My muse, Biro man, is a lazy slob. This became more of a problem when my
sister took off with the single disk on which my entire fanfiction estate
was held, so if any of you have queries about the Pirates of the Caribbean
fanfiction I started (Which I wouldn't imagine you would as this is X-men
Evo) you may send hate mail messages to her, just write them in your
reviews if you would be so kind, and I'll pass them along. =P
Like anyone'd miss them. They were evil. Mwaahahaha!
Anyway, I believe he is ready and willing to help me out with this fic. [Glomps stupid muse]
I shall warn you this is my first fic on Evolution – I've never really had anything to write on this, only thoughts that lead to nowhere. Another warning? Yes! This is Slash! Mostly kinda angsty and sweet or whatever, buy as of yet I don't know whether or not there'll be dicey scenes coz someone hasn't told me. It'll be fun to find out though. Back to the subject - kiddies and homophobes beware!
I am aiming for a three parter but things might start to kick off – and if they do, I am not responsible for the consequences.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the ingredients of this soup from hell. This includes any song lyrics I may choose to use as well.
Blue: Chapter 1 – Heaven Frozen Over
It was freezing on the beach. In fact is was freezing to such a degree that even if they had been zealous enough in their work, they would not have been able to find they potential recruit they had been sent to seek through the snow, just as they could no see the setting sun for the clouds in its path.
"Stupid weather, we should just go sit in the car."
"Its January Pietro. January means snow. And we can't sit in the car, Maggie said that this particular "gifted individual" would be waiting on the beach - not in the parking lot behind the ice-cream place."
"Then stupid Magneto!" the silver-haired teen fumed, flopping down to sit on a rock. He was clad in only a t-shirt, dark jacket and jeans. His fair complexion almost lost him in the blizzard, leaving only two perfect blue eyes staring contemptuously up at Lance. He was ethereal – and the older boy hated himself for once again noticing his friend's beauty, just as he did every morning when he went into the boy's room to tell him that those who were not blessed based with enough speed to make Sonic the Hedgehog blush, were going to school. Pietro's form would be intertwined with soft blankets, his hair floppy and unmade and his expression gentle – released from the duty of guarding himself and able to drop the façade of being heartless.
"Why'd he send us anyway?! He's nuts! Blob's like a penguin or something! He could take the cold! And Toad would.... Aw damnit. Toads expendable!"
Lance laughed, wrapping his puffy coat tighter around him.
"You don't mean that. Besides could he actually trust Fred not to eat her as an after dinner mint? Or Todd not to wrap that piece of slime that he calls a tongue round her and claim to be giving her a taste test? Besides, didn't it occur to you to wear something warmer?"
"I don't own "warm" things – they slow me down – less aerodynamic."
"Then what do u usually do in winter?"
"Stay in and pray for global warming," he smirked.
"Look, do us both a favour and take a look down the beach, the faster we get her the faster we're outta here."
Pietro didn't move. Instead he threw his gaze to the snow covered sand and wrapped his arms around himself. His uncontrollable shivering was become of great concern to his elder counterpart.
"Doncha-think-I-woulda-done-that-already?" he asked, losing his control on his quick tongue. Lance cast him an enquiring look.
"I'm too cold to run," he stammered through gritted teeth, "there's no fat on me so if I run I would probably burn whatever energy I need to not become an extremely good looking and delicious icicle. My body's more or less eating itself right now... Besides, do you really think this chick is dumb enough to take a stroll in this frickin' blizzard?!"
It was strange to think that anything could effect Pietro, the way he acted it would seem that he could simply stop it being so cold and bring on that global warming that he apparently prayed for.
His delicate fingers were digging into the slender boy's arm as if trying to prevent his quaking body from breaking apart. Lance felt as though his own frame were about to collapse at the sight of the object of his affection being vulnerable for a change.
"Look, you shoulda said something. Why did you come if you knew that it would be like this?"
There was a moment of silence before the not so speedy teen mumbled that he had his reasons.
Okay, now there was a dilemma. Amazingly attractive teammate freezing to death, deep rooted feelings for said teammate, and a chance to be the night in shining armor and get him warm somehow... Or he could let Pietro go back to the car....
He shuffled over to the other mutant, who now had his knees drawn to his chest and his hands fastened around them.
