This is last chapter and I don't know if I should be happy or sad at the fact that it's over. Thanks to all the people that read this story and I throw cookies to the reviewers! I had fun writing this and I hope you all had as much fun reading.
Part 3 of 3 of the End: Deep In My Heart



Kagome walked over to the well and made sure that her barrier was still in place. She sadly smiled and laid two flowers against the well. She then walked over to the Goshinboku and said a prayer of thanks to the time tree. She looked up to the sky and realized that she would she her family again in about five hundred years. She pouted when she realized that it would only seem like a day or two to them. She picked up her basket and began to collect the herbs that she said she would gather.

"What took you so long?" Inuyasha asked annoyed with her daydreaming. Kagome stood on her toes and kissed his nose before she continued to walk back to the village.

"Hey!!! Get back here!" Inuyasha yelled as he chased after her.

"Nope," Kagome said as she began to run towards the village.

"Hello Miko-sama," a little girl from the village greeted. Kagome smiled as she continued to run.

"Kagome!!! Miroku's bothering Sango!" Rin yelled as Kohaku dragged an unconscious monk-groom back into the groom's hut. Kagome just laughed and watched as Ayame tried to get the enraged bride to put down her Hiraikotsu. Kagome then went over to the groom's tent see that Shippo, Kouga, Kohaku, and even Sesshoumaru were dressed in a traditional Kimono.

"Where's Inuyasha?" Shippo asked. Kagome looked thoughtful for a moment before she grinned.

"Sit boy," Kagome said and watched a yelling Inuyasha fall through the roof and hit the floor.

"That answer's that," Kouga said as he poked the hanyou to make sure he was living.

"Hurry up and get him dressed!" Kagome yelled as she ran over to the bride's hut. Kagome quickly got into her kimono and had Ayame tie her obi before she ran over to Kagura and saw the wind user still in the same kimono.

"What?" Kagura asked as she glanced at Kagome.

"Get dressed!!!" Kagome yelled as she and Ayame tackled Kagura to the ground and began to dress her. Kanna softly smiled as she held her mirror and showed Kagura the kimono she wore. Kagura scowled and Kanna sighed. Kagome then ran outside to see Jaken at the altar wearing his black kimono. She then looked outside to see Shakaku nodded to acknowledge to Kagome that he had made the rings. Kagome watched as the village gathered and put food on a long table in order for a feast.

Miroku nervously walked down the aisle and waited at the altar. He watched as Kagome and Inuyasha walked down the aisle together. Inuyasha then stood next to Miroku so Kagome could stand next to Jaken and give a priestess blessing. Rin and Kohaku than walked down the aisle together to separate. Kagura then walked down the aisle with Sesshoumaru at her side, and he seemed to be a little nervous. Kagome then watched as Kouga and Ayame walked down the aisle in what looked like to be the perfect couple. Shippo and Kanna then walked down the aisle, but air around her seemed to be happier then before. Kanna then stood in front of Jaken and Kagome prepared to do something for the first time in her life. Sango then came down the aisle and Kagome happily smiled when she saw that Miroku was stunned in silence. When Sango finally arrived at the altar Jaken cleared his throat.

"We are gathered here today to present the union of two souls," Jaken yelled in his story time voice. "This monk and demon exterminator are to be the first, but not the last of these unions."

"Miroku do you take this Sango to be your wife for better or worse?" Jaken asked.

"I do," Miroku said as he stared at Sango.

"Do you swear to protect her and honor her with your life and as your life long mate?" Jaken asked. (Remember it's a youkai wedding.)

"I swear to protect and honor her as my life long mate," Miroku said as he stared into her eyes.

"Sango," Kagome began, "Do you take this Miroku to be your husband for better or worse?"

"I do," Sango happily said.

"Do you swear to honor, protect, and swear your mind, body, and soul to him and no other?" Kagome seriously asked, as she looked Sango in the eyes.

Sango looked Miroku in the eyes and answered, "I swear myself to him and only him." Kagome turned to Shakaku and she took one ring with Sango's name on it and placed it on Miroku's finger. Jaken then wobbled over and took the other ring that had Miroku's name and he placed it on her finger.

