I am so sorry this took so long for me to post. Forgive me! Please?

To Love Two

I Love You, Chapter 12

-- T.A.

Tai shoved his hands in his pockets as he and Sora walked across the field to the back of the school.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"I broke up with Matt."

Tai looked at her, "Why?" And then he mentally kicked himself as Sora just looked at him.

Sora sighed, "I told him that he had to figure himself out. You know, that he had to make a decision."

Sora stopped and sat down on the grass and Tai looked down at her, "Meaning you told him to choose who he wants to be with."

Tai sat down across from her.

"I won't hate you if he chooses you, Sora, and I'm not mad at you for making him choose between us." Tai sighed, "I mean .. I guess he would have to choose eventually anyway."

Sora nodded, "I .. I'm just not too sure that if he chooses me, if I would want to be with him again."

Tai looked up at her as she diverted her gaze to the grass.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think I want to be with him again. I mean, Tai .." She looked up so that their gazes met, "I think he had always liked you, and I always kind of knew that in the back of my head, but never wanted to admit it."

"He loves you though, Sora."

"I know he does, but not in the way he should. He's just fooling himself and I've known it all along. I fooled myself into thinking he loved me the way I loved him."

"Sora .."

"Tai, I just can't be with him anymore. I won't hate you guys for being together .. And hey, there are other fish out in the sea, right?" Sora gave Tai a small tearful smile.

Tai moved over and wrapped his arms around her, "Sora stop, you don't know that he'll choose me. He really did love you, you could tell."

Sora sighed, "I know I don't want to be with him anymore Tai. I can't have a relationship with someone who did this to me."

"Sora, do me a favor?"

Sora snuggled a little more into his embrace, "Yea?"

"Don't tell him you don't want to be with him anymore until he chooses."

Sora looked up at him, "Why?"

"I don't want him to choose me just because he can't have you. I wouldn't be able to be with him knowing that that could be the reason he ended up with me."

Sora smiled softly and got up, stretching an arm out to Tai, "Come on, we should get back."

Tai reached out and grabbed her arm and Sora hoisted him to his feet.

They started walking back the way they came.


"Yea Sora?"

"I promise I won't tell him. We'll let him make his decision and take it from their."


Running a hand through his hair, his eyes flicked back and forth between the rearview mirror and the passenger seat. He fidgeted then reached a hand up to adjust the rear view mirror then reached down to adjust the volume on the radio, quickly deciding to just switch the song entirely. As the light ahead of him turned red he cursed silently under his breath. He wanted this ride as short as possible, he didn't need to be interrogated by the person in the passenger seat.

As he slowly rolled to a stop the passenger turned his head as expected and started the 'interrogation'.

"Matt what the hells wrong with you?"

Okay maybe not the type of interrogation he thought he was going to get but one nonetheless.

Matt flicked his eyes towards Tk than back at the light, willing it to turn green.

"Tk .. I don't know." 'Damn light!'

"Matt .. Why would you do something like this?"

Ah that's more along the lines of what he was expecting, "I don't know." He answered stiffly once again, eyes never leaving the traffic light.

"You do know your talking to me when we get to dads right?"

The light turned green, although not soon enough for Matt's liking, and Matt started towards home again.

"Do I really have a choice?"

Tk put a finger to his chin like he was actually thinking about it before answering, "No."

All too soon they reached their apartment building. Both brothers made their way up the stairs towards their destination.

Upon opening the door and finding the apartment empty Tk decided to start questioning again.


Matt kicked his shoes off and walked over to the couch, "So what?" He plopped down in the middle of it as Tk took a seat on the recliner.

"Matt .. Please talk to me. Your not usually the type of person to do this sort of thing .. and why didn't you tell me you were gay?"

Matt growled, "I am NOT gay."

Tk looked at him, "De ja vu?"

Matt glared.

Tk glared right back, "Matt, talk to me for crying out loud! I'm your brother! Not just some stranger on the street. You know you can trust me." Tk's face softened as he said this.

Matt closed his eyes and leaned back into the couch, in a soft voice he said "I don't know what happened Tk."

"Why don't you tell me what started it all? You obviously made a move on Tai, why?"

Matt laid down on the couch, feeling slightly like he was in a psychiatrists office.

He draped an arm over his eyes, "I did make the first move. He was just being Tai, he thought something was wrong so he laid down on the bed next to me. I .. I don't know, I was confused. Tk .. I couldn't help it. After it started I tried to break it off with him. I mean .. it's wrong." Matt's voice had gotten higher then the calmer tone he was using earlier.

