Chapter 11 of Rain's Pitbull

Malik: "Faller, you there? I can't see." Faller barked. They kept walking. After awhile Malik started to question if they were moving or not. They banged into a door because of the lack of light. They tried to pry it open and after much effort there was a small space to fit into. Once in this new room they looked for a light. "This is useless how are we going to find a light without any light?" Faller barked and put something by Malik's feet. He felt around for it and picked it up. It was a candle but what use was it without fire? "Maybe I can use that power that Pentan used. It's worth a shot." He stared at where the candle was. Faller started winning so he stopped. "Guess I can't." And he threw the candle over his shoulder. He heard it hit the floor and then from behind him a light burst. He turned around not to see the candle, but a little glass ball full of fire. "Interesting. That seems too convenient..." He went and picked it up then noticed that Faller wasn't in the room. "Faller! Where the hell do you go?!" He wondered on to look for...anyone.

Somewhere else in the mansion

Joey: "I can't see a thing!"

Anzu: "This is useless."

Joey: "Malik, get the hell out here now!" A torch in a corner burst into flames.

Anzu: "This house is way too creepy"

Joey: "Let's check it out."

Anzu: "Are you crazy!" Joey ran to the torch.

Joey: "Hey! I think there's a passage way over here!"

Anzu: "Joey! It's a dead end! How could there be..." She saw the pass. It was hidden by shadow before now.

Joey: "Let's go!" Before Anzu could protest he started walking.

Anzu: "Don't leave without me!"

The room

Malik: "Faller where did you go!?" A distant bark sounded. "Faller?"

Rain: "No." She appeared on a balcony a floor above. "My dear, or should I say, dead Malik. Why would you worry about him when you have that to worry about?" She pointed behind him to a mirror then disappeared. He walked slowly to the mirror and looked in. He saw his Yami and winced but then he faded and two monsters appeared in it, a big and a small one.

Malik: "They look like shadows."

The Shadows: "We are." Malik stepped back. "Shadows are hard to get away from aren't they Malik?" He was still backing up as the shadows started coming out of the mirror. "Do you know how sharp a dogs teeth can be?" One, who was currently talking, looked like a huge spiky dog. The other didn't look like particularly anything and kept changing its shape.

Rain: "My pets would love to see how you taste." Her voice echoed but he couldn't see her. The shadows lunged at him and bit into his neck like Rain. It was then he realized that the shadows were Rain like Faller was himself. Blood ran down his neck but then he woke up.

Malik: "It was a dream?" He was holding his neck. He felt a scratch there but it had healed over. Faller was next to him. "Was it real? I don't get it..."

The passage

Anzu: "Damn it we are so lost!"

Joey: "No we are not lost."

Anzu: "Then where are we?"

Joey: "We are in a secret passage way of some old house." Something white and transparent went by them. They both flinched back.

Anzu: "Joey! Find a way out of here now!!"

Joey: "Ok ok!"

Anzu: "Ah! We still don't know where Malik is!"

Joey: "Hopefully something didn't get him. I hope something doesn't get us." They both looked at each other then started screaming.

The room

Malik: "Come on Faller let's go this way." He started running into a hallway with Faller when he heard screaming. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to go the other way. When he turned around a white figure was floating in front of him. It grabbed his arm and he tried to pull away. Other ghostly figures came out of the walls around getting closer and closer. Finally before the rest got near he got out of the one ghosts grasp and ran down the hall as fast as he could with Faller next to him.

The passage

Anzu and Joey were running. Behind them were several ghosts floating toward them.

Anzu: "Remind me to never accept your surprises again!"

Joey: "I never thought this would happen! And why did Tristan bail!? I hope he's having a bad time like us!"

Anzu: "He probably is fighting with Duke."


Serenity was eating and ice cream cone next to the fountain at the park with Tristan sitting next to her. Oddly Duke was no where in sight.

Serenity: "Tristan where did Duke go?"

Tristan: "Oh he had to get something."

In an alley

Duke was tied to a light post with a bike chain in an alleyway.

Duke: "Tristan I'm going to kill you!" At the fountain

Tristan: "Nothing to worry about!" He was sweatdropping.

Serenity: "Ok."


Joey: "Less talk more run."

Anzu: "I'm too tired to not run my legs are numb!"

Joey: "That doesn't make sense!"

Anzu: "Who cares!"

Joey: "What the hell is that!?"

Malik: "Ah!!!" Faller barked.

Joey & Anzu: "Malik!"

Anzu: "Where the hell have you been!?"

Malik: "Something's following me!"

Joey: "Something's following us too. In fact here it comes."

Anzu: "What do we do!?" Everything started closing in on them. They clawed, scratched, and grabbed them. They were ripping their cloths, pulling and pushing them around.

Faller: "Bark! Bark!" Faller started to glow with markings all over him. He howled and Anzu, Joey, Malik, and Faller started to go through the ground. They looked down and saw that they were being pulled into what looked like a puddle of black water. They didn't know if they should fight back or just let themselves be pulled under. Joey tried to fight back, Anzu was to petrified to do anything, and Malik looked at the ghosts once more then closed his eyes and was pulled under with the others.