Angel Eye's



A girl with long raven hair and dark brown eyes walked up to the gate judgment, furious of the news she had just heard. She stopped in front of a throne and kneeled on one knee with her head bowed. She was beyond pissed and the air sparked with pale blue energy to prove that.
"You may stand," a velvety voice ordered. The girl stood leaving brown eyes to lock with pure emerald. The man stood and led the girl to a table where they both sat. He let a pale hand with red nails run through his silky black hair. The girl looked out the window to see souls being separated into three categories. She watched as they left for reincarnation, heaven, or an eternal damnation.

"What is this meaning? This bad news?" The girl demanded. The man chuckled causing his black and gold lined kimono to shake.

"You sound upset," he said causing her eyes to narrow.

"I should be. He took my life and then I gave it killing him and her!" The girl growled angrily.

"I know. He isn't a threat anymore since the jewel is gone," the voice unenthusiastically said. The girl jumped up and slammed her first into the stone table causing it to crack. He just glanced at her fist before meeting her eyes.

"He is only after my friend's lives and the love of my previous life!" The girl growled as she threw the table across the room.

"You make it sound bad," he said.

"It is bad and what the hell do you plan to do about it?" She demanded.

"I was planning on sending someone to catch him," the voice replied.

"All of your lackeys are idiots! They can't even guard a gate, let alone bring back the one that almost brought world destruction," the girl muttered as her mood soured.

"I know, that is why I am sending you back to get him," the man replied staring at her shocked face.

"I ... can't bear to see them again ... just to leave again," the girl replied.

"I know Kagome, which is why I am permanently sending you back. You will no longer be human," the man said.

"What do you gain from all of this Kami?" Kagome demanded to know.

"I gain my soul reaver and you get to be with your love," Kami said.

"Since I will no longer be human, I assume that my miko powers will be no use," Kagome stated.

"Still sharp. I cannot just give power away, but you will become transformed into a soul reaver. This will have certain advantages since human blood adapts very well," Kami said. Kagome growled and watched another soul go to hell before she turned back.

"What's the catch?" Kagome asked becoming impatient.

"Once you gain these abilities you will never be rid of them. Certain emotions will be unlocked and when they unlock you gain ability and lose a charm. When all the charms are gone you are the soul reaver," Kami explained enjoying the pissed look on her face.

"When do I leave?" Kagome asked now determined. Kami smirked and threw her a bracelet. Kagome looked and the bracelet then at him.

"Now," he said as he snapped his finger.


Inuyasha now watched a fourteen-year-old Rin help Sango with training the new demon slayers. Kohaku laughed as he watched Rin fumble with her staff. Rin just smiled at him causing him to blush and drop his weapon on his foot. Shippo helped Miroku clean the shrine area of Kagome and Kaede. Kaede had died a year after Kagome had and laid her to rest next to Kagome's shrine.

Shippo sadly smiled at Kagome's grave before he walked on with Miroku and into the temple. Inuyasha jumped down and walked over to the town carpenters store.

"Shakaku," Inuyasha said as he walked in.

"Yeah, what's up?" Shakaku asked as he cooled a fresh new sword.

"Have you sensed anything strange lately?" Inuyasha asked as he leaned in the doorway.

"No, can't say I have," Shakaku said with a shrug.

"Okay," Inuyasha said as he began to walk in to the deep forest. He sat under the Goshinboku tree before he smelt something familiar in the air.

"Kagome," Inuyasha whispered as he took off towards her scent. He came to the crater that filled up with grass and flowers from over the years.

A blue light began to grow inside the crater, as the wind began to pick up speed. Inuyasha put his Tessaiga in the ground to help him keep his ground against the wind. He watched as the ground began to crack and open up. He saw what looked like a hand coming out from the light and dirt. A blue ball of light exploded causing Inuyasha to shield his eyes instinctively. When he felt the wind dissipate, he slowly opened his eyes and walked over into the crater to see a body in there. Dust covered the body's identity, but he jumped in when he smelled her.

When he came out of the crater, he held the naked body of a pale white girl in his arms. He laid her down on the cool wet grass and took off his outer kimono and wrapped her in it. He moved her hair out of her face and could clearly see that it was whom he smelled.

