
By Yue Lian

Standard disclaimers apply: all CCS characters belong to CLAMP…I'm so jealous of their artwork…it's not fair!!!! T.T

Warnings/pairings: This fic will contain shoujo ai…girl /girl in other words…the pairings are Madison/Sakura and Sakura/Li. Other characters probably won't be mentioned…please enjoy and review…remember I treasure them foreverhint, hint .

Chapter One •°Madison's POV°•

          Have you ever had a day where everything seemed to be perfect and flawless, only to have it all fall down around you? I've had one and now all that I can think about is… if life is really worth it. It's not like I'd go and jump off a building or slit my wrists to get out of it. It's more like a patient waiting for fate to take its course.

Brushing my long black hair out of my face I set out across the perfectly manicured school campus. Shivering I rubbed my arms as a breeze brushed by me leaving a trail of goose bumps in it's path. Squinting my eyes up at the sky, gray clouds covered the horizons, blanketing the sky in its gloom. It wasn't going to rain in a while so I decided to walk towards the tree…my tree. It was always there for me as a shelter and provided me with comfort when I felt like breaking down. I glanced down at my watch and shrugged, why not? I sat down on the cool grass and drew my knees to my chest. I might as well go over the past like I have been doing every day since last month.

It had been a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight. Of course I was happy, I had just gotten a position in the school government and earned high scores on my mid terms. Life couldn't be better. Arriving at my dorm early I had firmly decided that it was the perfect day for me to tell Sakura. We had gone to High School together and got into the same college -even lucked out and shared a dormitory.

I chuckled mirthlessly. Sakura had arrived in a flurry of lace and ruffles; she was wearing a dress that I had made for her. She had looked so beautiful, green eyes sparkling and dancing in the dimly lit room. Flinging herself into my arms she had started to laugh happily.

Her laughter as always was contagious and I joined her in giggling happily. When we both stopped I glanced at her and gave her a questioning look. Recognizing the unspoken question marks in my eyes she had laughed once again in the way that had always made my heart flutter. Sighing, she flung herself back onto my bed.

"Oh, Madison. I have the best news for you! I'm so excited and happy." I smiled gently at her; it had looked like the both of us had received the best of days. I had decided beforehand to tell her so I said that I had things to tell her too. Shaking my head at her inquiring look I had motioned for her to continue with her story. From her first sentence, my heart stopped and clenched tightly. She had just come back from the library where she had met up with Li. As she continued I felt my gut stir uncomfortably, my bright smile slowly slid off my face.

 She must have noticed since she had stopped, tilting her head slightly and asked me if something was the matter. Forcing a smile on my face again, I laughed hollowly and shook my head, waving at her to continue. I didn't need to hear anymore. She had met with Li…Li had obviously asked her out and as of then, they were girlfriend and boyfriend.

My stomach jolted and I felt nauseous again as I remembered what Sakura had said right after telling me her 'great' news.

"We'll all have such a great time together!"

Gods, she was so naïve; as if we could hang out- even if I didn't feel for her I wouldn't have. There was no way that anyone would willingly be the third wheel. Obviously having forgotten that I had news to say to her too, she had gotten up from the bed and flounced into the bathroom, saying that she had a date with him in around thirty minutes. Not that I would have told her anything after she told me how much she loved Li and just knew that they would get married and have kids. I wasn't a masochist- I did not enjoy mental pain and didn't plan on receiving more than necessary. My heart really couldn't be put through the shredder again. All that was left was a puddle of mush…you can't shred pudding.

I started to shiver uncontrollably as I realized that the temperature around me had dropped several degrees in the last fifteen minutes.

Trying to sigh through my chattering teeth I glared up at the sky. I had a feeling that the sky was reflecting my mood- for the past week- exactly how long it's been since that fateful, earth-shattering day (yes, earth-shattering) - it had been varying from overcast to small drizzles. How depressing…Yet, I felt strangely grateful towards the sky- it was as if it was crying for me, letting loose tears that I wouldn't allow to escape, releasing all the tension and sorrow in me. I quickly gathered my things and started to walk briskly towards the dorms. Maybe I need a therapist? Whatever, it wouldn't start raining in another five minutes…I was sure of it, totally positive in fact.

Two minutes later and I'm soaked. Grumbling to myself I made a mental note to myself: weatherwoman was not going to be on my future career list. I yelped as I heard the thunder roll right over my head and broke into a run towards the dorms; I didn't want to die by lightning- way too painful and besides she was probably waiting. I grimaced; no matter what, I didn't want Sakura to worry about me…I wasn't worth it.


Yue Lian: so ppls, whatcha think? Like it…? Hate it…? I'll never know unless you review .

A/N: also this story is dedicated to a close friend of mine…she totally inspired me…Thanx JOlteusk glomps her It's not the best thing for you to inspire me in an angst fic so I'm srry…