Serena Ditz
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Serena awoke the same way every morning. She was always late for school. She shoved her legs straight out from under the covers and ran into the bathroom, waiting for the ever reassuring sound of her mum making her quick breakfast in the microwave, but no sound came. Serena paused in pursuit and shouted down to her mum. "Mum?" There was no answer, "Mum!" She shouted even louder being sure that she'd get a reply that time. Nope, no answer came the reply. Serena shoved her last piece of school uniform on and ran down stairs. She could hear voices coming from the living room. She could hear Luna, Irlene, Ken, and Darien... What was he doing there? Serena tip toed to the door and placed her ear quietly against the wooden barrier curious to hear what was said. "Serena has to be ready for this fight against Razzi Prazzailenus, she can't be expected to wake up early, go to school then after school fight evil and come home at about 12 at night. You know how tired Serena gets, never mind nearly missing half the sleep she is meant to get every night." Serena heard Luna say and was nearly shocked at the thought of Luna not wanting her to go to school. She always said, "Scouts have to study as well." "I agree, we have hardly had time to see each other at all, since she fought evil every night." Came the reply from Darien. Serena laughed, he was always so protective. But before she could laugh she tripped back on one of Sammy's toys and landed with a thud on the kitchen table.
Every one in the living room stopped their conversation at the sound of a wailing Serena. Darien walked in the kitchen first, laughing as he saw Serena sitting on the floor rubbing her bum and wailing as loudly as she could. Serena stopped as soon as she heard the laughing get louder and looked up warily at Darien her supposedly 'knight in shining armor'. He was laughing at her, she had hurt her self and all he could do was stand and laugh at her.
"You don't love me anymore, you are nearly as bad as Raye!!" She screamed at him. Darien stopped laughing and shone a sorrowful smile at Serena and helped her up from the cold floor and embraced her gently kissing her head as she relaxed in his grip.
"I will always love you meatball head, you know that!! Any way, what was you doing up?" Darien spoke in a nervous voice; he was worried that she had over heard the conversation. "Er... I er... was getting ready to go to school... I have to go!!" Serena pulled out of his arms and ran up stairs again. Closing her door again, but not quick enough to shut Luna out. Luna was sat up right on Serena's bed looking at her eyes anxiously. "Serena you was ease dropping on our conversation weren't you?" Luna said accusing making Serena feel really small. "Ha ha ha aah... no way... why would you think that ha ha ha...?" Serena never could fib to any one.
"Serena I know you was listening in, why would you have fallen down out side otherwise?" Luna asked. Serena turned serious and looked away from Luna crossing her arms. "Why was you talking about me behind my back?" Serena shouted, nearly knocking Luna off the bed with the force. "So you were listening." Luna spoke softly trying to soften the mood. Serena sighed and shook her head and walked over to the bed.
"How am I meant to beat Razzi Prazzailenus, he is so strong, what chance is there for me to win? Me, pretty little Serena I'm too young to die!!!" Serena Sobbed, hugging Luna for support. We need more time she isn't ready yet! Luna thought to herself purring loudly trying to ease the pain from Serena's thoughts. She Serena the Ditz was going up against razzi Prazzailenus with the help of the sailor scouts. But what if the same thing happens like with queen Beryl would she be alone on this one as well. She could still remember watching her friends getting picked off by the evil doom and gloom sisters. Serena sat up and looked out of the window. The sun was shining brightly above her head and she couldn't believe it could be so light so early in the morning.
"Luna what time is it?" Serena asked managing to speak calmly keeping her tears back and snorting to stop the snot from rolling down her face. "It is about 11 o'clock." Luna replied noticing Serena's change in expression. "Waaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luna why didn't you wake me up? Now I have missed half the day!!" Serena sped down stairs dodging Darien as she grabbed her bag and pulled her shoes on. "Serena what are you doing?" Darien asked crossing his arms and staring at her concerned. "I'm late, I'm late I'm so late!!" Serena sped out of the door and shot down the street heading straight for school.
"Shall I go after her?" Darien asked Luna as she came lolloping down the stairs. Luna sighed and hung her head.
"When will she ever learn?" With that Darien pulled his jacket down off the rack and walked coolly out of the door. Serena had been running down the street not really knowing where she was going, she was tired out of her head she saw two of everything. Not really paying attention where she was running she ended up outside the game center. Andrew was happily talking in side with Molly when he turned around and noticed Serena's little figure standing outside looking around in hope. Andrew excused himself from Molly and strolled out to her. "Hey Serena what are you doing here?" Serena turned around quickly, a little too quickly for her legs to handle and landed straight in Andrew's arms. Andrew remembered once when Serena had fainted in his arms when she had gone on a diet. "Serena are you alright? Have you gone on a diet again?" Andrew asked her. Lifting her up and began walking inside the arcade when he heard a familiar voice: "Andrew, Andrew have you seen Sere..." Darien paused suddenly noticing the bundle in his best mates arms. Darien ran straight up to Andrew and lifted her from his mate and smiled down at his beautiful girlfriends face. She was so sweet and quiet when she was asleep. Snore He was wrong.
"Darien is she alright? She just collapsed in my arms!" "She's just very tired that's all. She hasn't had much sleep. I'd best get her home. See ya later mate!" Darien turned round and started walking towards his flat.
"Yeah see ya!" Andrew spun round and walked merrily back into the shop sighing. Darien finally reached the block of flats where he lived alone and managed to open the doors and get Serena inside without dropping her. A miracle if you ask me. She doesn't lay still in her sleep she tends to squaffle. Darien walked over to his bed and placed his sleeping beauty gently down and walked over to the TV to watch the news. It was a few hours before Serena finally decided to open an eye. In that time Darien was able to ring her parents and tell them where she was, cook dinner, eat it, wash up, have a cup of coffee, have a shower and sit down and watch TV again. "Uh.... Where am I?" Serena looked around the room and noticed the picture of herself and Darien and realised straight away where she was. "Darien?" Darien turned from the TV and smiled at Serena her hair was a mess from all of the squaffling. Darien stood up and made his way over to her and sat beside her on the bed.
"I'm here." He replied pulling Serena up onto his lap and cradled her.