"Go back to the car if your so cold," he said trying to hide his anger at the missed chance. /Coward
"Are you nuts Alvers?... Just give me a minute." By this point Lance had been convinced that his friend would leave him and had settled for a show of affection through relinquishing his scarf and folding it round his partners slender shoulders.
The two suddenly looked quite surprised at each other. Pietro had decided to stay and Lance was showing something akin to worry. The taller of the pair spent the better part of a minute wondering what to do to justify his action and make sense of his friend's. Pietro however, was too busy noting the feel of the soft worn material around his neck; how it smelled of tobacco along with something that was part of Lance alone, and of course the satisfying warmth it brought – to his neck at least, if only it were bigger he would stop shivering.
Lance had now drawn his eyes from the boy beside him and now seemed to be searching for something in the snow. He then stood up and gestured, with a jerk of his head, for Pietro to do the same while unfastening his jacket.
"Here," he said taking the albino's hands and drawing them underneath his heavy coat, " there's at least one person would come kill me if they found out I brought you home as an ice cube. God you're cold."
"So I've noticed," commented the bewildered boy as he was pulled into a tight embrace. He was instantly warm, on the inside mostly.
This... it was only ever this he had been waiting for, just one single thing that he could remember as being a "moment", even if it was never mentioned again – and he was going to make it all that he would recall it as, there would be no need to elaborate or pretend it was perfect.
"My, don't we look like a couple of fruit cakes..." Damnit! Why'd he let that one slip?
"Shut up." Laughed the human radiator.
He let his face bury itself in Lance's chest and simply breathed in all he could of this stolen chance.
"Pie?" the voice broke his concentration, " What's wrong?"
"I'm cold. We've been over this," he mumbled from his place.
"Then what's with the tears?"
Pietro looked up into the face of his leader and only then felt the trickling sensation of tears on his cheeks. However, he noticed that he was not alone in his sentiment.
"I'm fine... As long as I'm crying for the same reason you are..."
Lance's hand slid his hand down his own cheek, removing it momentarily from Pietro's back. It had not occurred to him that he would betray himself like this.
"I'm sorry..."
"For what? "
"I'm not sure," Lance's hand found it's way to Pietro's cheek and softly wiped away the crystal liquid that tormented them," I just feel like I need to say it. Freaky..."
"Then I'm sorry too. But I'm still mad at you Alvers..."
"What'd I do?"
"I dunno, whatever you should be sorry for," he smirked, eyes once again twinkling and mischievous – alive.
Lance rolled his eyes, " Fair enough, I'll make it up to you..."
"Fine you can so it in a whole bunch of installments weekly, daily or-"
Sick of Pietro's incessant talk, Lance now captured the younger mutant's lips pulling him closer just to know that this was not some sick twisted dream or an illusion he had created. But no, it was definitely a reality – with his luck being as it was, he usually woke with the hideous claxon of his alarm clock or the dream would take a bad turn. Still, there they stood, a monument to warmth in a blizzard. There was need for explanation or sobbing confessions because it was Lance and Pietro finally knowing how far they had nearly fallen from bliss.
They moved to the flat rock on which they had previously perched, with Pietro straddling Lance's lap in order to maintain the warmth of contact that they were so enjoying, not noticing the gathering seagulls or the cackling raven above them.
"Took us long enough," Pietro smiled softly as he broke the kiss and laid his head on his partner's chest and had strong arms wrap tighter around him, tracing intricate patterns on his back.
"Yeah. But I think it was probably better that we didn't find out while watching 'James Bond' with Todd and Fred or something," Envisioning the faces of their comrades as they drew together like magnets for no apparent reason appealed to both of them as something funny in an evil and sadistic way.
It was dark and the snow had settled before they finally released on another from the all-consuming embrace and tread the powder beneath a clear star-filled sky back to 'normality'.
The new recruit however, was forgotten and remained that way until the tongue lashing they received from Mystique the next day.
Wow! Wear your wellies to mush through that slush boys and girls! I did want to show how they got together coz apparently it'll be relevant in chapter 3. That's right! THREE! This was meant to be a snippet flashback! Bwah! Don't worry I think the next one will be quit short.
Anyway, sorry it was so random and romanticized. Flame me for that it you want but I am a total hopeless romantic, so you'll understand if you are too. I'm also aware of the OOC factor. I tried to keep them as much in character as I could without them killing each other.
