Chapter 15
Serena sat on the grass, her head on her hands, not talking to anyone. Why should she? No one even tried to help her, why should she try to comfort other people,
"Mum, what are we going to do?" Shingo asked his mum, Irlene, and looked back at his sister. He might fool about and joke about her, but most of the times she made a come back but at the moment, she didn't.
"I think that we need to leave her alone for a while, she needs to talk to Darien." His mum suggested and took him by the shoulder into the house.
As they walked through the patio door, Darien walked out with a drink in his hand. He walked towards Serena on the floor and sat down beside her.
"Here, you need a drink." Darien passed the drink to her and watched her, as she looked it up and down.
Without any warning she chucked the drink on the floor and the cup smashed into a thousand pieces. Darien jumped back and landed with a hard thud on his bum. He rubbed his bum gently with his left hand and watched Serena as she took a piece of glass in her hand and studied it for a while.
"Glass, a form of sand. Do you think that they would have sand on the moon?" She asked randomly. Darien looked at the piece of glass and leaned over, he took it with his hands and put it back on the floor.
He took hold of Serena's hand and pulled her firmly but gently onto his lap."What do you think he will be doing to her Darien? My baby, my poor little baby!!!" Serena cried, the sobs endless. She didn't know what else to do, she couldn't stand and fight, she couldn't think of any plan; all she wanted to do was cry. The hormones from being pregnant were not helping the situation.
The baby inside her was one day in the future to be taken away and be used as some kind of ransom for the imperium crystal.
"Shhhh, we will get her back!! I promise!!" Darien replied trying to soothe her pain, while feeling the same amount inside himself.
He had to be strong, for her, for their future, they couldn't both crumble.
He put his arms protectively around her waist knowing that a little body was growing inside her and that he had to be careful.
"Darien, do you hate me?" She asked him snuggling deep into his lap.
"Of course not, why would you say that babe?" He spoke with worry, why would she think that?
"Well I lost our daughter, maybe if she hadn't been conceived then she wouldn't be with Razzi now with him doing God knows what to her." She said to him rubbing her hands up and down his.
"If Rini hadn't been conceived then she would never be here at all!!" He told her. Serena sighed and looked at the sky, she hated not knowing where Rini was.
"I want her back Darien, she needs me!! She has to be near me, she's going to be so scared. Darien please, we need to go and get her!!" She replied to the silence that surrounded the couple on the grass.
"You can't go anywhere, you are now looking after Rini in your stomach, you must stay safe!!"
"Darien, I have to go and get her, she needs me!!"
"Serena, you cant!! You might hurt the baby, we discussed this..." "Yes and I said that I would decide at the time and I have decided to kick Razzi's butt myself!!"
"But Serena, you cant!! Please if you do this you don't only put yourself in danger, but the life of our daughter. Please, the scouts and myself will go, we will get Rini back!!"
"You don't understand Darien!!" She shouted at him, she stood up quickly and pointed down at him "She called out 'mummy' when Razzi took her away from me, not 'daddy', not 'sailor scouts', 'mummy'!! SO it will be 'mummy' who comes to save her!! Got it?"
The girls stood round Serena and Darien and Raye helped Serena up as she moved out of Darien's lap.
Serena stood near the house and looked back at everyone else.
"Razzi had taken my baby, and I will go and get her with or without you!!" She shouted and shoved her arm in the air.
"Moon Cosmic Power Make-Up!!" She shouted and she was instantly gulped in colours of blinding light. The scouts looked at each other and nodded.
"Mars Star Power!!"
"Mercury Star Power!!"
"Venus Star Power!!"
"Jupiter Star Power!!"
All of the scouts transformed and looked over at Serena she had her hands on her stomach and smiled. She had a little baby to protect and come hell or high water she was going to do it!!
She looked up and smiled at the senshi, her senshi, her Imperial court who promised to protect her so far they had done a good job.
"Scouts, we have got a mission to do, which I expect you to do your best on as always!!" Serena said her princess mode revealing itself, not for the first time!! "As you all know, princess Rini has been taken hostage and we are going on a fight that will be very tough, to get her back. You as my court are one of the most important things to me, so I will protect you also with my life, if the time comes that I cannot go any further I want you to give me your word that you will carry on and save the princess." Serena said looking from one scout to the next.
"But Serena we..."
"Mars, I want you to promise me not 'but' me!!" Serena shouted.
"Yes your highness!!" They all chanted.
"Good, now please go home, say goodbye to your families and we will meet back here within the hour, anyone who fails to do so will be left behind, is that clear?" Serena questioned.
The scouts looked straight at her. "Yes your highness!!" They said in unison again and turned and ran off towards their homes.Serena looked at Darien. "Well?" She asked him. He frowned and shook his head.
"I am sorry Serena I will not go!!" He said simply turning and walking in the other direction and out of her garden, out of her life forever!!
I am sorry that i have been neglecting you, i will not do it again!! PLease review this and i will put the next chap up as soon as pos. Luv you all luv bobs xxxxxxx