Lament is a reflection on Kain's relationship with Raziel. I was hoping for something that was emotionally touching. I feel like I'm going to need to re-write this some day, so please review so I'll know how to make it better.


Kain wearily stood at the top of his citadel, surveying his empire. He rested his claws lightly on the pommel of the Soul Reaver, it's tip against the stone floor. Already, Kain could see the land turn green again with new grasses. In time, Nosgoth would recover from its millennia of decay.

"We've done it, Raziel," Kain said softly. "If only you could see it."

Kain could feel Raziel's mind within the blade, fiercely clutching at his own. Raziel barely cared what Kain had said, just that he was near. Kain was the only thing that Raziel could hold on to, the only thing that kept him from the complete darkness of his prison. The well being of Nosgoth, like everything else, was far beyond his concern.

Kain tried to draw himself away from Raziel's embrace, but the tormented soul only clung harder. Kain knew what he had to do next. He teleported himself to the Chronoplast chamber.

'No! Not yet!' Kain heard in his mind.

"What would you have me wait for, Raziel?" Kain asked, his voice strained.

Raziel was silent but for a few choked sobs.

The two saviors of Nosgoth could both see that History was still missing one monumental piece. Raziel had to complete his destiny as the Soul Reaver. Without him, the carefully wound skeins of history would unravel. All his torment until now would have been for nothing, and Nosgoth would again be damned.

Raziel howled at the injustice of his fate. He had known that this day would come, but he could not quiet the anger and betrayal that suffused his spirit. Kain was the one thing that kept Raziel from his insanity, and soon he would be gone.

Kain's hand faltered as he set the controls. "This must be done."

Kain leapt into the Chronoplast portal. He could not help but feel resentment towards fate for setting him on this cruel path. He exited the chamber and stood in the adjoining room. This was the chamber in which the six circle guardians were slain by Vorador, the murals depicting the act were only half completed.

"I know why you're here, Kain," a voice rang out.

"Indeed, Moebius," Kain sneered, "History demands that I give you this sword hilt first!"

Kain struck Moebius in the face with the pommel of his sword, sending the old wizard flying with a sickening crunch. Kain stomped over to where Moebius had fallen and prepared to strike him again. He mastered his rage and turned away from the broken man, confident that Moebius would be revived shortly.

Kain used a light spell to open the outgoing Chronoplast Chamber. He reluctantly laid the Soul Reaver on the edge of the stone basin, his hand lingering on the sword. He felt Raziel's despair, but also an incredible sense of longing.

"Goodbye, Raziel," Kain said as he slowly withdrew his hand, his face a mask of pain at his loss. He turned his back on his son and slowly walked away.