"What happened? I should be at school, oh I am sure to get a weeks detention now!!" She wailed clenching Darien's t-shirt tightly and making it go from a light blue to a dark mercy one. "Serena its Saturday, you've not been able to have a rest and when you can you think you should be up. You really need a long sleep!" Serena stopped crying instantly and looked up at Darien but she could only see the bottom of his chin. She yawned tiredly and relaxed her grip on his t-shirt and put her arm around behind his back. / Darien stroked her hair and smiled, he had always wondered how she could turn the water works on and off so quickly. "You can stay here as long as you want, you know that don't you?" Darien spoke softly remembering the day that Serena told her mum and dad about being a sailor scout. They both went ballistic and then I had to come in and ruin it by telling them I was Serena's boyfriend. Huh! They kept her away from me for ages, until Luna stepped in. next they both fainted! "I know, but still don't you get annoyed with me here all the time? I mean now that we are going against the evil force of Wiseman don't you think that you wanna spend some time with your mates and stuff?" Darien stopped stroking her hair and pulled her away from him and looked at her seriously. Serena looked like she was about to cry. "Serena if we die and I am saying IF then I want to spend the last days of my life with you and no one else. I love you Serena and I will always love you till the day I die if that is tomorrow or in 80 years time." Serena was now blushing; Darien was so good with words. He always seemed to make her feel like a princess, well, she was a princess but that didn't count! "Ok." Serena's stomach grumbled. "I'm hungry want to go for a burger and fries?" Serena asked Darien knowing that he would pay for it. She moved back wards and managed to land butt first on the floor at Darien's feet. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..!!!!!!" She screamed, beginning to wail for sympathy. But the only sound she heard coming from Darien's mouth was laughter. He picked her up and put her on her feet and went over to his drawers to change his top.
"Hey Serena want to change into some clothes you left here?" Serena turned round and looked at Darien and smiled. He always knew what she wanted. "Sure!" She walked over to him and took the clothes he held in his rather large hands. She didn't bother even going into the bathroom she liked to tease Darien. He knew he would never be able to have her until her 16th birthday but that didn't mean she couldn't watch him sweat when she walked round the apartment in just knickers and bra! She pulled her locket off the front of her uniform and placed it on the bed. Then next came the top. She pulled it slowly off her slender figure and glanced back at Darien to watch his face light up. She walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and noticed Darien looking at her, not taking his eyes away for a moment. "Hey Darien, do you think my breasts have grown?" Serena asked Darien, never scared to talk about those things to him. "Ummm... I uhhh... I...III...Maybe?" Darien spoke like he had a very bad stammer and he was trying to hide a secret. Serena laughed at his attempt to utter a few words.
She walked back out of the bathroom and to the bed where she continued to torture him by sliding off her skirt and lying on the bed, stretching and yawning.
"Isn't it hot in here?" Serena ran her hands down her body and across her legs. Darien bit his tongue and sat down on one of his comfy chairs. Clenching his fists he tried to think about something that would distract him, like when they are actually up against Wiseman. Serena sat up and pulled at the clothes Darien had kept for her. A little red top, which fit her figure perfectly but had buttons down the back. She could have fun with that! She pulled the top onto her arms and looked back at Darien, "Baby could you help me with this top?" Serena asked him making a puppy dogface that Darien was never able to ignore. "Ok...." Darien replied regretting his decision when he stood right behind her. He began to do up her top, he thought as he went:
One button, two button, this isn't that bad. Whoa, nice bum, I mean three buttons, wow red thong, four buttons, she's wiggling her bum!! Ahhhh Torture!!!!!! Last button... He pulled away quickly after the last button and turned quickly, walking over to the chair. Serena contempt with her game she pulled on her skirt and walked slyly over to Darien.
"Darien do you like my thong, Andrew bought it for me?" She spoke very happily, making Darien jump up at the thought of Andrew buying his girlfriend a THONG! "Andrew bought it for you? ANDREW?" Serena laughed at the look on Darien's face, he looked like he was about to explode.
"Don't worry, we went shopping for my birthday present and I said I like this thong and he offered to buy it for me. Just chill. It isn't a big deal!" Darien's face stopped scowering and a smile came back to his face.
"Come on lets go!" He said, pulling Serena out of the room and giving her bum a quick thwack as she went through the door. Walking down the street they met a few friends, Mina, Lita and Amy.
"Hey Amy, how you doin'?" Serena asked as she bounded down the street and into Amy's arms. "Fine thanks, hello Darien. Serena have you seen Raye?" Amy asked Serena looking concerned. "No hopefully the evil forces of fire have taken her hostage and we will never see her again?" Serena laughed at her not very good joke and stopped when everyone started at her in shame. "Don't look at me like that, she hates me!!" Darien pulled Serena along by the hand when she saw the mall, "Please Darien just one look! Please!!!" Serena screamed at Darien but he wasn't having it!
"No Serena, we need to go and see Andrew, we are meeting him and Rita for Lunch." Darien told Serena loosening his grip on her when they were a few yards away from the mall.
"Lunch oh really!! Yeah!! Lets go!!!" Serena was now pulling Darien down the road at fire hot speed. She stopped out side the arcade and raced in without Darien holding her down. "Andrew!!" Serena cried as she saw him standing over Rita, who was playing the new Sailor Moon Video game. Andrew turned round quickly recognizing the voice and smiled happily as he was thrown upon by a 15 year old girl with a short skirt on.
"Hey Serena, where's Darien?" Andrew asked looking behind Serena and noticing that there was not any broad shouldered figure behind her.
"He is a bit out of shape!" She told him bending down to look at how Rita was getting on. After about 10 minutes Darien arrived with what looked like two bouquets of flower, one of them red roses and another orchids. "Hey Darien, who are they for?" Andrew asked looking puzzled.
I haven't got them anything, oh no!! Andrew thought. "Here Serena these are for you, the best girlfriend in the world! Darien handed Serena the bouquet of red roses. "Oh wow, my favourite!" Serena squealed and ran round the arcade showing everyone what her boyfriend had bought her. "Andrew you left these at my house, I am assuming they are for Rita?" Darien passed them down to the now sore Rita; she had just killed her self in the game.
"Oh Andrew they are gorgeous!!" Rita said giving him a huge hug and nearly squashing the flowers. Andrew mouthed: 'I'll pay for lunch' to Darien and returned the hug from Rita. By now the whole contents of the arcade was getting very annoyed with Serena bragging about her flowers. Darien even noticed that one boy tried to trip her up, but weirdly for Serena she didn't fall. Anyone would usually fall over if some one placed his or her left foot right in front of him or her!! "Come on Serena we are going to get some food now!" Andrew shouted down the isle and almost instantly he heard, "Yummy food!!" Then a gust of wind and Serena and Darien had left the building.
Serena was running down the street pulling a very tired Darien behind her. When they finally go to the café Darien was out of breath and Serena wasn't even breathing hard.
"Come on Tuxedo mask, you are going to have to do better than that! You'll never be able to catch me on my 16th birthday!!" She told him smiling happily. They sat at the booth waiting for Andrew and Rita to join them. Serena sat near Darien and laid her head on his shoulder, only just being able to reach.
"Just think only two days to go, then it's my birthday!!!" Serena sighed and looked up at Darien. He was staring down at her and his eyes shone in the sun. "Darien are you alright? Have I got something in my teeth?" Serena asked him waving her hand in front of his eyes. He took hold of her hand and kissed it gently.
"I can't wait!!" He said happily. Serena's birthday meant, 16, legal age, moving in with Darien!! He had had to wait two years for her! "What are you going to get me for my birthday?" Serena asked Darien, she always loved presents especially chocolate and food!! "You'll have to wait and see." He told her and gave her a little kiss on her lips. Andrew and Rita finally arrived just as they pulled apart.
"Hey guys sorry we couldn't get here sooner but Rita wanted to have a look in one of the shops." Andrew said, looking smugly at Serena. She instantly knew what he was going on about. The thong!! "Hey guys why don't you go and order while I have a word with Serena?" Rita suggested giving Andrew a little wink.
"Yay, food!! I'll have two cheese burgers, large fries, chocolate milk shake and some doughnuts!!" Serena replied and smiled sweetly at Darien.
"How can you eat so much and stay so thin?" Rita asked.
"She runs to school every morning!" Darien replied. Laughing at Serena's face, he noticed that she had now gone all pouty. Darien and Andrew walked away quickly before Serena exploded.
"So Serena, your birthday in a few days. Officially able to move out. Got any where planned?" Rita asked it was obvious to anyone who she was hinting at.
"Well I think Darien would like me to stay with him. You really had no idea?" Serena asked, well maybe not to everybody. "Well I'm sure he would love you to move in!! I moved in with Andrew a few years back, when I got back from my trip to Australia. We've never been so close. I wish I had moved in earlier, I love waking up every morning and seeing Andrews face lying next to me!!" Serena was sitting across from Rita imagining waking up to see Darien every morning. She didn't even realise that she was drooling. Darien and Andrew returned with all the food and Serena and Rita automatically stopped talking about guys. "Hey Serena you know that its your birthday I would like to take you shopping again, like we did last year. Is that Ok with you?" Andrew asked smiling mischievously at Serena. Serena smiled back and nodded, glancing over at Rita's confused face. "I'm coming with you!!" Darien said butting in Serena's laughing. "It's Ok Darien you can come with me to get her something. You will know what she wants!" Rita said and smiled contently. "Well that sounds fun. Ok then I guess I will meet you at your Darien's tomorrow morning say about 10?" Andrew asked.
"Sure, you can bring Rita and when we go they can as well!" Serena smiled.
"Andrew does Rita know what you bought her last year?" Darien asked sure that he would put a dampener on this little outing. Serena looked at Rita and laughed.
"Darien she doesn't need to know now!" Serena said laughing like a hyena trying to divert Rita's gaze. "No I don't know what DID you buy her?" Rita asked poking Andrew on the shoulder. "Er Serena, do you want to show her?" Andrew asked nearly giggling. "Oh Andrew I would love to!" Serena said standing up. Darien grabbed her arm and pulled her down, "What do you think you are doing?" Darien asked looking at her seriously. "Well I was going to show her what Andrew bought me. Like you said, Rita needs to know!" Serena said looking at Rita, Serena stood up and took hold of Rita's hand and pulled her over Andrew. They walked round the corner and was out of sight in a flash.
Serena pulled Rita into the bathroom and locked the door. "I don't believe him, ha ha he actually believed me! Rita I told Darien that Andrew bought me a thong. He believed me!! But really he bought me this necklace." Serena took hold of the necklace around her neck and pulled it closer for Rita to look at. Rita laughed and looked at the door. "Andrew knows this does he?" Rita asked. "Of course he does, we talked about it yesterday at the arcade." Serena said and then started laughing again. "Right here's what we are going to do..." Rita said pulling Serena closer to her. Meanwhile Darien was giving Andrew evil looks, while Andrew was happily sipping at his milk shake. After a while they heard a scream and then a: "Help me!!!" Serena ran through the café and ran out the door screaming her head off. Following was what looked like a very angry Rita screaming and shouting insults in Japanese. "Gaki!! Serena no GAAAKIIII!!!" Andrew looked at Darien and they both got up as quick as they could and ran out after them. All they could see was a meatball head running at top speed down the street followed by Rita. Darien and Andrew finally caught up to them after about 3 blocks and had to break them up as Rita had pinned Serena to the floor and was pulling at her pigtails. Andrew ran up to Rita and lifted her off Serena while Darien helped a crying Serena up off the floor. "What is going on?" Darien said in a very firm tone making Serena jump in his grasp. "I showed her... my birthday... present and... she... attacked... me!" Serena said between sobs. Darien looked at Serena and then back at Andrew. "This is all your fault, my girlfriend wouldn't have been attacked if you hadn't have bought her that thong!!" Darien spoke roughly which made Andrew nearly fall over with the force. "HA AHA AHAHAHA AHAHAH!!!" Serena screamed, changing from sobs to laughter and making Darien look at her and blink. "Serena what are you laughing at?" Darien asked her and cocked an eyebrow. Andrew started laughing as well and dropped Rita on the floor in t he process. Darien looked straight into Serena's eyes and said, "What's going on?" Serena automatically stopped laughing, feeling a bit ashamed of the stunt she had pulled. "It was Andrews idea!!" She protested turning from Darien to face Andrew, his supposedly best friend. "Don't blame it all on me!!!" Andrew protested and looked innocently back at Darien. Darien looked at Rita and Rita shrugged looking at Andrew, to make sure she wasn't blamed.
"Andrew and I had a bet on, he had a bet that you would get jealous and I thought you wouldn't." Serena looked at Andrew and motioned for him to finish. "You know Serena told you I bought her a thong for her birthday, well I didn't. Raye bought it! I bought her that necklace!" Andrew said pointing to Serena's slender neck and avoiding Darien's gaze. Darien walked up to her and took the necklace in his hands and looked at it wearily.
"Serena, but... you little minx, that's it, you're dead meat!!" Darien shouted picking her up quickly and carrying her over his shoulders.
"Nooooooo!!! Ahhh Darien, haa haaa no please, I have got a skirt on!!" Serena squealed at him as he went plodding down the road towards his flat. Andrew and Rita followed close behind; eventually Serena gave up and lay cross-armed on Darien's back. Andrew pouted at Serena and she blew a raspberry back at him.
