A/N: First: Yes, this is the sequel to Legend of the Super Sai-jin. It is saga #2 of 7 in the series. Now, don't expect fast updates to this right away as I intend to finish the last few chapters of WFTU. Then I'll be working on this, Adrift, and Legends - Book I simultaneously. Black Dawn is on indefinite hiatus. I really don't want to cancel it but, at least ATM, I'm not that interested in it. Probably because it's supposed to center around a couple romances/relationships and I'm not that good at writing those.
Second: Okay, I've been planning this since Zarbon arrived on Earth during Legend of the Super Sai-jin. I wanted to make some changes to the normal universe, despite the fact that this is an AT (Alternate Time-line), so I guess this makes it an AU/AT at the same time? Anyway, it's a shift in a character's background and race and a small shift in another's personality. You see, I'm bringing in a couple of characters early who, in the series, appeared later on, as well as changing some details about them. (Well, a lot I guess...) Some of you may like this change, some of you may not. Just a fair warning. Lastly, "Speech", /Thought/, and -Telepathy-.
Chapter One - Discoveries
It had been six months since Frieza's defeat and the Sai-jin embassy, and indeed, Sai-jin influence, was in full swing on Earth. The people of Earth seemed to take quickly to Sai-jin customs and many even adopted a few of them. However, nothing the Sai-jins had done yet had drawn as much attention as the recently completed project codenamed Training Grounds. The Sai-jin embassy was a massive compound but the Sai-jin Combat Training Center, the results of the Training Grounds project, made it look like a doll house.
Standing atop a stage before the large facility was a podium and several chairs. Dr. Briefs, Bulma, Bardock, Krillin, and Gohan were all sitting in one of these chairs. Appla was a few hour's journey from Earth yet, just returning from a trip to Planet Vegeta. Those gathered on the stage were preparing for a press conference. First Bulma and Dr. Briefs were going to make a small presentation on the differences in Human and Sai-jin DNA and explain why Sai-jins were naturally so much stronger than Humans. Then Bardock would discuss the different programs being run at the center while Gohan and Krillin would do some minor demonstrations.
Gohan stared at his feet as he kicked them back and forth in boredom. He was wearing the same formal armor as his Grandfather which was rather uncomfortable, and he was also kind of anxious about the coming broadcast. It wasn't just going to be world wide but across the entire Sai-jin Empire since the Center would be open to Humans and Aliens alike. The young Sai-jin's ears perked up as he heard Bulma beginning her and her father's speech.
"Hello to everyone, on Earth and out in the reaches of the Sai-jin Empire." She began. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Bulma Briefs and this is my father Dr. Briefs. I'm sure many of you out there in the galaxy have heard of us recently as our Capsule Technology has been spreading quite quickly thanks to Bardock and King Vegeta."
She cleared her throat and shuffled her notes with a quick glance. "Anyway, my father and I are here to explain the differences between Humans and Sai-jins for those here on Earth who are unsure. The genetic differences are obvious..." she trailed off as a large holographic model of Sai-jin DNA appeared to her right. Nearly everyone present instantly recognized the difference. Sai-jin DNA was a triple helix. "Like I said, obvious.
"Most of the information I could give you would go over your heads, some of it even goes over mine." she joked. "So I'll pass the microphone over to my father to go over the simpler differences." She turned and took a step back.
Dr. Briefs walked up to the podium and cleared his throat as he began his presentation. "Thank you Bulma. Now, as she showed, Sai-jin DNA is quite different than Human even though it is possible for them to have cross species children, or hybrids. We've yet to determine the reason but that's not pertinent to this matter so I'll move on.
"What is important to note is that Sai-jin DNA holds much more information than Human DNA, and in fact, is surpassed only by Changeling DNA, thus allowing for more complex physiology. Most notably, the Sai-jin ability to transform into Oozarus and the more uncommon Super Sai-jin. It's also the cause of their amazing power. Naturally strong and with the ability to gain power after recovering from injuries Sai-jins are some of the strongest beings in the universe.
"Humans, on the other hand, don't have that added benefit. However, it's recently been discovered that Humans hold great potential when it comes to the use of KI. We even have the benefit of a few natural skills such as the innate ability to sense KI. Most Humans don't really notice it, they just get the sensation someone is behind them. However, with proper training this skill can be fine tuned and Humans can become quite powerful." He turned toward Krillin and motioned. "Krillin is currently the strongest living Human."
