Disclaimer: I know I don't own any of the 24 characters. Note: this is my first ever fanfic so please rr and let me know if I should continue. Thanks. (

I got out of the car just before Jack came around. Thank God it looks like we've just been talking through the open window. Tony and I have only been dating for two months, and we don't want anybody to know about it... yet. Usually he would drop me off at my place in the morning but today, I was just too tired to get up extra early. "Hey guys, what you talking about?" Tony quickly made up some lie about needing me to go to IT for him right away and do something. God, just hearing his voice made my heart leap. I am so crazy about him and it is so difficult for me in the office not to show it. Every time he gives us an order, there is this twinkle in his eye and I see his expression soften as he glances at me, and I want to just grab him, kiss him. But I can't. There is no fraternization with the boss at CTU. It is simply not tolerated. I see her standing there, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, listening to me talk about God knows what, when all I am doing is thinking about her. That is all I have done for the past two months. She smiles, God I would do anything she asked of me in return for that smile. I make up any excuse at all, to have her around me. To get her up in my office, even just for work's sake, to see her, any reason to call her and hear her voice. I am afraid I am falling in love. "Tony." "Yeah, Chase." "What do you want me to do about this?" "Have Chloe look it over. In the meantime, send one of the IT guys up to help her and get crypto in her ASAP." "Yeah. Uh, Tony, you OK?" "Yeah, I'm fine Chase. Get that done and then I think Jack wanted to see you in his office." I can't resist the temptation to call her into my office. I dial the familiar extension. "Dessler." God she sounds so tense. She's obviously working hard right now. "Hey Shelle, it's me. I look down to where she is sitting, as my office is right above her work station. I see her start to turn to look at me with a grin steadily growing on her face but she remembers to quickly turn back to her computer. I smile at her "sneakiness." "So, you busy?" "Not too much," she says lightly, the tension in her voice drifting away. "Do you think you could bring those files up to my office?" She grins. She knows exactly which files I mean. "Sure." I hang up the phone. My heart is racing. He doesn't want to see the files, he wants to see me. I gather up a manila folder and some document and start to walk to his office. I know he is watching me, and I suppress a grin, even though I know he's seen. I get to his office. He's scrambling through his desk looking for something. "Hey. Michelle. Just come in and close the door. What are the files..." The second I close the door his mouth closes too. I put the folder and papers down on his desk. My heart is beating so hard I am sure he can hear it. We've done really well at keeping our relationship out of the office but once in a while, I need to talk to him, to hug him, to kiss him. Right then he steps towards me. He comes closer and closer until we're only an inch apart. He reaches up and pushes my loose curl behind my face. Then he kisses me, softly, tenderly. His lips are soft and he nibbles on my lower lip. We begin to move back against the wall, him leaning himself against me, one hand on my face and the other around my waist. I put my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, feeling his lips pressed hard yet gently against mine. I am in heaven. I kiss her passionately. All of my feelings, not being able to kiss her in hours, come rushing out. Right now, she is mine to hold, mine to kiss. I can't seem to remove my lips from hers. I want to melt around her, be with her, not leave her for one second. We pull apart. I put my forehead to hers. Look at her beautiful face, her eyes still closed. We haven't done the "I love you thing yet." But I have to tell her. I want to tell her every waking moment of every day, let her know how I feel, get some of this emotion out of me so that my heart doesn't explode. She opens her eyes. Her forehead feels good on mine. I like being this close to her. I gaze into her eyes. I can't help myself. "I love you." My heart swells. I listen to the sincerity in his voice. Nobody has ever said that to me like that. I look into his eyes, his dark gorgeous eyes, and nothing is in them accept adoration and complete love. "I love you too." He smiles. I kiss him, a light, brief kiss. There is no mistake in my mind, in those eyes, I could spend an eternity of happiness. He starts to say something else. "Shelle, I have been crazy about you since the day I saw you walk through that door. I thought, she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. And you were. And then, I got to know you, fall even more in love with you." I could feel tears welling up in my eyes threatening to spill over, but I forced them back, trying not to lose control. He was spilling his heart out, letting his guard down, becoming vulnerable, something not as easy for Tony as for some people. He looked into my eyes. "When I say 'I love you,' I don't mean I just love you, I mean I am in love with you, and I want to tell you it all the time, want you to know that you won't be alone, because I will be here, loving you." By this time, I had lost it. Tears were running down my face, but there was love in my heart and a smile on my face. He wiped them away, and gave me a tender, sweet kiss. I kissed her and pulled back. Her arms, still around my neck, pulled my mouth down to hers. She didn't have to say anything, It was there in her kiss. I could tell she felt the same way. She pulled back. "I love you so much." I kissed her again. I felt her pull at my bottom lip, her tongue in my mouth. I did not want her to go anywhere. I didn't care anymore. Not about my job, not about concealing our relationship, I was in love with this woman, and I was going to hold on to that, on to her. We continued to kiss, I loved the way she smelled, her perfume, her shampoo. Right then, the phone rang. We pulled apart. I rolled my eyes at Michelle. She gave a small smile. "You better get that." I walked over to the phone. "Almeida." "Tony, this is Chase. We need Michelle down here." "Can't it wait? We're in the middle of something." Off to the side I saw her grin. "Yeah, just send her down as soon as you can, OK?" "Yeah." I hung up the phone, and turned to Michelle. She was still standing close against the wall. "They need you down at IT. You should probably go, but..." "Tony there is no but. They need me, we'll do this again later. I'll make sure of it," she said with a devious smile. "Yeah, you're right, of course you're right." I walked over and gave her a quick kiss. She picked up a tissue and started dabbing her lipstick off of my face. "You know, we should be more careful. I don't think we're ready to tell yet." She took the tissue down off of my lips. "I know," I said using my finger to rub away the part of her lipstick that was smeared. I kissed her on the forehead. "You need to go. I love you." She smiled. "Tony, you don't have to say it every time we're gonna be apart for a couple minutes." She said this with a wide grin, and I could tell she liked it anyway. "I know, but I like telling you anyway. Now go, they're going to be waiting for you." She smiled. Ten minutes later, I had helped Chase in IT, but had to stick around for about another five, as it would take a while for the info to process. I slipped into a dark corner and dialed a four digit extension. "Almeida," came the familiar voice. I grinned and said, "I love you too."