diaclaimer: I'm mad. I had a great story going about Joey and Tristan( not yaoi) and I lost it! It just up and Fing disappeared! So this one will have to do. I don't own nothin and enjoy.

Tristan wiped sweat from his brow. The summer's night heat was intense. He stared up at the enourmous tower that was Kaiba Corp. It reminded him of the juvinille hall he and Joey were sent to when they were eleven. Him and Joey were egging some little bastard who had squealed on them for stealing the key the the vending machines and taking the money. The cops came, they resisted arrest and ran like hell. Of couarse they were caught. Tristan's rich ass parents could have cared less about him and Joey's drunk dad didnt even show up for the court hearing. Well that was the first time and there would be three others in their future. But now this was about Kaiba Corp. A friend of theirs was killed during construction on the new branch and they had been planning the revenge since. You see Kaiba didnt even take responsibility for it. He didnt apologize to Yugi's family, or help pay for the funeral. He had to pay. Tristan glanced over to Joey. "You ready?" "Always." Joey slipped two pipes out of his jacket sleeves and Tristan revealed a crowbar. As they neared the place, Joey picked up a brick and hurled it through the glass doors. They shattered to pieces with a loud crash. Immediatley the alarms rang out. They both stepped through the broken threshold and began their revenge.

"What the hell?!" Kaiba leapt up frpm his desk and looked out the window. He watched Joey and Tristan enter his company. "Those lowlifes." A security guard walked into the office. "Sir, to gangsters have entered the coumpound. The cops are on their way." "Not good enough! Get your ass down their before they trash my work!" "Yes sir!" He ran out of the room. "Those fools will pay."

Tristan kicked a computer off of the desk. It smashed to the ground and sent off sparks. He flipped the desk over and began bashing it in. Joey worked the windows. He whiped a potted plant through one of the large glass paines. He continued to smash them with his pipes. Just then the elevator doors opened and five security guards ran in. "Joey! We got company!" Joey turned in time to bash one in the face with one of his pipes. "Split up! Meet outside." Tristan nodded. He wiped his crowbar at an oncoming guard. He bashed him in the skull and he fell to the floor. Tristan headed for and open elevator, boarded it, and headed to the fifth floor.

Joey rammed his way through the second floor door from the stair well. It was filled with desks and computers. Instently he smashed them one by one. After that he removed a water bottle from his pocket and spilled it all over the desks. They werent filled with water, they were filled with gasoline. He then pulled out a bax of matches and tossed several lit ones onto the desks. They exploded into orange and red flames. As he admired his work he heard the bell on the elevator as it hit the floor. He broke into a run into the stair well again, on his way to the next floor.

When the doors of the elevator opened, Tristan realized that the floor was actually a bed room, a little kid's bedroom. He looked at the name on the door, just diagonal from him. It said Mokuba Kaiba. Kaiba's little Bro!"Time for ultimate revenge!" He then saw the small boy looking at him from across the room. "Hey! Get out!" He shouted. their was a loud crack and a suit burst through the door. He was holding a nine millimeter! "Hey! Get him out of my room!" The suit replied by firing off a couple of shots. Tristan took cover behind a computer desk. Splinters of wood blasted off from the shots. Tristan grabbed the laptop off the desk and chucked it at the guard. It hit him in the chest. He tumbled to the ground. Tristan acknowledged this by jumping on him. The began to wrestle over the gun. Suddenly a shot range out. THeir was a faint thump. They both stopped and looked over to where the kid was. He was now in a pile on the ground, motionless.