Tk scrunched his eyebrows, "Wrong? Matt .. Please don't tell me you just used him?"

"I didn't!" Matt brushed both hands through his hair, "Tai .. I didn't! It's just wrong."

Tk growled, "Matt! What the fucks wrong!"

Matt shot up into a sitting position on the couch and shot a venomous glare at Tk, as he yelled, "The fact that I made love with a guy and liked it! THAT'S what's wrong!"

Matt was breathing hard as Tk just stared at him with his mouth ajar.

"You .. had .. sex with him?"

Matt rested his elbows on his knees and placed his face in his hands.

"I didn't mean to, I didn't want to .. I don't know anymore."

Tk sighed as he got up to sit next to his older brother. Rubbing his back he said gently, "It's going to be okay Matt."

Matt mumbled from in his hands, "How? They both hate me."

Tk sighed again, "You know, you would have saved yourself a lot of grief if you had just broken up with Sora before .. um .." He coughed, "exploring with Tai."

Matt looked up at Tk, "I kinda figured that out thank you."

Matt rested against the back of the couch, "I just .. I didn't want to break up with Sora. I wasn't sure what I wanted .. I'm still not sure."

Tk studied Matt's face before asking, "Matt?"

"Yea Tk?" he answered while staring at the ceiling.

"Do you love Sora?"

"Yea .."

Tk looked up at the ceiling too, not believing what he was going to ask next, "Do you love Tai, Matt?"

Matt closed his eyes, "Yea .. I think I do."

Tk nodded, "Who would you rather be with?"

Matt opened his eyes again to continue staring at the ceiling. He ran the question over and over through his head and an answer slowly bubbled to the surface.

He leaned forward again and rested his elbows on his knees while he locked eyes with Tk.

"I think .. I mean .. I'm pretty sure I know who I want to be with," he cracked a smile but it faltered as he locked eyes with Tk, "I just .. You would never judge me .. Right Teeks?"

Tk smiled, "Even though it has never crossed my mind that there was a chance you could be gay .. It actually doesn't shock me too much .. So if by that question you mean you would rather be with Tai .. Than no Matt, I would never judge you."

Matt's smile disappeared, "I'm not gay," Matt took a deep breath, "I think I'm bi .. But I'm scared Tk, everyone out there thinks it's wrong."

Tk shrugged, "Who cares what everyone thinks?"

"I care Tk. I mean .. what's dad going to say?"

Tk bit his lip, "That's actually a good question."

Matt covered his face again with his hands.

"Matt, listen .. Dad will never stop loving you, he might be mad at first but I'm sure he'll get over it."

"What about everyone else?" he mumbled into his hands.

"Screw everyone else Matt, if it's what makes you happy .. Then be happy. You know all the digidestined will stick by you and so will your band."

Matt stood up and walked towards the door, "Your right Tk .. I shouldn't care what everyone else thinks." He grabbed the handle and opened the door.

"Where are you going?"

Matt turned around to look at him, "There's someone I need to talk to." and with that he left the apartment.

Tk sighed and got up to follow his brother, "Matt! You forgot your shoes!"


Tai threw his green school blazer onto the back of his computer chair and undid the first few buttons of the white collared shirt that was part of his uniform. It hadn't been tucked in since he set off for school in the morning. Flipping his shoes off he laid down on his back in his bed.

A little less than a minute later someone knocked on his door.

He knew it was his sister, she had been bugging him all day wanting to talk. He had been able to brush her off all day .. But he knew when to except defeat.

"You can come in Kari."

The door opened slightly and Kari poked her head in. Seeing her brother laying on the bed she fully opened the door and walked in, closing it softly behind her.

Taking a seat at the end of his bed she rested her hand on top of his, "Are you okay Tai?"

"Just peachy," he commented while continuing to stare at the ceiling.

"I know what happened," She informed him in a soft voice.

Shifting his gaze so that their eyes locked Tai half-smiled, "I kind of figured that."

"So are you going to tell me what happened?"

Tai choked out a sarcastic laugh, "I fucked up that's what happened."

Kari quirked an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I let my defenses down .. I .. Gods I feel like a chick," He rubbed furiously at his eyes.

Kari rubbed his arm, "Tai .. Trust me .. Your nowhere near to being a chick. Don't beat yourself up over this Tai .. It isn't your fault."

Tai sighed, "I know Kar, it sucks though .. Do you know .. I told him I loved him."

Kari shook her head, "I .. I always knew you liked him .. I could just tell by the way you would always look at him."

Tai rubbed his eyes again, "I love him Kari. What am I going to do?"

