For those of you who are still interested, I'm sorry it took me a while to update. I wish I had agood excuse. Just homework and other priorities. I have this story pretty much planned out. There will be more romance and angst. And of coarse, action. This chapter is mostly thought and diolouge. Hope it's not too slow....

btw... I plan to make a bio soon if anyone is interested. I will just be stuff i like, stories I recommend, and maybe some stuff about me.

Chapter 6

Maybe it was the fact that she had seen her friend go through worse. Maybe it was how that little part of her never gave up hope. Or maybe it was how she had learned to stay strong and smile through it all. But whatever it was, it helped Yuna fight back the fear and tears of hopelessness.

She scolded herself. How could she be so silly, and only worry about Tidus?

"What happened?" Brother jumped up at the sight of the Gullwing fighters shuffling in the cabin carrying the limp, injured Rikku. It was almost as if he were worried about his sister. With a careful effort, Tidus picked out a clear spot on the table and gently laid her down, resting her head on his hand.

"Fiends attacked the highroad," Paine explained briefly. "Zus." The blood trickling down the Al-Bed's face said more than enough.

"Poor Rikku," Callie sighed, coming over to help. She stayed calm as she inspected Rikku's wounds and removed the blood soaked head band. "Clean this up for me will you, Hypello?" she asked sweetly.

"Shore shing," he answered and slowly shuffled away behind the counter.

Callie did many things to earn her keep on the airship. Everything from caring for the chocobo, to keeping potions on stock, to helping out the Hypellos in the kitchen. The young girl was especially good in medicine.

Everyone watched as she took a damp rag to Rikku's face, carefully whipping away the blood. She lifted up her head and forced her unconscious patient to drink a potion. This almost immediately caused Rikku to flutter her eyelids open, revealing confused, swirly green eyes gazing up at everyone.

"uh oh..." she sighed when it came to realization what had happened. "Did we win?"

Everyone exhaled, relieved.

"If you think you look bad," Paine replied leaning her weight to one hip, "You should see the bird."

Everyone chuckled a bit at Rikku's spirit. It filtered out some of the uneasiness in the room. Always count on her to remember what's important, Tidus joked to himself sarcastically. As he gazed upon the somewhat bruised Al-Bed, he realized that Yuna wasn't the only one who had done some changing in the last two years or so. It was easy to see Rikku's new edge and bravery that had developed after they defeated Sin. She waltzed around Spira with her head high; proud of her self but always ready for new dangers. No more did she cower at the sound of lightning, or at the thought of fiends.

Callie proceeded to give Rikku another potion and pour the remains of one on her delicate open wound. This seemed to have stopped the fresh bleeding. She began to tape on a bandage with some antidote sprinkled on it, just incase the gash might get infected.

"Oww..." Rikku winced, fighting the urge to slap the nurse's hand away and cover the still fresh wound with her own.

"Sorry," Callie apologized calmly, "It might have stung a little."

After the bandage was applied, Rikku laid back down and brushed her finger tips over it. It all happened so fast. She was caught off guard by a second fiend. The berserker didn't see it coming and didn't move out of the way in time. Rikku still remembered the force of the painful blow that knocked her out.

It was the last thing she remembered. Then everything went white...

Or did it? She started to ponder.

"Rikku," Her brother scolded, "how could you be so careless?"

"Hey," the angered Al-Bed sat up and spat back, "I was out numbered, okay?" She looked down at her clothes and realized that she was still wearing her blood soiled berserker costume. Quickly she tapped a button on her garment grid and the furry mess disappeared and she was back in her usual thief clothes.

Feeling embarrassed and a little depressed, Rikku hopped off the counter.

"I don't feel so good." She moaned. "I'm sorry."

Yuna stepped forward and put a supporting arm around her cousin. "We're just glad you're okay.

"Here," Buddy offered. "I'll help you up the stairs so you can take a nap."

"I'll be fine," Rikku declined. "I didn't break my leg." And with that, she climbed up the stairs holding firmly onto the railing.

Tidus smirked. That Rikku, he thought to himself. The Zu didn't hurt her pride one bit. He was sure that had the situation bee slipped in reverse that he would have acted the same way.

