a bed with the other blond and had been pushed out of bed. He really didn't need a freaked out Seifer at the moment.
"I want my clothes. Now!" Seifer shouted the last part a fire in his eyes. Zell must have been so disgusted with him when he saw what had happened to him. He'd never be able to look the other in the eye.
"Seifer come here, it's alright." Zell patted the bed next to him but Seifer refused to budge from his spot. Standing the small blond walked over and surprised them both when he slid his arms around Seifer's torso.
"Is this about the scars?" Seifer held his silence unable to tell him that he didn't want the other to be disgusted with him. He was disgusted with himself so Zell should have been doubly so.
"It's alright if you don't want to talk about it but come lie down and go to sleep. Your sick and if you get any sicker we won't be able to take care of you." Zell pulled lightly still unable to move the brick wall called Seifer.
"Why what?" Zell looked up at him confused, still attempting to pull Seifer towards the bed and out of the cold air.
"Why do you care? Why are you taking care of me?" Seifer was genuinely confused. He'd made a lot of people's lives hell and Zell was one of them. Most people don't care for their enemies.
Zell let him go and sat on the end of the bed. He didn't really know why he cared now. It must have been his mother's insistence on his helping other people. "Well because you needed help. And my mother has instilled this feeling of responsibility to help others."
Zell stood back up and grabbed Seifer's arm, "You need to get better now too. Then we can figure out what to do with you then." Zell offered Seifer a small smile and pulled his arm to make him follow him.
Seifer nodded and followed the other blond back to the bed. He'd need his strength in order to make a run for it. Lying down he put his back towards Zell and almost fell asleep instantly. An opportunity to rest up before he continued his trek was just what he needed.
"Oh isn't that so cute!" A high pitched voice pierced the morning stillness and woke the two blonds from sleep.
Seifer pulled his head up and almost gasped in shock. While he was asleep he had rolled over and wrapped his arm around Zell resulting in them spooning. Jumping apart he nearly fell from the bed and ended up hanging upside down looking at a bubbly Selphie and a smirking cowboy.
Covering himself with a sheet he stood up. He didn't really know the girl or the cowboy, what was his name again, but he was definitely startled.
Zell sat up groggily and squeaked, "Selphie! Irvine! What are you doing here?"
Selphie and Irvine both went quiet when they realized who was standing before them in a sheet. It wasn't everyday that you caught one of your friends half naked in bed with the former Sorceress Knight.
Selphie shook her head and rubbed her eyes. Looking at Seifer again her eyes became wide. "Your alive?!" That was all she said before talking the tall blond and throwing Zell off of his bed once again.
Seifer hit the bed and lost his breath. To say that he was surprised would have been an understatement. Not only had Zell saved his life the night before but Selphie was so excited to see him alive.
Irvine stepped around to the side to look down at the fuming Zell, "Umm… hi." Zell hopped to his feet and disappeared into the closet.
Meanwhile Seifer was trying to get out of Selphie's crushing hug before he passed out from lack of air. He'd just gotten to Balamb and already he was half dead.
"Selphie hun. Your gonna kill him." Irvine smiled down at the both of them relieved to see his girlfriend so happy again. The war had had a strong impact on her and Seifer's disappearance had only added to the mess.
Selphie let him go and beamed down at him. "I've been wondering what happened to you for the longest time. I was beginning to expect the worst." She climbed off of him and sat on the bed next to him. "Are you naked under that sheet? And what where you doing in bed with Zell?"
She gasped and put a hand to her mouth, "Your Zell's secret lover and he hasn't been telling us that he meets up with you here."
Seifer looked at her like she was crazy for a second before bursting out laughing. "Me… and Zell… lovers…"
Selphie smiled and Zell chose that moment to emerge from his closet fully clothed. Blinking owlishly at them all he gave Selphie a confused look. "What did I miss."
Seifer stopped his laughter long enough to explain. "Chicken. She actually proposed that me and you are lovers." And he dissolved into another fit of laughter.
Zell looked at Seifer never having seen him laugh before and so freely at that. Then catching the nickname he became indignant. "Don't call me Chicken."
Seifer sat up abruptly. He had been so happy that they had actually accepted him that he'd let his guard down. He had to remember that he wouldn't be staying here long so he couldn't get attached. "Could I get some clothes now Chicken."
Zell noted the sudden change in attitude and walked towards the door. "I'll see if my mom's got anything for you yet." He disappeared out the door and down the stairs.
Irvine noted the change as well and his eyes narrowed. Something was wrong with this Seifer. He wasn't his usual arrogant self that they'd told him about and he was being extremely guarded. Irvine knew that being the Sorceress Knight he must have been on the run. People probably wanted him dead and judging from the scar they'd seen on his shoulder people had probably tried.
"So Seifer what have you been doing with yourself?"
It was a simple enough question with a complicated answer. He couldn't tell them that everyone who he'd killed he'd kept their names and know he was letting the get revenge. Being beaten and stabbed was not good for your health and was not something you told other people about.
So he opted for the simple answer. "Nothing."
Zell, with his great timing, entered then, clothes draped over his arm. "My mother got you some clothes in your size and has breakfast on the table. Lets all go have some."
Tossing the clothes to Seifer he led the others out the room knowing that Seifer would want some privacy.
"So Zell how did Seifer end up naked in your bed?" Selphie smiled at him seemingly innocent.
"Well he wasn't fully naked and I'll tell you over breakfast." Zell sat at the table telling them of his interesting night, leaving out the details he knew Seifer would want to be secret.
"And then I woke up and you were there." Zell finished his narrative and Seifer walked down the stairs to join them at the table. He arrogant swagger and cocky smirk were back on his face and he didn't bother to say anything as he sat at the table.
The meal was just starting to become uncomfortable when a rock smashed through the window. Zell ran to the door and flung it open stopping suddenly when he got a glimpse of the hundreds of people outside holding guns and various other weapons.
So it started out a little slow but hey it's exposition and stuff. Hopefully it'll pick up soon.
Please o please R&R. Even flames cus they're reviews too. And criticism and suggestions are welcome.