Kari sighed, for once she didn't know what to say.

They sat in silence until a bell went off in their apartment.

"That's the front door, I'll be right back Tai."

Tai heard her pad across his room and shut his door. He closed his eyes and could faintly hear voices talking from where his front door would be.

He heard the front door shut again and could hear faint footsteps making their way back over to his door.

As expected he heard the soft knock that meant his sister was back to continue their conversation.

"You can come in."

Keeping his eyes closed he heard Kari open the door and close it softly, but after the door was shut he could tell that she hadn't moved.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked towards the door. He took in a sharp breath and froze as his eyes connected with eyes the most beautiful shade of blue. Eyes belonging to the person who he loved more than life itself, the person who betrayed his trust.

"Tai-" Matt began but Tai cut him off.

"What are you doing here?" He growled out in an icy voice.

Matt shifted and Tai sat up in his bed.

" I wanted to talk with you Tai."

Tai stood up and turned his back towards the blonde. Making his way to the window he looked out at the darkening sky, "What makes you think I want to talk to you?"

Keeping his hands firmly behind his back Matt walked awkwardly closer to Tai until he was about an arms length away from him.

Tai froze as Matt's voice drifted towards him from a much closer distance.

"Tai I need to talk to you, I don't care if you don't want to talk to me but .. But please at least listen?"

Tai turned around and he studied Matt's face.

He looked like he was going to cry. Some of Tai's anger melted away, "Fine then .. Talk."

Matt looked at the ground then made eye contact again, "Tai I .. I'm sorry .."

Tai laughed bitterly, "Yea so am I Matt."

Tai turned back towards the window and looked angrily up at the sky.

Matt sighed, he knew this was going to be hard. Matt took his hands out from behind him and looked at the single red rose he bought at the flower shop in between their apartments. Holding it in his left hand he moved so that he was leaning against the wall on Tai's right.

He studied Tai's profile and looked back down at the rose.

"I know I shouldn't be expecting you to forgive me easily, or even at all .. But I have a lot I want to say."

Tai didn't move from looking up at the sky.

"I .. I did love Sora .. But I was confused .. For a long time. I always doubted our relationship and lately .. For the past few months before I fucked everything up, I've been questioning myself."

He looked back from the rose to Tai again, who was still looking at the sky.

"I've always been attracted to males. I think the reason I really started going out with Sora was because I was in denial .. I wanted to prove that I didn't like guys. I thought it was wrong to think like that. After awhile .. I fell in love .. I thought I fixed myself as stupid as that sounds."

He thought he saw Tai's eyes flicker towards him before turning back towards the sky.

"But after our sixth month anniversary I started having doubts again. I .. I started to .. To notice things more .. About you. Things I never realized before .. And before I knew it I was back to where I started. It was worse this time though because I actually had a crush on a person of the same sex." Matt blushed lightly, "I started to really like you."

This time Tai turned his head and he made eye contact with Matt as Matt continued.

"That night .. It was killing me. I knew I liked you .. But I knew I loved Sora. When you got into bed with me though .. I forgot about Sora and I just wanted to see what it would be like .. No matter how wrong it was .. To be with you .. In your arms .. Kissing you."

Matt's eyes shifted towards the floor, "I didn't intend on getting that far with you that night .. But when I kissed you, it was like I had never been kissed before."

A tear made it's way down Matt's cheek and it took Tai all the resolve he had not to reach out and brush it away.

Matt continued, eyes still locked on the floor, as another tear started tracing it's way after the first one, "After we kissed .. It was like I wasn't controlling myself, but when .. When we made love I knew their was something special about you. Making love with you was the most amazing experience I have ever had."

Matt looked up and locked his eyes with Tai's, "And I want you to know Tai .. I .. You were my first .." More tears met up with the first few and Matt wiped his hand across his face.

"I'm sorry I acted like such an asshole after that. I knew I should have just broken it off with Sora but I was still in denial. I thought it was wrong Tai .. I was scared of what everyone else would think, but .. But I couldn't help coming back to you for more. You were intoxicating Tai .. It was like I was addicted to you. Then I did the stupidest thing I think I've ever done .. I had sex with Sora and I lied to you. I told you I broke up with her when I had actually brought our relationship to the next level. Part of me still wanted to believe that I was totally straight .. That I was normal. When you found out .."

Matt's eyes roamed over Tai's cast, "I did that didn't I?"

Tai's eyes had tears in them also as he glanced down at his cast, "It's okay" he muttered and as he started to bring his eyes back up to meet Matt's he glanced at the rose and did a double take.

