Summary: Vaughn has to make a choice and it hurts him and Sydney. Umm...just read it....

Disclaimer: NONE OF THIS IS MINE(there..that should do it) The song is "God of Wine" By third eye blind

Walk Away By Furnari

Every thought that I repent, There's another chip you haven't spent, And you're cashing them all in, Where do we begin. To get clean again, Can we get clean again. I walk home alone with you, And the mood you're born into, Sometimes you let me in, And I take it on the chin. I can't get clean again. I want to know, Can we get clean again,

The sand was cold under her bare feet. The chilled air was an odity for the month of April, especially in L.A. The pounding of the waves rose and fell monotonously. Sydney couldn't hear anything else. Sighing quietly, she pulled her legs into her chest and rested her chin on her knees. The sound of the waves soothing her. Wiping a stray tear from her cheeck, she focused blindly out on the horizon.

Two days earlier
"Syd..I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore. I've got to walk away before the both of us end up hurt or dead." Tears welled in her eyes as he walked away.

Two hours earlier

"Vaughn,...if you're there please, I need to talk to you" Her voice breaking.."please, I need someone to save me. You said you'd be there."...the phone clicked dead.

One week earlier

"Let me make this perfectly clear to you Mr. Vaughn. Walk away from her or I'll make sure you do. At her funeral. It's a simple choice isn't it? You love her but you would rather see her alive wouldn't you?" The cocky british accent was make Vaughn furious. Clenching his jaw tightly he stared down the barrel of the gun.

"If I walk away, you wont touch her? If I find out you do, I'm going to hunt you down and kill you myself. If you go near her, I'll kill you."

"Oh come now Mr. Vaughn. Petty threats aren't going to scare me. Stay away from Sydney Bristow or we'll help you." With that, Sark turned and walked away.

The God of Wine comes crashing through, The headlights of a car that took you farther than you thought you'd ever want to go, We can't get back again, We can't get back again, She takes a drink and then she waits, The alcohol it permeates. And soon the cells give way, And cancels out the day, I can't keep it all together, I know...I can't keep it all together, And the siren's song that is your madness, Holds a truth I can't erase, All alone on your face, Every glamorous sunrise, Throws the planets out of line, A star sign out of whack A fraudulent zodiac.

Present She sat quietly on the sand. Her sobbing ripping her apart inside. Sydney put her head down and closed her eyes. Her head was pounding with the rythm of the waves and the blood in her ears.

"You know. Ever since that night on the pier, I've always known when you come here." A voice says from behind her. Quickly wiping the tears from her eyes, Sudney stands and turns. He's standing there, looking disheveled. He's got a days growth of beard and bags under his eyes.




The End

And the God of Wine is crouched down in my room, You let me down, I said it, Now I'm going down, And you're not even around. And I said no...I can't keep it all together, I know...I can't keep it all together, And there's a memory of a window, Looking through I see you.Searching for something,I could never give you, And there's someone who understands you, More than I do. A sadness I can't erase. All alone on your face.

There might be more. It depends on what people think. Not trying to pull for reviews, just wondeing if this is a good start? Feel free to flame. But do it well or Im going to inuslt you from afar and then laugh....sigh..I'll stop now.