Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or the song 'I'm still here' by the Goo Goo dolls


/blah blah blah/ Marik's thoughts

'Blah blah blah' Malik's thoughts

"Blah blah blah" regular speech


I'm still here

Chapter 3

/And what do you think you'd understand

I'm a boy, no I'm a man

You can't take me and throw me away/

Malik sped through the streets of Domino, on his way to the Domino City Museum. He wasn't lying when he said that he was helping Odion pack up the exhibit that afternoon. Running up the stone steps Malik nearly tripped over one out of a hundred cardboard boxes that littered the museum as he burst through the door. Most were unopened, some of the closed boxes were stacked in the empty corners; and that weird paper used for packaging delicate and breakable things laid carelessly all over the floor. Malik smirked to himself as he picked his way through the maze, Odion was never very good with organization.

Why Isis left Odion to pack up the museum was beyond Malik. Most of the artifacts would probably come back in pieces. Either that or dust. He could just picture it:

/ "Odion? Where is that old vase with the inscriptions of the pharaoh's palace?" She would ask.

"Um, I think it broke."

"Well, maybe we could fix it."

"I don't think so."

"Just go get it!" Odion would come back with a box and dump it upside down and powder would fall out.

"Don't sneeze." /

Malik laughed to himself and started to search the museum for his step-brother. He found the 27 year old Egyptian carrying already loaded boxes to a large truck where everything would be stores until he got to the airport tomorrow morning. Malik noticed there weren't that many boxes ready to go, so there was only one explanation.

"Stalling Odion?" Malik asked, his smile never leaving his face. Startled, Odion nearly dropped the box he was holding.

"No, of course not," Odion answered, but Malik could hear the uneasiness in his voice, making him smile even more.

"Where should I start, this is going to take a while."


It was about 10:30 and the museum was almost empty, just a few more things had to be done, then Malik and Odion could go home. Unfortunately, they hadn't stopped working since Malik had gotten there about seven hours ago, so Malik still had a mound of homework to get done before tomorrow.

Taping together his final box, Malik slid it along the polished floor to Odion's feet. "That's the last of them," Malik told him, stifling a yawn. Standing up, Malik stretched; he had done all of the packing. Grabbing his keys he said quickly, "I got to get home, or I'll never finish all my homework."

"Lock up on the way out, I'm going out the back," Odion called after him, Malik just waved his comment off, heading for the museum doors. "I mean it Malik!" Odion called, he still didn't get an answer. "MALIK!"

"I HEARD YOU!" Slamming the door shut, Malik locked it swiftly. "There. Happy?" He muttered to no one, and stormed down the steps, Odion could be just as bad as Isis sometimes. And Isis never stopped picking at him, correcting everything he did and always blaming him for everything wrong that happened. 'She's probably not going to like how I packed everything either,' Malik thought bitterly. Climbing on to his motorcycle, he sped down the street at three times the speed limit. "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT ISIS?" Malik shouted, his voice lost in the wind. She always got on him about all the speeding tickets he got too, and made him pay for them!

Now in a very bad mood, Malik turned on to the near empty street and sped downtown, towards home. And towards hell. 'I'm not going to be sleeping tonight,' Malik sighed. A few minutes later Malik pulled up into the drive way of their small house. Soon to be his small house since no one else would be living there besides him starting tomorrow. Walking up to the door, Malik looked around the street; no other lights were on, everyone else was asleep, not a worry on their mind. Sighing, Malik entered the dark house.

Shutting the door, Malik kicked off his shoes and started up the stairs in front of the door, not bothering to turn on a light. He headed straight for his room, throwing his keys on his desk and turning on the light. His room was just as messy as he had left it that morning at the ungodly hour of 7:20, on weekends he usually wasn't up till noon. Malik changed from his horrid school uniform to some pajama bottoms and collapsed on his bed. He so wanted to go to sleep right then and there, but he had homework still, homework he didn't give a shit about.

Sitting up, bare-chested and sleepy, he grabbed his backpack and shook it out onto his bed. He picked up his social studies book, he was supposed to read chapters 1-4 for a test in a day or two, he couldn't remember when, it wasn't tomorrow though. 'Then screw this!' he threw it back into his backpack and started in on his math.

The clock seemed to tick by, time flying by; he could almost he the whooshing sound it made as it flew out his window. Soon it was 3:30 and he still had a science paper to work on. And now of all times his head started to hurt again. Dropping his science book, he got up to go take an aspirin or something, he couldn't think with this migraine. About to walk out, Malik noticed something lying on his desk next to his keys. It was the Millennium Rod, how'd it get there?

'I thought I gave it to Yugi,' Malik said to himself. 'But then again I do remember stuffing it in a shoe box full of marbles and burying it at the top of my closet.' Confused and a little scared Malik reached out to pick it up and hide it again, when he hesitated, his hand hovering inches over the rod, it suddenly got really warm. 'No, it can't be.' Taking his hand back to warmth faded. Malik stared at the rod, it's gleaming golden exterior shining in the light from his desk lamp, looking as innocent as day.