Joey reached floor three. This room was filled with test equiptment, and mechanical parts. He walked over to one mechanical part that was on a cart. With ease he shoved it through a window. It plungged into the parking lot, crushing three cars. Then with a loud bang the exploded into flames. He then went into a smashing rage. Suddenly another person burst into the room. Joey spun around and threw one pipe at the figure. "OW! Fuck it Joey it's me! Tristan!" "Oh! Sorry Man." He ran over to his buddy. "We need to get out of here. I just shot Mokuba!" "What!!" "Yeah... I was wrestling with a guard over his gun and it went off. Caught the kid in the head." "We're leavin, Now!"
They ran down the stairs back to the lobby. No suits were present and the ran through the shattered doors. They could here the faint sounds of squad cars. " Man. I didnt mean for him to get killed." "Who cares," Joey's voice was stern and filled with anger, " we avenged Yugi. Now Kaiba'll think twice."
Up in his office, watching them run. "That's right, run. I am your supereor, you are scum. But dont think I wont get you, I will-" The door opened. "Mister Kaiba, we have bad news." "err... what is it." "I-is your brother, he...he's" "What is it? Out with it." "He's dead." kaiba's face changed to a hrrified look. "N-no, you're lying!" Another suit walked in behind the other, carrying his little brothes body. Kaiba walked over and put his hand on Mokuba's head. Tears dropped onto his cold face. "Iwill not rest until they die." Kaiba looked up at the guards. "It was the brown haired one." "Find him, then take everything from him!" Kaiba turned, his coat whipped around. He grabbed the computer off his desk and chucked it out the window. There was a loud crash and tud as it hit the ground from the top floor. "Do it soon!"

They awoke the next morning in Tristan's house. They were surronded by empty beer cans. "awww... My head..." There was a clatter of empty tin as Joey got up from the couch. Tristan was alone in his mansion. His parents finally admited that he was a mistake. They gave him his inheritance to support himself. Joey practically lived there aswell. He beat up his dad a while back and has stayed ever since. "Tristan didnt say anything as he recalled last nights events. Mokuba's body, bloody and lying motionless. He wanted to feel bad. He knew that killing was too far but he didnt feel bad about killing that bastard's son. "Hey man... i'm starvin. Anything round ere.?" Joey asked. "screw it let's just go to Denny's." So they did.

Domino was a very messed up town. Crimes happened all the time but the law inforcement was always paid off or they didnt care. As tey walked down the dirty streets, they realized they lived in crap town. They had just finshed their pancakes and they exited the run down building. "Hey Tristan I have somethins to take care of. I'll catch ya later." "Yeah I will be heading home." They tapped their fists together and parted. Tristan didnt know what that he would never see his friend again.

Joey walked through the back alleys. They were littered with trash and graffitie. Some that Joey and tristan had done. As he turned the corner he hit something and tumbled back words. He shook his head. "what the hell.." He looked up and saw Tow familiar suits. Kaiba security. "we need to talk," one said. "Yeah like hell we do." Joey turned to run but was met by two more suits. "Now!" They grabbed Joey and dragged him into a dark passage. From the shadows, Joey's mortal enemy emerged. "Kaiba!" "Yes, it is me. We dont really want to talk. This is a matter of what you did." "So we trashed your company, Who gives a shit?" He was punched hard in the stomach by one of the suits. He fell to the ground weezing. "Dont talk to me like that." He adjusted his coat. "Yes you destroyed my building but you also took something of mine." "We didnt steal nothin." Kaiba turned and punched Joey in the face. Joey felt a warm trickle run down from his nose. "You took my brother's life!" "So what?" He punched Joey in the face again. Joey spit blood on to the ground. "Shut up! Now I know it wasnt you, It was you friend." "I wont give Tristan up." " Oh really. How far would you go for him?" "I die for em." Kaiba's back was to him. "Good!" Kaiba spun around fast. there was a loud bang. Joey didnt even have time to blink. There was only a split second of pain between his eyes, then everything went black. The Suits released his dead body and it crumpled into a lump on the ground. "Now your friend will know what it feels like to lose the closest thing to him." He looked at his suits." Drop the body at the other one's house, then kill that bastard!" They nodded and dragged Joey's dead body away.