Next chapter goes up in three days of less depending on the reviews I get.
So. Please, review, comment, flame.... Tell me what you think. And I can kill Biro Man and re-write it myself if you all totally hate it.
Fare thee well! Crimson.
Anyway, I believe he is ready and willing to help me out with this fic. [Glomps stupid muse]
I shall warn you this is my first fic on Evolution – I've never really had anything to write on this, only thoughts that lead to nowhere. Another warning? Yes! This is Slash! Mostly kinda angsty and sweet or whatever, buy as of yet I don't know whether or not there'll be dicey scenes coz someone hasn't told me. It'll be fun to find out though. Back to the subject - kiddies and homophobes beware!
I am aiming for a three parter but things might start to kick off – and if they do, I am not responsible for the consequences.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the ingredients of this soup from hell. This includes any song lyrics I may choose to use as well.
Blue: Chapter 1 – Heaven Frozen Over
It was freezing on the beach. In fact is was freezing to such a degree that even if they had been zealous enough in their work, they would not have been able to find they potential recruit they had been sent to seek through the snow, just as they could no see the setting sun for the clouds in its path.
"Stupid weather, we should just go sit in the car."
"Its January Pietro. January means snow. And we can't sit in the car, Maggie said that this particular "gifted individual" would be waiting on the beach - not in the parking lot behind the ice-cream place."
"Then stupid Magneto!" the silver-haired teen fumed, flopping down to sit on a rock. He was clad in only a t-shirt, dark jacket and jeans. His fair complexion almost lost him in the blizzard, leaving only two perfect blue eyes staring contemptuously up at Lance. He was ethereal – and the older boy hated himself for once again noticing his friend's beauty, just as he did every morning when he went into the boy's room to tell him that those who were not blessed based with enough speed to make Sonic the Hedgehog blush, were going to school. Pietro's form would be intertwined with soft blankets, his hair floppy and unmade and his expression gentle – released from the duty of guarding himself and able to drop the façade of being heartless.
"Why'd he send us anyway?! He's nuts! Blob's like a penguin or something! He could take the cold! And Toad would.... Aw damnit. Toads expendable!"
Lance laughed, wrapping his puffy coat tighter around him.
"You don't mean that. Besides could he actually trust Fred not to eat her as an after dinner mint? Or Todd not to wrap that piece of slime that he calls a tongue round her and claim to be giving her a taste test? Besides, didn't it occur to you to wear something warmer?"
"I don't own "warm" things – they slow me down – less aerodynamic."
"Then what do u usually do in winter?"
"Stay in and pray for global warming," he smirked.
"Look, do us both a favour and take a look down the beach, the faster we get her the faster we're outta here."
Pietro didn't move. Instead he threw his gaze to the snow covered sand and wrapped his arms around himself. His uncontrollable shivering was become of great concern to his elder counterpart.
"Doncha-think-I-woulda-done-that-already?" he asked, losing his control on his quick tongue. Lance cast him an enquiring look.
"I'm too cold to run," he stammered through gritted teeth, "there's no fat on me so if I run I would probably burn whatever energy I need to not become an extremely good looking and delicious icicle. My body's more or less eating itself right now... Besides, do you really think this chick is dumb enough to take a stroll in this frickin' blizzard?!"
It was strange to think that anything could effect Pietro, the way he acted it would seem that he could simply stop it being so cold and bring on that global warming that he apparently prayed for.
His delicate fingers were digging into the slender boy's arm as if trying to prevent his quaking body from breaking apart. Lance felt as though his own frame were about to collapse at the sight of the object of his affection being vulnerable for a change.
"Look, you shoulda said something. Why did you come if you knew that it would be like this?"
There was a moment of silence before the not so speedy teen mumbled that he had his reasons.
Okay, now there was a dilemma. Amazingly attractive teammate freezing to death, deep rooted feelings for said teammate, and a chance to be the night in shining armor and get him warm somehow... Or he could let Pietro go back to the car....
He shuffled over to the other mutant, who now had his knees drawn to his chest and his hands fastened around them.
"Go back to the car if your so cold," he said trying to hide his anger at the missed chance. /Coward
"Are you nuts Alvers?... Just give me a minute." By this point Lance had been convinced that his friend would leave him and had settled for a show of affection through relinquishing his scarf and folding it round his partners slender shoulders.
