Authors Note
This fic is based on the cartoon Kim Possible and the video game Galerians. Don't worry about having no knowledge of the game though, I'm going way AU with it.
Galerians: Ron
The Mysterious Child
The young blonde haired boy could hear the muffled voices of his parents coming from down the hall. Curiosity getting the better of him, he slid out of bed and opened his bedroom door a crack to hear better.
"Hurry up and pack Elsa!" He heard his father say. The sound of his voice held a panic the boy had never heard in his father before. "Just take what you can carry and then we'll get Rion!"
The sound of a bag being zipped could be heard before his mother spoke. "Are you certain they're coming?"
"Of course they are! Rion's a threat to them now!"
The voices were getting closer now and he could hear his mother fighting back tears. "We should never have done this to him! He'll never have a normal life now!"
The boy could see his parents now, they were just outside his room. They stopped as his father pulled his mother into a comforting embrace. "If this doesn't work no one will."
After a moment his parents picked the bags back up and continued down the stairs. The boy crept out of his room as they walked in silence to the front door and added the bags they carried to the two already their. He stopped at a spot upstairs where he could just see the entrance but not easily be seen himself.
"Alright." His father said as they turned back towards the stairs. "Let's get Rion and get out of here."
Before they could get anywhere the front door burst inward sending shards of wood flying in all directions. Eight men dressed in SWAT gear and wielding assault weapons rushed in. They trained their weapons on the boy's terrified parents.
Another man walked in once all was clear. He was tall with silver hair pulled back in a ponytail and an eye patch that looked almost metallic.
"Hello Dr. Albert Steiner." The man said almost mockingly. "I thought you were smarter than to try something like this."
The boy saw his father step in front of his mother and glare defiantly at the man. The man just laughed at his foolish heroics.
"Dr. Lem." His father said in a voice colder than he had ever heard from him. "He's not here! He's already somewhere you will never find him."
"Really?" The man asked as he bent down and picked up a plush toy that had been sitting amongst the bags by the door. "Then this is your stuffed… what is this some sort of hairless rodent?"
Tossing the toy aside he continued. "I just want the boy. Give him to me and I give you my word you will not be harmed."
"Never!" His father exclaimed and lunged forward with a hard punch to the man's face. The man grinned at his father's shock when his head barely snapped back from the blow. In an instant his father was being held by his throat a foot above the floor.
His mother surged forward to help her husband. She barely made it two steps before a gunshot rang out and she fell motionless to the floor.
"Momma!" The boy couldn't help but cry out, catching the attention of all the other occupants.
"Run Rion!" He heard his father's strangle cry.
With a squeeze of the man's hand he could hear his father's neck snap before he was simply tossed aside. "I'll get him."
The boy took off in a run and went to what had always been his safe haven, his room. He crawled under his bed and tried to be as quiet as he could.
The boy could hear the strange man searching for him in the various rooms upstairs. As his own door opened he found himself holding his breath out of fear. The footsteps sounded like anvils as they echoed on the floor. Finally he heard his door close and let out the breath he'd been holding.
His bed was suddenly lifted from over him and casually thrown against the wall. The man who had murdered his parents loomed over him with a sinister grin on his face. "Now I have you Rion!"
The boy could only scream as the man's hands came down towards him.
Ron woke screaming. He sat bolt upright in his bed breathing heavily and covered in sweat. Slowly he regained his composure and felt familiar weight in his lap. Glancing down he saw the newly awakened naked mole rat looking at him worriedly.
"It's alright Rufus." He assured his little friend. "I'm fine, really. Go back to sleep."
Rufus shook his head and squeaked a no. He followed Ron who had walked over to his desk. He jumped up and sat in a corner of the messy desk as Ron opened a thick notebook he had begun to keep there.
It wasn't the first time Ron had had weird dreams. Not by a long shot in fact. He could never get right back to sleep after one though. His thoughts being to jumbled afterwards. Quickly he found that if he wrote the dream down he could organize his thoughts faster and get back to sleep.
This dream wasn't like the rest though. They were usually fragmented and vague. This one was so strong and clear it scared him. He was thankful his parents were out of town or else they certainly would have heard that scream.
As he wrote down this newest dream one thought kept going over and over in his mind; who the hell is Rion?