Back home in Hillwood

Disclaimer: I don't own Hey Arnold! So stop bugging me!

Chapter one: Storms within her heart

The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the children were all laughing and playing.

But for one girl, the gorgeous day was just like all the others in her life - dark and stormy.

As the blonde 16 year-old sat in the back of her parents' station wagon, she cringed at the negative thought that had been running through her mind for four years.

'They probably don't miss me.' She thought bitterly.

".....Won't that be wonderful?" Her mother said, oblivious to her daughter's saddened state of mind.


Still, the girl remained silent.


She was thrown back into the backseat by her mom calling her.

"Huh? Oh, yeah mom?"

"What's the matter dear?"

Ever since Helga was 13, Her parents had become more attentive. They had realized that they had two daughters, both with their own unique talents and gifts.

"What if.....what if no one misses me?" She replied sadly.

"Look Lil' Lady," Bob piped in. Now, 'Lil Lady' was a nick-name, a term of endearment that Helga had come to like. "You're a Pataki and Patakis-"

" 'Are loved, never hated.' I know, dad." Helga had heard this every single first day of school that she could quote the 'famous' speech word for word.

"That's right! So don't worry! All of your little friends miss you. Including the one with the Football-shaped head. Wait, what was his name?"

"Arnold, dad."

"Yeah! Arnold."

Helga smiled at the thought of seeing Arnold again, and for the first time since her parents said they were moving away from Hillwood, the storms in her heart subsided.

"I'm coming Arnold." She said quietly.

A/n: So? Good? Bad? Horrible? Let me know what you think! Pleeeeeeeaaaaaassssseeee?!?
