Just Like James

A/N: Um…Sirius's Pov, on Harry. It's really pretty depressing, I cried writing it (but my teacher says that's really not saying much). I wrote this after reading the third book again. Please Read and Review. Flames are not welcome, just constructive critcism.

Dear Sirius,

Thanks for your last letter. That bird was so enormous; it could hardly get through my window. Things are the same as usual here. Dudley's diet isn't going to well. My aunt found him smuggling doughnuts into his room yesterday. They told him they'd have to cut his pocket money if he keeps doing it, so he got really angry and chucked his PlayStation out the window. Bit stupid really, now he doesn't even have Mega Mutilation Part Three to take his mind off things.

I'm ok, mainly because the Dursley's are terrified you might turn up and turn them all into bats if I ask you to.

A weird thing happened to me this morning though. My scar was burning. Last time it happened Voldemort was at Hogwarts, but I don't reckon he could be anywhere around here now, can he? Do you know if curse scars sometimes hurt years afterwards?

I'll send this with Hedwig when she comes back; she's off hunting now. Say Hello to BuckBeak for me.


Oh God…why does he have to be so much like James? I know it's bad, but sometimes I wish he hadn't lived through it all…Voldemort, Peter, the Death Eaters…Geez, he's an exact mirror of James. He even SOUNDS like him. And he shouldn't have to live like this, fearing Voldemort…Damn that back-stabbing ass hole I called my friend. I KNOW I shouldn't have trusted him…Damn, I'm crying now…Harry is so much like James (except the eyes), and it gets to be so painful. Seeing Harry only brings back memories…James and Lily were such good people. Why them of all people? Why not me?

All I want for Harry is to have real father, but hey, that'll never happen. James…God…I miss you James…Why the hell did I say Pettigrew should be the secret keeper? If only I hadn't…Lily…she loved Harry more than anyone ever could…And he'll never know that love…God, I wish he could…she loved him so much. He was everything to her…and yet, to him, she's just a name…Harry could have had the perfect life…but I had to go ruin it…

I remember…I remember when James and I made that ruddy map…and…and learned how to transfigure ourselves into animals…the wedding…when Harry was just born…and…and then…their death. I used to love Halloween…but I don't think anyone who ever knew Lily or James can love it anymore…and it's all my fault. If I hadn't suggested that rat to be the secret keeper…they wouldn't have…wouldn't have died. I want so badly to kill Pettigrew…but death is to good for him…Urgh…I used to talk to him like a friend…used to always help him, and teach him ways to curse the Slytherins…James, Remus and I…we all considered him a friend…we couldn't have been more wrong…

I guess I'll write Harry back soon…I love him so much…But I'm so scared that I'm gonna loose him too. Ha…losing him would be like losing James again. I've got to protect him…he cant be killed with no sincerity, just like his father, the best friend I ever had. What would I do without Harry? I don't want to know…or even think about what I'd do…Harry is so strong…Just like James…

A/N: Please review!!!! I would love it so much if you did!!! Sorry if this sucks…I know it may be a bit overdone…but I still thought it'd be nice to do. Review, please!!!

Disclaimer: Me? Own something? Nah…everything belongs to the great J.K. Rowling…