Sasuke knew he should have been listening to the boy in front of him, but he couldn't, and he truthfully didn't care.
His dark eyes were focused on the muscles under the orange jacket, rippling with every slight moment.
The dark-haired boy vaguely registered thinking that the Uzumaki boy in front must have had this jacket for ages for his muscles to be that noticeable.
"—uke? Sasuke!"
The Uchiha was forced out of his trance when he felt a sharp pain shoot through his head. He blinked up at his new friend. Naruto's fist was balled and he was staring at Sasuke with a worried look.
"Haven't you been listening to me?" Naruto huffed, placing his fist on his slim hips.
Sasuke averted his eyes, hoping Naruto would just drop it that he had caught him spacing out and staring at his back.
The blonde sighed and shook his head. "Hopeless," he mumbled.
Sasuke turned back and was just about to shoot back a retort when the blue-eyed boy silenced him by gesturing at a small building behind him.
"We're here. Presenting to you, the number one restaurant in Konoha, Ichiraku!" Naruto announced loudly, in a very well thrown voice of a ringmaster.
Sasuke smirked. "Whatever, dobe." And he stepped past Naruto and into the restaurant.
"Hey, don't call me that, bastard!" Naruto yelled but followed the other boy in.
Green eyes narrowed as the two figures disappeared into the building. "Ugh. Stupid Uzumaki. Told you to stay away." Gaara mumbled, then jumped down from his hidden post on the roof of another building.
Gaara turned to see Hyuuga Neji, one of his classmates.
Neji was most probably the only other one who was civil to Naruto, and Gaara, although he told no one, appreciated the blank-eyed boy for that.
Neji picked himself up from the floor and dusted himself off before looking up at Gaara.
"Gaara… What are you doing here?"
"I think that is none of your business," Gaara said and turned to go.
But Neji fell into step beside the redhead. "Where are you going, then?"
Gaara glanced at the Hyuuga boy out of the corner of his eye. "If I remember correctly, Hyuuga, you once blew some girl off saying you don't like people. So why are you associating with me now?"
All Neji did was look down at his shoes. Then he lifted his head and stared straight into green eyes.
"For reasons unknown to you."
Gaara lifted an eyebrow (Oops! He doesn't have an eyebrow! But all the same… Heh.). "I see. Goodbye."
The redhead paused and glanced over his shoulder at his classmate. He thought he saw a hint of a smile playing across Neji's lips, but he didn't dare be sure. In school, Neji was the coldest bastard next to Gaara.
"I'll walk you."
If Gaara wasn't trained to be cool and colleted, his eyeballs would have been rolling on the floor.
He scowled and turned, but didn't say anything else, so Neji assumed it was a yes.
The Hyuuga boy slowed his pace a little to fall behind Gaara.
As Neji studied the gourd-clad back, he positively smiled.
'I'll get you, Gaara. I'll get you, and you won't ever think about Naruto again.'
"Shikamaru, get down!"
The Nara boy looked down at his boyfriend from where he was standing ona brick wall of an alleyway somewhere near their school. He smiled when he saw the anxiousness so blatantly written on the dog boy's face.
He sighed dramatically. "How troublesome. I can't even have fun."
Akamaru barked as Kiba narrowed his eyes warningly. "Take that back and get down!"
Shikamaru's smile grew into a grin and he hopped off gracefully, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist.
"I didn't mean that. Sorry," Shikamaru said as he pressed a sweet kiss to Kiba's pink lips.
The Nara smiled as he felt the other boy kiss back instantly.
Kiba was the first to pull away and Shikamaru pouted. "What?"
"People walk around these places, Shika. Let's go," Kiba said, trying to get his boyfriend to release him.
But Shikamaru wasn't going to give up the chance of making out with his boyfriend just because there was a slight chance of people walking in on them in an alleyway.
"Kiba, this is an alleyway. Nobody walks here," Shikamaru argued, tightening his hold. "And you can ask Akamaru to stand guard."
The dog boy rolled his eyes. "Shika, Akamaru's a puppy. He can't scare people off. In fact, he'll attract attention."
Shikamaru pulled away and folded his arms, leaning against the wall he was previously on. "Why do you care so much about what others think anyway? Aren't we happy?"
He glared hard at his feet as they kicked at the dirt, making it fly.
He didn't even move when a warm, slightly calloused hand caressed his cheek.
"We are happy. But do you really want people to know about us? I just thought you didn't want all the attention," came the soft whisper.
The pony-tailed boy looked up into Kiba's dark, bright eyes. "What about you?" he whispered.
Kiba snaked his arms around Shikamaru's neck and hugged him. "Of course I'm all right with it. If you want to tell, I'll make posters and post it up all around town," Kiba joked.
The dog boy smiled as he felt his boyfriend's shoulders shaking from his chuckling.
Shikamaru's arms found their way back around the other boy's waist. "Thank you," he whispered.
Kiba only pulled away and kissed the brown-eyed boy.
"I love you, you know that?" the dog-owner whispered against the pale lips.
"And I love you," the genius murmured back against Kiba's lips before pressing them together again.
Akamaru most probably heard what they said about asking him to stand guard, as he looked at one opening, then the other, growling at anyone who even dared glance in.