FINALLY!!!! I apologize for the length of time it has taken me to get this chapter out, but I have been starting college, moving out of my house, and generally going through life changing events.

I will try and get the next chapter out faster, please don't give up on me!

Also I am now looking for a beta for this story, if you're interested say so in a review or email! Make sure to put something in the header line about being a beta if you email so I don't delete it as junk.

Now to thank my reviewers! Applause go to:

Alexis; angelkitty77; Ari; athenakitty; blackdragonofslytherin; captuniv; CharmedMilliE; ChicagoMyth; DemonRogue13; Dirbatua; GoddessMoonLady; harryhermione731; HecateDeMort; hummer; insanechildfanfic; jude; Juventas; karenelaine; katkitten; Kalorna Enera; Kassie; kiayea; Leanna-Marie-Malfoy; Lin; linky2; magic-shield; mah-angel-frum-heaven; maleficus-lupus; mcnugget; meg; Mystress Tate; Nemati; NoOnesPerfect; peeves gurl; Raskanii; shadow2; Shadowface; ShadowQuirk; Shinigami; Silver Kaze Kitsune; Ta'al; tati1; Time Bomb; Tom; Valkyrie Nienna Helyanwe; Water Fire Girl; Wren Truesong; yaminy-grint4eva; yokiyen; Zephyr Mirror.

Thanks to everyone! Now onto the next chapter!

Chap 11

After their afternoon classes the three headed back to their dorm to plan out their talk with Neville and exactly how much they were going to tell him about their true selves. They seated themselves comfortably around the fire as Hermione was the first to speak, "He seems trustworthy, I mean if you think about it the boy has the loyalty of a Hufflepuff."

Ron shook his head as he broke in, "True, but those loyalties never seem to extend to Slytherins; especially considering even if he has the loyalty of a Hufflepuff he is still a Gryffindor! It's not like they are known for being tolerant."

"I feel sorry for him" said Harry breaking into the conversation, "He obviously doesn't fit in with the rest of his housemates, and he hasn't tried turning on us to get in better with them. For me that speaks volumes about how much we can trust him."

Hermione nodded, "I completely agree, it would have been much easier to denounce the 'slimy Slytherins' and try to get in better with the other people in his house. I think he is a lot like us; he sincerely doesn't care about the interhouse rivalries."

The redhead furrowed his brows in thought and finally nodded, "Yes, I can see that similarity, he definitely has potential and I would much prefer him a friend when he comes into it. Not to mention that he seems like a real kind soul, there are so few now."

"It makes me so mad to hear those assholes talk about him like that!" fumed Hermione "If anyone ever actually bothered to look he has great possibilities! He would go out on a limb for anyone and they simply shot him down! If that is truly the house of the lion then I am sincerely glad that I was not placed there."

Both the other two nodded in agreement also angry with the harsh words that the foolish Gryffindors had thrown at their up and coming friend. Thinking about it Harry smirked, "You know I am particularly protective of my friends...perhaps a little payback is in order?"

An identical smirk appeared on both of his friend's faces; "Yes, payback does sound like a glorious idea but I think we should wait until we can get Neville involved in it; I think that boy has a dark streak that we don't see." Said Hermione.

Ron looked at her incredulously, "Brigid, do you know what you are saying? I live with a house full of Gryffindors..."

"And you cannot tell me that at least one of your brothers has a evil dark streak?" snapped the brunette. he looked instantly contrite when she realized what she had said, "I'm sorry Burn." She offered quietly.

The redhead accepted the apology with a nod saying it was forgiven. Harry broke up the tense silence with a small grin, "Well, so now that we established we're going to actually bring a fourth to our group we have several considerations. First, how much exactly are we going to tell him? Second, can and do we extend the Parseltongue? Finally, what would his name be? With a name like Neville Longbottom I do truly pity him."

Here Hermione spoke first, "How about Bran? Since Ron mentioned the Welsh mythology I've been researching the name, which then let to the Celtic gods and goddesses. Bran is both a dark and a light god, he is both the god of healing and the god of war. He is much like Neville with the light and dark elements combining within him."

Harry nodded, "I like it; simple and to the point. It definitely works for the boy, but we have to talk to him tonight or we will lose the edge we have at the moment."

Ron spoke up, "Most definitely; we'll have to catch him after dinner, there would be just too much uproar if we spoke to him in the Great Hall. Especially this first time, after this it will be much easier to catch up to him."

Turning, Harry spoke to Isis who was watching the proceedings carefully from her portrait, "Isssisss isss it possssible to extend Parssseltongue to include a fourth perssson?"

The snake nodded her head affirmatively as she hissed, "Yesss, it isss however I mussst meet thisss fourth to decide if he isss worthy of ssspeaking my language. There mussst be no ssspot for betrayal when you extend a gift sssuch asss thisss."

