
A Matrix Fanfic

Morpheus: Now Neo, When the Matrix was first built, there was a man
born inside. A
man who could remake the matrix as he saw fit...
After he died, the oracle prophesised his return...

Neo: You don't mean...

Morpheus: Yes Neo, It's you.

Neo: Alright!!!!!

(Neo runs to the matrix chair thing and gets Tank to jack him in.
Morpheus follows him. They enter the matrix..)

Morpheus: Neo, What the hell have you done!!??

Neo: You like it?

Neo is standing outside a huge theme park called NeoLand, which seems to
take up all off the matrix.

Morpheus: Noooooooooooo!!!!

Neo: Good!! Now we need some employees: The Oracle!! The
Virus Twins!! Agents Jackson, Johnson, Brown, Black, Plum, Whyte
and Mustard!!! And not forgetting 50 Agent Smiths!!!!

Morpheus: You play too much Cluedo, you know that? Why do you do
this to me? The machines wont take this lightly.

Jackson: On the contrary, Morpheus the other agents have been
getting very bored recently.

Neo: Yay!!!!

Morpheus: Why, Why, Why me?

Smith 1: No, Me.

Smith 2: No, Me.

Smith 3: Me!

Morpheus: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Smith 4: Me?

Neo: Alright you Smiths, Shut up!! We need to decide on
jobs for you all..

Oracle: I'll be a fortune teller that sells cookies

Smith 1: Mmmmm. Oh ah, we'll be ride operators

Twin 2: We'll be security guards/safety consultants.

Jackson: Us agents will be entertainers!!

Neo: Right then, it's settled!!! NeoLand is open for

Morpheus: I do not believe this...