The Dragon Has Landed.

Disclaimer : After a LOT of thinking I finally came up on this Re-Re-Write.

"Blah" :Words.



"Sorry Naruto-kun but I can't die yet."


"Your future is...death!!!"


Blood...blood and pain was felt through my body that saved the only person that excepts me.My master ,my precious person.It's not enough...the time I spent with him...I wish I got another chance with him.Pain was all I felt....agonising pain but it doesn't compare the hurt in my heart that I have to leave him..leave... Zabusa....I wish I have a nother chance....

"ZaBuSaSan...." Haku caughed out blood and died smiling up at the shocked Kakashi.

The sky was snowing that day as Zabusa lay down beside Haku's body.Gatou was dead and the Village of the Wave country was free of Gatou's power.The bridge of 'Hope' will be finished because of the deed Naruto and his team did.

"I wish I could go to the same place as you too...Haku.."

"Wish Granted" said a figure and disappeared in a flash of light.


Another time another place.....

"Ranma no Baka!!"

"Airen bring Shampoo on Date yes?"

"Ranchan I've come for the date you promised !!"

"Ohhoohohohoho..Come with me Ranma-sama and we shall live happily ever after away from these lowborns"

"Ranma !! How dare you go two timing Akane? Prepare to DIEEE."

"Un-hand the red haired pig tail goddess Saotome you evil cur !!"

"Saotome !! How dare you seduced my Shampoo !!"

"Boy you must unite the Schools !!"

"Ranma-kun you still owe me 5,000 yen."

Just another typical day in Nerima? NO,this time it's a little different.

"AAARRRRGGHHHHH I have had it with you all !! " screamed Ranma as he leaped away from the crazy crowd.#This is crazy,day in day out all the same fucking assholes are after me.I wish it was all different.# He came accross a shop and decided to go in because the sky was getting dark and clouds were gathering around the horrizon.

#Cling# the sound of the bell startled the old shop keeper from a nice nap.

"How can I help you young man?" said the shop keeper.

"Oh nothing sorry,I was just trying to take some cover away from some people." said Ranma.

"Oh in that case why don't you come in a little closer,it will get a little cold from time to time in a weather like this."

"Huh?" then a sound of thunder could be heard as the rain poured heaveily outside.

"Yup it's raining bad alright."

"Yeah...I guess so...."

"Say you are that Ranma guy right? The most powerful guy in Nerima? I've heard alot about are one lucky guy to have so many cute girls following you." said the old man.

"Well you can keep the girls.I hate my life here.I....I need a change."said Ranma.

" seemed troubled.Care to tell this old man?"

Ranma told the old man everything from the trainning of the Neko-ken,Jusenkyo,The Amazons,Ukyo and the stolen Yettai,Akane and her father..from the fights at Mount Pheonix to the failed wedding attempt.The Old man listened quitly shaking his head at Ranma's misfortune.

"And...and I think I'm not sure if I loved her anymore.They treat me like an object , not a person....And I have to hide from my own mother because of this fucking curse." finally he gave out a long sight."I think I'm loosing it...I just can't keep it together anymore."

"C'mere young man,I'll show you something." then Ranma followed the shop keeper to an old Mirror.

"This is the mirror of change.Only the truly worthy can have the answer of the Goddess that controls the time." said the old man.

"Time?Goddess? Sorry I'm affraid I've sworn off magic and Gods."said Ranma and started to turn back.But then he have this feeling...this gut feeling telling him to trust the legend,trust the mirror.He looked hard into the mirror and took a deep breath.

"I wish I could have a new beginning.One where I can make my own dicisions and make my own life.One without all the curses and fear of.c-c-c-felines."

Suddenly he saw a girl smiling at him. "Wish Granted." then he was blinded by the light.

----------------------- real Earth.

"You are a shame to our family.A curse upon us.Damn you,if I could I would disown you.Get out of my sight!!" screamed a man in his fifties at a teenager.

"Yeah...whatever." then he walked out the door.

#Damn pricks.Even my own dad don't trust me now.Those mother fuckers better watch out before I kick their ass.#

He bumped into a group of kids about his age and fell on his rear.

"Hey it's the geek.Get up you fucker." said the tall one and he holds Max by the coller.

"What the fuck you want asshole.Because of you guys I don't HAVE a home." spat Max at the guy holding him and kicked his groin.

"OWWWCCHH Fuck him...get him boys." cried the leader.

"Comon I'm letting out some steam here."

10 minutes later all was left on the ground was Max's beaten form .They punched and kicked him until he can't even feel his own hands or body.The pain was numbing his body as he slowly slips into La-la land.

The skies thundered as the hard rain poured down on the figure lying there on the streets.His battered from unmoving until a beeping sound startled him.Max took out his cellphone by his pocket.Surprised that it was still working.

#A Message?# he pressed the recieve button and read the message from...huh? Unknown? whatever.

'Dear Max, you have been picked to win a trip to somewhere unexpected if you reply this message in 2 minutes.Happy Life.'

#A trip? Yeah like that's gonna happen...oh well might as well do it since I have no home.# he pressed the write box and replied.

'Who ever you are, I hope this is worth it.Yeah I accept your trip.' then pressed send.