He shifted his thoughts to Yuna, who had her hands clasped and her head down, staring towards the floor.

"What's wrong?" he asked her, trying to keep a cheery tone.

She began to pace back and forth. "I just don't understand," she said. "What could have made those fiends attack like that?" She asked, directing the question at everyone.

"Isn't that what fiends do?" Paine answered.

"No..." Yuna hesitated. "Not like that. Not in groups of so many of them."

"Yuna's right," Tidus agreed. "Something's up."

She didn't know what or how, but something was going on. Something big. Bigger than Vegnagun, maybe even bigger than Sin. It might have been that Yuna had to many things on her mind at once, but she just couldn't shake an awful feeling.

"Maybe I could be of some help," A familiar voice offered from the entryway to the airship cabin. Everyone turned to see a tall made with long blond hair and festively colored clothing.

"Rin, it's nice to see you," Yuna said politely. Everyone else nodded, even Tidus, who found himself not quite remembering who this man was.

"Good to see you too, Lady Yuna," Rin answered just as politely as always. "Or should I say, soon to be, Empress Lady Yuna?"

Yuna just returned his comment with a nervous smile.

"Perhaps you have not had a chance to give it much thought since this morning," Rin concluded.

"We've been concerned about the recent happenings on the highroad," Paine interrupted, stepping forward. "Do you know anything about why the Zu fiends attacked?" She did not find his abrupt presence in the Gullwing cabin rude, but would have rather discussed what the main problem was and how to fix it as soon as possible so no one would get hurt. Yuna's decision on weather or not to become the Empress, at the moment, could wait.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do," Rin stated. "As you know, the highroad is a place of great mystery. I have spent the last hour researching through ancient writings and scripture. I have come to find and ancient prophecy, or legend maybe, stating that fiends will overcome and rule over certain parts of Spira. Including the highroad, connecting to mushroom rock road and the desert. This seems to happen once every three thousand years. Though today, you have whipped out the Zus of the highroad."

Calmly he added, "Though it is still uncertain why this continues to happen every three thousand years."

"Well now you tell us!" An angry Rikku shouted out from over the railing. "Thanks for the warning!"

"You'll have to excuse her," Tidus spoke quietly, "She did hit her head pretty hard."

"Forgive me, miss Rikku. I did not know of the prophecy," Rin called up to her. "I had never seen it happen in my lifetime."

"Mr. Rin," Yuna cut in, "when are these other Zu attacks going to happen?" She tried to hide her worry behind her concern. What if they were to happen in the nest few hours? Or all at once? There was no way anyone could stop them in time. Yuna's heart sank at the thought of all the destruction.

"It is hard to say. Maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks. I'll have to study my scrolls further."

Even with the horrifying news he still kept a straight smile on his face. He must have been confident that the Gullwings would take care of it, like they always did.

"Mister Rin," Brother spoke up, "Do not worry, your friendlier neighboring Gullwings will solve everything!" He began to parade around the room, flapping his arms proudly. "We will find birds and take them down!"

Ashamed, Paine hid her face and shook her head. Tidus scratched the back of his neck, confused.

"I'm going back to bed," Rikku announced as she turned on her heels and left the railing. With a headache as big as hers, raging fiends were the last thing on her mind.

"I have great faith in the Gullwings, and the High Summoner," Rin replied. He extended his hand, hidden beneath wide yellow sleeves, and shook Yuna's. This caught her off guard, but she was use to it. A lot of people want to shake your hand after you beat Sin.

With that, Rin left, as swiftly as he came.

"Well, that settles that," Paine said with her fist on her waist. Saving Spira was a never ending job. But that's part of why she became a sphere hunter, right?

"Okay, Gullwings," Brother cheered, probably louder than he should have. "Mission time!" This was the queue for his seagull victory dance.

"Hold up," Buddy said, forcing Brothers arms to his sides. "Wait just a second, we don't even know what to do or where to start."

"He's right," Tidus agreed, "We need some time to think about this"

"We may not have time," Paine reminded him, her voice clear and dark.

"I'm sure we got a couple of days," he tried to remain cheerful. "We'll figure it out." He flashed a warm smile to Yuna, which comforted her. It made her want to just forget about everything.

