I Want the Fire Back
Summary: Hermione is obsolete – the War is over, Harry and Ron are busy, and she the mere Charms teacher at Hogwarts. When a presumably dead man comes back better than ever, she suddenly means everything... to him. SiHr
Rating: R for language, themes, sex, and whatever else may come out of my twisted little mind.
Disclaimer: It's not me who owns these characters or any plots associated with the Harry Potter books.
Chapter 1: Back in Black
Hermione wondered aimlessly around Hogwarts corridors, wishing to catch a student out of bed snogging wildly with someone from another house. Usually Hermione would never be in so dire need of something as… scandalous as that, but her life had taken a precarious turn. Now separated from her two best friends, Ron and Harry, the Golden Trio ceased to exist. Now in existence were the Courageous Duo – Ron and Harry, the most daring Aurors since the days of the Marauders – and Hermione Granger… Charms professor. Complete bleh, when you come to the latter in the sentence.
"Just admit it, 'Mione," the young woman used her own nickname as she talked to herself, "You were a know-it-all bookworm in school, and it led you to become a know-it-all bore in society."
Giving up her improbable hope of finding the scandalous students, she let her feet take her wherever they pleased. No students were likely to be out of bed anyways – it was the first night of a new term, and tomorrow would be her first year as Hogwarts new Charms professor. Maybe she would be like Binns, and continuing teaching after death because she was so used to routine and the such that she didn't know anything as horrid as her own life ending.
Heaving a great sigh, Hermione twisted open the door handle in front of her. Expecting to enter her own quarters, she was a little surprised to notice that the room she had entered was indeed, not her quarters.
The room was large and square; as it had been in the past, and now the only thing that was in it was a large doorway in front her. It was surrounded in intricate carvings and it appeared to be completely black inside. No noise, motion, or light came from within it.
Creepy, Hermione admonished as she turned her now tired self around to exit the Room of Requirement.
The door was gone.
Calming herself slightly, Hermione thought of what could possibly be happening. Room of Requirements… obviously I 'require' what is in the other doorway, and then I'll be able to leave.
Step by step she neared the black ominous door, and then she began to notice something. She felt drawn to it, against her will… and now that she lessened the distance between herself and the door, and saw a think black veil was gently flapping on the front. It eerily reminded her of the one Sirius had fallen through five years ago.
She shuddered, and summoned her Gryffindor courage to gently touch a hand through the veil.
And out fell to her feet, a very struggling, skinny, pissed off Sirius Black.
No wonder it had eerily reminded her of the veil Sirius had fallen through five years ago.
Showing that previously mentioned Gryffindor courage, Hermione Granger uttered a small 'eep' and fell to the floor next to the man she had saved.
Sirius started, seeing the woman fall next to him, and turned wildly around trying to find what had knocked her unconscious. Seeing nothing, he peered down into her face. Dark lashes on slightly round, beautiful cheeks, full pink lips, and a stubborn looking jaw. She had flowing brown hair, and was dressed in a baby blue robe showing her womanly curves. And on top of all the changes, Sirius immediately recognized his godson's best friend.
He sighed, running his hand through his much too long hair. What to do, what to do.
Sirius, although giddy at having been rescued, was still not horribly shocked at this event. He knew, just knew Harry and Dumbledore and the Order would have figured out that he was still alive. He knew they would have searched for him, and found him. He clung to that hope, which was what kept him alive in… that… that place. But what he hadn't expected was to re-enter his world to find Hermione Granger, alone and in her nightclothes waiting for him. Sounded a bit risqué put like that. He had expected Dumbledore, Order members, and most of all, Harry; all milling about excited to see him. But such was not the case.
Seeing Granger's wand lying next to her hand, he picked it up and muttered an awakening spell to revive her. A little surprised at still being able to perform magic, he smiled. It had been so long… how long he did not know, but obviously long enough for Hermione to become gorgeous.
I'm a randy old pervert! Sirius groaned as his eyes traveled her now awakening body, She's half my age!
He shook his self out of his randy-ness as her eyes fluttered upon, revealing golden brown orbs of curiosity and shock.
"The one and only, love," the ebony eyed man smirked his charming school days smirk, and pulled the young woman to her feet.
"Jesus," Hermione moaned, putting a thin hand to her face.
"No, no, Sirius – you were right the first time," his smirk broadened.
It hit her that he just had to be him in the flesh, now – only this man could annoy her and make her want to hug him at the same time like that. Not that she would have ever admitted to wanting to hug him the last time she had seen him in her fifth year… The same year she had accused him of living through Harry and them… the same year he had died without ever hearing her apology. Who could blame the guy, anyways? He certainly had no life of his own to live… not after what he had been through. And yet, here he was before her, cracking jokes after he had just came back from beyond death.
What a nutter.
"Don't faint on me again, 'Mione," Sirius reached out and held her arm as she teetered unsurely on her feet.
He called me 'Mione… she shook herself, Dammit, Granger, focus. Supposed dead guy telling you not to faint.
"I didn't faint," she protested lamely, "I… went into shock." She huffed and pursed her pouty lips, her cheeks slightly flushed at attempting to appear strong and unyielding. After 20 years of not having… ahem, been with a woman, this was enough to make Sirius' jaw twitch. He wanted to kiss her, so so badly… Must… remain… non… chalant…
"Hmm-mm, shock of seeing my ruggedly handsome face," Sirius regretted saying this the moment the words came out, for two reasons: One, he was flirting with someone half his age; two, he didn't actually know what he looked like, and it was undoubtedly horrid; and three (Ok, he was wrong, it was not two reasons) he was flirting badly with someone half his age.
To his surprise and relief, she giggled. Granger just giggled at something I said?
Almost knowing that Sirius was referring to her by surname in his head, she responded with: "Black, you're the only man I know that can do this to me."
Was his long-lived fantasy of finally having a beautiful woman throw herself at him going to happen after 20 years? Sirius, unable this time to remain completely nonchalant, stood with his mouth slightly open.
Afraid she had said something unacceptable or offensive, Hermione quickly explained.
"You're the only man I know who can come back from the dead and be as sarcastic as Draco Malfoy… well Malfoy without the cynical-ness, and make me want to laugh, cry, and jump up and down at once."
He nodded in understanding, silently wishing that she would jump up and down for just a bit… Hey, she looked as if she getting a little cold. Jumping would, ah… Certainly get the blood flowing.
Yeah, Sirius thought, groaning, flowing in my nether regions.
A/N: Sorry it was so short, but it's just the first chapter, and I'll be updating tomorrow if I get enough reviews. So tell me what you think.