Can Never Replace You

Disclaimer: No Sonic character belongs to me, they all go to Sonic Team, Florina is a fan-character however.

Kero Guardian: Okay, sorry for the long time before the update, but my internet has not been working very well!

Tails: Sigh. I could've helped you fix that problem if I was real…


Chapter Ten: Hand of Friendship

"Leaving so soon?"

The threesome turned at the sound of the startled voice, Maria's eyes wore a troubled expression, causing the leader to release a gruff laugh. "Sorry, but we can't stick around for much longer. Business is calling to us, you see?"

She nodded, then looked over to the silent chameleon.

Espio did not know she was addressing to him personally, because his back was now facing hers. With a slightly lowered head, he breathed an invisible sigh, just in time to hear the deeper voice that approached his ears.

"Thank you for everything." Shadow stepped beside his childhood friend. "I could have never remembered a dear friend, had it not been for all your efforts." He extended a hand out to the group.

The magenta teenager spun around with surprised eyes as a small wind picked up around them, creating a gentle flutter in the girl's golden hair and the reptile could have sworn time stopped around the two of them. For Maria's smile was all he could see and the words the hedgehog had spoken was all he could hear.

"Friend?" Charmy suddenly interrupted the moment. "You mean you guys aren't lovers?"

Shadow and Maria gawked at the insect before breaking into fragmented sentences. "What?
No, of course not, I-what makes you say that?"

The bee tittered throwing a grin at the older reptile. Vector rubbed his chin knowingly, 'I guess they haven't realized anything yet…'

"I guess I still have a chance."

And before anyone could ask, the Chaotix were already walking away.

"I'll visit as soon as I can, Maria." Espio glanced back over his shoulder, "In the meantime, take good care of her, Shadow." The Ultimate life form blinked, but nodded sternly.

"I intend to…" His thoughts flashing back to a certain scientist that phoned them earlier. "For her and for Gerald…"

With the sense of renewed expectations, the Chaotix Team left, awaiting their next mission, and hopefully one that would finally pay the bills.

The End…I think.


Kero Guardian: Yay! Finally, I finished the story! Maybe I'll even make a sequel, but there it is. This way, I don't have to make Espio sad!

Espio/Shadow: ………Are we supposed to feel happy then?

Kero Guardian: Sweatdrop. Okay, the ending does kind of stink, but I like it this way…Now onto a Klonoa story!

Rouge: And I finally got Knuckles!