This news got murmurs and several chuckles from the gathered crowd, at least the from the Human portion. Krillin didn't exactly look that powerful. Dr. Briefs continued. "However, Gohan and Bardock are both much stronger than he is. You'll be getting a demonstration of the kind of power that comes with KI control as Bardock goes over what the center will teach and why. Bardock." Dr. Briefs moved back and as Bardock took the podium he and Bulma took their seats and the DNA hologram faded.
"Hello to everyone on Earth and out in the Sai-jin Empire." he began as he adjusted the formal purple and red armor he wore. He'd always hated the things but now he was wearing it almost constantly since he was head of the Sai-jin Embassy on Earth. "As Dr. Briefs said I'll be going over the courses here while Krillin and my grandson demonstrate the techniques. First we'll cover the Civilian courses. There are two different Civilian courses and one upper-level course restricted to those whishing to join the Imperial Forces via the Earth Defense Corps. The first is a general course for anyone interested in the simpler teachings. The course will teach the most basic of KI skills, those being flight and low-level KI blasts.
"The second course is for those wishing to learn self defense techniques. A simple martial arts style will be taught as well as flight and more advanced energy attacks as well as the ability to, at least to a small degree, sense KI. And finally, the Earth Defense Course, the same combat training that all Sai-jin Empire Soldiers undergo. This is only for those wishing to enter the Earth Defense Corps division of the Sai-jin Empire's Army.
"Now, something to note. The main reason Sai-jins are so much stronger than Humans is because Humans don't naturally have control of their KI but once they do learn to control it they can become much stronger and much faster at a faster rate than ever before and more than they could without that control."
Bardock sighed lightly, glad that part of the presentation was over. He didn't like being in the spot light that much. "And now, for the demonstration." As he was turning to look at Gohan and Krillin he saw a little girl in the crowd, sitting on her father's shoulders, that he thought he recognized. /What the?/ He looked again. /She... looks a lot like... Could she be...?/ He shook his head, he'd worry about that later. "Gohan, Krillin, if you will."
The two stood up and stepped forward. "Alright, first they will demonstrate flying. You must have control of your KI to do this. By pushing your KI about your body you can cause yourself to lift off the ground and fly. It's not so much the momentum of the energy as it is force that keep a person in the air." He nodded and the two floated into the air gently to murmurs throughout the crowd.
"Next is KI attacks. These are done by moving one's KI through the body to a point of focus. Depending upon the attack type this point can vary. Hands, fingers, feet, eyes, even the mouth can all be used as a point of focus. Once the energy has been shifted it can either be gathered in various fashions, which is an advanced ability, or simply discharged into a simple, low-level, attack."
With this Gohan and Krillin faced each other. Each held out their right arm and fired a couple quick burst blasts at each other which collided in the air and exploded. Then they charged a small ball of KI and fired it which exploded on contact with each other as well.
"And now, the final demonstrations. The kind of power and speed that can be gained through KI control." he said smiling.
Gohan and Krillin each took combat 'stances' in the air and stared at each other for a moment. Then, to the eyes of the gathered crowd, they vanished. There were a few cracks in the air and then the re-appeared again. "As you can see, or rather, not see, they are quite fast. Faster than you could follow currently but with training you can keep up as I did. Krillin."
The short Human descended to the front of the stage and bent down. He slipped his fingers underneath the edge and lifted the entire thing above his head. Gohan landed beside him and raised his left arm stretching only his index finger. Krillin placed the stage on his finger and lowered his arms to show that Gohan was holding it up with only a finger. Then he helped the kid lower the stage again, demonstration over.
Bardock moved aside to allow Bulma up to the podium again to finish out the conference. However he did not return to his seat. Instead he stepped down from the stage and kept his eyes on the young girl from before. She looked a little older than Gohan did, maybe eight years old. Which fit his theory fairly well. He managed to work his way through the crowd of people quite easily as they parted to allow his passage and in no time he'd reached his destination.
The girl looked down from her father's shoulders and smiled at him. "Hello." she said.
"Hello." Bardock said smiling back at her before turning to her father and extending a hand to him. "And hello to you..."
He stared at Bardock for a moment, glancing down at his hand a couple times before shaking it. "Hercule. Hercule Satan." he said. "Nice to meet you."
