The Breakfast Club

Disclaimer: I don't own TBC or any of the characters in it, I'm not making any money of off this, and it would be very much appreciated if you wouldn't sue me.

Summary: What happened to Claire and John after the movie? 

Author's Note: This is my first TBC fic, constructive criticism is welcome, but no flames please.

Chapter One

            Claire stared absentmindedly out the widow on her way to school.  She was far too preoccupied about the events of detention on Saturday to notice the worried way her father kept glancing at her every five seconds.  She knew exactly what she wanted, but what did John Bender want?  Would he really risk his reputation by being seen with a prom princess like her?  Did the events of Saturday mean anything to him at all?  The more practical, and sometimes stereotypical, side of her said no.  He'd probably been with dozens of other girls who he never thought about again, and she was no exception.  Yet, the more romantic side of her said maybe she'd been too hasty in judging him without really knowing what was in his heart.

            Her father's voice jolted her out of her daydream, "Are all right princess?" Mr. Standish asked. 

            Startled, it took Claire a moment to respond, "Of course Daddy," she said quickly, trying to smile, desperately wanting to hide her anxiety.  Luckily for her, at that moment they pulled up to Shermer High School.  "Bye Daddy," Claire called as she jumped out of the car, thanking her lucky stars that she had managed to avoid such a close call.  She strode briskly toward her locker, hoping to avoid any and all members of her usual "clique." 

            Suddenly her breath stopped short.  Just ahead stood John Bender with his usual group of stoner friends.  Just breathe, Claire told herself silently, just breathe. Deciding that the path of least resistance might be the best one, she opted to walk past and make appear as though she wasn't giving him a second glance.  Needless to say a wide grin spread over her face as she heard a distinct, "Hey Claire," behind her.  Fighting wildly to keep the intense excitement and desire she was feeling below the surface, she turned.

            "Hello John," she said, trying to sound casual, "How was your weekend?"  Apparently deciding that action was more effective than talk he answered her by placing a sound kiss square on her lips.  "That good, huh?" she asked with a slight giggle.  He shrugged. 

            Hearing the sharp ping of the first bell ringing he released her from his grasp.  "Sit with me at lunch?" he asked, hoping she wouldn't notice how much he'd missed her over the weekend.  Now, smiling broadly, she nodded vigorously and dashed off to class.