'I have to get rid of it,' Malik thought. Slowly he reached out, his hand getting warmer as it came closer and closer to the Rod, till he touched it. His head burst with pain, and the rod glowed brightly, blinding his vision. Malik's free hand protected his eyes from the light generating off the rod, but his other hand couldn't let go, his head pounded; heart thumping in his ears. He felt like his head was splitting in two.

Then it stopped.

The light faded, and the pain dulled, but he could still hear his heart pound in his ears. He dropped the rod before falling to his knees, nothing changed. His head felt stuffed, full; it felt . . . good though. Malik stared at the rod, silent.

/It's pretty isn't it/ Malik nearly jumped out of his skin as the familiar voice sounded through his head. 'No, not again.'

/Scared/ Malik was shaking his head, no, not now, not when he was around the others more than usual. And not here, when he was alone, in the dark, with him. 'GET OUT OF MY HEAD!' Malik shouted to the other, he could feel him wince.

/Not so loud, it hurts./ Malik was panicking, what was he supposed to do now. Well, he felt like either shooting himself or crawling in a hole under the floor. /None of those sound very successful./ The other pointed out.

/You're the one who brought me back anyway, and you can stop panicking, I can't do anything. Except talk to you./ He stated. Malik slightly relaxed, the voice did sound distant. 'Wait, if all he can do is talk, maybe I can block him out.'

/Wait, don't/ Too late. Malik put up a mental wall and the voice disappeared, yet he could still feel his presence. 'What am I supposed to do, I couldn't get him away without Yami Yugi's help.' Tears stung behind his eyes, no this can't happen again. Not again! No one was going to help him this time; not Yugi, not his sister, not Odion. No one.

Wait, he could ask Ryou to help! Maybe Ryou would persuade Yugi to help him get rid of Marik. Yeah, good plan.

Malik scrambled up from the floor and over to his phone. With shaking fingers he dialed up Ryou's number, he needed someone over there. Now! He couldn't stand being alone with him, too much could happen.


Damn it all.

Marik sat down in the darkness and . . . pouted basically. What was he supposed to do now! After giving up on pouting he started to grow bored, twirling his strands of pale blonde hair between his fingers. He sighed deeply, I haven't been this bored since… since…

Marik blinked.

. . . since . . .

he was getting a total blank.

Well, I wish I was still in that . . . one place . . . where I . . . uh . . .

yet another blank.


Or the time I . . .

. . uh . .

The blonde Egyptian let out a frustrated groan and held his head in his hands. Why couldn't he remember anything! Ok, the last thing I remember was . . . Malik bringing me out of the . . . dark place. Yeah. But before that I . . . I . . . I . . . RA DAMNIT! He pulled on his hair in frustration.




Malik jumped, Marik was breaking through, and Ryou wasn't picking up. He sat with his back to the wall, hugging his knees to his chest, biting back tears. He was scared, no he was way beyond scared. He couldn't stop shaking, things just seemed to keep getting worse and worse for him.

He had had a normal life for no more than 2 months and now he was back to square one! He continued to call Ryou, redialing his number but it was to no avail. He had already left about 5 messages, no one could possibly sleep through that! He had to keep trying. But after the 22nd time he dropped the phone, still shaking. 'This can't be happening,' he thought to himself, 'it's a nightmare, it just has to be! When I wake up everything will be fine.' But he knew he was only lying to himself. He didn't cry, no; he hadn't cried since he was 10. But he was pretty damn close.

Malik buried his face in his knees, waiting for himself to wake up. Jumbled thoughts and emotions tumbling through his head. He wanted Isis, he wanted to see Odion, he wanted to go home. He thought this was his home now, but it wasn't at the moment. It was a prison, locking him up with the one person he hated and despised and feared most. Malik shuddered to himself, he could still feel him, inside his head. Even with the mental block up.

He wanted him out, Malik couldn't stand the feeling of that…. thing in his mind! He would have to see Yami Yugi, the pharaoh was the only person that could free the blonde Egyptian, but Malik didn't think he could do it without Ryou there.

He looked up at his clock, 5:41. The sun would be fully up soon, he would have to go to Yami Yugi himself. It wasn't like Malik was scared of the pharaoh or anything; well, not him personally.

Malik was just scared he wouldn't help him.



Oh, so short. And I feel like I rushed it.

Everyone:long gone:

Angel: They all left me:tear: That's what I get for not updating when I was supposed to…

Well, thankx to all of my wonderful and patient reviewers!

Rapturous Voice

HANDHELD Uber Rei Model 05

Inu-Ice-Dragon :blushes madly: I'm not that good a writer…

Sailor Mini Venus

Amarin Rose :laughs uncontroably: Seto in a cheerleader outfit, that's priceless! XD




Chibi B

Somnia Lustre


Maruken – How I play with Seto's hair? Well, it's not that short, but his bangs are the easiest to play with! D Either that, or I play with it till the point that I mess it up completely…



Wow, thankx to all for such nice compliments. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy! XD I'm not that good a writer. And I would like to thank peoples for the constructive criticism, like a lot of peoples said that I made Malik a little OOC last chapter. Well, I have to admit I did, he's gonna kind-of be like that throughout the story, I'll try to change it a little though…

Thankx again to all my fans! (wow, 'my fans' o.O there's two words I never thought I'd say in a row)

Review please, and I'll try to update faster next time, school has just been hell…



(and no flames please)