"Kagome," Inuyasha whispered as he ran with her to Kaede's village. When he arrived there, he went to the hut Kaede used to live in. He took her to the room Kaede left him and laid her down on a futon. He ran out of the hut and fetched a kimono for her and fetched the pack she left behind so long ago. He pushed the hair out of her face and drunk in all her features. He picked up her hand and noticed that she was holding something red in the palm of her hand. He went to open her palm only to have her punch him inn the face and send him flying into the other room.

Kagome quickly got up and jumped into the other room preparing to attack the attacker on pure instinct.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked as he stared into her eyes with a look of disbelief.

"Inu ... yasha?" Kagome asked as she kneeled next to him and softly touched his face. Kagome then dropped the red bracelet and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and ran his hand through her hair. She pulled back and gently kissed him on lips.

"Where have you been?" He whispered to her.

"Hell," She whispered back as he looked at her in shock.

"How did you escape?" He asked with worry afraid that she would leave again.

"I didn't, I have a job to do," Kagome said with sad tone.

"You aren't going to leave again are you?" He asked as he grasped her in his arms and inhaled her sweet scent.

"No, I'll never leave again," Kagome softly said as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Where are the others?" Kagome asked as she pulled away.

"It is night and they are asleep," Inuyasha said.

"Good, there is something I need to tell you," Kagome said as she walked back into the room and picked up the red bracelet.

"What is it?" Inuyasha asked sensing the dread in her tone.

"Naraku has escaped hell," Kagome simply put.

"What? How?" Inuyasha asked.

"He slipped back Kami's guards and mad it back as only a mere human thief," Kagome explained.

"Is this why your back?" He asked.

"I am back because I made a deal with Kami," Kagome stated. "That idiot couldn't send one of his own lackeys because they are too big of idiots."

"So where does this put you?" Inuyasha asked not liking where this was going.

"I am the one who is going to send Naraku back to hell," Kagome said.

"You won't have to go back will you?"

"No, I'll be able to open a portal and send just his soul this time," Kagome explained.

"Are you living?" Inuyasha asked as he hugged her to him.

"Yes, but I am no longer human," Kagome said as fingered the red bracelet.

"I don't care what you are, just as long as you with me," Inuyasha replied easing any fears or worries that she might have. The bracelet attached to Kagome's wrist and a heart charm disappeared, making Kagome glow a faint pink. She then heard a whisper.

'Love is immortal and so is your life.'

"Kagome, are you okay?" Inuyasha asked unsure of what happened.

"Yeah, it's just that I ... spaced out for a while," she lied not completely sure of telling him the truth.

"Kagome, you don't have to lie to me," he whispered.

"I'm just waiting for the others, this is something that needs a group discussion," Kagome said. Inuyasha smiled and kissed her forehead. They then lay down together and Kagome closed her eyes and relaxed. She smiled when she felt the cool breeze instead of the hot flames of hell. She also took comfort that it was Inuyasha lying next to her and not a wall of brimstone.

"Kagome, what are you?" Inuyasha meant to think instead of saying it aloud. Kagome slightly frowned and sighed.

"I'm the soul reaver," Kagome said as she let her eyes close. Inuyasha slightly opened his eyes and pondered what she meant before he fell asleep.


"Kagome," a voice whispered. Kagome slowly opened her eyes to see nothing but a mix of purple, pink, and white mist.

"Kagome," the voice called again. Kagome narrowed her eyes and stood up. When she looked next to her there was no Inuyasha.

"Don't be alarmed, I am simply the bracelet that will help you unlock your emotions and power," the voice said.

"How do you have an essence?" Kagome asked.

"I share an essence with you so in a since I am a part of you that is hidden," it explained.

"Can you explain why the heart charm disappeared and I glowed pink?" Kagome asked wanting an explanation.

"Yes, the first pure emotion you experienced was love and your love for Inuyasha gave you his ability to heal quickly and expand your life span," it explained.

"Oh, can you explain the other charms?" Kagome asked as she played with the arrow charm.

"The arrow is for purity, the sword is for strength, the scroll is for knowledge and wisdom, the moon is for change, the scale is for skill, and the most important on of all is the sun and the moon colliding charm," it explained.

"Why?" Kagome asked.

"That charm will give you the ability to open the gate of judgment so you can send the souls back," it said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"So, how do I unlock these?" Kagome asked.

