Just want to make one thing clear, as best as possible ...I think I've been watching too many Jap episodes of InuYasha, but anywho, I think that for InuYasha's "sit" command to take effect, Kagome has to say it in the japanese form (Osuwari!)...nevertheless, both works, I just find it easier to use, so that a ::tender moment:; isn't ruined XD

The next, (and last), chapter of S.t.w.f.!!!...I think I'm going to cry...::sniffle::...my first completed story...with such great reviewers...

It's been a great write...with great moments! ...Lest I get extremely emotional, I would like to say now, "Thank you" to everyone who's supported me, encourage me, and especially reviewed! Arigatou Gozaimasu!

Now let's get this over with T.T



Scars That Won't Fade



Chapter 13: The New Beginning



After much persuasion, InuYasha had reluctantly gotten in what he like to call the "metal beast", as they made their way down the road, following the ambulance to the hospital. InuYasha sat up front, as Sota sat in the back seat behind him, listening to some music on his walkman, trying to keep himself distracted. InuYasha mentally noted that he was as good at hiding his emotions as his sister.

His sensitive ears picked up the sound of Mrs. Higurashi's sad sigh, even though they were still under the hat. He chanced a glance, to find her eyes drooping lightly, quite contrary to her usually cheery disposition.

"InuYasha," she started, but stopped and sighed. She continued a few times, before finally giving up. "Look, I know I wasn't exactly supporting Kagome right now, or you for that matter, and though you might hate me for making her move, please try to understand. I did what I thought was best for my children. If I didn't succumb to his demans, they would get hurt. I don't want that to happen to them."

InuYasha sat, dumbstruck at her outburst. He had never hated her for moving Kagome away. Heck, the thought hadn't even crossed his mind. He was too busy missing her, and devising ways to slowly kill her father. Who was now, rest assured, put away for life on charges of attempted murder and child abuse.

"I...I understand," he said softly, a bit uneasy talking to her mother about such a sensitive topic, "That you may feel that she doesn't really want to speak to you right now. But I don't hate you, Mrs. Higurashi. I never thought about blaming you for the move, or anything really, since it wasn't your fault. Kagome told me about her past, and the only person I could think of to blame would be her father. If you don't mind me saying so," he added as an afterthought, not wanting to offend her.

She said nothing, but smiled sadly, and shook her head in the negative, signaling she didn't take offense.

"While Kagome may say things now...I think that with time, she'll trust you again. And I know she still loves you and values you greatly. Afterall, you are a big part of her life." He felt very awkward, talking about such serious matters, but as immature as he could be, he did have his manners and a mature side. Much to Kagome's disbelief.

She smiled, as they turned a corner, InuYasha used to it by now. "Thank you, InuYasha. I truly believe that she would forever hate me. And...it scared me. To have your own child despise you? Anyway, I'm glad you told me the things you did. And I'll have to mention to Kagome sometime that you can be quite the adult. I'm sure she'll find it interesting on many levels," she turned and winked at him, as he blushed slightly.

Pulling into the hospital parking lot, she ushered them out of the car and into the hospital, still a bit shaky. InuYasha scowled in protest at the "shooz" on his feet. Damn, they hurt. Walking through the emergency doors, InuYasha and Sota sat in the waiting room, as Kagome's mother filled out information sheets.



InuYasha sat with his head in his hands, his arms resting on his thighs for support. He was tired, worried, and extremely stressed, not to mention pissed that she would do something so reckless. He smirked sadly into his palms, realizing that he would've done the same for her.

After what seemed like an eternity, the doctor finally came out from the emergency doors, and approached them. He whispered something to Kagome's mom, that even he couldn't make out, as she stood. He followed suit immediately, and she motioned for him and Sota to follow.

He stared in wonder at the different tools and machines they passed by as they ventured deeper into the emergency department. He stopped, as the doctor and Mrs. Higurashi stopped, outside a single door. The doctor stepped aside, motioning his hand as a sign to enter, before walking away. He watched as her mother's hand trembled slightly on the doorknob, before opening it and walking inside.

He followed, and felt his throat choke up at the sight of her. He rushed to beside her bed, and immediately kneeled down beside her. Suction pads and IVs were placed in her arms along the main veins, as her shoulder was bandaged, a small amount of red showing but not enough to concern him...that much.

They sat in silence, as she slept, unaware of their prescence. About a half hour later, Mrs. Higurashi gently nudged her son, pointing to a very sad InuYasha who held her hand, as he rested his head by her side, watching her every breath. They left the room, the door closing with a small click. Silence ensued, broken every second or so by the monotonous beep of the heart monitor.

InuYasha sighed as he lay his head in her lap.

