Cyber Six: Revelations and Aftermath
Lucas Amato raised his plastic cup in a toast, the fellow teachers echoing him as he yelled, "Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas!" the other teachers echoed.
The school staff party was winding to a close as Adrian Seidelman cut through the crowd to Lucas' side, the shorter black haired man smiling slightly. "Merry Christmas," he said as he offered the wrapped box to the taller man.
"Thanks," Lucas grinned, the muscular blond man looking down at him thoughtfully. "How are things with...?"
Adrian blushed faintly, "Oh, pretty well. She wants me to meet her parents tonight."
Lucas clapped him on the back so hard he nearly knocked Adrian over. "That's a major step forward," he congratulated him.
"Yeah, well...," Adrian shrugged.
Sometimes, Adrian thought that he didn't deserve a friend as good as Lucas. Lucas had not only dealt with the revelation that Adrian was Cyber Six, but had also gotten over Cyber Six admitting she wasn't into him. In the months since they had settled into a easy friendship that Adrian cherished.
Lucas leaned in as he whispered, "So have you two... ah...," he trailed off, blushing faintly.
Adrian felt himself blush too. "Yes," he admitted, "and no, I won't tell you about it."
"But Adrian!" he protested.
"No buts," Adrian said. He looked around, noticing that most of the people were distracted. "You mind covering for me?" he asked. "I have a errand to run."
"Be careful out there," Lucas cautioned as he watched his friend slip away silently.
With the ease of long practice Adrian slipped through the darkened halls and out of the school, going up to the snow covered roofs of the city. No one looked for people up there, freeing him to leap from roof to roof as he traveled across town to his apartment, watching his footing on the ice. Slipping in the opened window he crouched a moment, checking for other presences.
"Mrowr?" Data Seven made one of his usual comments, the great black panther sitting up to give her a thoughtful look.
"Thanks for watching the place," Adrian said as he gracefully slipped out of the over sized man's shirt and trousers, revealing a slim, feminine form. She pulled the black bodysuit on with easy familiarity, the matching gloves and hat following.
"Hurf," the panther padded up to her, nudging her hand with his head then purred softly as Cyber Six petted him.
"I'm heading out tonight," she told him as Cyber Six pulled on her cape, "but if you want I can call a friend to keep you company."
Data Seven gave her a amused look, clearly indicating that he would find ways to keep himself amused when she was gone. "Hrmm," the cat curled up by the bed, watching with half lidded eyes as Cyber Six left from the window.
Somewhat later than evening Cyber Six smiled as she dropped down ob the roof, sliding carefully down to look into the window. Lori looked up with a happy smile from where she was sitting on the bed, wearing a fancy yellow dress. The redhead bounced to her feet as she hurried over to the window.
"About time," Lori complained cheerfully.
"Sorry," Cyber Six hugged the smaller woman close as she murmured into her ear, "I had to run a errand earlier...."
The boy known to his enemies as Jose Von Richter marched through the halls of his base, a secondary headquarters that had been established in Meridiana itself. Since the death of his father and the destruction of their first fortress base he had been rebuilding his power, slowly gathering his father's creations and rebuilding labs.
'We need to be stronger,' Jose thought to himself grimly. While he had a strong force of 'Fixed Ideas' they were merely cannon fodder compared to Cyber Six, he needed to find more of the unique monsters his father had made....
Casually Jose entered the large room he had made into his office, flipping on the light as his aide Vampiress and several Fixed Ideas entered with him. "Wait," Vampiress said, the pale skinned pseudo-vampire frowning, "there has been someone in here."
"What!?" Jose yelped, eyes sweeping the room, taking in the fireplace, barred windows and walls hung with banners carrying his family crest. He frowned as he registered what was off, "There's something on my desk."
"Go pick it up," Vampiress ordered a Fixed Idea, wisely considering it might be a bomb or some other destructive device.
The big creature lumbered over, a massive hand cupping the item and picking it up harmlessly. Both Jose and Vampiress braced for a boom, then blinked as the brute handled the item safely. He tossed it up and down casually then looked at them questioningly.
"Hold it up," Vampiress ordered then tilted her head to the side when he did. "A teddy bear?" she muttered.
"What in the...?" Jose muttered as they advanced towards the desk. It was in fact a teddy bear, a plain brown bear about the size of Jose's head, with standard button eyes and a smiling mouth. Pinned to it'd chest was a simple folded piece of paper. He plucked it off the bear's chest and unfolded it, only to gasp and drop it.
"Sir?" Vampiress looked at the note and frowned.
"Merry Christmas. Looking forward to catching up with you soon," the note read, signed just underneath with C-6.
"Cyber Six?!" Vampiress yelped.
Jose looked at the note as a cold chill ran up his spine, unconnected to the winter cold. "Check security," he ordered Vampiress harshly, "make sure the Fixed Ideas and other servants are all in place."
Vampiress bowed slightly, "Of course, master."
Jose watched her go, looking up at the barred windows and at the falling snow. He knew that Vampiress would find no security breaches and that they were sealed up tight. 'This toy is to show me,' Jose thought with a twinge of fear, 'that Cyber Six can get at me whenever she wants.'
As Jose sank into his chair he shivered again, and not from the cold. It was going to be a long, long Christmas eve....
"So you snuck in and left the bear as psychological torture?" Lori asked as she and Cyber Six walked. "You know that will drive him nuts," she smirked as they walked along the side of one of the city's canals, the snow drifting around them.
"That would be the idea," Cyber Six agreed with a laugh.
"You are a evil, evil woman," Lori noted as snow crunched beneath her boots, "you're lucky I like you evil."
Cyber Six leered jokingly at Lori, "And how evil would that be?"
"Very," Lori answered as she met Cyber Six's eyes. The younger woman leaned forward and whispered into her ear, "If you did a panty check, you'd discover I'm not wearing any."
"Lori!" Cyber Six blurted, blushing.
Lori snickered softly as she hugged Cyber Six's arm. "You'd better do all you can to keep me warm," she winked as they walked on.
"Sometimes, I feel younger than you are," Cyber Six admitted as she wrapped a arm around Lori's shoulders and held her close.
"I don't mind," Lori cuddled, "it's fun to train you."
To be continued!
A short Christmas piece. A conversation over on the Cyber6 livejournal reminded me I hadn't updated this in a while, so I thought of this. In canon Lori's parents let her get away with a lot, so I expect they may not really react to Adrian or Cyber Six dating their daughter.