Title – The Rewards We Reap 2/?
Rating – PG-13
Disclaimer – I own none of this, it all belongs to Rowling. I just have the honor of using her creations in my story. No sex, slash or profanity.
Summary – Reflections and First Impressions
A/N – My deepest apologies for the very long delay. Here's a short bit to hopefully whet your appetites while I work diligently on the next parts. All reviews, corrections, questions and suggestions are welcome! Read and enjoy.
The Rewards We Reap
Chapter 2
There was something completely relaxing about reading the paper while drinking a nice cup of tea and reclining in a hammock.
Albus Dumbledore smiled to himself as he took another sip of tea and turned his attention to the front page of the Daily Prophet in his lap. An early morning breeze gently stirred the white hair that was not tucked under his wide straw hat and slightly pushed his hammock from side to side. There were birds beginning to sing in the trees above him and a scrumptious breakfast, courtesy of his family house else Miel, was set out on a table next to his secluded garden spot.
Life was good.
But it was not perfect.
Dumbledore sighed as his eyes flickered to the date at the top of the Daily Prophet. September 1st. The first day of classes at Hogwarts.
Today would mark the second year Dumbledore was not at Hogwarts to preside over the start of the new term. It was a part of his retirement he had yet to truly reconcile with.
Of course he also wondered how Severus was faring.
For what was probably the hundredth time in the last 24 hours Dumbledore asked himself if it was too soon for Snape to resume his previous life and job. Over a year had passed since he had rescued Snape from the dungeons of Lord Voldemort and while the younger wizard had made an unlikely recovery from near death, sometimes Dumbledore was concerned that it would only take a small encounter or event to send Snape spiraling back into the depths of depression. And as much as Snape liked to say the memories of his imprisonment did not bother him anymore, Dumbledore knew that he still suffered from horrendous nightmares and was often ashamed of the scars that had defied medi-magic and still marred his skin.
He would have liked to keep Snape here at his retirement cottage for a bit longer, but the Slytherin's stubbornness had reared its ugly head, much to Dumbledore's disappointment, and Snape had been quite determined to leave. After some consultation with Headmistress McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey, they had agreed that allowing Snape to resume a normal life was in the best interest of everyone and it was time for the Potions master to return to Hogwarts.
Now Dumbledore was alone.
Well, not entirely alone.
He had the ever-loyal Fawkes the phoenix as his companion and his trusty house elf Miel to look after household matters. There was also a small village a short distance from the beach cottage and he and Severus would often journey there on day trips for supplies and to interact with the friendly villagers. He supposed he could travel there soon and get to really know and perhaps become a part of the local magical community. Not to mention there never seemed to be a shortage of owl post from his friends and colleagues around the world inviting him to luncheons, conferences, birthdays and other social functions. He was still quite famous throughout the wizarding world and there were still many people out there who wanted to meet and speak with Albus Dumbledore.
Sighing again, the retired wizard lifted the teacup to his lips and took another sip.
If his life was so busy and there were so many things for him to do, then why did he feel so empty inside?
- - - - - - - - - -
One thing that had not changed during his absence was the house elves' ability to brew a fine pot of tea. Prominent nose twitching, Snape hurried ever so slightly down the hall to the staff room where the glorious, aromatic, caffeine-rich beverage would be waiting for him. He opened the door and mumbled a good morning to an amused Professor Sprout before sweeping past her to the side-table holding the tea he needed to start his day.
Snape filled a cup with the rich black tea and inhaled deeply. Perfect. He turned around and automatically headed for his usual chair by the window, not paying any attention to his surroundings until a pair of unfamiliar and quite unwelcome legs came into view. Startled, Snape looked up and stared at the person who had dared to sit in his chair.
A witch in red robes gazed back up at him, a cup of tea held in one hand while the other turned the pages of some kind of journal. She continued to gaze expectantly at him until Snape sighed impatiently and said,
"You are in my chair."
The witch raised an eyebrow and replied,
"Am I? Seeing as I have been sitting here every morning for the past year without any problem I was unaware someone else had a previous claim to this chair Professor -?"
"Snape and I have always sat in this particular chair. Now there are some over by Pomona if you would be so kind." Snape gestured over to a couple of empty chairs near Sprout.
Before the witch could respond someone cleared their throat and Snape turned to see Headmistress McGonagall standing there, her lips twitching in amusement as she deftly maneuvered herself between the two professors and deflecting any further arguments.
"There you are Severus. I see you have finally become acquainted with dear old Filius Flitwick's replacement. A pity I couldn't acquaint you with her earlier. Let me introduce Claudia Summerbee, our Charms Professor. Claudia this is Severus Snape, Potions Master and Head of Slytherin."