"That all youkai recognize this union and not break it," Jaken said.

"May Kami bless this union and the protection of this Miko is upon you," Kagome said with a huge grin.

"Let their souls be united for all eternity!" Jaken yelled.

"You may now kiss the bride," Kagome happily said.

Kanna smiled as she activated her mirror and took out a fourth of Sango's soul during the kiss and sent it to join Miroku's now missing fourth. Miroku's fourth then joined in Sango's body. Kanna the closed her mirror and smiled at the couple before she stepped behind Jaken and Kagome. Kagome smiled as she watched the two souls join and connect. Miroku then picked up Sango and ran down the aisle and to the area of where they could dance.

Kagome smiled and jumped into Inuyasha's and kissed him and he happily responded. Sesshoumaru just rolled his eyes and Kagura scowled. Rin then ran up to them holding Kohaku's hand.

"You two act exactly alike," Rin said as she led Kohaku away. Kohaku merely shrugged as he was pulled away by the over zealous Rin.

40 Years Later

"I'm sorry, there's not more I can do and she refuses to drink the water," Kagome cried as she held her best friends hand.

"She chooses to go out like her ancestors," Miroku mourned.

Kagome walked over to the wounded Sango and held her hand as she cried. Sango weakly opened her eyes and smiled at her husband and best friend.

"Don't cry ... I will be with my family and always watch over you," Sango promised as she gave one hollow breathe and stopped moving. Miroku walked over to wife and laid his head on her chest as he cried and prayed to Kami. Kagome stood up and then opened a gateway to the gates of judgment. Kagome then kissed Inuyasha on the cheek before she allowed herself to cross the border between life and death. She smiled as she met a younger Sango waiting for her.

"I never thought it would be so cold," Sango said.

"It's what you think it is," Kagome answered as she smiled. Kagome pointed to the giant gates and gave her friend one last teary smile.

"Don't cry, be strong. Watch my mate and my brother for me. Please help Miroku make sure that I am buried with my villagers along with my children," Sango said as she hugged Kagome.

"If I knew what would have happened ... I would have stopped it," Kagome said as she let the tears flow. Sango cupped Kagome's cheek and kissed her forehead.

"Kagome, I know you did everything in your power, but you are not god. You have not gained a wrinkle or a year on your face. Do not let your soul wrinkle, like you said ... we live now," Sango said as she started to walk towards the gates.

Kagome came back and Rin and Kohaku arrived at the village two weeks later. Kohaku mourned over his sister and him and Miroku had traveled to the village to bury Sango's ashes. When they came back Kagome spent most of her time telling Miroku of the after life and how he and Sango would be together again, and that their souls would always find each other as lovers. A few months later during winter Miroku had become bed ridden with what Kagome guessed as walking pneumonia. He died a few hours later saying that he could see Sango waiting for him.

Rin and Kohaku searched the room saying they did not see her anywhere. Kagome looked over and watched as Miroku's young soul ran to hug Sango. She watched them walked away hand in hand. Kagome knew that Sango would lead Miroku to the gates. Kagome smiled and then they cremated Miroku and Kagome traveled to Sango's village so she could bury the ashes with Sango's. Kagome cried in the snow over their graves not caring if any demons could see her. She didn't know that watching her friends ... no family could be so painful.

5 More Years Later

Sesshoumaru stood at Rin's side as he helplessly watched her die. Her husband Kohaku sat at her side holding her hand as he himself struggled to breathe. Their five children sat quietly around both of their parents in silent mourning. Inuyasha had his hands on both of Kagome's shoulders to help support her. Kagura took Sesshoumaru's hand and squeezed it reassuring him that this was natural. Rin gave one of her last cheerful smiles before her eyes closed and her chest stopped moving.

"Get the children from the room," Kohaku commanded. Kagura rushed the teens from the room and Kagome took Kohaku's hand and turned her head away as Kohaku plunged a knife into his heart. Kagome opened the gateway and let the coldness of death claim her once more. She was met with the two young souls of Kohaku and Rin from when they were children. Kagome laughed as she led them to the gate. She frowned as they left and returned to her body. This time Sesshoumaru and his mate Kagura took the ashes to Kohaku's homeland.