Frowning he looked back up, "Matt?"

"I'm sorry I hurt you Tai. I've had a lot of time to myself to think about things and .. I've missed you a lot. A part of me is still worried about what everyone will think .. But the rest of me doesn't care."

Tears started rolling down Tai's cheeks as Matt handed the rose to him, "I got this for you .."

Tai reached out to take the rose and his fingers brushed over Matt's.

Matt bit down a sob that was working it's way out of his throat as he looked down to where their hands were overlapping on the rose. Tentatively he reached out and captured Tai's free hand with his own.

"Gods Tai .. I've missed you." And breaking any resolve that either of them had not too, they both wound their arms around each other and Matt buried his face into Tai's soft hair as sobs racked through both of their bodies.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, pulling each other as close as they could get to one another.

When Matt calmed down enough to talk he kept his face buried in Tai's neck, "Tai .. I am so sorry .. I'm such a fucking asshole."

Tai just continued sobbing, not yet able to talk.

Matt continued, "Please Tai .. Please never leave me again. I don't care what anyone else thinks .. I love you Tai, I love you more than I thought possible."

Tai leaned back enough so that he could look into Matt's eyes, "I love you too Matt .. I was so afraid that you didn't love me .. That you wouldn't come back to me .."

"Tai .." Matt brought one hand up to run through the back of Tai's hair as their foreheads met, "I want to do this right this time."

Tai looked at Matt, confusion written all over his face.

Matt brought his hand from the back of Tai's head to his face and traced his fingers down Tai's cheeks. Tai's eyelids slowly drifted down a little as he melted into Matt's touch, "What do you mean Matt?"

"I .. I was wondering .." He couldn't believe how hard this was, after all .. He wasn't sure if Tai entirely forgave him, "Will you go out with me?"

Tai's eyes shot open and he straightened up.

Matt shrunk a little and coughed, "I understand if you don't want to .."

Tai cut him off, "No .. I mean .." he loosened himself up a little and looked down at the rose he was holding, he started to blush and in a soft whisper replied, "I would love to go out with you Ma - .. Yama."

Shyly Matt caught Tai's eyes in his own and smiled as their hands once again entwined themselves.

He couldn't believe how nervous he was, it was like he and Tai had never been together before.

Smiling softly Tai let go of one of Matt's hands to place the rose on the window sill, "Thanks for the rose Matt .. It's beautiful."

Matt flushed and lowered his head to close the gap between their faces.

They could feel each others breath as their noses rubbed together.

"I love you Tai .."

"I love you too Matt."

Their lips met and it was like they had never kissed before. All of the pressure and anxiety that was over them throughout the little affair they had had kept them from truly escaping into the pleasure they derived from being with one another.

Matt pulled away from the kiss and couldn't believe it when he noticed that he was shaking.

Slowly pulling away from Matt, Tai pulled him over to the bed. Matt pulled him in for another kiss and they both fell onto the bed with Tai on top.

Tai pushed himself onto Matt as he slid his tongue through his boyfriends lips.

Matt couldn't believe he had ever doubted this as Tai's hands slid up his torso along with the pleasure that only Tai could bring to him.

Matt let himself sink into the mattress as their tongues battled for dominance.

Within minutes all clothes had been disregarded and Matt was screaming Tai's name as waves of pleasure he had never experienced before washed over him. He didn't care if Tai's dominance won over his, for this, he would give in over and over again.

They were covered in sweat and Matt was sure the neighbors could hear them but he quickly forgot that thought as Tai whimpered out Matt's name and started pumping into him harder. Matt thought he was going to loose it as a pleasure so intense rocked through his body. Shortly after, Tai's breath hitched and after slamming himself into Matt one last time he collapsed on top of him.

Breathing hard, tears once again started cascading down Matt's cheeks as Tai rolled off of him and cuddled with Matt's side. Matt looked over and saw tears in his friends eyes too.

"Matt, don't you ever hurt me again."

Matt pulled Tai towards him as they both started crying harder, "I would never dream of it Tai, I love you"

"I love you too Matt."


Outside Kari and Tk turned down the volume of the tv.

Kari glanced towards the door, "Sounds like their done."

Tk made a disgusted face, "Matt knew we were out here .. He could have kept it down at least."

Kari giggled as she leaned into Tk and turned the volume back up, "I think it's very possible that he forgot we were out here."

Tk shrugged and kissed Kari's cheek.

They soon had to turn the volume up even louder because of Matt's forgetfulness.

I hope you guys liked it .. I might write one more chapter. What do you guys think?