The two suddenly looked quite surprised at each other. Pietro had decided to stay and Lance was showing something akin to worry. The taller of the pair spent the better part of a minute wondering what to do to justify his action and make sense of his friend's. Pietro however, was too busy noting the feel of the soft worn material around his neck; how it smelled of tobacco along with something that was part of Lance alone, and of course the satisfying warmth it brought – to his neck at least, if only it were bigger he would stop shivering.
Lance had now drawn his eyes from the boy beside him and now seemed to be searching for something in the snow. He then stood up and gestured, with a jerk of his head, for Pietro to do the same while unfastening his jacket.
"Here," he said taking the albino's hands and drawing them underneath his heavy coat, " there's at least one person would come kill me if they found out I brought you home as an ice cube. God you're cold."
"So I've noticed," commented the bewildered boy as he was pulled into a tight embrace. He was instantly warm, on the inside mostly.
This... it was only ever this he had been waiting for, just one single thing that he could remember as being a "moment", even if it was never mentioned again – and he was going to make it all that he would recall it as, there would be no need to elaborate or pretend it was perfect.
"My, don't we look like a couple of fruit cakes..." Damnit! Why'd he let that one slip?
"Shut up." Laughed the human radiator.
He let his face bury itself in Lance's chest and simply breathed in all he could of this stolen chance.
"Pie?" the voice broke his concentration, " What's wrong?"
"I'm cold. We've been over this," he mumbled from his place.
"Then what's with the tears?"
Pietro looked up into the face of his leader and only then felt the trickling sensation of tears on his cheeks. However, he noticed that he was not alone in his sentiment.
"I'm fine... As long as I'm crying for the same reason you are..."
Lance's hand slid his hand down his own cheek, removing it momentarily from Pietro's back. It had not occurred to him that he would betray himself like this.
"I'm sorry..."
"For what? "
"I'm not sure," Lance's hand found it's way to Pietro's cheek and softly wiped away the crystal liquid that tormented them," I just feel like I need to say it. Freaky..."
"Then I'm sorry too. But I'm still mad at you Alvers..."
"What'd I do?"
"I dunno, whatever you should be sorry for," he smirked, eyes once again twinkling and mischievous – alive.
Lance rolled his eyes, " Fair enough, I'll make it up to you..."
"Fine you can so it in a whole bunch of installments weekly, daily or-"
Sick of Pietro's incessant talk, Lance now captured the younger mutant's lips pulling him closer just to know that this was not some sick twisted dream or an illusion he had created. But no, it was definitely a reality – with his luck being as it was, he usually woke with the hideous claxon of his alarm clock or the dream would take a bad turn. Still, there they stood, a monument to warmth in a blizzard. There was need for explanation or sobbing confessions because it was Lance and Pietro finally knowing how far they had nearly fallen from bliss.
They moved to the flat rock on which they had previously perched, with Pietro straddling Lance's lap in order to maintain the warmth of contact that they were so enjoying, not noticing the gathering seagulls or the cackling raven above them.
"Took us long enough," Pietro smiled softly as he broke the kiss and laid his head on his partner's chest and had strong arms wrap tighter around him, tracing intricate patterns on his back.
"Yeah. But I think it was probably better that we didn't find out while watching 'James Bond' with Todd and Fred or something," Envisioning the faces of their comrades as they drew together like magnets for no apparent reason appealed to both of them as something funny in an evil and sadistic way.
It was dark and the snow had settled before they finally released on another from the all-consuming embrace and tread the powder beneath a clear star-filled sky back to 'normality'.
The new recruit however, was forgotten and remained that way until the tongue lashing they received from Mystique the next day.
Wow! Wear your wellies to mush through that slush boys and girls! I did want to show how they got together coz apparently it'll be relevant in chapter 3. That's right! THREE! This was meant to be a snippet flashback! Bwah! Don't worry I think the next one will be quit short.
Anyway, sorry it was so random and romanticized. Flame me for that it you want but I am a total hopeless romantic, so you'll understand if you are too. I'm also aware of the OOC factor. I tried to keep them as much in character as I could without them killing each other.
Next chapter goes up in three days of less depending on the reviews I get.
So. Please, review, comment, flame.... Tell me what you think. And I can kill Biro Man and re-write it myself if you all totally hate it.
Fare thee well! Crimson.