It All Started With A Poetry

Beating up bandits, searching for treasures,

Has been a routine in my everyday life,

I thought I was content with it,

Until you came into my life,

Giving me that goofy smile of yours,

You somehow became important to me,

Even though you're such a jellyfish for brain,

Your loyalty and kindness outshine it,

We've been together for years now,

And a certain feeling has been building up inside of me,

No matter when you smile or look at me,

I couldn't stop the blushing from coming,

After a certain incident with a Hellmaster,

I finally recognize the feeling that I was experiencing,

But my pride was always stopping me,

From saying 'I Lov……

Lina: blush W-WHAT AM I DOING!!!??? ::tears her little poetry::

Xellos: Aww, but you forgot to write 'I Love You'

Lina: XELLOS!!?? How dare you disturb a girl's privacy!!??

Xellos: Don't be sad, Lina-san! If you can't write it down, then allow me to help!

Lina: Huh?

Xellos: Gourry-san!

Lina: NOOOO!!! ::shakes fist::

Minna: ::burst in to Lina's room:: What's wrong, Lina!!!!???

Xellos: Gourrrrrryyy-saaaaan

Lina: NOOOO!! ::chokes Xellos::

Gourry: W-what?

Lina: NOOOOOOOO!! ::still choking Xellos::

Xellos: ::smiles:: I love you!

Gourry: o 0 ??

Zel: …………yaoi…

Amelia: Oh my, Xellos-san……

Lina: …………oh, L-sama……::faints::

A/N : Ehehe, how was it? Actually, I kinda did this out of boredom. Thanks for reading