Brotherly Love

(Yeah right, as if I'd write about "brotherly love". The title is just an
excuse for another Twin chapter)

Twin 2: I'm sorry, but NeoLand is shut. We're upgrading.

Kids: Then why did you let all those kids in the back way?

Twin 2: I didn't let... Oh my god, One!!

(1 is letting people in through the back door.)

Twin 2: One, why are you letting people in the park? We're upgrading
to version
2.190903494836769889990089 and you know the park has to run on
minimum memory.

Twin 1: You've actually been keeping count of the versions? Anyway
they were giving me candy to get in.

Twin 2: Help me get them all out and I'll buy you more candy.

Twin 1: Yayyyyyy!!!

Announcer: NeoLand.exe has performed an illegal operation and must
be shut down...

Twin 2: Now look what's happened.

(Six Hours Later)

Neo: Well, we're working again but we had to reboot on version 0.5.
Which means no crazy rides. So I want everyone who ran a ride to help
fix the errors being reported all over the park

Twin 1: I'll only do it if Two gives me the candy he promised me.

Twin 2: Oh!! Ah...Uh...But...The store was sold out

Twin 1: No! You lie! I saw the store full of candy when we passed it
coming here! Now I'll teach you to lie to me!!

(Instead of boring you with an endless fight scene, I'll just say
that Twin 1 leaps on and attempts to...maul 2. Now while this is going
on we'll fast-forward to the Oracle's fortune-teller's tent.)

Oracle: Now, sweetie, I don't know how to say this, but, sigh, you
will be a tall dark stranger.

Woman: Don't you mean meet a stranger?
(Suddenly a Smith pops out from a fold in a curtain.)

Smith 73: No...She knows what she... means...

(Smith transforms the woman.)

Oracle: Want a cookie? They're almost done.

Smith 73: Ohh. Can I...add

Oracle: Of course you can, hun. But you better leave now, both of

Smith 731677: Why?

Oracle: The tent is about to go on fire.

Smith 73: Ok

Oracle: I would come with you but after you leave a truck backs up
over the door strangely enough.

(They leave and everything the oracle said comes true. Other Smiths
come running up.)

Smith 12: What is happening? Is the Oracle in there?

Smith 73: Yes, she is...

Smith 12: This is... disastrous. We must mount a... rescue.

Smith 14: Yes... the cookies must be saved.

(Now I think the twins have finished their fight so back to them.)

Twin 2: Why did you attempt to gouge my eyes out? They really hurt

Twin 1: Because you lied.

Twin 2: I didn't.

Twin 1: There! You did it again!

Twin 2:I didn't!

Twin 1: Hold up! First you lied, then you lied about lying, then you
lied about lying about lying, now before you lie about lying about
lying about lying abo... Just stop lying! Hey look!! A candyfloss

Twin 2: No!

(Within seconds One has cleaned out the whole stall as well as
stolen from the few passers by that had any candy.)

Twin 2: He's gonna get me deleted one day...

(Well hope you enjoyed the latest episode, and please please please
please join my forum at board.)