
Piksi: We don't own Gundam Wing or anything like that. We tried to lay a claim on them...Angel now has a missing shoe that she thinks Bandai stole because we tried to claim it. So...we don't own it.
Angel: They think I'll be deterred by one lost shoe? Never! I shall prevail! Just you wait, Bandai...Gundam Wing shall. Be. MINE!
Piksi: ::mumbles something that sounds like 'She has issues' and walks away::

AN: (see bottom)

Chapters: 3/13

September 2004 – Angel & Piksi

This Is Home

"Duo, do you ever wonder why you're failing economics?" Duo looks up at the question, grinning.

"It's because I don't like it, right?" he asks, and I roll my eyes, laughing.

"That too, but I was thinking more along the lines of you don't do your work. Why don't you just work with Wufei?"

Duo makes a face. "Because he always hits on me when you're not around."

I raise an eyebrow. "Oh?" I ask, and he nods.

"Ah, but who came blame him? It must be my charm."

I snort. "Of course it is. Well then, do you want my help with it then?" I ask, and he beams.


Mr. Merrick, the math teacher, isn't a cruel man by nature. Or, at least, that's what he says. Quatre's just about the only one who believes it, though. "Heero, did you finish those questions last night?"

I nod, and Quatre makes the puppy dog eyes. "Why didn't you do them?" I ask, and Quatre blushes.

"Well, Trowa came over last night to study bio..." They're in the same bio class by the way.

"Why do I get the feeling you skipped the worm part and moved straight to the human anatomy instead?" I ask and Quatre grabs the papers and turns around. "Aww is lil' Quatre embarrassed?" I ask, and he gives me the finger. "I asked if you were embarrassed, not about your sex life." I state, and he reaches back to swat at me without turning. We have a great relationship, the two of us. I tease and he gets flustered. It's really great. "So, Quatre, what do you think of Duo?" I ask, leaning forward to peer over his shoulder.

"I love him! He's cute. Why?"

I shrug as nonchalantly as I can. "No reason. Just, you know, wondering."

Quatre turns to look at me. "Oh? You know, Hee-chan, if you weren't asexual, I'd think you liked him." Trust Quatre to this nail head on. "And that you want to know if he's said anything about you." Twice even. He's got good aim.

"Yeah... well... has he?" I know I'm blushing.

Quatre grins, turning back around to finish copying the questions. "He could have" he states. He's purposely driving me crazy! I know he is!

"A simple yes or no would suffice, Winner." I state testily.

Quatre looks up again. "Ouch. Lighten up. This guys totally nuts for you."

That perks me up. "He is?" I ask.

Quatre smiles. "Well, he acts like it. And he thinks you're cute."

I grin. "Thanks Quatre. You're the best."

November first. Today I try out for the school play. Not that I wanted to; it's sorta geeky. But for English, it was either try out for Romeo and Juliet or write and perform your own play. I don't want a big part; I'm trying out for a non-speaking role. Quatre's trying for narrator, while Duo's all excited about trying for Romeo.

"As long as Relena's not Juliet." He states, looking at the script in his hands. Relena is convinced that she'll get the role of Juliet, but she's a horrible actress. She's been a tree the past two years running.

"Don't worry. She's tree material, that's about it." I state, as Quatre's name is called. "Good luck, Q-man!" I call.

Duo smacks my chest. "You say break a leg! It's bad luck to wish someone good luck before they do anything acting related."

I nod. "Break a leg then!" I holler towards Quatre's retreating back. He waves over his shoulder.

The results aren't posted until last period; the crowd around them is huge. "Heero! You're Recucio!" Trowa calls. He's the only one tall enough to push his way through the crowd to the front. "Q, you're the narrator. Duo, you're Romeo."

Duo squeals. It's cute. "Yes!"

We decide to go out for ice cream to celebrate. We send Wufei up with our orders and find a table. "You know, we should most defiantly do this more often." Quatre offers, smiling.

I grin. "What; spend Trowa's money?" I ask. Trowa sticks out his tongue. Incase you hadn't guessed, the ice creams his treat.

"...Yes." Quatre blinks innocently; he almost makes me forget how devious he is. Almost.

"Oh, Heero! So nice to see you here! Do you mind if I sit down?" The shrill, annoying voice can only mean one thing... my luck hasn't changed and Relena has, unfortunately, not been hit by a way ward train.

"Hello, Relena. Actually, yeah, I do mind if you sit there. It's Duo's seat." She sits down anyway, ignoring the fact that none of us want her here. Duo went to help 'Fei with the ice cream, and when they return, he looks slightly hurt that Relena's in his spot. I look at him helplessly.

"Uh, 'scuse me, 'Lena, but that's my seat you're in. Could you please move?"

Relena nods at the next table over. "I'm positive you can find another seat. Heero wants to sit near me." I shake my head quickly, because I don't. I really, really don't.

"Relena, get lost" Hilde states, finally. We can always trust Hilde to get the point across.

Relena glares at Hilde. If looks could kill... "You get lost, Hilde. Go back to your orphanage and leave those of us with parent's alone." Ah, yes. I was waiting for that to start. Relena thinks that any of the orphanage kids are scum or something. She's one snobby- "Heero, don't you think that orphans should just stay home? Why go to school when we all know the only job they're acceptable for is gas pumping?"

I glare at her. What right does she have to say that? I look at Duo, who has murder in his eyes. "Relena, there's something wrong with you. Incase you hadn't noticed, your not better than everyone else. So get off your fucking high horse and out of Duo's seat." I state, growling. Relena stares at me, shocked. Quatre, who has more hatred in his eyes than I've ever seen before, stands up, ready to pounce if necessary.

Relena glares at Hilde and Duo. "Nobody wants you at our school." She hisses, standing up.

Quatre snaps; you can feel it. He grabs his soda and dumps it on Relena. "Nobody wants you around Relena. Heero doesn't like you. You are a rich snobby bitch with no friends. You enjoy hurting people; especially those less fortunate than you. Your own brother despises you; you're a disgrace to all of us with status. I revoke the invitation to the Winner banquet my father sent you, and if you show up, so help me Allah, I'll see to it that you are physically thrown out myself." The harshness in his voice is nothing compared to the fire in his eyes and Relena, looking like a drowned rat, stands up.

"You... you... you faggot! You ruined my blouse!" she screeches, eyes wide in shock.

She moves to slap Quatre, and Trowa grabs her arm halfway. "If you touch my boyfriend, I will personally break every bone in your arm." He states, calmly. Trowa has a way of scaring people shitless, and it works; Relena recoils.

"I will make your life a living hell, Winner." She states, before flouncing off in a huff.

People around us cheer, and Duo looks at the wet seat. I motion for him to sit in my chair with me, and he does, a wide grin on his face. "That," he states, trying not to laugh, "was the best thing ever."


Piksi: Sorry for the long wait... TT been busy with school and such. It's starting to get colder outside, so those flames will defiantly help me stay nice and toasty at night.
Angel: Heh. You know what comes up when I type in Gundam? Gonads. Go figure. Gonad Wing, baby! Okay. Here's the deal. I have so many chapters already written; you all need to get on Piksi's case to get it typed up! ::nods:: That, and, you know. Review or the cute braided baka gets it.