As Bardock let go of Hercule's hand he looked up at his daughter again. "The resemblance is remarkable, I find it hard to think it's only coincidence."
"Uhhh, what?" Hercule asked confused.
"You're daughter here, she looks so much like someone I used to know." Bardock replied. "Who is her mother? If you don't mind my asking."
Hercule shook his head. "No, it's okay. Her mother's name was Pasha. I met her a few years ago... amazing woman. Even taught me a few of those KI moves you were talking 'bout but I'm not that good at the stuff."
Bardock grinned. He'd been right! "And let me guess, your daughter's a lot stronger than she looks?" He could feel it now that he was standing there. Earlier there'd been so many high powers from aliens who'd come to train he'd not known the power the girl was putting out. Though considering the power Gohan had at birth compared to his father's at the time it wasn't much of a shock. Something about Human physiology made it easier for them to control KI, mix that with Sai-jin power and you have a super warrior. "I'll be damned." He looked up to the girl. "I knew your mother."
"Wha... What?" Hercule asked. "You knew Videl's mother? She never really talked about her past much..."
Bardock nodded. "Indeed, she was a great warrior. One of the best I ever fought with. Where is she?"
Hercule's smile faded at that. "She... died shortly after Videl was born. It's not been easy raising her myself..."
Bardock tried to lighten the mood with a chuckle. "No, raising a Sai-jin isn't the easiest thing is it? Come on, the rest of us are heading over to the Embassy after the conference. You should join us."
"Ah, thanks." Hercule said grinning again.
Bardock led Hercule and his daughter back through the crowd to the stage where the conference was just wrapping up. He told the others he'd explain about his companions at the Embassy, after Appla landed, so they left while Dr. Briefs returned home. The flight by Bulma's air car took an hour and by the time they reached the pod landing platform Appla's pod was passing Mars.
"I'll be there in a few minutes." she said over the com. The young Videl stood beside her father watching in awe as a light appeared in the sky and descended quickly to the platform a moment later. A few feet from the ground it slowed down as legs unfolded and then it gently touched down. The door opened and Appla stepped out in the same purple and red formal armor as Bardock. "Still no word on Goku." she said shaking her head. "And Prince Vegeta's taken off who knows where. I think seeing Goku become a Super Sai-jin has gotten to him a bit."
Bardock nodded and then turned Appla's attention to the young Videl. "Look familiar at all?" he asked.
Appla looked at her for a moment and gasped. "She looks like Pasha but... how?"
"This is Videl, Pasha's daughter." he replied. "I just met her and her father at the conference. Come on, we'll head into one of the meeting rooms to talk. Gohan, why don't you take Videl down to one of the small training rooms and play." With that Bardock left. Appla, Bulma, Krillin, and Hercule followed him through a few halls and into one of the large meeting rooms while Gohan and Videl went down stairs After a moment the adults had all taken a seat.
"So what's going on?" Krillin asked. "Who's Pasha?"
Appla started the explanation. "Pasha had been born too a Second Class Elite but only just barely broke into Third Class Elite status. Bardock and I met on our first mission as one of a hundred serving under her. She rather liked our battle spirit and took us on every mission she went on after that."
Bardock picked up there. "The last mission took as to Riga 7 to try and put a stop to the world wide riots. The
Rigans had some really radical weapons that were capable of producing some powerful blasts. Several dozen of our troops were killed in the first hour which forced us to pull back. Pasha asked me if I had any tricks up my sleeve and that was the first time I used the False Moon in battle.
"The transformation to our Oozaru forms gave us the advantage and we had almost quelled the riots. Then a surprise attack from behind nearly killed Appla and severed Pasha's tail." Bardock sighed. "She, like so many Sai-jins, believed our power lay in our tails. She felt disgraced and worthless after losing her tail and she left Planet Vegeta."
During Appla and Bardock's tale Bulma had been typing away furiously on her computer. "Ah-ha!" she cried smiling. "I found her guys, take a look at this." she pulled the screen up on the rooms monitor. It was a photo from one of the Budokais. It showed Goku and Piccolo standing in the ring and the crowd behind them. Standing in the crowd was a woman that looked much like Videl. The date meant it was the 23rd Tournament. When Piccolo was still trying to take over the world.
"She was at that tournament?!" Krillin wondered. "Then why didn't she help us fight Piccolo?"