Tristan flipped the channels on the large, flat screen tv. Day time tv sucked. It was full of soap operas, news, and game shows. He reached the Price is Right. "What the hell..." He tossed the remote down and got up to get something to drink. As he entered the kitchen he caught sight of the clock. It was alread ten am. "Damn Joey where are you." He opened the fridge. He then heard a loud crash, so close to him it almost made him deaf. He felt shape shardes of glass scrape his bare arms. He fell to the floor covering his head. When there was no more sound he looked up. The large kitchen window was smashed to pieces. "What the fuck?" He then saw the objected that did the smashing. Joey's body lay limp just a few feet away from him. "Joey!" He scrammbled over to his friend. Part him knew that when he turned his body over that Joey would be dead. The bullet hole was clear along with the blood that covered his face. Tristan couldnt hold back the tears for his dead friend. They ran in rivets down his face. "damn you Kaiba!" The person he had met at age 6 was gone. Joey had rescued him from bully's in the first grade. Joey was the toughest kid from the start. They had been inceprible ever since they met. And now he was gone. Gone forever because of something he, Tristan, had done. "Dont worry you'll be joining him soon."
Tristan spun around to the voice. It was three suits. He swung his fist as hard as he could. The large hand of the suit grabbed his fist. There was a loud crunch and Tristan fell to the floor clutching his hand. With ease the guard had broken all of the bones in his hand. "Get him boys." The two behind him lurched forward. For seconds Tristan was about to give up, but he knew Joey wouldnt. Lightening fast, Tristan kicked the left guard in the balls. He cried out a high pitched scream and collapsed. He then kicked the other one in the gut. There was a faint smack but the guard didnt crumble. He grabbed Tristan's foot and lifted him over his head. He then chucked him through the glass doors out in to garden. It hurt like hell. Shardes of glass slashed his face and stabbed into his body. When he finally hit the stone terrace he couldnt move. A large piece of glass was stabbed into his left arm. Blood dripped down form almost every where. He felt two hands pull him to his feet. He looked up at the face of the largest suit. " You made a very large mistake. Your friend paid the price for that. Now it's your turn."
The large fist of the suit smashed into his face. He felt his nose being smashed. Bloody immedialty trickled down his face. His head hung limp. The guard sluged him in the stomach. Tristan lurched as the wind was sucked from his body. He thought to himself, just kill me already. I deserve it. If my best friend is dead, I have nothing to live for. The suit uppercutted his face, breaking his jaw. "Okay, I'm done playing." The suit pulled out a gun and pointed it at Tristan's chest. "So long," Tristan felt the sharp pain smashe through his chest, blasting bones to pieces. Tristan cough and sent a red spray splattering out onto the ground. The world around him began to fade away until it was black. Tristan collapsed onto the stone path, lifeless. "Drag his body into the house and place it next to the other one."
They tossed Tristan's body to the ground next to his dead commrade. The suit cleaned the gun of prints. " Murder suicide. The police will buy it." He placed it into Tristan's hand. "Okay boys let's roll." They exited the house. There was a squeal of the tires then the car sped off.

Tristan's hand twitched. Slowly the world came back into focus, aswell as the pain. He felt the burning in his chest, the pain in his face. Everything was rushing back to him. He had lived. Slowly he stood. Pain shot through his body and he grabbed the counter for balance. He clutched his chest. His heart was still pumping. He knew what had happend. The dumbass's had jolted to the right when the gun recoiled. The bullet had taken a curved path passsed his heart. He was alive but he didnt want to be. He looked down at his friends dead body again. Joey was dead and Tristan didnt want to live without him. But then he got that feeling again. He knew he couldnt quit. Throwing your life away wasnt the answer. Joey never regreted his life. Tristan couldnt die, he had to live.
Slowly Tristan dragged himself to the phone. he picked it up with his bloody hand and dialed the 911. A womans voice chimed in. " 911 operator, how may we help you." Tristan coughed sending a red pray onto the reciever. "Send an ambulence... The mansion on the hill, 14587 Domnio. Please hurry." The phone fell from Tristan's hand and he fell to the floor again. He had lost to much blood. Maybe he wouldnt live. The room began to fade again. "Im comin...Joey..."

