Disclaimer: I don't own Weiss Kreuz. If I did, would I be writing fan fiction? And just think of all the possibilities if I did own them...evil grin but like I said, I don't pout they belong to their creators.

WARNINGS: SLASH Omi/ Ken (don't say I didn't warn you ) Nothing too serious but there are going to be 2 guys liking each other!!

Note: My first Weiss fic and my first attempt at yaoi (male/male love) so if you don't like it you don't have to read it okies? Okay! If you like yaoi get reading pretty please?


Finally the school year had ended and Omi Tsukiyono was graduating high school. It was quite hard to be a member of an assassin group AND do homework every night. His good friend Ken Hidaka was at his graduation that hot summer day. Ken looked very good in only a muscle shirt and jean shorts. Omi flushed and was furious that Ken had noticed his looking at him, but Ken only waved and took a sip of water from his water bottle.
For quite some time Omi had felt a strange bond between their friendship. Omi was quite frustrated that he had a crush on a boy and not a girl. He knew Yohji Kudo his other fellow member from WeiB would surely make fun of him if he even mentioned liking men. Yohji was a womanizer and was probably off somewhere with one at the moment though Omi scanning the crowd. Aya-chan and Aya-kun were both there.
Aya-kun's real name was Ran Fujimiya and his sister Aya-chan was the real Aya. Over an incident that occurred several years back when Aya-chan was hurt badly and was in a comma for almost 3 years ,Ran took her name to get revenge. He still looked as grumpy as ever whenever anyone would speak to him but whenever Aya-chan spoke to him or in general there would be a smile that played across his lips!
Omi was wondering all this while the principal was calling names for the students to come up to the stadium and receive their diploma. The students were outside in an open field near the high school since there were so many kids graduating and family and friends wanted to be there, the students on the right side of the field, the family and friends on the left.
Finally the principal announced, "Tsukiyono Omi!" Omi nervously stood up and fixed his cap and walked confidently over to the small stadium placed in the center of the field so everyone could take a look.
Many of the girls who visited Omi at the flower shop were there and started squealing in delight. Omi pretended not to notice and accepted his diploma to cheers , catcalls, and many picture-taking.
After the graduation the members of WeiB decided to go clubbing, more to the fact so they wouldn't have to make dinner than anything else. Yohji had shown up at the exact time Omi got his diploma and suggested this idea. Omi was too tired from the graduation to argue and allowed himself to be thrown in the back seat of Yohji's car and driven away.
Ken had happened to get in back with Omi and now started up some conversation. "So Omi-kun, how do you feel now that you don't have to go to school anymore?"
"Tired." Omi said not really grasping Ken's words and leaning on the pretty boy's shoulder and closing his eyes. Ken blushed slightly but made no comment. Aya-chan poked Ran in the back and pointed at Omi and Ken. Ran just blinked looked at her and shrugged.
Aya-chan tapped Yohji's shoulder as to not really bother him and whispered in his ear. Yohji looked in the mirror and grinned.
"You two comfy?" he said in a smug voice. Ken's face reddened more and Omi opened his eyes quickly looking around.
"Sorry." He muttered and leaned back in the seat, his face bright red. Ken privately thought that he should kick Yohji in the back of the head but their seating position made it difficult for him not to kick one of the others' first. So he cursed mentally and looked out the window. The rest of the drive was silent.
"What do you mean I can't go in with you?!" Aya-chan demanded, her cheeks bright pink.
"You heard me Aya! It says 18 and up!" Ran raged. "BUT I AM 18! Almost 19!!" Aya-chan said in exasperation. "It doesn't matter, I don't want anyone whose like Yohji approaching you." Ran retorted.
"Hey!' Yohji spluttered indignantly.
"I'm going to take you home now." Ran took her by the arm and before
anyone could argue, he shoved her in Yohji's car, swiped Yohji's keys
and got in the driver's seat.
"Hey! I'll be needing that!" Yohji cried in dismay. Obviously he had wanted to take some women home with him.