Kagome took Kohaku and Rin's weapon and placed them with Sango and Miroku's. Kagome let more tears flow and gasped when Inuyasha's arms embraced her.

"Are you okay?" He softly asked already knowing the answer.

"I ... can't stand watching them die," Kagome cried as she snuggled into Inuyasha's chest.

"You can visit them," Inuyasha said.

"I know, but it hurts," Kagome said.

"The pain will be there, but the memories will never leave," Inuyasha said. Kagome sighed and finally sleep claimed her body and mind.

One Day Before Ji-chan Died

"Is that really you?" An old voice whispered.

"Yes, it's I, Kagome," She whispered sadly.

"Where is ... I thought you were gone," Ji-chan whispered through his oxygen mask.

"I was, but now I am back," Kagome whispered.

"Where's Inuyasha?" He asked as he looked around the room.

"He is here," Kagome said as she pointed to a man with black hair and violet eyes in the doorway.

"He's using an ofuda," Ji-chan said with a smirk in his voice.

"Yes, you're still sharp," Kagome said with a smile as she took her grandfather's hand.

"And you still haven't aged a day," Ji-chan said.

"It comes with the job," Kagome said.

"Mr. Wynn, I have come to ask for your granddaughter's hand in marriage," Inuyasha stated.

"Wow, he has manner's," Ji-chan said.

"Keh," Inuyasha said.

"Well, there they go," Ji-chan, sighed.

"Ji-chan," Kagome sighed.

"You have my permission," Ji-chan said. Inuyasha got a wide grin and hugged the old man.

"See, I knew I had some influence on him," Inuyasha smugly stated.

"WHAT!" Ji-chan yelled.

"Dog boy decided to watch you play when you were younger, and he and you ended up playing tag," Kagome explained as she smiled. Ji-chan smiled and closed his. Kagome knew that it was time to do her job again. Inuyasha picked up his mates body and began to walk towards the hospital roof as she helped her grandfather walk towards the gate.

2 Years Later

Souta Higurashi now sat in the back of the shrine meditating to the sounds of the wind. He had taken comfort in the wind once he knew that his sister was gone for good. He too discovered that he had certain spiritual powers. He noticed that Shippo would stop by without Kagome noticing. He started to train with a sensei named Genkai. He learned how to find youkai, and one day he talked to Shippo, surprising him to no end. Shippo had actually taken on the form of Hojo and was in fact Hojo. He explained that he would ask Kagome out just to annoy both Inuyasha's. Souta found this funny and asked about Buyo being a girl neko with two tails.

Shippo explained that this was Kirara and that she had always be watching the family. He then told Souta of how he was a descendent of Rin and Kohaku, from one of their offspring. He told Souta where Kagome was and that she would return soon. Souta waited everyday and watched for Kagome knowing that he couldn't tell his mom. When the day came that Kagome and Inuyasha visited, Hojo or should be known as Shippo showed up. Kagome's mother nearly squeezed her to death.

Kagome explained to her mom the whole situation of what had happened. She had also told her mom of her friends and how they were their ancestors. She introduced Shippo her adopted son, and introduced her three other children. Eri, Yuka, and Arimi. They showed her mom the ofudas and who Buyo really was. Kagome then offered her mom the water only to have her refuse it also.

"Please mama," Kagome pleaded.

"Kagome, I have lived my life and I want to be reunited with my husband. I have made up my mind, but Souta is free to chose," Her mom explained. Souta smiled and agreed to take the water. Three years later Kagome was married in human laws to Inuyasha. They decided on a honeymoon to only have Kagome called in for work. She sighed and kissed Inuyasha before she descended to the gates of judgment to yell at Emma about interrupting her honeymoon.

I hope I ended this well, I cried while I wrote the death scenes for the rest of the human gang. I just hope this ending ties any loose ends together. Thank you all for reading and reviewing.