"These can be unlocked by certain emotions," it sighed as the mist began to clear and Kagome's vision cleared.


Kagome quickly sat up and stared at the rays of sunlight that lit the little room up. She blinked and sat up and rubbed her eyes with a sigh.

"I really am back," Kagome mumbled as she stood up and carefully moved around Inuyasha so she wouldn't wake him. She looked at her body and noticed that she only had Inuyasha's outer kimono on. She blushed and pulled it tightly around her as she walked out of the room and into the sunlight. She inhaled the fresh air thankful that she would no longer have to smell the humid and ashy air of hell. Kagome began to walk towards the well.

When she arrived at the well, she glanced down into it and noticed that it had more vines on it. Kagome pushed away the vines and swung her legs over the edge.

"Please, let me pass. I need to let my family know what happened," Kagome said as she pushed herself over the edge. Kagome smiled when she felt weightlessness and saw the familiar blue light. She landed at the bottom of the well and looked up to see the well house roof. Kagome began to climb up the ladder and over the edge.

"It's been two years since I've seen them," Kagome mumbled to herself as she climbed up. When she made it to the top she walked up the dusty stairs taking note that nobody had been here for awhile. She slid open the door and looked outside to see the bright sunny day. She walked outside leaving the door open. Making her way to the door of her house, she hesitated before knocking. She heard the locks click and the door squeak as it opened. Kagome looked straight ahead to stare into her brother's eyes.

"Oh my god," Souta gasped as he looked her in the eyes.

"Souta," Kagome nervously said as her eyes started to water.

"Is it really you?" Souta asked as he stared at her.

"Yes, it is," she said. Souta hugged her tightly and started to cry. Kagome started to cry and tightly embraced him. He pulled back and led her to the kitchen table, where they both sat down.

"Where have you been?" Souta asked while wiping his face. Kagome looked down and looked away from her brother.

"That is something I must tell when mom arrives," Kagome answered. Souta nodded and whispered a brief, "I understand."

"Why don't you go bathe? Everything is the why you left it," Souta said as he walked out of the kitchen. Kagome sighed and walked upstairs and into her bathroom where she filled the tub up with water. Kagome grabbed a pair of underwear and a bra. She also grabbed a school uniform hoping that it would fit. Kagome then stood in front of her mirror and let the kimono fall.

She stared at the tiny scar on her stomach from when she was first killed. Kagome then looked at her arms and noticed that there was little spark like scars from when she opened the gates to hell. She sighed before she turned around and stepped into the warm water.

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Inuyasha groggily opened his eyes when he heard soft footsteps in the other room. He quickly sat up when he remembered that Kagome was back. He jumped up and went sliding into the next room only to bump into something.

"Damn it Kagome, where are you?" He demanded to know as he rubbed his head.

"Inuyasha, Kagome's gone," Shippo said as he stood up and gave the hanyou a look of pity. Inuyasha growled and sniffed the air as he walked outside the hut and to the well. He jumped into the well and smirked when he passed through. He quickly jumped out and came face to face with an older looking Souta. Inuyasha picked up the boy and growled.

"Who the hell are you?" Inuyasha growled out.

"Inuyasha?" Souta asked himself more than Inuyasha. Inuyasha's boyish features had become more masculine.

"How do you know me?" He demanded as he tightened and loosened his grip.

"It's me, Souta," he answered as he held onto Inuyasha's wrist.

"Souta, where's Kagome?" He asked as he placed him down. Souta rubbed his neck and grinned.

"She's in the shower," Souta said and led Inuyasha into the front room so they could sit.

"Oi, how old are you now?" Inuyasha asked as he sat on the couch.

"I just turned sixteen," Souta said as he sighed. Inuyasha nodded and scratched at the couch material.

"Why didn't she come back?" Souta asked. Inuyasha sadly looked up at him and saw the grief, accusation, and anger in his eyes.

"She couldn't," Inuyasha answered.

"What happened to her? I can tell she's changed even though she hides it well," Souta demanded forcing back any tears.

"Souta! I'm home!" Ms. Higurashi yelled as she shut the door.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sorry it took so long to get the sequel out, but my floppy disk died. Please review and if you want to know when I update leave me your email address in an update with email me on it or else I won't. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX