Title: Knighting Ceremony

Author: ewan's girl

Summary: The once rivals, now friends Siri Tachi and Obi Wan Kenobi are both knighted on the same day under very different circumstances and neither one imagined it would be so bittersweet.

Disclaimer: I've said it before and I'll say it again I do not own anything in the Star Wars universe, I just hate real life so I like playing in a galaxy far far away.

Author's note: Ok, I know I need to finish "Strength over fear" and I will, I just needed a new outlet and this story happened to come up in that insane imagination of mine. This story will go back and forth between Siri and Obi Wan, it takes place during the end of "Phantom Menace" and it also spans into Siri's undercover mission.

Chapter 1:

Twenty three year old Siri Tachi slowly rose out of bed, it was the middle of the night and she had been tossing and turning for the past three hours because something was happening, she felt it through the Force. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness she thought about what the disturbance could be; whispers around the temple the past several days carried the word "Sith" and Siri didn't know what to make of it. She and her friends had of course heard the legends of the Sith, but had stopped believing in them after they left the creche and now respected Jedi masters were bringing up the old tales, speaking of the end of days.

As she pulled on a light robe she shrugged, knowing that she'd have to wait until her friend Obi Wan Kenobi returned home from Naboo to fill her in on the rumored Sith that was seemingly haunting his mission. She suddenly found her thoughts straying from dark side lurkers and focusing on her friend Kenobi. She remembered her last conversation with him, it had been brief and the young man had been displaying an unusual emotion for him. . .anger.

He had quickly explained to all of his worried friends that his master Qui Gon Jinn had found a child on Tatooine whom he felt was the "Chosen one" an old prophecy from the earliest days of the order. Obi Wan was cast back as Qui Gon had stated he would train the boy, only to be denied by the Council.

Siri remembered the look in his eyes as he retold the story in his usual charming accent. Obi Wan was ever the example Jedi student and therefore didn't show any disgust on his face or in his voice, but his eyes held a sea of emotions. His master had nominated him for the trials, but not really. . .it was probably the worst insult a padawan could endure.

The female padawan sighed and headed out of her room, as sorry as she felt for her friend she too was having issues that needed her attention. Her own master Adi Gallia had been acting strangely as of late, and seemed to avoid her most of the time. This usually didn't concern the very independent spirit of the blonde apprentice, but something about the tone in her master's voice when she did speak to her was unsettling. Something was up, and Siri felt she needed to know what it was.

Siri slowly opened her bedroom door, deciding to make a quick batch of tea to calm her nerves and help her find sleep. As she entered the living room she shared with her master she was surprised to see her master sitting on the couch talking to the two heads of the Jedi Council. Siri stopped in her tracks as her presence was detected by the three masters.

"Up late you are." Master Yoda never failed to state the obvious.

"Yes master." Siri exclaimed with a slight bow, uncertain of what she should do next.

The four of them sat in an uncomfortable silence, all looking between one another. Siri felt her cheeks grow warm because she realized she had interupted a Council meeting. Mace Windu regarded her with a raised eyebrow and glanced back at her master who was staring at the floor. Siri shifted her weight as the silence continued.

Adi Gallia finally looked at her apprentice. "Was there anything you needed Siri?" She asked.

Siri snapped out of her uncomfortable feeling and regained her Jedi calm. "No master, I couldn't sleep and thought about making some tea." She looked around the room again. "But obviously I am disrupting an important meeting, I'll return to my room." She turned on her heels only to be stopped by Mace's voice.

"I think we could all use some tea Padawan Tachi." The council member stated. "Would you mind?"

Siri looked at her master to make sure it wasn't a trick, then with a nod from Adi headed into the kitchen. She returned a few moments later, levitating two cups of tea and carrying two more, Yoda and Mace exchanged glances. Siri passed out the respective cups then carried her own towards her room.

"Padawan." Adi called, causing Siri to turn back and look at them. "Join us please."

Siri nodded and carefully sat down on one of the foot stools in the living room, wondering why she was a part of the meeting. She waited to find out when she sensed a strange emotion coming from her usually reserved master.

"You have come very highly recommended Padawan Tachi." Mace began, taking a sip of his tea.

"I'm sorry master Windu, but recommended?" Siri asked.

"Your master has told us how skilled you are in many areas, but none as much as the success you've had with undercover missions." Mace continued.

Siri glanced at Adi Gallia who seemed lost in her cup of tea. "Thank you master." She looked back to Mace.

Mace looked over at Yoda who was sipping his tea, the dark skinned master put his cup down and leaned down resting his elbows on his knees, and his chin in his hands. Siri took a sip of her tea, trying to keep control of her impatience in front of the two most powerful Jedi in the order.

"Padawan Tachi, have you ever heard of Krayn?" Mace asked.

Siri's mind raced to connect the name with a memory. "I believe I heard something on the holo news. . ." She said.

"He's rumored to be a pirate and worse a slave trader." Adi stepped in. "His operation is growing and he has been linked with raids on slave worlds, stealing beings away from their families and masters."

Siri shudded at the idea of living beings being treated like objects. "If Krayn has been linked to this, then why hasn't the Senate done something about it?"

