Title: Full Moon Rising

Author: ChimeraDragon (The Dragon)

Pairings: 1x2 3x4 5xOC

Warnings: Light lime, slight AU, Humorous

Notes: thoughts emphasis (telepathy)

Chapter 1: The Lemming

"Oh, come on Hee-chan! Why can't we go camping tonight?" Duo demanded looking at Heero who stoically refused to go camping with Duo and the others that night.

"I'm not going and that's final," Heero said not bothering to look at Duo as he continued to type away at his laptop. Can't go with the full moon tonight, it's just not safe. Heero reasoned to himself.

"What's the matter with you Heero? What? Are you afraid of the full moon?" Duo teased. I wonder if he really is . . . now that's funny! The Perfect Soldier afraid of the full moon!! Duo mused silently.

"Wha-?" Heero asked dumbly, he turned around in his chair to face the braided American. How did he-? Heero thought to himself.

"What? Are you actually afraid of the Full Moon Heero? That's ridiculous! That's not like you to be afraid of something that's so . . . silly!" Duo scoffed at Heero laughing his head off. If only! Ha! Perfect Soldier Boy's not afraid of anything so . . . mundane! Duo thought silently, he fought his laughter back when he saw the expression on Heero's face.

Anger. Hurt. What the heck is going on here!? The self-proclaimed Shinigami thought in shock.

"Make fun of me all you want baka. I'm not going." Heero said stiffly turning back to his laptop. If I don't care then why did I feel like I got my heart ripped out by that baka? Heero asked himself.

"You know . . ." Duo said quietly. "You can learn to get rid of phobias like that . . . I'd be more than willing to help you out. We'd be sharing a tent anyways, come on Heero!" Duo looked at him with sullen eyes, eyes that were full of sorrow at having caused his friend any kind of harm.

"It's for your own good if I stay home." Just let him think that you're afraid of going out during the full moon. It makes for a good excuse, not to mention the fact that you didn't actually lie. You just didn't deny it when Duo said it. The truth is just too painful to deal with. Heero thought sullenly, he looked away from Duo.

"If you don't come willingly, I'll drag you with us myself," Duo threatened. "If I have to hog tie you and duct tape your mouth shut . . . by Shinigami and God, I'll help you get through this fear you have of the Full Moon." Duo looked at Heero. Beautiful violet eyes shone with commitment.

"Duo, you don't have to do that. Actually, I'd prefer it if you just left me alone this evening." Heero said quietly, he sighed when he saw the determined look in Duo's eyes. "But thanks for the offer to help." He turned back to his laptop and feverently hoped that Duo would just let it drop at that and leave him in peace that night.

Several Hours Later . . .

"Heero, Duo wanted me to come in here and tell you to get out here before he drags you out here. Those were his words. Oh, and I thought it would be best to warn you that Duo has duct tape and rope, though Allah knows why," Quatre said walking into Heero's room. Duo and Trowa were in the living room rolling up the sleeping bags while Wufei was preparing the meal they would consume that evening.

"Heaven help me, what is that baka up to?" Heero muttered to himself. Quatre looked at him sympathetically and gave him a brief hug.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure Duo is only doing what he thinks is in your best interest," Quatre said earnestly. Although, I agree with Heero. Going out during the full moon can be . . . unwise for some of us. Quatre thought silently to himself.

"Hn, it's not you he's threatened to tie up and drag out of here forcefully if you don't come," Heero replied. Heaven help me. Heero prayed silently.

"Well, good luck to you Heero," Quatre said as he walked out of the room.

Heero turned back to his laptop, fully intending to ignore Duo. Speaking of the braided menace... Heero thought as he heard the door to his room slam open. Uh oh... I think I'm in trouble now. Heero thought sullenly.

"BAKA!!!" Duo roared as soon as the door was slammed shut again.

Heero tentatively turned around to face Duo. "What's wrong, Duo?"

"What's wrong!?" Duo demanded back at him. "How can you ask me that question!?" Heero cringed a bit as Duo screamed at him but said nothing. "Well? Aren't you going to say anything to defend yourself?"

"Gomen, Duo-Koi, I wasn't thinking," Heero muttered quietly.

"Koi?" Duo asked dumbfounded.

"Oops..." Heero blushed. "Um, yeah, Duo. I like as more than a friend. I think I might even be in love with you."

"I love you too, Heero," Duo replied. "But that means you don't keep secrets from me. And I won't keep them from you."

"I'm a lycanthrope," Heero said with a sigh.

"Like a werewolf?"

"Sort of... I'm a ..." he paused and blushed bright red.

"A what?"

"Lemming," Heero blushed bright red.

"A were-lemming?" Duo asked disbelievingly. "You're a were-lemming!?"

"Hai, please don't laugh," Heero asked quietly.

"Alright, I'm sorry," Duo hugged Heero tightly. "It's just a funny thought! I'm so sorry. Please forgive me?"

"You're forgiven," Heero said hugging Duo back tightly.

"Well, let's go camping shall we? I'm sure the others will understand. And there's something I want to show you," Duo said with a smile.

And with that the group left the house to go enjoy their mini-camping trip.


The End of Part One of Six