Why do I have to be the one who is carried? Rita or Andrew should get some blame!! Serena thought to herself. Darien walked up the stairs to his apartment and pulled out his key and opened the door easily, just like Serena wasn't actually there. He walked in the door and left it for Andrew to close. He walked into his bedroom and chucked Serena on the bed and jumped on top of her. "You planned all this didn't you? That little charade earlier and the lie about the thong. Why do you put me through so much torture? I want you so bad!!" Darien said huskily and bent his head down and sent hot massaging kisses down Serena's neck. "Darien we have got guests!" Serena stated, trying to pull back away from Darien but failing and placed her arms around his neck. Darien could feel his hold back slowly dying and he wanted to take her there and then. But he knew he couldn't he had to wait two more days. "Darien, Serena? Have you died in there?" Darien heard Andrew call out and then Rita laughing. Darien pulled away from Serena and looked at her lying seductively on the bed. "Oh... Serena how you torment me!" Darien said reaching down and pulling Serena fully off the bed and pressed his lips on her warm ones and kissed her hungrily, like he couldn't wait for his tea. He hauled away from Serena and walked into the lounge, knowing that if he stayed any longer he would end up stripping her of all her clothes. Andrew had been standing behind the door and wasn't expecting Darien to come through the door as quickly as he did and got smacked around the face. Darien turned round to face Andrew and started to apologize. "So Darien coz you cant have me you have to go and hurt Andrew, that isn't very nice." Serena said teasingly. Darien pulled a face at Serena and went to sit down near Rita. "Andrew... would you mind if I have a word?" Serena asked him seriously and he nodded his head, walking into Darien's bedroom. "What's wrong Serena?" Andrew asked sitting down on Darien's bed. Serena sighed worriedly and sat next to him. "You know you can ask/tell me anything." Andrew said, taking Serena's hand. Serena looked down at her hand and sighed once again. "Andrew, you know Darien has slept with lots of girls. Do you think that as I... am still a... virgin he won't like me anymore?" Serena requested. Andrew smiled sweetly and looked at Serena's hands. He put his hand under her chin and pulled her head up. He looked straight in her eyes and smiled warmly. "Listen to me... Darien loves you with all his heart and he doesn't give a damn whether or not you are a virgin. But he does wonder known again if you really want it to be him that takes your virginity. What do you think?" Andrew spoke softly and with ease. Not at all embarrassed about the whole subject of sex. "He is the only one I want to make love to and I want him to be the one to take my virginity but..." Andrew looked at the door and then back at Serena, "But what?" Andrew provoked. Serena lowered her head away from his hand. "I'm scared!" She said feeling a little dumb.
"Listen Serena, I know it will be scary for you the first time, my first time was scary but you will be fine. Why don't I get Rita to come over and talk to you tomorrow instead of going out and you can talk about girl things and maybe buy something seducing for Darien." Andrew coaxed and smiled soothingly at her. She leaned over and hugged him. "Thanks Andrew, you are the best boyfriend a girl could ever have!" Serena squeeled happily, jumping up from the bed and opening the door making Darien jump as she did so. Darien and Rita seemed to be having some kind of conversation that stopped when the others walked in the room. Serena went up to Darien and sat on his knee hugging him tightly. Darien was happy again; he was a bit worried about the sudden disappearance of the additional party. "Have a nice chat?" Serena asked Darien wiping a bit of lipstick off his cheek. "Yeah... sure!!"
Darien and Rita's chat:
"You know that Serena is still a virgin?" Darien spoke suddenly, making Rita jump. Rita smiled kindly and spoke with a lot of experience. "Darien, don't worry the first time for everyone is scary. Especially for girls as it is painful. You knew that?" Rita asked Darien raising an eyebrow. Darien shrugged, "Never made love to a virgin before never had to worry about that kind of thing. Does it really hurt?" Darien's voice seemed to be getting shaky.
"Well of course it hurts, the male's penis needs to get through what you could call a protective barrier. It obviously hurts but only for a bit, she might bite her lip for a while of stop but don't worry just let her know it can only get better from then on!" Rita reassured Darien. "When did you lose your virginity?" Darien questioned her. "Well it must have been about 2 years ago when Andrew and I first met. If you need to talk about it ask Andrew. He knows what it is like as well." Rita suggested just as the door to the bedroom opened. End "Darien I have got something to do tomorrow and I could do with your help." Andrew said and then turned to Rita. "Maybe you and Serena could talk about... things..." Rita looked at Andrew weirdly and then caught some thing odd in his eyes. "Sure... yeah great." Rita said looking at Darien and Andrew looked at Serena all smiling. "Hey anyone want any food?" Serena asked around watching as everyone's face lit up. The next morning Serena woke up early remembering that she was spending that night with Darien. She was really looking forward to it. She decided to have a shower and then go and have breakfast.
When she finally got out of the shower (1 hour later) she walked into the bedroom with her towel around her waist and bumped into a hard chest. She looked up and saw Darien smiling down at her. "What are you doing here?" She asked walking over to her bed and sat down taking out some knickers and bra, which she had laid on her bed. Darien looked away from her and started to fiddle with some drawer knobs when he accidentally opened the drawer to reveal Serena's knickers and bra's. She saw him blush, "While you are there can you pick out a bra for me and some thongs these are going to clash with my clothes." Serena asked turning back to her underwear and then threw them at Darien. Darien caught the flying clothes and placed them quickly back into the drawer. "Umm... what colour do you want?" Darien asked very nervously looking at all the different colour, shapes and sizes among them. "I think the pink frilly ones with the bows on them. Wait no... actually yes. Get them." Serena said walking into the bathroom again and fetching her hairbrush. Darien rummaged through all of the lingerie and managed to find the ones she was on about and blushed at the amount of see throughness in them. Serena looked at him and smiled. "That's the ones, pass em over here will ya?" She asked finally finishing brushing her hair. She blonde hair flowed right down past her ankles and along the floor. "I never really noticed how long your hair actually is, you always seem to have it up in meatballs." He said slowly walking up to her. "So, anyway, what are you doing here for anyway?" She asked him. He looked her straight in the eye and smiled. "I wanted to see you, is it a crime to want to see my girlfriend?" Darien asked feigning hurt. Serena smiled and placed a hand on his cheek. "Of course not!" She said laughing at him, but the most embarrassing thing happened: her towel fell to the floor. Serena froze; she couldn't move she just watched Darien's face. He had stopped breathing and stood staring at her naked body. He slowly knelt down not taking his eyes away from her torso. He used both hands to pull it up causing his arms to rub against her fragile body. He brought it up above her knees, then her hips, and her belly and then above her breasts.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Serena awoke the same way every morning. She was always late for school. She shoved her legs straight out from under the covers and ran into the bathroom, waiting for the ever reassuring sound of her mum making her quick breakfast in the microwave, but no sound came. Serena paused in pursuit and shouted down to her mum. "Mum?" There was no answer, "Mum!" She shouted even louder being sure that she'd get a reply that time. Nope, no answer came the reply. Serena shoved her last piece of school uniform on and ran down stairs. She could hear voices coming from the living room. She could hear Luna, Irlene, Ken, and Darien... What was he doing there? Serena tip toed to the door and placed her ear quietly against the wooden barrier curious to hear what was said. "Serena has to be ready for this fight against Razzi Prazzailenus, she can't be expected to wake up early, go to school then after school fight evil and come home at about 12 at night. You know how tired Serena gets, never mind nearly missing half the sleep she is meant to get every night." Serena heard Luna say and was nearly shocked at the thought of Luna not wanting her to go to school. She always said, "Scouts have to study as well." "I agree, we have hardly had time to see each other at all, since she fought evil every night." Came the reply from Darien. Serena laughed, he was always so protective. But before she could laugh she tripped back on one of Sammy's toys and landed with a thud on the kitchen table.
Every one in the living room stopped their conversation at the sound of a wailing Serena. Darien walked in the kitchen first, laughing as he saw Serena sitting on the floor rubbing her bum and wailing as loudly as she could. Serena stopped as soon as she heard the laughing get louder and looked up warily at Darien her supposedly 'knight in shining armor'. He was laughing at her, she had hurt her self and all he could do was stand and laugh at her.
"You don't love me anymore, you are nearly as bad as Raye!!" She screamed at him. Darien stopped laughing and shone a sorrowful smile at Serena and helped her up from the cold floor and embraced her gently kissing her head as she relaxed in his grip.
"I will always love you meatball head, you know that!! Any way, what was you doing up?" Darien spoke in a nervous voice; he was worried that she had over heard the conversation. "Er... I er... was getting ready to go to school... I have to go!!" Serena pulled out of his arms and ran up stairs again. Closing her door again, but not quick enough to shut Luna out. Luna was sat up right on Serena's bed looking at her eyes anxiously. "Serena you was ease dropping on our conversation weren't you?" Luna said accusing making Serena feel really small. "Ha ha ha aah... no way... why would you think that ha ha ha...?" Serena never could fib to any one.
"Serena I know you was listening in, why would you have fallen down out side otherwise?" Luna asked. Serena turned serious and looked away from Luna crossing her arms. "Why was you talking about me behind my back?" Serena shouted, nearly knocking Luna off the bed with the force. "So you were listening." Luna spoke softly trying to soften the mood. Serena sighed and shook her head and walked over to the bed.
"How am I meant to beat Razzi Prazzailenus, he is so strong, what chance is there for me to win? Me, pretty little Serena I'm too young to die!!!" Serena Sobbed, hugging Luna for support. We need more time she isn't ready yet! Luna thought to herself purring loudly trying to ease the pain from Serena's thoughts. She Serena the Ditz was going up against razzi Prazzailenus with the help of the sailor scouts. But what if the same thing happens like with queen Beryl would she be alone on this one as well. She could still remember watching her friends getting picked off by the evil doom and gloom sisters. Serena sat up and looked out of the window. The sun was shining brightly above her head and she couldn't believe it could be so light so early in the morning.
"Luna what time is it?" Serena asked managing to speak calmly keeping her tears back and snorting to stop the snot from rolling down her face. "It is about 11 o'clock." Luna replied noticing Serena's change in expression. "Waaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luna why didn't you wake me up? Now I have missed half the day!!" Serena sped down stairs dodging Darien as she grabbed her bag and pulled her shoes on. "Serena what are you doing?" Darien asked crossing his arms and staring at her concerned. "I'm late, I'm late I'm so late!!" Serena sped out of the door and shot down the street heading straight for school.
"Shall I go after her?" Darien asked Luna as she came lolloping down the stairs. Luna sighed and hung her head.
"When will she ever learn?" With that Darien pulled his jacket down off the rack and walked coolly out of the door. Serena had been running down the street not really knowing where she was going, she was tired out of her head she saw two of everything. Not really paying attention where she was running she ended up outside the game center. Andrew was happily talking in side with Molly when he turned around and noticed Serena's little figure standing outside looking around in hope. Andrew excused himself from Molly and strolled out to her. "Hey Serena what are you doing here?" Serena turned around quickly, a little too quickly for her legs to handle and landed straight in Andrew's arms. Andrew remembered once when Serena had fainted in his arms when she had gone on a diet. "Serena are you alright? Have you gone on a diet again?" Andrew asked her. Lifting her up and began walking inside the arcade when he heard a familiar voice: "Andrew, Andrew have you seen Sere..." Darien paused suddenly noticing the bundle in his best mates arms. Darien ran straight up to Andrew and lifted her from his mate and smiled down at his beautiful girlfriends face. She was so sweet and quiet when she was asleep. Snore He was wrong.
"Darien is she alright? She just collapsed in my arms!" "She's just very tired that's all. She hasn't had much sleep. I'd best get her home. See ya later mate!" Darien turned round and started walking towards his flat.
"Yeah see ya!" Andrew spun round and walked merrily back into the shop sighing. Darien finally reached the block of flats where he lived alone and managed to open the doors and get Serena inside without dropping her. A miracle if you ask me. She doesn't lay still in her sleep she tends to squaffle. Darien walked over to his bed and placed his sleeping beauty gently down and walked over to the TV to watch the news. It was a few hours before Serena finally decided to open an eye. In that time Darien was able to ring her parents and tell them where she was, cook dinner, eat it, wash up, have a cup of coffee, have a shower and sit down and watch TV again. "Uh.... Where am I?" Serena looked around the room and noticed the picture of herself and Darien and realised straight away where she was. "Darien?" Darien turned from the TV and smiled at Serena her hair was a mess from all of the squaffling. Darien stood up and made his way over to her and sat beside her on the bed.
"I'm here." He replied pulling Serena up onto his lap and cradled her.
