Disclaimer: Harry Potter is in no way, shape or form mine. It (unfortunately) belongs to J.K Rowling who also owns Draco Malfoy! In other words, this is not mine.

A/N: I'm back! Well, I know that all of you are dying to read this chapter so I won't stop you any longer. But however, I do have some bad news at the end of the chapter, so please just finish reading this first.

Anger, Excitement, Jealousy, Ecstasy and Rage, and All in One Day.

Chapter 10

The Dream Team was settled down comfortably in the Gryffindor common room. Ron and Harry were enjoying a game of Wizard's Chess (which anyone could tell that Harry was desperately losing) while Hermione was engrossed in a good, thick book.

Having just returned from the sending a quick note to her mother informing her of the good news, Ginny Weasley was huffing and puffing. Her clothes were stuck to her skin and her red hair was in disarray.

'Ron's going to be so happy!'

Her thoughts were interrupted as she neared the portrait of the Fat Lady.

Gasping for breath, (she had ran all the way from outside) she quickly wheezed out the password and was let in with a disapproving look form the Fat Lady.

"And that is why Malfoy is such a prat. Check mate, Harry."

"Not again! That's like the 23rd time that yo-"

"Ron! Guess (breath) what (breath) happened (breath) to (breath) me (breath)." Ginny gratefully sank into an armchair with a sigh as she closed her eyes into mere bliss.

She was swimming in total satisfaction when she realized that the whole common room had gone silent.

Cursing under her breath and groaning out loud, she opened one eye reluctantly. The whole of Gryffindor seemed to be peering at her and Ron was a mere inch away from her nose.

With a scream, Ginny managed to turn a perfectly happy day into a disaster as her chair tipped back onto its back legs.

It stood swaying back on its legs for a few seconds before crashing down hard onto the carpet below.

'Well done, Ginny. Well done.'

She congratulated herself, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ginny opened her eyes.

She was sprawled on her back in the middle of the common room with everybody surrounding and crowding around her.

"Um, Ginny, are you alright?" Came the concern tone of her brother when she just lay there in utter silence.

Ron reached out a hand to grasp hers as he pulled her into a standing position.

"Yeah, I'm alright..." She sighed, feeling her cheeks burn.

'That was smooth Ginny, you're the best!'

With another sigh, she passed the good news onto her brother.

He let out a whoop of joy before grabbing her hands and began dancing a jig around in the common room.

It wasn't long before Ginny had a smile on her embarrassed face and it also wasn't long before the whole common room erupted into cheers.

Draco was deep in thought when a loud disturbance (that seemed to be coming from the Gryffindor side of Hogwarts) broke off his thoughts.

He picked himself up from the window side seat at the Slytherin common room.

Draco had discovered that sitting by the window while thinking often helped him with his thoughts. But today, however, staring outside didn't seem to work.

He brushed down his immaculate robes and headed into his room, the Head Boy's room.

Seconds later, he reemerged with his broomstick, a SliverRain and headed towards the Quidditch pitch.

A/N: Okay, the bad news. I am not going to continue this fic. Halfway through this chapter, I realized that I didn't really like this story anymore and I didn't want to write it any longer. However, I have started another fic, with the Draco and Ginny pairing which will hopefully be much better and longer than this one, as I planned this one earlier and I really really like it so far. I hope that you will read it and like it way better than this one. It'll be posted under the name of Aessedai22 and it won't be up for a while, as I want to write some chapters in advance. Sorry to all of you who have keep this fic going for so long and especially those who never fail to review after each chapter. I am disappointed in myself for giving up on this story but I wanted it to be great, something that I really like and I realized that this fic isn't doing that for me, so I'm going to stop it. Well, here's my final thank yous.

siriusforeva: Don't worry, in my next fic, Pansy's still the bitch that she was in this story. =P

Lain-Tris: Ah! My favourite reviewer! You reviewed right from the start and is still reviewing and still would if I would continue this...Lol, your reviews still make me smile. And well, just thank you.

PatchLover08: Another one of my long running reviewers! And yes, I have seen PoA and I totally agree with you, but I can't seem to stop thinking that the Draco in the movie is so short, compared to the one that I made up. although I have heard of her, I haven't read any of Nora Roberts work, but seeing as you mention her, maybe I'll start looking. Well, Pansy was going to do something to Ginny, but I never got to that part...Anyway, thank you for reviewing.

Nice: Lol, you're right, there's too much stress in the world to cope with without some fluff and laughs in our lives. Thank you.

Snowfall: When I read your review, I ran to go check my Harry Potter books to see if Blaise was really a guy. Well, I guess that when I started the story, I kinda forgot that he wasn't a girl. Lol, I was so petrified. And I hope that you'll enjoy my other story, if you ever read it. =P

mz. ducky: Hey! Well, at least someone thinks that my story is coming along well, I don't. Anyway, great work on your story and thanks.

And a special thank you to pinkiepunk, katepotter13 and xxlilmonkey32892.

A/N: Well, this is goodbye then...Lol, I just realized that I sound really emotional! =P Anyway, the fic that I am currently working on will be called The Vigilante Mission: Blackmail and I've never read anything like it and I'm desperately hoping that it is at the very least a tiny bit original. The first chapter will be up in a few weeks or so and please review to show me that it's better than this one! Thank you! =P