Snape studied the Charms Professor with renewed interest. As a matter of fact he did recall someone telling him that Summerbee had been selected to fill the Charms position last year and so far had done an admirable job. He knew he must have seen her at the beginning of term staff meeting, but did not acknowledge her as part of the staff until now.
Summerbee was also staring at him, her blue eyes alight in curiosity and recognition. She held out a hand and said,
"I don't believe we were introduced at the meeting a few days ago so it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I've heard much about you from staff and students alike."
Snape politely shook her hand and replied wryly,
"I do hope the staff has said a few good things about me in my absence."
Summerbee smiled and rose from the chair, collecting her things.
"Your reputation does proceed you Professor Snape. I look forward to working with you and perhaps seeing if what the rumors say are true."
"Oh? And what would those rumors be?" Snape asked, suddenly aware that he really did care about what the Charms witch had been told. The Snape of old would have sneered and fired off some sarcastic comment before sweeping angrily out of the room, ignoring her and any rumors completely. But the past year had given Snape a new outlook on life and teaching in general, so he waited somewhat anxiously for Summerbee to answer.
"Nothing quite so horrible I'm afraid. In fact everyone spoke very highly of you."
"Everyone must have been under the influence of some intoxicating beverage when you spoke with them then."
"Actually, I believe they were completely sober." Summerbee told him with a grin, "Not a drop of liquor that I could see. Ask Professor Potter the next time you see him, he was most forthcoming about your accomplishments and ah, quirks, if you will." She added before finally moving over to an armchair by the hearth.
Snape stood in surprise for a moment before slowly sitting down in the vacated chair. He definitely would have to corner Potter sometime this evening and ask him just what it was that he told Summerbee. It could not have been anything good. Could it?
He absently sipped at his cup of tea and only when Headmistress McGonagall waved her hand in front of his face did he jerk his head up and notice she was trying to speak to him.
"Still here Minerva? Don't you have some sort of Headmistressly duties to perform?"
McGonagall waved away his questions while she summoned a chair over and settled herself into it, twinkling eyes focusing on him in a way that reminded Snape of a certain lemon-drop obsessed former Headmaster.
"How are you doing this morning Severus? Any problems? Anything I should be aware of?"
'Leave it to Minerva to get right to the point,' Snape thought as he pondered her nosy questions.
"Besides finding someone else in my chair everything is fine. You can tell Albus and Poppy that I'm looking forward to my classes and I promise to let them know right away if something should happen. I know they asked you to keep an eye on me."
McGonagall gave a restrained smile, not looking at all apologetic.
"I'll be sure to relay that to them then. Don't think too badly of us Severus, you know we have your best interests at heart, Albus especially."
Snape ducked his head and hid behind his hair, feeling suddenly embarrassed and still unused to the fact that there were people in the world who cared for him and would do anything in their power to help him. He was thankful when McGonagall began to outline his responsibilities as Deputy for the first week of term, taking his mind off the previous line of conversation.
"And don't forget Severus, it is your responsibility to organize this week's staff dinner. Feel free to consult with the house elves for ideas. Oh dear, would you look at the time, I must be heading down for breakfast with the students now. Good luck today Severus."
McGonagall stood and paused to adjust her hat. She peered down at him and squeezed his shoulder reassuringly before leaving. Snape was relieved she remembered he could not tolerate personal touches for very long and only then from a handful of people.
He remained seated long after the staff room emptied, finishing the rest of his tea and staring out the window. When it came time for his first class, second year Slytherins and Hufflepuffs thank Merlin, Snape sighed and drew his robes tight around him, preparing himself mentally and physically.
It was time for Professor Snape to return to the classroom.
Chapter 3 - The 1st day continues and Snape has a little chat with Professor Potter
Note - I really dislike Original Female Characters. In fact I despise them. However when I was conceiving this fic's plot I realized a female interest for Severus was vital to the overall story. So Ms. Summerbee was created. If you check the HP Lexicon you'll find that Summerbees have some basis in Rowling's world. She is not a Mary Sue and given my immense dislike of OFCs I will do my best to give her background, substance and personality that is plausible and realistic to the universe. Some of you may ask "If you hate OFCs so much then why the heck are you writing one?" Because yes, I am a hypocrite and if Summerbee doesn't work out the way I want her I'll rewrite the plot accordingly. I thought I'd state my problem now and get opinions on the issue before I write more of her into the fic. Honest feedback on Ms. Summerbee (and this chapter) would be greatly appreciated.