Three serious nods met the statement; they could easily understand how this could be a deadly gift; all they had to do was look at Voldemort. The late dark lord had done much damage with the gift; not only to the magical and the muggle world but as well as to the snakes themselves.

"I do not think you ssshall have to worry Isssisss; but we ssshall bring him to meet you before anything elssse happensss." Hissed Hermione. Deciding that not much else could be done until dinner the three settled down with books and only the crackling of the fire broke the comfortable silence.

At Dinner

As the first years settled themselves down they glanced around the great hall, immediately noticing Neville's absence from the hall. Ron was the first to comment quietly so that no one else could hear, "Neville isn't here; do you think that the comments really drove him away from dinner?"

"I don't know, but it certainly would affect most people if they heard that the house they were supposedly most suited for denied them" replied Hermione directing a scathing look at the whole of the Gryffindor table.

Suddenly a group of Gryffindors walked by talking loudly, "Yeah, I heard Neville sneak off to the dungeon, didn't even want to show up to dinner." Another Gryffindor they identified as Patima Patil shook her head and spoke up, "Guys really are idiots, I mean why would they say something like that?" They continued past the Slytherin table still talking about the turn of events.

Harry pushed away the plate of food in front of him and looked at the others, "Should we go find him now, or should we wait until after this 'celebration'" he said sarcastically.

Before the others could answer the doors to the Great Hall banged open loudly and the still stuttering Quirrell stumbled in talking shrilly "Troll in the Dungeons! Troll in the Dungeons! I...I thought you might like to know." With that last statement the professor collapsed to the floor as the Great Hall erupted in noise from the various houses.

At the head table Headmaster Dumbledore stood casting a spell to make his voice echo throughout the hall, "Prefects! Please lead your houses back to the common rooms in a calm and orderly fashion."

As Harry, Ron and Hermione left with the rest of the Slytherins following the prefect Hermione suddenly stopped and pulled the other two behind her over to an alcove hidden in shadows. "Those two Gryffindors said that Neville was in the dungeon!" she hissed "We have to go find him."

Sighing both Ron and Harry pulled their wands out and gestured Hermione to the dungeon; she was completely correct, they had to go find Neville. Quickly and quietly the three separated themselves from the other houses and stole silently down into the lower levels of the school.

When a loud scream suddenly broke the silence they glanced at each other and broke into a dead run to the other side of the long corridor; each fearing that they would be too late. Suddenly, Harry skidded to a stop as Ron and Hermione tried not to slam into him from behind. The raven-haired boy gestured before either of them could ask him what the hell he was stopping for.

In front of them was the troll, the creature was hunched over and dragging a large club behind it. Suddenly they were hit with the smell and each of them wrinkled their nose at the hideous scent that was starting to make their eyes water.

They watched and suddenly on the other side of the creature they caught sight of Neville; he had managed to drag himself into a corner and a crack in the wall; there was no way that the oversized troll could reach him. This didn't mean that he wasn't trying though; the troll kept swinging his club wildly trying to catch him with it.

The crashing against the walls echoed throughout the corridor and the three huddled quickly together trying to come up with a brief course of action that would somehow save the boy they wanted to become their friend.

Moving quickly the three spread out in a semi-circle around the troll, nodding to each other they raised their wands together. Harry and Hermione both cast a powerful Stupefy and Ron a Wingardium Leviosa to prevent the large club from falling onto Neville.

All at once the troll's club was removed from his hand and floated gently in the air, just as it was looking around the Stupefies hit and it fell to the ground making a dull thud on the hard floor. Ron carefully lowered the club to the ground and the three rushed over to check on Neville.

Just as they were pulling the white-faced boy from the floor teachers appeared, McGonagall, Snape, & Dumbledore all stood in amazement for a moment before shaking it off and striding forward. McGonagall was the first to speak, "50 points from Slytherin! All students were told to go to their Common Rooms, what were you doing?"

Hermione stepped forward and spoke calmly, "We heard some Gryffindors talking and knew Neville was down here, obviously none of the oh so noble Gryffs were going to do anything so we decided it was necessary."

Offering no more explanation she stepped back and before McGonagall could speak up again Snape calmly stepped forward and spoke in his silky voice, "25 points to both Mr. Potter and Ms. Granger for spells, and 25 points to Mr. Weasley for his attempt."

Obviously Snape was not above giving them points for Slytherin but you could tell that the idea he was giving them to these three was abhorrent to him. Before McGonagall could protest the headmaster calmly spoke up, "Will you four please return to your common rooms? Minerva, Severus, I believe we have a troll to take care of."

With a small nod at the three Professors the four students set off, they separated at the stairs but before Neville could head up to the Gryffindor Common Room Harry grabbed him, "Neville we would like to talk to you, how about tomorrow morning? Can you get away?"

The other boy nodded, "I'll meet you right here, none of the other Gryffindors are ever down here."

Letting go the three Slytherins walked away, already trying to plan how the morning meeting would go.