"What happened? I should be at school, oh I am sure to get a weeks detention now!!" She wailed clenching Darien's t-shirt tightly and making it go from a light blue to a dark mercy one. "Serena its Saturday, you've not been able to have a rest and when you can you think you should be up. You really need a long sleep!" Serena stopped crying instantly and looked up at Darien but she could only see the bottom of his chin. She yawned tiredly and relaxed her grip on his t-shirt and put her arm around behind his back. / Darien stroked her hair and smiled, he had always wondered how she could turn the water works on and off so quickly. "You can stay here as long as you want, you know that don't you?" Darien spoke softly remembering the day that Serena told her mum and dad about being a sailor scout. They both went ballistic and then I had to come in and ruin it by telling them I was Serena's boyfriend. Huh! They kept her away from me for ages, until Luna stepped in. next they both fainted! "I know, but still don't you get annoyed with me here all the time? I mean now that we are going against the evil force of Wiseman don't you think that you wanna spend some time with your mates and stuff?" Darien stopped stroking her hair and pulled her away from him and looked at her seriously. Serena looked like she was about to cry. "Serena if we die and I am saying IF then I want to spend the last days of my life with you and no one else. I love you Serena and I will always love you till the day I die if that is tomorrow or in 80 years time." Serena was now blushing; Darien was so good with words. He always seemed to make her feel like a princess, well, she was a princess but that didn't count! "Ok." Serena's stomach grumbled. "I'm hungry want to go for a burger and fries?" Serena asked Darien knowing that he would pay for it. She moved back wards and managed to land butt first on the floor at Darien's feet. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..!!!!!!" She screamed, beginning to wail for sympathy. But the only sound she heard coming from Darien's mouth was laughter. He picked her up and put her on her feet and went over to his drawers to change his top.
"Hey Serena want to change into some clothes you left here?" Serena turned round and looked at Darien and smiled. He always knew what she wanted. "Sure!" She walked over to him and took the clothes he held in his rather large hands. She didn't bother even going into the bathroom she liked to tease Darien. He knew he would never be able to have her until her 16th birthday but that didn't mean she couldn't watch him sweat when she walked round the apartment in just knickers and bra! She pulled her locket off the front of her uniform and placed it on the bed. Then next came the top. She pulled it slowly off her slender figure and glanced back at Darien to watch his face light up. She walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and noticed Darien looking at her, not taking his eyes away for a moment. "Hey Darien, do you think my breasts have grown?" Serena asked Darien, never scared to talk about those things to him. "Ummm... I uhhh... I...III...Maybe?" Darien spoke like he had a very bad stammer and he was trying to hide a secret. Serena laughed at his attempt to utter a few words.
She walked back out of the bathroom and to the bed where she continued to torture him by sliding off her skirt and lying on the bed, stretching and yawning.
"Isn't it hot in here?" Serena ran her hands down her body and across her legs. Darien bit his tongue and sat down on one of his comfy chairs. Clenching his fists he tried to think about something that would distract him, like when they are actually up against Wiseman. Serena sat up and pulled at the clothes Darien had kept for her. A little red top, which fit her figure perfectly but had buttons down the back. She could have fun with that! She pulled the top onto her arms and looked back at Darien, "Baby could you help me with this top?" Serena asked him making a puppy dogface that Darien was never able to ignore. "Ok...." Darien replied regretting his decision when he stood right behind her. He began to do up her top, he thought as he went:
One button, two button, this isn't that bad. Whoa, nice bum, I mean three buttons, wow red thong, four buttons, she's wiggling her bum!! Ahhhh Torture!!!!!! Last button... He pulled away quickly after the last button and turned quickly, walking over to the chair. Serena contempt with her game she pulled on her skirt and walked slyly over to Darien.
"Darien do you like my thong, Andrew bought it for me?" She spoke very happily, making Darien jump up at the thought of Andrew buying his girlfriend a THONG! "Andrew bought it for you? ANDREW?" Serena laughed at the look on Darien's face, he looked like he was about to explode.
"Don't worry, we went shopping for my birthday present and I said I like this thong and he offered to buy it for me. Just chill. It isn't a big deal!" Darien's face stopped scowering and a smile came back to his face.
"Come on lets go!" He said, pulling Serena out of the room and giving her bum a quick thwack as she went through the door. Walking down the street they met a few friends, Mina, Lita and Amy.
"Hey Amy, how you doin'?" Serena asked as she bounded down the street and into Amy's arms. "Fine thanks, hello Darien. Serena have you seen Raye?" Amy asked Serena looking concerned. "No hopefully the evil forces of fire have taken her hostage and we will never see her again?" Serena laughed at her not very good joke and stopped when everyone started at her in shame. "Don't look at me like that, she hates me!!" Darien pulled Serena along by the hand when she saw the mall, "Please Darien just one look! Please!!!" Serena screamed at Darien but he wasn't having it!
"No Serena, we need to go and see Andrew, we are meeting him and Rita for Lunch." Darien told Serena loosening his grip on her when they were a few yards away from the mall.
"Lunch oh really!! Yeah!! Lets go!!!" Serena was now pulling Darien down the road at fire hot speed. She stopped out side the arcade and raced in without Darien holding her down. "Andrew!!" Serena cried as she saw him standing over Rita, who was playing the new Sailor Moon Video game. Andrew turned round quickly recognizing the voice and smiled happily as he was thrown upon by a 15 year old girl with a short skirt on.
"Hey Serena, where's Darien?" Andrew asked looking behind Serena and noticing that there was not any broad shouldered figure behind her.
"He is a bit out of shape!" She told him bending down to look at how Rita was getting on. After about 10 minutes Darien arrived with what looked like two bouquets of flower, one of them red roses and another orchids. "Hey Darien, who are they for?" Andrew asked looking puzzled.
I haven't got them anything, oh no!! Andrew thought. "Here Serena these are for you, the best girlfriend in the world! Darien handed Serena the bouquet of red roses. "Oh wow, my favourite!" Serena squealed and ran round the arcade showing everyone what her boyfriend had bought her. "Andrew you left these at my house, I am assuming they are for Rita?" Darien passed them down to the now sore Rita; she had just killed her self in the game.
"Oh Andrew they are gorgeous!!" Rita said giving him a huge hug and nearly squashing the flowers. Andrew mouthed: 'I'll pay for lunch' to Darien and returned the hug from Rita. By now the whole contents of the arcade was getting very annoyed with Serena bragging about her flowers. Darien even noticed that one boy tried to trip her up, but weirdly for Serena she didn't fall. Anyone would usually fall over if some one placed his or her left foot right in front of him or her!! "Come on Serena we are going to get some food now!" Andrew shouted down the isle and almost instantly he heard, "Yummy food!!" Then a gust of wind and Serena and Darien had left the building.
Serena was running down the street pulling a very tired Darien behind her. When they finally go to the café Darien was out of breath and Serena wasn't even breathing hard.
