Disappearing Hearts

By: Hixxy

Author's note: hello again sorry for not updating for such a looonnnnggg time just too busy these days but I've decided that im going to finish this story to the best of my ability just to say 'I finished it' lol also I was reviewing it and it seemed to me that the story was taking a WAFF turn instead of the angst approach that I wanted, so the story may take a darker turn this time around. BTW I think this story may take a long time to finish since im thinking of expanding it to their older years.

Summary: this is basically a Bellatrix/James/Lily love triangle fanfic with the main focus being on Bellatrix and James so if this is not to your taste I suggest you leave.



The birds were singing their sweet melody.

The flowers were throwing their fragrance into the air.

The morning dew was making the air seem cool and refreshing.

But it was the bright sunlight that shook Bella out of her sleep, and for the first time in her life she loved it.

Glancing Beside her, she saw that James was still snoring contently and peacefully.

(wow it wasn't a dream! Me and James actually…..)

She blushed as she finished the rest of that sentence in her mind.

Reaching out a hand, she started caressing James' face softly and adoringly.

(I am the luckiest girl in the world. When I'm with you James I feel as if everything is right in my life)

Suddenly he opened his eyes.

'Hey pretty lady..' he greeted, then feeling her hand on his face he smirked ' can't keep your hands off of me eh?'

Bella immediately jerked back her hand embarrassedly.

'I..I..Im sorry…I didn't mean to…'

Grabbing back her hand he brought it back to his face and kissed it.

'there's nothing to be sorry about, you're my girlfriend now you have the right to do anything you want to me, just so long as it doesn't involve straps.' He laughed jokingly.

Giggling she kissed him on the cheek then proceeded to remove herself from the tangle that was him, her and the blanket.

Whilst she was getting dressed, James just stared at her body appreciatively.

'Bella you have such an amazing body.'

Turning pink, she squeaked out a 'thanks, you too.'

Soon, the both of them were dressed and ready for the new day and with that they made their way back to the castle with their hearts feeling light and carefree.

However that feeling was soon dashed to pieces when on the way to the great hall they were confronted by a fuming long haired boy by the name of…you guessed it…Sirius.

'Where were you last night prongs?' he snarled.

James however just looked calm and collected.

'I was with my GIRLFRIEND Sirius.'

'So you're serious about it?'

'Yes' James replied

'I'm telling you prongs she's bad news!'

'And I'm telling you I don't care! When will you understand that I love her! If you're my friend then accept it!' James said pleadingly.

Seeing that James was not going to be convinced Sirius tried another angle.

'You can do much better than her! There are heaps of girls that like you! I happen to know that Lily….' He halted.

'Huh? Evans? What does she have to do with anything?' James asked confusedly.

'Nothing.. never mind…but yeah, there are heaps of beauties just waiting for your call!' Sirus had a desperate edge to his voice now.

'NO I won't tolerate this anymore Padfoot, you can either accept that me and Bella are together, or you and I will go our separate ways.' The last part was said quietly.

'……' Sirius couldn't say a word. That last statement had shocked him to the core.

For what seemed like ages the silence just hanged in the air.

'…Alright I won't interfere anymore. I don't want any bad blood between us Prongs, so for your sake I'll let this go.' And with that he stalked off but not without one final glance at Bella that clearly said 'this isn't over.'

With Sirius gone, James let off a huge sigh and looked downcast.

'I'm so sorry James.'

Turning his head so that he could look at her in the eyes.

'Don't you ever feel sorry for what happened here Sirius had it coming; he may be like a brother to me but the way he is treating you isn't right and I won't stand for it'

'Thank you.' Bella whispered, but in her heart she couldn't help but feel guilty that such a strong bond between two best friends could easily have been broken by her.

'Anyways we should go get some breakfast, I need to regain all the energy that I used up on last night's activities.' He purred seductively.

Bella just turned pink and smiled remembering the 'activities' of last night, however she was shook out of her reverie by James taking her by the hand and dragging her to the great hall.

When they got there it was pretty normal except for a few glares here and there directed at Bella. They navigated themselves through to the Gryffindor table since they were rather wary of what the Slytherin's would do if they went there.

As soon as James and Bella sat down, the normally noisy and rowdy table went deathly silent.

Bella became nervous from the sudden tension in the air, James on the other hand just acted indifferent to it.

Finally, one Gryffindor stood up and started walking back to the common room, then another , then two more until the table was empty apart from James, Bella, Sirius, Peter, Remus.

'You F$# sheep!' James shouted at the Gryffindors walking back to the common room

'You see what I mean James? The only reason we're here is because of our friendship otherwise we would be long gone as well.' Sirius smirked from across the table.

'I can see what you mean, but anyone who hates a person because of their House is a dam idiot.' James smirked back which seemed to infuriate Sirius.

'Will you two stop it! You are acting like a pair of nitwits.' A voice arose from the middle of the table.

The two boys turned towards the source and saw that it was a very pretty red head by the name of Lily Evans.

'It is obvious that Potter won't change his mind no matter how hard you try Sirius, so if you're his friend, then just let it be.' She continued.

'And as for you Potter, you shouldn't put the blame on everyone, this is a hard change for them, you can't expect them to accept it so easily.' She directed at James with a glare.



Both boys looked shamefacedly and grumbled out an apology to each other.

Lily, having made a satisfactory end to the argument sat down and continued eating.

(wow…she stopped them just by saying a few words.)

throughout this whole ordeal Bella had just remained quiet, so she was quite surprised when another girl, one who wasn't even involved, had spoken up and made the two boys shut up as if she were admonishing a child.

Everyone at that table finished their breakfast silently, but as Lily made her way to leave to the library, James caught up to her with Bella in tow.

'Hey Evans, thanks for coming between me and Sirius back there and for clearing up my mind, ever since me and Bella got together it seemed like everything changed for the worse, but I think I can handle it now.'

Lily just blinked in surprise, considering that her and James had a pretty competitive history with each other, thanks was the last thing she ever expected him to say.

'Well uh it's no problem I guess… anything I can do to help…' she replied incoherently whilst blushing discreetly.

Meanwhile Bella was on the side watching this exchange and for some reason it made her feel uneasy, but as soon as she looked at Lily's eyes, she knew.

Those were the same eyes that she had whenever she was looking at James.

Author's note: so how was that? Good? Bad? Alright? Just tell me I want to know!

Till next time laters!