He dropped his cellphone on the puddle because the pain was coming back at him."Arrggh my arm...they fucking bruised it..." he tried to get up but slumped down again ,his ankle was twisted.

Then the puddle glowed and all he heard was a sof voice called out."Wish Granted." then Max passed out from the pain.


"Huh? Where am I? This...oh no not this place..." Haku was clad in a rug with a cain tied around his neck.Not this place...this is the same place where I..I killed daddy...

Haku found out that he was in his young body when he was five years old.

Then he heard a mumble from behind him and turned around to find...two boys waking up.One was wearing a red chinese shirt and wore black kun fu pants with a pig tail tied to his head.He was cute as he looked at him cluelessly with those beautiful blue eyes...those eyes are like Naruto's.

The other was abit older than him it seems...wearing a dark blue T-shirt and wearing long Khaki pants.His hair was untidy as it covered his eyes.He saw him and his mouth gapped open.

"No way." said the second boy.

"Huh? What the hell am I doing in this body? AARrgghh I am shrunk again !!" cried the younger boy.

"Um...excuse me but who are you two? I don't remember you two in my memory." said Haku as he asked the two boys.

"I'm Ranma Saotome....sorry 'bout this." said Ranma and put his hand behind his head scratching with his clueless face and bowed a little.

"Just call me Max." said the second boy.

"I'm Haku please to meet you." then he started to stand but was pulled down by the cain on his neck.

"Holy cow who did this to ya? " asked Ranma as he tried to break the cains but to no avail.

"It's no use Ranma,you are only six or five.We seemed to be back in our younger bodies ...or at least it's you and me."said Max.

"Huh? did you know? " asked Ranma.

"Well the last thing that heppened to me was me trying to save Zabusa and then I appeared here."

"I was in a shop,I made a wish to a mirror and I woke up here." said Ranma.

"I...I was beaten up and nearly died but I recieved a message about going on a trip and I appeared here." said Max.

"So you two almost died and appeared here huh? Well I wished to live a new life but I didn't expect this."

"Me too." said Max.

"I wished about being able to see Zabusa-san again and this is the place where I first meet him." said Haku.

Then they heard foot steps coming closer to them.Ranma went to a stance and Max took a piece of wood to defend himself.Haku just waited patiently as he knew who the footsteps belonged to.

A man in Jounin uniform,a large sword tied behind him,he have bandages coveing his lower face as he stared at the trio."Humph...pitiful kids.No one wants you anymore and you are left to die here alone."

"Yeah well who asked you 'ya half dead freak." shouted Ranma in a threatening voice...only it sounded cute because he was young and chibi.

"You...the Demon Zabusa eh?" growled Max under his breath low enough not to be heard by Zabusa but loud enough to be heard by Ranma and Haku.

"You're eyes are like mine mister.." said Haku and smiled at Zabusa.

"Humph...I think I have something do after all." said Zabusa to himself as he approached the three.He took out his sword and slashed Haku's cain off the wall.Ranma taught he was going to kill HAku and leaped towards Zabusa with a kick ,surprising everyone.Unfortunately because of his smmall frame he was knocked away by the handle of Zabusa's sword and slammed on Max.

"Che...if I was bigger ....." chidded Ranma as he wiped the blood from his lips.Max helped Ranma up and glared at Zabusa.

"Hands off my friends or else...." said Max #Or else what? We'll get least not Haku since he have that Bloodline thing.#

"Hah as if you three can do anything in that pathetic atempt at attacking.But you have guts," Zabusa pointed at Haku "You have a bloodline do you not? How about being my tool.Being a ninja?"

"Yes I would like that..." smiled Haku and he ran at Zabusa's side."Hey guys come on he will train us to be Shinobis and we can family." the finally part was said in a low shy voice but was heard nonetheless.

Ranma stood up straight and said proudly "I am the heir of The Saotome Ryu of The Anything Goes Martial Arts.I am a Martial Artist not a ninja.Protect the weak not kill like you ninjas.Besides,I fought ninjas back home and they are soooo LAME !!!"

Max boinked Ranma's head and whispered in his ears "Oy, but that was when you are older not in this body you baka." Ranma wraps his hands on his head, that hit actually hurt."I...I guess you're right,but I know all the things I need to train back to my old self." replied Ranma.

"Martial Artists? Hah,well I gotta admit that kick was pretty good but it's not good enough.Those ninjas you faught must've be drop outs from the academy or something.Why not join me and I shall train you.You two may not have the blood limit like this one but I see potential in you."

"Ofcourse I have potential,I am the best in Nerima..umff" before Ranma could say anything more Max covered his mouth and whispered in his ears."What the hell you're talking baka? He offered to train us.The way of the Ninja here is different than Nerima. Plus,you still need to remember that it was all in the that you are the best.You can't even last this place in our current state.I say we join him."

"But...." then he saw the look Max gave him and let out his breath.."Alright...but I'm doing my own Kata."

And so the four left the broken house and started their journey as Shinobis,the shadow warriors.The fighters of the night the NINJA.


(A/N: How's that? I locked my Victor-Ko account and tried to put this up.Please give me your precious reviews.If anyone wants to read 'The Dragon Has Landed' of the original one then please go to the Ranma Category.It's labeled as 'A Dragon From Above')