3 months later

"Doctor! Quick! Mister Taylor has awken!" Doctor Marik Ishtar rose from his chair. As the rushed towards the room He asked, "Which one is mister Taylor." " He was shot in the Taylor Manor. He was shot in the chest. The bullet curved right and missed his heart by just millimeters! He's been in a coma ever since." " Does he remember what happened." "We havent asked yet." They entered Tristan's room. He was lying staring out the window. "Mister Taylor, I am Doctor Ishtar," Marik rushed to his side. " How are you feeling. "...great..." Tristan said without looking away from the window. "Do you remember what happened to you?" "...yeah... They killed my friend..." "Excuse me?" " Kaiba corp... We trashed it. I accidentilly killed his brother... they killed my best friend... my brother." "Yes... Mister Wheeler right?" "Joey...yep that's him..." Tristan shifted in his bed. All his wounds were healed but he still had the scars as reminders. "When can I leave?" He said staring them in the face. "Um... you did just wake up from a coma, you may need to go into-" Tristan leapt from the bed and grabbed Marik's throat. "No! I dont need rehab! My best friend is dead! Now if you like it or not, I'm checkin' out!" He tossed Marik aside and dashed out of the room. Marik got up on his elbows, rubbing his neck. "What are you doing? Get him!" The nurse nodded and ran out of the room.
Tristan dashed throught the hallways, toppling carts and file cabinents. He heard the intercom crackle on, "We have a mental patient on the loose, we need full cooperation in his subduing." Tristan stopped in front of a door marked SUPPLIES. He yanked the door open and entered, closing it behind him. It was filleed with empty syringes, spare gloves, extra masks, and... uniforms! He found his size and stripped of the gown he was wearing. He caught sight of the entrance wound of the bullet. He quickly dressed in the unifor and put a mask over his face and a cap on his head. Calmly he exited the room. Two doctors rushed past him but pain no attention. Caually he walked towards the garage.

Once there he found the ambulences. He would have hotwired one but the one driver somking next to one made it easier. He pulled the mask off his face aand walked over to him. He tapped him on the shoulder. The guy turned around. Tristan slammed his fist into the guys face and he fell to the ground, unconsious. Tristan found the keys in his pocket and opened the door to the vehicle. He turned the key in the ignithion and sped away from the hospital.

Tristan drove up to his mansion. It was surrounded with police tape. The grass was overgrown and many of the windows were smashed. Tristan exited the ambulence and walked up to the door of his house. He gave it an easy push and it creaked open. Everything was a mess. People had used it for a hang out for the cops didnt spend much time investigating anything. Kaiba probably paid them off. He walked stright into the kitchen. There was a door next to the fridge. It was easily mistaken for a closet. Tristan opened the door and walked down the wooden stairs. It lead into the basement. He and Joey had stored their knives and other weapons of destruction down their.
Tristan walked to the far wall. He slide the shelf aside and it revealed a small openeing. Inside were Tristan's dad's guns. He had never told Joey he had owned guns, partly cause Joey was attracted to deadly things, but mostly because nobody was ever meant to get killed. They would just hurt and harm. It became their main prioritey. Tristan picked up a dusty black backpack that lay in the corner. He started loading all of the guns. Harm wasnt a prioritey any more, killing was.

After Tristan stocked up on his weapons. He headed up the stairs to his room. It was untouched. He yanked open the dresser drawer and removed a metal box. He whipped it to the ground and it smashed open. Inside were many hundred dollar bills. He grabbed them all and stuffed them into his bag. He stripped over the uniform and began to dress in his street close. He pulled on a pair of black jeans and a belt. He strapped on his spiked wrist bands on both wrists. He wrapped a belt around the top of his right arm and a studded wrist band above the other one on his left hand. He then dug deep into his drawer and pulled out a black T-shirt. It had a white skull on it. He pulled it over his head and adjusted it. He caught site of himself in the mirror. He was a sorry excuse of a friend. He could have gone with Joey, they'd both be alive. Tristan whipped the metal box at the mirror. It cracked and several glass shards hit the ground. It was time to get re venge for Joey. He would earn his friends respect once more. He would punish Kaiba, and everyone around him.