"I'll be back." Ran said shortly. He drove off with the tires screeching and a frowning Yohji staring. Now why none of them had seen this coming or why Ran hadn't said anything until this point was a mystery so the remaining members of WeiB walked over to the line of people waiting to enter the club.
It wasn't a very big line since it was only 7pm and not many people were ready to go clubbing yet. So after about a 10 minute wait they approached the bouncer. He looked most suspicious at Omi since the youngest member of WeiB looked more around the age of 15 or 16 but Omi showed him his diploma and license. This seemed to work because the man let them all through.
Yohji immediately spotted some women over at the bar, he must have a hawk's eye view, and looked over at Ken and Omi, winked, and hurried off in the women's direction. Ken chuckled while Omi just shook his head with half a smile on his face.
Omi didn't really feel like dancing since he was quite tired by now and wandered off to the tables. Ken followed him. Omi told him all he wanted to do was sleep and really didn't register that Yohji had told them they were going out. Ken nodded his head sympathetically.
"You hungry Omi-kun? Thirsty?" Ken asked. Omi shook his head and yawned widely. Ken smirked. "Tired Omi-kun?" Omi answered by leaning on Ken's shoulder again closing his eyes. This time Ken didn't blush, he looked around for signs of Yohji or the supposedly returning Ran. Neither were to be seen, so Ken took his chances, he put an arm around Omi's waist.
Omi almost immediately lost the feeling of drowsiness that had come over him. He opened his eyes slightly and looked down to where Ken's hand was, almost on his thigh. Could Ken-kun have feelings for me too? Omi wondered slowly looking up at Ken's face. Ken was determinedly looking out at the dance floor. Omi smiled slightly and closed his eyes once again except this time instead of feeling sleepy or calm, his heart was racing and he wondered vaguely if Ken could hear it.
Ken chanced a look at Omi, the brunette still had his eyes closed but...but it looked like his face was flushed. Ken looked around yet again just in case Yohji had decided to return or Ran would enter but still they were nowhere to be found. He leaned his head on top of Omi's and whispered something in Omi's ear.
Omi's eyes opened rapidly and he looked up at Ken with his adorable big blue eyes. "Ken-kun..."he whispered softly. Ken gave him a seductive look and stood, holding his hand out to Omi who took it and got up.
They wormed through the crowd carefully avoiding people dancing and on the lookout for Yohji and Ran. They walked outside the back door and made sure to find a hidden spot.
"What was it you wanted to tell me?" Omi breathed. His heart was pounding against his chest and he was sure he was blushing again but he looked intently at Ken for answers.
Ken shuffled his feet and looked quite embarrassed. "Omi-kun, I know this might seem a little strange but..." he couldn't get it out, especially now that he had caught the other boy's attention. Omi was staring at him with those beautiful eyes, how was he to tell the cutie that he'd had a crush on him for almost as long as the beginning of WeiB? He wasn't even sure if Omi was like that...but then why would he have come outside with him? Especially since he had whispered, "Come outside with me Omi-kun, it has to do with us."
Ken realized he didn't have to say anything because Omi seemed to have read his thoughts and had wrapped his arms around Ken's necked and pulled him into a kiss. Ken blinked in surprise but kissed Omi back but Omi then retreated.
"Omi-kun?" Ken asked uncertainly. Omi was bright red but Ken couldn't tell because it was dark outside.
"Did-did that have something to do with what you wanted to say Ken- kun?" Omi asked breathlessly. He would be devastated and horribly embarrassed if it wasn't and Ken wanted to talk about something else.
Ken smiled at the nervous look Omi was giving him and pulled him close to him and kissed him back. "Yes it was Omi-kun." Omi smiled and pulled Ken closer caressing his body and kissing him more passionately, the night swirling around them in quiet bliss.

The End?

Sorry everyone I wasn't sure if I should continue or not and this was my very first attempt at yaoi...also this was my first ever WeiB fic so be kind please! Lemme know what you think! Thanks!