The Bishounen Ghost Boy
Ch.1-How Do You Catch Danny?

Danny Fenton is just minding his own business one day when a strange obsessive ghost opens up a portal, flinging him into a very familiar world. As he gets help to return to his universe, lots of chaos and bad puns about bacon erupt in this spin-off of my other story, Fairy Odd Parents Goes Anime! Please read and review!

"...Gah! Why didn't anyone wake me up!?" Danny cried as he practically flew down the stairs to the breakfast table. His older sister Jazz rolled her eyes as she read the newspaper and drank her orange juice. "I tried waking you up, sweetie, and you said you were going to get up." Danny's mom said as she made pancakes on the stove. "And you actually believed me?!" The fourteen-year-old said as he ate his breakfast. "Well if you were a ghost, then you don't have to wake up! You know why? Because you're already dead, that's why! Hahah! Oh, I love that joke!" Danny's dad laughed. "...Uh, yeah...funny Dad...ha ha..." Danny said dully, rolling his eyes.

After he finished, he grabbed his stuff and put on his shoes. "Bye everyone! Love you!" Danny said as he went out the door. But before he did, he looked in a mirror next to the door and ran a hand through his ebony hair. "Oh yeah..." He said, winking at his reflection. He stopped, and studied himself. "...Eww...I sound like Quagmire off of Family Guy." Danny said, wrinkling his nose. He then went out and started walking towards the bus stop. His best friends Sam and Tucker were waiting for him. "Hey man, what's shaking?" Tucker asked, exchanging high fives with his friend. "Oh nothing much...except that I'm bored." Danny said. A few minutes passed by, and he was still bored.

"Where's the friggin' bus!?" As he screamed, a figure watched him from behind a bush, smirking evilly. "...Even if I can't get fairy boy or his pink- hatted brat to join my 'collection,' I can still have Danny Phantom! Muahahahaha!" Danny stopped screaming and blinked. "Hey, did you guys hear something like evil laughter behind me in that bush?" He asked. "...Um no." His friends said. "Oh, must be my imagination then." Danny then continued screaming. Just as he was about to take another breath, he saw that it turned blue. "Guys! There's a ghost about!" he said. "What? Did you say toast?" They asked, taking of their headphones.

Danny rolled his blue eyes and quickly transformed into his ghostly self and went after the ghost. It seemed to be a girl with brown hair and green eyes. "Ah ha! You can't get away from me, ghost girl!" He said dramatically, pointing a finger at her. "So Danny Phantom...we meet again!" she cackled. Danny had a confused look on his face. "...Do I know you?" he asked. The ghost girl blinked. "Well uh...not really...but all I know is that...uh...I want you to join my collection!" she finally laughed evilly, getting a look from the ghost boy. "Okay ...right ...well then, you're harmless from what I can tell." "No, I'm not!" The ghost girl cried angrily. "My name is Mara, and I'm an evil anime otaku who's bent on taking over the world by capturing pretty bishounen for my own evil uses!"

Danny laughed out loud. "A bishounen trainer, right?" He looked at himself, smirking. "I don't see no pretty boy here!" Mara got angry and whipped out a ghost box. "...Oh crap." Danny said as he saw it. Mara pressed a button, and sucked the ghost boy up. "Hey! Let me out you obsessive chick!" Danny yelled from the box and it wiggled. Taking off the ghost disguise, she then took out a remote control and opened up a portal to a very familiar world. She tossed in the box and leapt into it. "Muahahaha! One down, two more to still capture!"

Oh what's going to happen? Will Danny get out of the ghost box? Will he ever find his way home? And...let's hope there's not going to be a threesome...

Wanda: NOOO! EVIL!