"Come on Tuxedo mask, you are going to have to do better than that! You'll never be able to catch me on my 16th birthday!!" She told him smiling happily. They sat at the booth waiting for Andrew and Rita to join them. Serena sat near Darien and laid her head on his shoulder, only just being able to reach.
"Just think only two days to go, then it's my birthday!!!" Serena sighed and looked up at Darien. He was staring down at her and his eyes shone in the sun. "Darien are you alright? Have I got something in my teeth?" Serena asked him waving her hand in front of his eyes. He took hold of her hand and kissed it gently.
"I can't wait!!" He said happily. Serena's birthday meant, 16, legal age, moving in with Darien!! He had had to wait two years for her! "What are you going to get me for my birthday?" Serena asked Darien, she always loved presents especially chocolate and food!! "You'll have to wait and see." He told her and gave her a little kiss on her lips. Andrew and Rita finally arrived just as they pulled apart.
"Hey guys sorry we couldn't get here sooner but Rita wanted to have a look in one of the shops." Andrew said, looking smugly at Serena. She instantly knew what he was going on about. The thong!! "Hey guys why don't you go and order while I have a word with Serena?" Rita suggested giving Andrew a little wink.
"Yay, food!! I'll have two cheese burgers, large fries, chocolate milk shake and some doughnuts!!" Serena replied and smiled sweetly at Darien.
"How can you eat so much and stay so thin?" Rita asked.
"She runs to school every morning!" Darien replied. Laughing at Serena's face, he noticed that she had now gone all pouty. Darien and Andrew walked away quickly before Serena exploded.
"So Serena, your birthday in a few days. Officially able to move out. Got any where planned?" Rita asked it was obvious to anyone who she was hinting at.
"Well I think Darien would like me to stay with him. You really had no idea?" Serena asked, well maybe not to everybody. "Well I'm sure he would love you to move in!! I moved in with Andrew a few years back, when I got back from my trip to Australia. We've never been so close. I wish I had moved in earlier, I love waking up every morning and seeing Andrews face lying next to me!!" Serena was sitting across from Rita imagining waking up to see Darien every morning. She didn't even realise that she was drooling. Darien and Andrew returned with all the food and Serena and Rita automatically stopped talking about guys. "Hey Serena you know that its your birthday I would like to take you shopping again, like we did last year. Is that Ok with you?" Andrew asked smiling mischievously at Serena. Serena smiled back and nodded, glancing over at Rita's confused face. "I'm coming with you!!" Darien said butting in Serena's laughing. "It's Ok Darien you can come with me to get her something. You will know what she wants!" Rita said and smiled contently. "Well that sounds fun. Ok then I guess I will meet you at your Darien's tomorrow morning say about 10?" Andrew asked.
"Sure, you can bring Rita and when we go they can as well!" Serena smiled.
"Andrew does Rita know what you bought her last year?" Darien asked sure that he would put a dampener on this little outing. Serena looked at Rita and laughed.
"Darien she doesn't need to know now!" Serena said laughing like a hyena trying to divert Rita's gaze. "No I don't know what DID you buy her?" Rita asked poking Andrew on the shoulder. "Er Serena, do you want to show her?" Andrew asked nearly giggling. "Oh Andrew I would love to!" Serena said standing up. Darien grabbed her arm and pulled her down, "What do you think you are doing?" Darien asked looking at her seriously. "Well I was going to show her what Andrew bought me. Like you said, Rita needs to know!" Serena said looking at Rita, Serena stood up and took hold of Rita's hand and pulled her over Andrew. They walked round the corner and was out of sight in a flash.
Serena pulled Rita into the bathroom and locked the door. "I don't believe him, ha ha he actually believed me! Rita I told Darien that Andrew bought me a thong. He believed me!! But really he bought me this necklace." Serena took hold of the necklace around her neck and pulled it closer for Rita to look at. Rita laughed and looked at the door. "Andrew knows this does he?" Rita asked. "Of course he does, we talked about it yesterday at the arcade." Serena said and then started laughing again. "Right here's what we are going to do..." Rita said pulling Serena closer to her. Meanwhile Darien was giving Andrew evil looks, while Andrew was happily sipping at his milk shake. After a while they heard a scream and then a: "Help me!!!" Serena ran through the café and ran out the door screaming her head off. Following was what looked like a very angry Rita screaming and shouting insults in Japanese. "Gaki!! Serena no GAAAKIIII!!!" Andrew looked at Darien and they both got up as quick as they could and ran out after them. All they could see was a meatball head running at top speed down the street followed by Rita. Darien and Andrew finally caught up to them after about 3 blocks and had to break them up as Rita had pinned Serena to the floor and was pulling at her pigtails. Andrew ran up to Rita and lifted her off Serena while Darien helped a crying Serena up off the floor. "What is going on?" Darien said in a very firm tone making Serena jump in his grasp. "I showed her... my birthday... present and... she... attacked... me!" Serena said between sobs. Darien looked at Serena and then back at Andrew. "This is all your fault, my girlfriend wouldn't have been attacked if you hadn't have bought her that thong!!" Darien spoke roughly which made Andrew nearly fall over with the force. "HA AHA AHAHAHA AHAHAH!!!" Serena screamed, changing from sobs to laughter and making Darien look at her and blink. "Serena what are you laughing at?" Darien asked her and cocked an eyebrow. Andrew started laughing as well and dropped Rita on the floor in t he process. Darien looked straight into Serena's eyes and said, "What's going on?" Serena automatically stopped laughing, feeling a bit ashamed of the stunt she had pulled. "It was Andrews idea!!" She protested turning from Darien to face Andrew, his supposedly best friend. "Don't blame it all on me!!!" Andrew protested and looked innocently back at Darien. Darien looked at Rita and Rita shrugged looking at Andrew, to make sure she wasn't blamed.
"Andrew and I had a bet on, he had a bet that you would get jealous and I thought you wouldn't." Serena looked at Andrew and motioned for him to finish. "You know Serena told you I bought her a thong for her birthday, well I didn't. Raye bought it! I bought her that necklace!" Andrew said pointing to Serena's slender neck and avoiding Darien's gaze. Darien walked up to her and took the necklace in his hands and looked at it wearily.
"Serena, but... you little minx, that's it, you're dead meat!!" Darien shouted picking her up quickly and carrying her over his shoulders.
"Nooooooo!!! Ahhh Darien, haa haaa no please, I have got a skirt on!!" Serena squealed at him as he went plodding down the road towards his flat. Andrew and Rita followed close behind; eventually Serena gave up and lay cross-armed on Darien's back. Andrew pouted at Serena and she blew a raspberry back at him.