Mace cleared his throat. "We have discovered that the layers of power and control between Krayn and various governments are deep." Mace explained. "We have no way of knowing which governments are in league with Krayn."

"And with the Senate gaining a brand new Supreme Chancellor. . ." Adi added with a huff, she had grown close to the ex Chancellor.

Mace shot her a glance. "The reason we have come is we need someone to gather information on Krayn's organization." He looked at Adi again who was giving him a stern look. "Information only." He added and Siri noticed Adi was nodding.

Siri sat back, waiting for the Council member to tell her that her master was going to leave once again on a mission without her. She was instead surprised to hear Master Yoda speak up.

"Confer on you the level of Jedi knight the Council does."

Siri came out of her trance. "I'm sorry?" She asked, not sure what to say.

"The Council has decided to send you on this mission to infiltrate Krayn's organization." Adi Gallia stated, putting a hand on Siri's knee. "They have decided to give you the status of Knight."

Siri looked at her master and noticed the strange look in her master's eyes. "But, I have yet to take the trials." She exclaimed.

Mace rose to his feet. "We know this, but the Council has decided that under the circumstances it would be unessicary."

Siri let the news sink in, she still didn't know how to respond.

"Dangerous this mission is Padawan Tachi, complete secret it must stay." Yoda exclaimed. "Or fail you will."

"Krayn is known for executing Jedi, again because of his political ties nothing has been able to be pinned on him, but in order for your mission to be successful you must not be conected in any way to the Jedi." Mace filled in.

Siri stole another glance to her master then looked back at Mace. "Meaning. . ."

"Meaning no one must know of your mission besides the four of us." Mace explained. "Meaning it must look as though you have left the Jedi."

Siri felt her heart rise in her throat as Mace finished speaking, she sensed her master flinch through their bond. "Yes master." She accepted the mission, knowing she really didn't have a choice. "I will not fail." She stated with assuridly.

Mace offered a small smile. "We have faith in your abilities Padawan Tachi." He headed for the door, followed by Yoda. "Your master will fill you in on all the technicalities, and you can leave as soon as you are ready."

"Wait you can until return from Naboo we do." Yoda exclaimed, patting Siri on the knee.

"Naboo?" Siri suddenly asked. "Why are you going to Naboo?"

Mace was taken back by her outburst, but Adi stepped forward. "We have sensed a Jedi becoming one with the Force." Adi explained. "We haven't recieved an official word yet from Naboo, but we know it's happened. . .probably the disturbance that woke you."

Siri felt as if time was going in slow motion with all she had just been told. "Do we know who it was?" She asked, afraid for her friend.

Yoda sighed a deep sigh and sadly shook his head, leaving the humans alone in the room. Mace turned to leave shortly after and Siri quickly bowed as he exited the room. Siri then turned towards her master who was clearing tea cups.

"You should get some rest Siri." Adi stated, moving towards the kitchen. "You have much information to retain before you leave on your mission."

Siri nodded, letting everything sink in. "Yes master." She then waited as Adi headed to her room. "Master." Siri stopped her in her tracks. "Can I come with you to Naboo?" She asked.

Adi thought for a moment then shook her head. "I think it would become too much of a distraction for you, you have so much work ahead of you."

Siri showed no signs of disapointment. "Yes master." She stated and Adi began to walk away again. "Master?"

Adi turned. "Yes Siri?"

"How are we going to do this?" Siri asked. "And what will happen after the mission is over?" Siri vented. "How will people react when I come back after I leave the Jedi?"

Adi softened her features and walked over to her student, placing a hand on her shoulder. "They will act like Jedi because they are Jedi. . .they will understand." Adi explained. "I will not sugar coat it for you, this will be one of the most dangerous missions you will ever be sent on, and I am sorry it is your first solo one." Adi held a face that showed she had argued this many times. "But I and the Council know that you are more than capable."

"How do I leave the Jedi?" Siri asked. "How can I leave and make it believable?"

Adi sat Siri down on the couch. "The reason you were given knight status in secret is master Windu thinks the best way is for me to cut you loose without nominating you for the trials." Adi held Siri's hand tightly. "It would be very believable that you would leave after that, because everyone knows how much being a Jedi means to you."

"But lying to the entire order, to the rest of the Council, to my friends. . ."

"Padawan, focus on the task at hand, not on what people will think." Adi snapped.

"Yes master." Siri recited.

Adi ran a hand through her apprentice's medium length blonde hair and cupped her face. "The Force will guide you my apprentice, always remember that." She looked Siri in the eyes. "Now remember Siri that no matter what you see, and you will see much that will go against your training you must remember that you are to gain information only, and under no circumstances will you compromise your identity."

"Yes master."

"I mean it Siri, no matter how much you think you are right." Adi pointed a finger at the young woman.

"I promise master." Siri stated.

Adi looked relieved and then rose to her feet. "I need to meditate before I leave for Naboo." She stated, heading for her bedroom. "And Siri." Siri looked up at her master. "Congradulations on your knighting." The master then disapeared into her room.

Siri watched her leave. "Thank you master." She stated under her breath.

TBC: Ok folks, here was the first chapter I hope it was ok, please read and review and I'm sorry but I only have access to word pad and it doesn't have spell check so don't hate me because of that. Let me know what you think and if I should continue this.