Before I start I would like to say a bit about myself.

My name is Jess, I live in England. I have ritten 5 stories- this is my 6th. 4 of them are complete. All of which are Lily and James. I love romance and most of my stuff is clean- that is why I have chosen to rite a more angsty ficcy, because I feel like a change.

Please please only read if you are of age.

If you do read- I realloy hope you enjoy.

If ur not of age then read one of my others. I strongly recommend "The strongest magic I posses", my first one!

Thank you.

No strings attached

A life is not a life if you don't enjoy it.

I hated my life.

I hated the way people would treat me. I had a nice body, I will admit that. I wasn't stick thin- in fact I curved in all the right places. This gave me unwanted attention from all the boys. And all the girls hated me for it. I was easily the prettiest girl in the entire school.

And no I wasn't modest. I had no time to be.

I spent my time doing work, keeping Gryffindor in line and occasionally I would hang out with people who pretended to be my friends, so perhaps one of the boys would look in their direction.

I was also the smartest girl in the school- only two people topped my intellect.

At home I lived with Muggles. My parents adored me, but my sister hated me. She was obviously jealous. She would never be as pretty as me. And she was also not as smart or as talented.

All that however, I could handle.

Today my life changed dramatically. It was a month before my seventh year started and I got the best news in the world followed by the only news which could have ruined it.

I had been chosen as head girl.


Phase one- How can 2 heads that big fit through a door that small?

You see in the entire school- nobodies ego could match Lily Evans' except that of James Potter's.

The only people who could knock them down was the other.

Lily would scold James for picking on people and James would pick on Lily for liking her homework a little too much.

If the common room wasn't' full of them screaming at each other then it must have been class time.

When the new heads were announced everyone except for the first years burst out laughing. They believed that the heads would cause more trouble then any of the students.

How wrong they could be.

"Potter." Lily greeted James as he entered the heads room.

"Evans." He nodded rather civilly.

"Now lets get down to business, I want this year to go well, I want to stand out as an excellent head partnerships..."

"Yes yes I know, I am not planning on causing my usual bouts of mayhem. I figured that I would help run this school, and of course we'll be the best heads ever. I am the smartest person in the school after all." Lily snorted.

"yeah sure YOU are. Personally I feel I got quite a raw deal having to do double a job in running the school AND keeping you and your Friends at bay."

"Well I see I will have to fight to be allowed to do anything with you miss perfect trying to run it all."

"What could you possibly do with out mucking it up?" Lily retorted.

"A lot of things actually!" He replied smugly.

"Like what?" Lily asked in a deep breath, as she moved closer.

"Everything." He said closing the gap between them.

He placed his lips firmly on top of hers. At first they were both surprised of the suddenness. But soon enough they both melted into it. Their tongues exploring the others mouth, intertwining with each other and becoming one. It took a while for them to pull apart, their hands gliding over each others backs. But slowly and surely they did. Both looking flustered, both looking at each other searching for and excuse.

"Not everything." Lily said breathlessly. And very unconvincingly.

"You think you were better?" James retorted, also not his best lie.

"Well actually I have been told by many that I am the best." She smirked.

"Well I know I'm the best. Sirius told me."

"You kissed Sirius?" Lily asked backing up.

"NO!" James replied quickly. "The girls he dated told him I was better then him. He's been practising on his pillow since!"

"Are you sure it wasn't just girls you paid to tell him that!" Lily retorted.

"Shut up!" James said diving in for another kiss.

This one lasted longer and was more controlled. They both knew they wanted it this time. Their arguments seemed to fuel a certain passion within one another. And this was how they were releasing it.

Their hands roamed each others bodies, pulling themselves closer. Lily pushed James back down onto the couch losing herself in him, letting her hands move up to his hair and sitting on top of him, straddling him. She was kissing him roughly, wanting to saver every taste. She then pulled apart abruptly.

"Still think I'm a bad kisser?" She said breathlessly.

"But... but I thought you were a priss?" James said dazed.

"Well not all books are picture books- sometimes you have to read them a bit to get to the good stuff." She got up, "Ow and this never happened." And then she left.

Lily hadn't known why she had kissed James the first time, let alone the second- all she did know was that his kiss had sent her wild!

You see the thing with James had started from the beginning at school.

Lily had arrived knowing quite a few spells- she had bought a few more books then she needed to as she was scared that being muggle born she wouldn't know anything. And his dad, who taught him many different things (mainly to do with pranking), had brought up James.

James and Lily were both popular and both good looking.

In fact that was the reason they were rivals, they were always one upping each other.

When they weren't screaming at one another, James was annoying Lily or pranking people.

Lily would be studying. You don't make smartest girl without work.

This is why Lily was so confused. Why had she let James kiss her? (she was glad she had,) but why?

Well he was hot.

But big headed.

He was smart.

But big headed.

He was fun.

But big headed.

In fact he was everything that she was.