Why do I have to be the one who is carried? Rita or Andrew should get some blame!! Serena thought to herself. Darien walked up the stairs to his apartment and pulled out his key and opened the door easily, just like Serena wasn't actually there. He walked in the door and left it for Andrew to close. He walked into his bedroom and chucked Serena on the bed and jumped on top of her. "You planned all this didn't you? That little charade earlier and the lie about the thong. Why do you put me through so much torture? I want you so bad!!" Darien said huskily and bent his head down and sent hot massaging kisses down Serena's neck. "Darien we have got guests!" Serena stated, trying to pull back away from Darien but failing and placed her arms around his neck. Darien could feel his hold back slowly dying and he wanted to take her there and then. But he knew he couldn't he had to wait two more days. "Darien, Serena? Have you died in there?" Darien heard Andrew call out and then Rita laughing. Darien pulled away from Serena and looked at her lying seductively on the bed. "Oh... Serena how you torment me!" Darien said reaching down and pulling Serena fully off the bed and pressed his lips on her warm ones and kissed her hungrily, like he couldn't wait for his tea. He hauled away from Serena and walked into the lounge, knowing that if he stayed any longer he would end up stripping her of all her clothes. Andrew had been standing behind the door and wasn't expecting Darien to come through the door as quickly as he did and got smacked around the face. Darien turned round to face Andrew and started to apologize. "So Darien coz you cant have me you have to go and hurt Andrew, that isn't very nice." Serena said teasingly. Darien pulled a face at Serena and went to sit down near Rita. "Andrew... would you mind if I have a word?" Serena asked him seriously and he nodded his head, walking into Darien's bedroom. "What's wrong Serena?" Andrew asked sitting down on Darien's bed. Serena sighed worriedly and sat next to him. "You know you can ask/tell me anything." Andrew said, taking Serena's hand. Serena looked down at her hand and sighed once again. "Andrew, you know Darien has slept with lots of girls. Do you think that as I... am still a... virgin he won't like me anymore?" Serena requested. Andrew smiled sweetly and looked at Serena's hands. He put his hand under her chin and pulled her head up. He looked straight in her eyes and smiled warmly. "Listen to me... Darien loves you with all his heart and he doesn't give a damn whether or not you are a virgin. But he does wonder known again if you really want it to be him that takes your virginity. What do you think?" Andrew spoke softly and with ease. Not at all embarrassed about the whole subject of sex. "He is the only one I want to make love to and I want him to be the one to take my virginity but..." Andrew looked at the door and then back at Serena, "But what?" Andrew provoked. Serena lowered her head away from his hand. "I'm scared!" She said feeling a little dumb.
"Listen Serena, I know it will be scary for you the first time, my first time was scary but you will be fine. Why don't I get Rita to come over and talk to you tomorrow instead of going out and you can talk about girl things and maybe buy something seducing for Darien." Andrew coaxed and smiled soothingly at her. She leaned over and hugged him. "Thanks Andrew, you are the best boyfriend a girl could ever have!" Serena squeeled happily, jumping up from the bed and opening the door making Darien jump as she did so. Darien and Rita seemed to be having some kind of conversation that stopped when the others walked in the room. Serena went up to Darien and sat on his knee hugging him tightly. Darien was happy again; he was a bit worried about the sudden disappearance of the additional party. "Have a nice chat?" Serena asked Darien wiping a bit of lipstick off his cheek. "Yeah... sure!!"
Darien and Rita's chat:
"You know that Serena is still a virgin?" Darien spoke suddenly, making Rita jump. Rita smiled kindly and spoke with a lot of experience. "Darien, don't worry the first time for everyone is scary. Especially for girls as it is painful. You knew that?" Rita asked Darien raising an eyebrow. Darien shrugged, "Never made love to a virgin before never had to worry about that kind of thing. Does it really hurt?" Darien's voice seemed to be getting shaky.
"Well of course it hurts, the male's penis needs to get through what you could call a protective barrier. It obviously hurts but only for a bit, she might bite her lip for a while of stop but don't worry just let her know it can only get better from then on!" Rita reassured Darien. "When did you lose your virginity?" Darien questioned her. "Well it must have been about 2 years ago when Andrew and I first met. If you need to talk about it ask Andrew. He knows what it is like as well." Rita suggested just as the door to the bedroom opened. End "Darien I have got something to do tomorrow and I could do with your help." Andrew said and then turned to Rita. "Maybe you and Serena could talk about... things..." Rita looked at Andrew weirdly and then caught some thing odd in his eyes. "Sure... yeah great." Rita said looking at Darien and Andrew looked at Serena all smiling. "Hey anyone want any food?" Serena asked around watching as everyone's face lit up. The next morning Serena woke up early remembering that she was spending that night with Darien. She was really looking forward to it. She decided to have a shower and then go and have breakfast.
When she finally got out of the shower (1 hour later) she walked into the bedroom with her towel around her waist and bumped into a hard chest. She looked up and saw Darien smiling down at her. "What are you doing here?" She asked walking over to her bed and sat down taking out some knickers and bra, which she had laid on her bed. Darien looked away from her and started to fiddle with some drawer knobs when he accidentally opened the drawer to reveal Serena's knickers and bra's. She saw him blush, "While you are there can you pick out a bra for me and some thongs these are going to clash with my clothes." Serena asked turning back to her underwear and then threw them at Darien. Darien caught the flying clothes and placed them quickly back into the drawer. "Umm... what colour do you want?" Darien asked very nervously looking at all the different colour, shapes and sizes among them. "I think the pink frilly ones with the bows on them. Wait no... actually yes. Get them." Serena said walking into the bathroom again and fetching her hairbrush. Darien rummaged through all of the lingerie and managed to find the ones she was on about and blushed at the amount of see throughness in them. Serena looked at him and smiled. "That's the ones, pass em over here will ya?" She asked finally finishing brushing her hair. She blonde hair flowed right down past her ankles and along the floor. "I never really noticed how long your hair actually is, you always seem to have it up in meatballs." He said slowly walking up to her. "So, anyway, what are you doing here for anyway?" She asked him. He looked her straight in the eye and smiled. "I wanted to see you, is it a crime to want to see my girlfriend?" Darien asked feigning hurt. Serena smiled and placed a hand on his cheek. "Of course not!" She said laughing at him, but the most embarrassing thing happened: her towel fell to the floor. Serena froze; she couldn't move she just watched Darien's face. He had stopped breathing and stood staring at her naked body. He slowly knelt down not taking his eyes away from her torso. He used both hands to pull it up causing his arms to rub against her fragile body. He brought it up above her knees, then her hips, and her belly and then above her breasts.