I was rushing again wasn't I? I'm sorry, I can't help it. That's just how I am, I drink my soda in three gulps or less, let's hope I'm never a big drinker, because I would be drunk off my ass. I'm really working on slowing things down. Since it's summer and I have some extra time, I was thinking I might rewrite some of my fics that I received complaints for being too short, but then I decided that was stupid, because everyone already knows how they end. I could however add to them, so if anyone really liked one of my fics and feels like they were cheated out of a certain scene or want an epilogue or sequel, then drop me a line.

This chapter however, will probably also be rushed, and the reason why is I hate weddings. I don't like going to them, hearing about them, and I probably won't like having one. When I get married it will be during a weekend trip to Vegas that I will tell my parents about in a Christmas card. I have nothing against marriage, and think Ken and Omi should be married before they have the baby, but if I didn't feel so strongly that Ken deserved a stripper for all the hell I plan to put him through, the wedding would have been one paragraph at the end of the first chapter. Instead it will be one paragraph in the beginning of the third chapter. Sorry for anyone that wanted a description of the wedding, but if I wrote one, it would probably suck anyway since I HATE WEDDINGS.

Shotgun Wedding

Omi was starting to get kind of excited. He had been a bit upset at first that Yoji had been planning a wedding when he and Ken had never even discussed it, but the anger had faded into 'why not, we know we are going to be together forever now' and then to 'WAHOO Ken and I are getting MARRIED.'

Nagi and Omi (with Schuldig tagging along despite not-so-subtle hints that he wasn't exactly invited) got back to the flower shop around four thirty, and as expected, Aya was already there throwing them a dirty look. Not expected though was a panicked looking Ken who came running up the stairs shortly after they entered the house wearing a shirt that said bride in big black English letters.

"We need to talk Omi."

Omi knew where this was going, Ken was going to say no and then there would be a big fight and then Ken would give in when Omi cried, but they needed to get ready for the wedding. If ever there was an occasion for a preemptive strike it was now.

"Isn't it wonderful Ken, we're going to be a real family."

And with a flash of those perfect teeth and shining those baby blue eyes, all of Ken's protests about being referred to as the bride died on his tongue. The two lovebirds went upstairs to get ready.

The wedding was nice. Omi, Aya, and Yoji all wore matching black tuxes, and after a long fight about the tradition of the wedding dress, Ken had compromised and worn a white tux with a pink middle thingy and tie. Yoji and Aya were groomsmen, Sakura and Aya-chan were bridesmaids, Momoe took up the task of holding the shotgun, which she pointed at Ken even though tradition said that she should have pointed it at Omi. Everyone agreed Ken was more likely to bolt. The wedding was attended by twenty four sobbing fan girls, three Kritiker secretaries, two Swartz, and a stripper under the sakura tree. Ken's cousin Tatsuha even came down from Kyoto to officiate. He was quite surprised to find that Ken wasn't dead.

The reception involved burgers and lots of beer. There was a three tiered chocolate cake with a ken doll wearing a dress and a little blonde groom pulled off a cake topper that was exactly half the ken doll's size.

The reception was about as eventful as most wedding receptions. Sakura got drunk and started to rant about why she couldn't make Aya love her, Manx got drunk and started hitting on the stripper, Ken tried to get drunk but Omi stopped him. There were toasts about how wonderful it was that Omi was finally making an honest man of Ken and Omi pouted when Ken refused to let the blonde smash cake in his face. Ken and Omi left around ten and the rhythmic thumping from there room suggested that they were partaking in some of the more enjoyable traditions, which caused a new wave of Omi topping/Ken pregnancy jokes from the crowd downstairs that was slowly becoming more and more inebriated.

People started to trickle out after Ken and Omi left, the last being Tatsuha, who offered to drive Officer Loaded-Gun home, leaving a large pile of gifts, a huge mess, and two very drunk ex-assassins, Momoe and Aya-chan having gone to bed long before.

Deciding it would be a horrible waste not to, seeing as how quickly alcohol can go bad, Aya and Yoji decided to stay up and finish off the wedding sake.

:::The Next Morning:::

Yoji woke up with a hangover like you wouldn't believe. He rubbed his chest, rubbed his temple, and reached over toward his emergency aspirin stash simultaneously. He took his hand off his temple to open the pill bottle and it was only then that he realized there was still a hand lazily stroking his abdomen.

Please don't let it be one of the girls. That would be the worst. No, let it be one of the girls, just as long as it's not Aya-chan. THAT would be the worst. Fuck. PLEASE let it be Manx or Birman, either one, I'm not picky, just so long as it's not Aya-chan.

It wasn't Aya-chan.

It took several seconds to register the mass of red hair, and several more to accept the fact that it wasn't Manx.

Took a good minute for him to realize that he was less straight then he had previously thought.

Sure, they told the flower shop girls they were gay, but that was just to shut them up. Yoji was so comfortable with his masculinity that he didn't worry about his reputation with a group of giggly prepubescent girls.

Wait just because they slept together didn't mean...Yoji lifted the blanket to get a better look at his very naked, crusty-stuff covered body. So much for that excuse.

Something was wrong here. It was obvious that they were in bed as a result of the massive amounts of alcohol they had consumed last night, but then why was Aya still rubbing his chest and smiling in a very un-Aya like fashion and...

Singing the theme song from Gilligan's Island?

He was still drunk.

This was good. With luck he could send Aya downstairs to his apartment before Omi and Ken woke up. He looked over at the clock. Three P.M. and it was his day to work the shop. Omi probably opened the door and had seen him with Aya. Being Omi, he then probably ran to get Ken and a camera to take lots of pictures, then he probably told Aya-chan and Momoe, and then called in sick to work just so he could be there waiting for Yoji to come down to be taunted.

Well he certainly wasn't going to face that alone.

An hour and lots of coffee later, Yoji helped a slightly more sober Aya down to the big communal kitchen.

It's a real bitch being right all the time.

One of them must have heard the two coming down the stairs, because they were all there. Ken smirking as he leaned against the counter nursing a cup of hot cocoa (Omi had made him quit drinking coffee when he heard caffeine might be bad for the baby), Aya-chan grinning like a naughty child, and Omi looking adorably smug as he sipped his tea and tried to be nonchalant.

"Sleep well you two?"


Special thanks to Bugnuks and Crossbows and Hinto Hoshiko, the only two people to review the last chapter. They will be rewarded with much gold and honor and painful death to their enemies when the pygmies control the world.