"She probably got here shortly before the tournament started and wanted to see what the best Humans could do. No doubt she recognized Goku, I'm a bit surprised she didn't approach him. She probably wanted to see what my 'dead' son could do. Though, if he'd lost to Piccolo I don't doubt she would have beat him." Appla replied. "It's amazing... she has a daughter, and from what I sensed, rather powerful too."
"She'll get much stronger in just a few days." Bardock said. "I talked to Hercule earlier," he said glancing at the man. "He's only taught her a few basic physical attacks. She has no control of her KI."
"So?" Bulma asked.
"A Sai-jin can't access their full power until they learn to use KI. It's natural for a Sai-jin, all they have to do is see it's use a few times to learn it. Once she does learn to control her KI she'll probably be two to three times stronger."
"That's stronger than me!" Krillin cried in shock.
Appla laughed. "She's the daughter of a Third Class Elite, that's over 50,000. You know how much power Gohan had." Bulma's eyes widened slightly as she leaned back in her chair. It was a lot to for her and Krillin to take in. Hercule too, he'd had his suspicions after the Sai-jins first came but now... to know his wife had been an alien.
"What are we? Grand Central Station?" Bulma asked. "Seems like all the cosmic castaways find their way here somehow..."
Bardock turned to Hercule. "Any objections to us training your daughter?" he asked. "She has a lot of potential."
Hercule stared at him for a moment before answering. "Sure, maybe you'll be able to stop her from breaking things when she tries to pick them up."
Bardock smirked and was about to say something but his pager beeped. A quick button push and the image from the Budokai vanished and was replaced by Pug's face. "Bardock, good. One of our ships just came across a very large ship of unknown origins on a direct course for Earth. They wouldn't answer any communication attempts and the scouter's couldn't penetrate the shielding so we don't know who or what might be on board. You guys better be on alert just incase it's a 'gift' from King Cold."
"Thanks for the heads up Pug." Bardock said standing up. "How's Raditz doing?"
Pug grinned. "He's in the regen tanks again. He's working himself to death but he's done it. He's over thirty thousand now."
Bardock grinned and nodded. "Thanks, we'd better go prepare." As the screen flicked off and he turned to leave the room a power in the building grazed his senses as it spiked up and he grinned. /She's a chip off the block Pasha./
Appla couldn't help but grin as well, both of her sons were stronger than her now. Of course, with her mastery of the Kaio Ken she was still stronger than Raditz. Indeed, when using the Kaio Ken to her full ability she was the fifth strongest Sai-jin alive and was thusly listed as such in the central database.
"Yeah, that's it!" Gohan cheered as Videl floated into the air. "That's amazing, it took me weeks to get the hang of flying!"
Videl giggled as she floated around the room. "This is fun!"
"Hey, want to play tag?" Gohan asked floating up beside her.
She reached out tagged his arm quickly. "You're it!" she laughed flying off to the other side of the room.
Gohan floated there dumbstruck for a second before it sunk in. "Hey, no fair, get back here!" he called zipping after her. He didn't use his full speed since he didn't want to catch her to fast as they sped around the room. Neither noticed as the door opened a few minutes later for Bardock, Krillin, Appla, and Hercule to enter. Hercule couldn't even see the two kids as they sped around the room, and Krillin could only see streaks.
"Alright you two!" Bardock called to them. "We have work to do."
Elsewhere in a secluded area far from any major cities and built into a cliff face near a crystal clear waterfall was a small structure. Piccolo had asked Bulma about having it built mostly for a place to train but it also served fairly well as place to relax when he wasn't training. He'd never worried about it before, always stretching out beneath a tree or something when he wanted to rest a bit. But with Gohan always popping by he decided a roof would be a good idea, at least it gave Chi-Chi one less thing to complain about.
Currently the powerful Namek floated cross-legged within the structure, the machine behind him humming steadily, a perfect backdrop to his meditations. He listened silently as the machine suddenly beeped softly indicating another increase. And, indeed, he felt the weight pulling him down. He steeled his resolve and focused to remain aloft. Mentally he counted the number of beeps he'd heard since he'd started meditating and quickly determined the gravity was up to a hundred and eighty G's now and a small smirk graced his lips as he vaguely considered removing his weights.
A/N: So, there it is.... Videl's half Sai-jin. Please don't kill me!
Me: (Runs and hides.)