"I can't live without you Kagome. Please don't leave." He continued to talk to her, aware that she couldn't hear, but glad to speak to her anyway. "I can't believe you did something so reckless. Must be sticking around me too much."

He squeezed her hand softly, as he continued, "Gods, Kagome, I love you so much. Stay with me. I'll never stop loving you, I always want to be by your side. I promised to never let any harm come to you, but why did you have to do something so...reckless?"

"Because people do crazy things when they're in love..?" Her voice resounded through the air, tired and strained.

His head shot up from her lap, as he inched closer, brushing some soft bangs off her face.

Her eyes closed sleepily, as a smile crept onto her face. "Gods, I must look such a mess," she said.

He smiled. "You look fine. You can't look horrible if you tried."

She smiled once more, "I'm just glad they didn't stick anything up my nose," she joked, more of a statement.

She patted the space beside her, and InuYasha carefully crawled onto the bed. There was enough room for his entire body to lay down comfortably by her side, as his hand held onto hers tightly. Lifting her head slightly, she adjusted the pillow so that his head could rest on it too. He buried his nose in her hair and breathed deep. How he missed that smell.

She rolled her head to the side, her eyes now open, as she focused on his face. A frown darkened her features, as she asked the question she had been dying to. Almost literally.

"InuYasha? Is my father..."

"He's gone. Your mother said he got the life sentence whatever that means. Is that a good thing...?" he asked, confused, due to the fact that hew knew nothing about laws from her time.

"Mm, yes, that's a good thing. A very good thing," she replied, "That means he'll never be able to come near us again, or anyone for that matter."

"Good," he mumbled as they fell into comfortable silence.

Kagome closed her eyes once more, as the many medicines they had given her slowly took effect, making her increasingly drowsy.

"Ne, InuYasha," she said, a slight frown on her face. She waited until she got his attention, forcing her eyes open to look at him. "I just realized...I never got the chance to tell you how much I love you."

He smiled, as he gently kissed her cheek. "Actions speak louder than words, Kagome."

She smiled, as her eyes closed once more. "Well now you have actions and words. Now kiss me, before I fall asleep."

He smiled, and obeyed, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. She broke, squeezing his hand gently, as she fell into a deep sleep, him relaxing beside her.

Outside, Mrs. Higurashi peeked a glance, as InuYasha seemingly fell asleep beside her daughter. Smiling, she backed away from the window, giving the couple their privacy. Maybe there was hope to mend Kagome's heart afterall.



Stepping out of the car three weeks later, Kagome found herself staring at the front gates not of her previous house, but of the shrine. Her shrine. Tears came to her eyes, as InuYasha supported her, his hand on her arm. Her mother came to her other side, placing her arm on the opposite one of Kagome's, smiling as she too took in the view. Sota stood infront of her, as she smiled tearfully.

Her mother and her had made amends, and everything was back too how it was before...and how it would forever remain.

"I figured that we couldn't live without it. It's our home, afterall, the one that is where we feel most safe and loved."

Kagome hugged her mother as best she could, as they slowly made their way up the steps, InuYasha helping her patiently along the way. Reaching the top, Kagome found her gaze drifting off to the Goshinboku. An elated smile brightened her face, as she silently thanked the tree, for bringing her the greatest gift of all.

As she walked shakily to the front door, it opened, as her grandfather stood in the doorway, smiling. More tears came to her eyes, as she hugged him. She was finally home.



Days turned into weeks, turned into months. Kagome no longer went to school, rather she became home schooled and tutored, seeing as her life in the past was becoming increasingly important, her stays longer. Also, the school refused to let her pass the grade with so many absents.

She sat in the grass, the sun shining down on her face, as she breathed the clean, crisp air of the past. No pollution, no buildings to block the sun. Pure nature at its best.

A shadow emerged beside her, and she smiled, knowing the owner. InuYasha sat down beside her, nuzzling her neck as she smiled. Turning her head, she kissed him softly, as he responded, taking the kiss the next step. They broke for air, as she smiled, leaning into his embrace.

His face trailed down to her stomach, where she rested her hand lightly. He placed his hand atop hers, as he gave her a smile, as they both thought about their future.

Kagome lay in the arms of the man she loved. Looking up to the clear sky, she couldn't help but wonder what her life would be like right now without him. She definately wouldn't be as happy, she resolved, as her eyes slowly started to drift shut. After the next year, their lives would be totally different. But not that either of them were complaining. If anything, they couldn't wait to begin the new journey that life had brough them. One full of happiness, commitment...and love.



THE END! ::SOB::...It's done...already...::wah::...oh well...it was a lot of fun

Thanks to all who've reviewed!

(P.s., sorry for so many cliffies...especially chapter 12, but as I explained, my head was pounding...)

So thanks once again to everyone! You guys made it possible for me to continue!

Luv yaz! Please R&R XD