"I want to go home," she blurted out.

Everyone just stared, waiting for an explanation.

It may have been selfish, but it seemed like the only reasonable thing to do. Everything was happening so fast. Her thoughts were clouded with voices; voices of Rin, her friends, Shelinda the people on the highroad, the leaders at the Yevon meeting, and even forgotten words of her father. What ever you choose to do, I'll will be with you...

She felt like if she didn't get some rest her head was going to explode.

"For the night, let's go back to Besaid."

After a long quite pause in the Cabin, Buddy spoke.

"Alright, Yuna's right. Tonight, lets fly back to the island. We'll figure all this out tomorrow."

"Wait!" Brother repeated the familiar words, "I am Captain. Only I say, 'Yuna is right.'"

Only the low hum of the airship engine could be heard as they waited for Brother's response to his own outburst.

"Yuna is right!" he shouted. "On to Besaid!"

While Buddy and Brother got everything ready for the departure, and while Rikku soundly slept, Yuna found a comfortable spot in the Cabin to sit and stare out the window. The sun was just beginning to set over the long highroad. The sky was beautiful, with its pink orange glow. The sea below rippled with color. She was greatful to live in such a wonderful place.

Yes, she loved Spira. It was her home. She would do anything to protect it and has proven that many times over. Yuna felt in her heart that she was now needed more than ever. Ruling and overseeing everything would be no easy job, but like everyone else, she had confidence in her that she could do it.

Still, things were wonderful just the way they were right now. Tidus was finally home, and she had finally come to know herself. In a few years, they could get married. As a newly wed couple, they could stay on the airship and continue flying all over Spira. Or, they could settle down on a quiet island somewhere and start a family.

Children. Two girls and a boy, she imagined. They would have Tidus's glistening blue eyes, and her soft manner. A sense of adventure they would inherit from both of their parents.

Two years ago she would have never thought of such things. It would have hurt too much to think about what she would have to sacrifice. Still, now she was getting ahead of herself, and her excitement faded quickly.

"Whatcha doin'?" A welcomed familiar voice asked. Tidus pulled his arms into a stretch before he sat down next to Yuna and stared out into the same beautiful sky.

She looked toward him, surprised by his sudden entrance. His presence had snapped her out of her depressing daze and now he had her full attention. "Just thi-"

"Just thinking, I know," Tidus cut in. He didn't mean to interrupt her but he had to say what he wanted before anymore birds attacked or before any more outbursts from Brother. "I've been thinking too..." Tidus spoke softly, relaxing a little. "About Zanarkand."

Yuna said nothing but just listened as he scratched the back of his head, trying to choose his words carefully.

"It's just that, Zanarkand was my home. I haven't seen it for so long... I've already come to terms with the fact that I'll never see it again."

He was right. Never again would he see his city all lit up at night. Never again would he play blitzball with his teammates in the grand stadium.

"But that's okay," he explained, cheering up his tone a bit. As he slipped his arm around her bare shoulders, he spoke before the words slipped away again. "I don't care. I only want to be with you, where you are."

Out of his pocket he pulled out a small flower. He twirled it around a bit, making the scented petals dance, before presenting it to her.

Yuna accepted it gratefully. She recognized the sweet scent and delicate petals; five white with the color expanding to tips of pink. The bloom was from the highroad. As well as Besaid and many other places. But he must have picked it during the picnic. It was a simple design, but it was her favorite.

"Thank you," she smiled, placing the flower carefully behind her ear, and blushing a little. She brushed her lips across his cheek.

He had wanted to say more, but it was neither the time nor the place.

"You know," he began, pulling Yuna closer to him. She rested her tired head on his strong shoulder, so happy to have him back. "I remember when we watched this sunset together before."

For a long moment the couple just stared out at the orange horizon beyond the glass of the Celcius. It brought a calm feeling over both of them. They soon forgot about the events of the day that was about to come to an end.

"It was your first time," Yuna remembered. "And I thought it was my last."

She sighed.

"We'll see it lots of times again, okay?"


He kissed her softly. "I promise."

So what'd you think? Too long? Too short? Anything? please review. Next chapter will be about the most challenging mission the Gullwings will ever have to face.....Babysitting!